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Search: au=Zanen, Sjoerd T.M.
Found: 4 Record 1-4

BookZanen, Sjoerd T.M. (2022)
See this publicationBefore all memories are lost: From self-sufficiency to monetization to market during the 1970s-90s; historical, economic and cultural changes in Bor District, South Sudan
Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC working paper #153. 60p.

BookZanen, Sjoerd (2018)
See this publicationTong Mabior: In het gebied van de Boven-Nijl - tussen verleden en toekomst
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC occasional publications #33. 315p.

BookTouré, Abdrahamane; Zanen, Sjoerd; Koné, N'Fagnanama (eds.) (1997)
La restructuration de l'Office du Niger
Office du Niger. 154p.

BookHoek, Bert van den; Zanen, Sjoerd; Deng, Philip Leek (1985)
Social-anthropological aspects of the Jonglei development projects in South Sudan: (field-work report)
Abstract presentLeiden: Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Sociologie der Niet-Westerse Volken. ICA publikatie #67. 108p.

Search: au=Zanen, Sjoerd T.M.
Found: 4 Record 1-4

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