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Search: au=Spence, J.E.
Found: 15 Record 1-15

BookGutteridge, William; Spence, J.E. (eds.) (1997)
Violence in Southern Africa
Abstract presentLondon: Cass. Cass series on political violence. 184p.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1996)
Het debat over Zuid-Afrika's buitenlands beleid
Abstract presentInternationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 50 #5. p. 239-242.

Periodical articleHamill, James; Spence, J.E. (1994)
South Africa's watershed election
Abstract presentThe World Today: Chatham House Review. Volume 50 #7. p. 128-132.

Periodical articleHamill, James; Spence, J.E. (1993)
South African participation in international organizations
Abstract presentSouth African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 19. p. 110-126.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1993)
See this publicationThe Post-Apartheid South Africa and the International Community
Abstract presentJournal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. Volume 31 #1. March. p. 84-95.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1989)
A deal for southern Africa?
Abstract presentThe World Today: Chatham House Review. Volume 45 #5. p. 80-83.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1987)
South Africa's general election: the point of no return?
Abstract presentThe World Today: Chatham House Review. Volume 43 #7. p. 117-121.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1981)
South Africa: reform versus reaction
Abstract presentThe World Today: Chatham House Review. Volume 37 #12. p. 461-468.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1978)
South African foreign policy: changing perspectives
Abstract presentThe World Today: Chatham House Review. Volume 34 #11. p. 417-425.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1977)
Zuid-Afrika en de Kernbom
Abstract presentInternationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 31 #5. p. 333-342.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1969)
The implications of the Rhodesia issue for the former High Commission Territories
Abstract presentJournal of Commonwealth Political Studies. Volume 7 #2. p. 104-112.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1966)
Basutoland comes to independence
Abstract presentThe World Today: Chatham House Review. Volume 22. p. 435-446.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1964)
See this publicationBritish policy towards the high commission territories
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 2 #2. p. 221-246.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1964)
The African States and the United Nations
Abstract presentOptima. Volume 14 #2. p. 77-83.

Periodical articleSpence, J.E. (1962)
Tradition and change in South African foreign policy
Abstract presentJournal of Commonwealth Political Studies. Volume 1. p. 136-152.

Search: au=Spence, J.E.
Found: 15 Record 1-15

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