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Search: au=Klute, Georg | ||||||||
Found: 11 | Record 1-11 |
Klute, Georg; Skalník, Peter (eds.) (2013) | |
Actors in contemporary African politics | |
Králové: Lit Verlag. Afrikanische Studien #51. 192p. |
Klute, Georg; Fernandes, Raul (2013) | |
Global challenges and the (re)development of neo-traditional land rights: research in legal anthropology in Guinea-Bissau | |
Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society. Volume 1 #2. p. 61-85. |
Klute, Georg (2013) | |
Tuareg-Aufstand in der Wüste: ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie der Gewalt und des Krieges | |
Köln: Rudiger Köppe Verlag. Siegener Beiträge zur Soziologie #12. 696p. |
Klute, Georg; Embaló, Birgit (eds.) (2011) | |
The problem of violence: local conflict settlement in contemporary Africa | |
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Topics in interdisciplinary African studies #21. 480p. |
Klute, Georg (2009) | |
Modern chariots: speed and mobility in contemporary 'small' wars in the Sahara | |
In: The speed of change: motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890-2000. p. 191-211. |
Hahn, Hans Peter; Klute, Georg (eds.) (2007) | |
Cultures of migration: African perspectives | |
Münster: Lit Verlag. Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung #32. 291p. |
Klute, Georg (1998) | |
100 Jahre Häuptling: vom administrativen Häuptlingtum zur regionalen Parasouveränität | |
Berlin: Das Arabische Buch. Working papers on African societies #26. 15p. |
Klute, Georg (1996) | |
The Coming State. Reactions of Nomadic Groups in the Western Sudan to the Expansion of the Colonial Powers | |
Nomadic Peoples. #38. p. 49-71. |
Klute, Georg (1995) | |
Hostilités et alliances: archéologie de la dissidence des Touaregs au Mali | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 35 #137. p. 55-71. |
Klute, Georg (1992) | |
Die schwerste Arbeit der Welt: Alltag von Tuareg-Nomaden | |
München: Trickster Wissenschaft. Rites de passage #6. 277p. |
Sidiyene, Ehya Ag; Klute, G. (1989) | |
La chronologie des années 1913-14 à 1987-88 chez les Touaregs K°al-° du Mali | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 59 #1-2. p. 203-227. |
Search: au=Klute, Georg | ||||||||
Found: 11 | Record 1-11 |
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