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Search: au=Blignaut, Charl
Found: 6 Record 1-6

Periodical articleBlignaut, Charl (2015)
See this publication'Die hand aan die wieg regeer die land [The hand that rocks the cradle rules the land]': exploring the agency and identity of women in the Ossewa-Brandwag, 1939-1954
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 67 #1. p. 47-63.

Periodical articleBlignaut, Charl (2015)
'Skep julle kommando's in reddingslaers om!: een vir almal, almal vir elkeen!': die Ossewa-Brandwag se maatskaplike beleid van Sociale Volksorg, 1943-1952
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #74. p. 72-89.

Periodical articleBlignaut, Charl (2013)
Doing gender is unavoidable: women's participation in the core activities of the Ossewa-Brandwag, 1938-1943
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 58 #2. p. 1-18.

Periodical articleBlignaut, Charl (2013)
See this publicationUntold history with a historiography: a review of scholarship on Afrikaner women in South African history
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 65 #4. p. 596-617.

Periodical articleBlignaut, Charl (2013)
See this publicationFrom fund-raising to Freedom Day: the nature of women's general activities in the Ossewa-Brandwag, 1939-1943
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #66. p. 121-150.

Periodical articleBlignaut, Charl (2012)
'Goddank dis hoogverraad en nie laagverraad nie!': die rol van vroue in die Ossewa-Brandwag se verset teen Suid-Afrika se deelname aan die Tweede Węreldoorlog
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 57 #2. p. 68-103.

Search: au=Blignaut, Charl
Found: 6 Record 1-6

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