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Havik, Philip J. (2022) | |
Creolization and Empire: Creating Diversity and Navigating Social Change in Portuguese West Africa | |
E-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 20 #1. p. 1-23. |
Sousa, João Dinis; Havik, Philip J.; Vandamme, Anne-Mieke (2021) | |
Sexually transmitted infections, their treatment and urban change in colonial Leopoldville, 1910-1960 | |
Medical History. Volume 65 #2. p. 178-196. |
Havik, Philip J. (2020) | |
Regional cooperation and health diplomacy in Africa: from intra-colonial exchanges to multilateral health institutions | |
História, Ciência, Saúde - Manguinhos. Volume 27 #suplemento. p. 123-144. |
Guerreiro, Cátia Sá; Hartz, Zulmira; Ferrinho, Paulo; Havik, Philip J. (2019) | |
25 Anos de Política Nacional de Saúde na República da Guiné-Bissau: Memórias do seu Planeamento Estratégico em Saúde | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #38. p. 239-264. |
Havik, Philip J. (2017) | |
From Hospitals to Villages: population health, medical services and disease control in former Portuguese Africa | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 25 #1. p. 17-56. |
Havik, Philip J. (2016) | |
Female Entrepreneurship in West Africa: Trends and Trajectories | |
Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Volume 11 #1. p. 164-177. |
Havik, Philip J. (2015) | |
Gender, Land, and Trade: Women's Agency and Colonial Change in Portuguese Guinea (West Africa) | |
African Economic History. Volume 43. p. 162-195. |
Havik, Philip J. (2014) | |
Public health and tropical modernity: the combat against sleeping sickness in Portuguese Guinea, 1945-1974 | |
História, Ciência, Saúde - Manguinhos. Volume 21 #2. p. 641-666. |
Havik, Philip J. (2013) | |
Colonial Administration, Public Accounts and Fiscal Extraction: Policies and Revenues in Portuguese Africa (1900-1960) | |
African Economic History. Volume 41. p. 159-221. |
Havik, Philip J. (2011) | |
Traders, Planters and Go-betweens: The Kriston in Portuguese Guinea | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 19 #1-2. p. 197-226. |
Havik, Philip J.; Estácio, António Júlio E. (2011) | |
Recriar China na Guiné: os primeiros Chineses, os seus descendentes e a sua herança na Guiné Colonial | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #17. p. 167-190. |
Havik, Philip (2010) | |
'Direct' or 'indirect' rule? Reconsidering the roles of appointed chiefs and native employees in Portuguese West Africa | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #15. p. 29-56. |
Havik, Philip J. (2008) | |
Tributos e Impostos: a crise mundial, o Estado Novo e a política fiscal na Guiné | |
Economia e Sociologia. Volume 85. p. 29-55. |
Havik, Philip (2007) | |
Boticas e Beberagens: a criação dos serviços de saúde e a colonização da Guiné | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #10. p. 235-270. |
Havik, Philip (2005) | |
Les Noirs et les 'blancs' de l'ethnographie coloniale: discours sur le genre en Guinée portugaise (1915-1935) | |
Lusotopie. Volume 12 #1. p. 55-76. |
Havik, Philip J. (2004) | |
Silences and Soundbites: The Gendered Dynamics of Trade and Brokerage in Pre-Colonial Guinea Bissau Region | |
Munster, Germany: Lit. Modernity and Belonging Series #2. 402p. |
Havik, Philip J. (2004) | |
La sorcellerie, l'acculturation et le genre: la persécution religieuse de l'Inquisition portugaise contre les femmes converties en Haut Guinée (XVIIème siècle) | |
Revista Lusófona de Ciência das Religiões. Volume 3 #5-6. p. 99-116. |
Havik, Philip J. (2002) | |
A dinâmica das relações de gênero e parentesco num contexto comercial: um balanço comparativo da produção histórica sobre a região da Guiné-Bissau: séculos XVII e XIX | |
Afro-Ásia. Volume 27. p. 79-120. |
Havik, Philip J. (2000) | |
Missionários e moradores na costa da Guiné: os padres da Companhia de Jesus e os 'portugueses' no princípio do século XVII | |
Studia: revista semestral. Volume 56-57. p. 223-262. |
Havik, Philip J. (2000) | |
Missionários e moradores na Costa da Guiné: os padres da Companhia de Jesus e os tangomãos no princípio do século XVII | |
Studia: revista semestral. #56-57. p. 223-262. |
Havik, Philip J. (1998) | |
Female Entrepreneurship in a Changing Environment: Gender, Kinship and Trade in the Guinea Bissau Region | |
In: Risseeuw, Carla and Ganesh, Kamala (eds.). Negotiation and Social Space: A Gendered Analysis of Changing Kin and Security Networks in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. London: Sage Publications. p. 205-225. |
Havik, Philip J. (1998) | |
Traders and Tranters: Inter-Cultural Exchanges and Gendered Networks in the Guinea-Bissau Region | |
Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), October 29-November 1, 1998, Chicago, Illinois. New Brunswick, New Jersey. Rutgers University. |
Oliveira, Olavo Borges de; Havik, Philip J.; Schiefer, Ulrich (1996) | |
Armazenamento tradicional na Guiné-Bissau | |
Bissau; Münster: Centro de Pesquisa Copin; Münster, FB 06 Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften, Institut für Soziologie. 449p. |
Havik, Philip J. (1995) | |
Gender Relations and Trade: Women's Innovative Strategies in the Guinea-Bissau Region, West Africa | |
Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Asso. (ASA), November 3-6, 1995, Orlando, Florida. Atlanta. Emory University. |
Havik, Philip J. (1995) | |
Mundasson i Kambansa: espaço social e movimentos políticos na Guiné Bissau (1910-1994) | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. Volume 18-22. p. 115-167. |
Havik, Philip J. (1995) | |
Mundasson i kambansa: espaço social e movimentos políticos na Guiné Bissau (1910-1994) | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. #18-22. p. 115-167. |
Havik, Philip J. (1995) | |
Relações de género e comércio: estratégias inovadoras de mulheres na Guiné-Bissau | |
Soronda: Revista de Estudos Guineenses. Volume 19. p. 25-36. |
Havik, Philip J. (1994) | |
Women and Trade in the Guinea Bissau Region: The Role of African and Luso-African Women in Trade Networks from the Early 16yj to the Mid 19th Century | |
Studia (Lisbon). Volume 52. p. 83-120. |
Havik, Philip J. (1994) | |
Women and trade in the Guinea Bissau region: The role of African and Luso-African women in trade networks from the early 16th to the mid 19th century | |
Studia: revista semestral. Volume 52. p. 83-120. |
Havik, Philip J. (1994) | |
Women and trade in the Guinea Bissau region: the role of African and Luso-African women in trade networks from the early 16th to the mid 19th century | |
Studia: revista semestral. #52. p. 83-120. |
Schiefer, Ulrich; Havik, Philip (1991) | |
Canchungo como polo de desenvolvimento: uma nova concepção: a modernização suave da produção artesanal e industrial numa sociedade étnica | |
Bissau: Centro de Pesquisa. |
Havik, Philip J. (1990) | |
A pesquisa sobre a transformação rural na Guiné-Bissau: Breve inventário de temas e autores após a independência | |
Soronda: Revista de Estudos Guineenses. Volume 10. p. 41-58. |
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