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Search: au=0000000080149585 | ||||||||
Found: 16 | Record 1-16 |
Boeck, Filip de (2016) | |
Suturing the city: living together in Congo's urban worlds | |
London: Autograph ABP. 328p. |
De Boeck, Filip (2008) | |
La ville de Kinshasa, une architecture du verbe | |
Revue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 13 #24-25. p. 131-166. |
De Boeck, Filip (2006) | |
Youth, death and the urban imagination: a case from Kinshasa | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 52 #2. p. 113-125. |
De Boeck, Filip (2005) | |
The Apocalyptic Interlude: Revealing Death in Kinshasa | |
African Studies Review. Volume 48 #2. September. p. 11-32. |
Boeck, Filip De; Plissart, Marie-Françoise (2004) | |
Kinshasa: tales of the invisible city | |
Ghent; Amsterdam: Ludion. 285p. |
De Boeck, Filip (2001) | |
Garimpeiro Worlds: Digging, Dying and 'Hunting' for Diamonds in Angola | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 28 #90. December. p. 549-562. |
De Boeck, Filip (2001) | |
Dancing the Apocalypse in Congo: time, death and double in the realm of the apocalyptic interlude | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 47 #1. p. 55-76. |
Boeck, Filip De; Honwana, Alcinda (2000) | |
Enfants, jeunes et politique | |
Politique africaine. #80. p. 5-110. |
De Boeck, Filip (2000) | |
Borderland Breccia: The Mutant Hero in the Historical Imagination of a Central-African Diamond Frontier | |
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Volume 1 #2. Winter. |
De Boeck, Filip (1998) | |
Domesticating Diamonds and Dollars: Identity, Expenditure and Sharing in Southwestern Zaire (1984-1997) | |
Development and Change. Volume 29 #4. October. p. 777-810. |
De Boeck, Filip (1998) | |
Zombificatie en de postkolonie: een opstel over geschiedschrijving, herinnering en dood in Congo-Kinshasa | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 44 #3. p. 285-304. |
De Boeck, Filip (1994) | |
Ndembu, Luunda and Yaka Divination Compared: From Representation and Social Engineering to Embodiment and Worldmaking | |
Journal of Religion in Africa. Volume 24 #2. p. 98-133. |
De Boeck, Filip (1994) | |
Of Trees and Kings: Politics and Metaphor among the Aluund of Southwestern Zaire | |
American Ethnologist. Volume 21 #3. August. p. 451-473. |
Boeck, Filip De (1993) | |
Symbolic and diachronic study of inter-cultural therapeutic and divinatory roles among aLuund ('Lunda') and Chokwe in the upper Kwaango (south western Zaire) | |
Afrika Focus. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 73-104. |
De Boeck, Filip (1991) | |
Therapeutic Efficacy and Consensus among the Aluund of South-Western Zaire | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 61 #2. p. 159-185. |
De Boeck, Filip (1991) | |
Of Bushbucks without Horns: Male and Female Initiation among the Aluund of Southwest Zaire | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 61 #1. p. 37-71. |
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Found: 16 | Record 1-16 |
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