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Search: au=0000000121473454
Found: 4 Record 1-4

BookBrink, André Philippus (2015)
Flame in the snow: the love letters of André Brink & Ingrid Jonker
Cape Town: Umuzi. 471p.

Periodical articleBrink, André (2011)
Ground Zero: die Suid-Afrikaanse literêre landskap ná apartheid
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 6 #1. p. 9-22.

BookJonker, Ingrid; Brink, André Philippus; Krog, Antjie (2007)
Black butterflies: selected poems
Cape Town: Human & Rousseau. 127p.

Periodical articleBrink, A. (1991)
Towards a redefinition of aesthetics
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 3 #1. p. 105-116.

Search: au=0000000121473454
Found: 4 Record 1-4

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