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Search: ge=colonial territories | ||||||||
Found: 375 | Record 1-100 |
Le Roux, Cheryl S. (2016) | |
Creating a British world: British colonial teachers and the anglicising of Afrikaner children | |
Yesterday & today. #15. p. 1-20. |
Fuhrmann, Wolfgang (2015) | |
Imperial projections: screening the German colonies | |
New York: Berghahn Books. Film Europa, German cinema in an international context. 309p. |
McCracken, Donal P. (2015) | |
The imperial British newspaper, with special reference to South Africa, India and the 'Irish model' | |
Critical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 29 #1. p. 5-25. |
Frederick, Katharine (2013) | |
Global competition in the local marketplace: the impact of foreign cotton cloth imports on British West African cotton textile industries during the pre-colonial and colonial eras | |
Utrecht: Utrecht University. 71p. |
Galic, Robert (2013) | |
Les colonies et les coloniaux dans la Grande Guerre: l'Illustration, ou l'histoire en images | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 246p. |
Ferraz de Matos, Patrícia (2012) | |
The colours of the empire: racialized representations during Portuguese colonialism | |
New York: Berghahn Books. European anthropology in translation. 288p. |
Mohamed-Gaillard, Sarah; Romo-Navarette, Maria (2011) | |
Les représentants de l'Outre-mer dans les assemblées de la IVe République (1946-1958): approche prosopographique | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 99 #370-371. p. 135-147. |
Rezzi, Nathalie (2011) | |
Les gouverneurs français de 1880 à 1914: essai de typologie | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 99 #370-371. p. 9-19. |
Madeira, Luis (2010) | |
Manipulation et propagande: l'équilibre salazarien des finances publiques dans l'empire colonial portugais (1946-1974) | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 98 #366-367. p. 299-315. |
Combeau, Yvan (2008) | |
1958 et l'outre-mer Français | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 96 #358-359. p. 7-145. |
Cumming, Gordon (2005) | |
Transposing the 'Republican' Model? A Critical Appraisal of France's Historic Mission in Africa | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 23 #2. May. p. 233-252. |
Dimier, Véronique (2003) | |
Décentraliser l'Empire? Du compromis colonial à l'institutionnalisation d'un gouvernement local dans l'Union Française | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. #338-339. p. 83-107. |
Malon, Claude (2003) | |
Le peuple et le colonisé chez Frantz Fanon | |
Cahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle. #40. p. 15-35. |
Spear, Thomas T. (2003) | |
Neo-Traditionalism and the Limits of Intervention in British Colonial Africa | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 44 #1. p. 3-28. |
Martelli, Evelina (2001) | |
Le relazioni fra la Repubblica federale di Germania e le ex colonie tedesche fra il 1949 ed il 1969 | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 56 #3. p. 303-324. |
Oraison, André (2001) | |
La protection de l'environnement terrestre et marin des îles Éparses: le cas du récif de Tromelin, de l'archipel des Glorieuses et des îlots Juan de Nova, Europa et Bassas da India | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 55 #1. p. 78-87. |
Dorigny, Marcel (2000) | |
Intégration républicaine des colonies et projets de colonisation de l'Afrique: civiliser pour émanciper? | |
Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 87 #328-329. p. 89-105. |
Hodebar, Angebert (2000) | |
Les départements français d'outre-mer et la Communauté européenne: vers une décentralisation accrue et différenciée | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 54 #3. p. 289-300. |
Jäschke, Uwe Ulrich (1999) | |
Die koloniale Bildsammlung der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main | |
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 47. p. 69-85. |
Suremain, Marie-Albane de (1999) | |
Cartographie coloniale et encadrement des populations en Afrique coloniale française, dans la première moitié du XXe siècle | |
Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 86 #324-325. p. 29-64. |
Breton, Jean-Marie (1998) | |
Code noir et évolution du statut servile: (Introduction à une étude raisonnée) | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 53 #1. p. 7-19. |
Kirk-Greene, Anthony (1998) | |
'For better or for verse': a Colonial Service retrieval project | |
African Research and Documentation. #78. p. 25-39. |
Weiss, Holger (1998) | |
Relieving But Not Preventing: Public Famine Relief in Some British Colonies in Africa Up to 1930 | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 7 #1. p. 1-26. |
Robinson, David; Triaud, Jean-Louis (eds.) (1997) | |
Le temps des marabouts: itinéraires et stratégies islamiques en Afrique occidentale française v. 1880-1960 | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 583p. |
Rosa, Frederico (1995) | |
Evolucionismo e colonialismo em Portugal no período da ocupação efectiva (1890-1910) | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. #18-22. p. 93-111. |
Killingray, David (1994) | |
The 'Rod of Empire': The Debate over Corporal Punishment in the British African Colonial Forces, 1888-1946 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 35 #2. p. 201-216. |
Lando, Fabio (1993) | |
Geografie di casa altrui: l'Africa negli studi geografici italiani durante il ventennio fascista | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 73-124. |
Awak'ayom (1992) | |
L'esclavage des noirs africains dans les colonies françaises et la Révolution française de 1789 | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 32 #265. mai. p. 287-310. |
Casti Moreschi, E. (1992) | |
Nomi e segni per l'Africa italiana: la carta geografica nel progetto coloniale | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 13-60. |
Gaffuri, L. (1992) | |
Ideologia e geografia: l'Africa coloniale nel contributo dei geografi italiani ai congressi specializzati (1871-1898) | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 61-109. |
Roberts, Richard (1992) | |
Guinée Cloth: Linked Transformations in Production within France's Empire in the Nineteenth Century | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 32 #128. p. 597-627. |
Zangar, Selwa (1992) | |
La Tunisie et l'Union française: position nationaliste et positions coloniales 1946-1951 | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 19 #67-68. p. 295-333. |
Convents, G. (1991) | |
Film und deutsche Kolonialpropaganda (für die subsaharischen Gebiete bis 1918) | |
Zeitschrift für Afrikastudien. #9-10. p. 49-67. |
Venier, Pascal (1991) | |
Lyautey et l'idée de protectorat de 1894 à 1902: genèse d'une doctrine coloniale | |
Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 78 #293. p. 499-517. |
Benoist, Joseph R. de (1990) | |
The Brazzaville Conference, or Involuntary Decolonization | |
Africana Journal. Volume 15. p. 39-58. |
Cardoso, Carlos; Gonzalez, David (1990) | |
Portugal and Africa: part I | |
Zeitschrift für Afrikastudien. #6. p. 5-14. |
Castro Henriques, I. (1990) | |
Da virtuosa brandura do branco à preguiça pecaminosa do negro: uma contribuição para a releitura da situação colonial na Africa sob dominação portuguesa | |
Studia Africana. #1. p. 27-38. |
Gardinier, David E. (1990) | |
The Path to Independence in French Africa: Recent Historiography | |
Africana Journal. Volume 15. p. 15-38. |
Maxwell, Kenneth (1990) | |
The Portuguese Colonies and Decolonization | |
Africana Journal. Volume 15. p. 59-73. |
Letnev, A.B. (1989) | |
The influence of the October Revolution in Russia on Africa and the policy of British colonialism | |
African Studies in the Soviet Union: Yearbook. p. 32-44. |
Mentan, Ngek Tatah (1989) | |
Overview of French imperial ideology in Africa | |
The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 16 #1-2. p. 72-81. |
Binoche-Guedra, Jacques (1988) | |
Le rôle des élus de l'Algérie et des colonies au Parlement sous la Troisième République (1871-1940) | |
Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 75 #280. p. 309-346. |
Czaplinski, M. (1987) | |
The german colonial civil service: image and reality | |
Africana Bulletin. #34. p. 107-119. |
Plantey, A. (1987) | |
Le message de Brazzaville | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 41 #4. p. 285-289. |
Cornevin, R. (1986) | |
Bibliographie des oeuvres des gouverneurs, administrateurs, magistrats et inspecteurs du travail ayant servi outre-mer depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours | |
Mondes et cultures. Volume 46 #1. p. 71-167. |
Killingray, David (1986) | |
The Maintenance of Law and Order in British Colonial Africa | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 85 #340. July. p. 411-437. |
Kirk-Greene, Anthony (1986) | |
Colonial Administration and Race Relations: Some Research Reflections and Directions | |
Ethnic and Racial Studies. Volume 9 #3. July. p. 275-287. |
Clarence-Smith, Gervase (1985) | |
The Impact of the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War on Portuguese and Spanish Africa | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 26 #4. p. 309-326. |
Kwame, Ahyi (1985) | |
Le roman colonial allemand entre les deux guerres mondiales | |
Peuples noirs, peuples africains. Volume 8 #43. p. 97-109. |
Cowen, Mike (1984) | |
Early Years of the Colonial Development Corporation: British State Enterprise Overseas during Late Colonialism | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 83 #330. January. p. 63-75. |
Killingray, David (1984) | |
'A Swift Agent of Government': Air Power in British Colonial Africa, 1916-1939 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 25 #4. p. 429-444. |
Kirk-Greene, Anthony H.M. (1984) | |
Canada in Africa: Sir Percy Girouard, Neglected Colonial Governor | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 83 #331. April. p. 207-239. |
Pearce, Robert (1984) | |
The Colonial Office and Planned Decolonization in Africa | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 83 #330. January. p. 77-93. |
Flint, John (1983) | |
Planned Decolonization and its Failure in British Africa | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 82 #328. July. p. 389-411. |
Luchaire, François (1983) | |
La réforme regionale dans les départements d'outre-mer | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 37 #3. p. 567-583. |
Hougham, David (1981) | |
The Spatial Components of Anglo-African Development Plans, 1943-1956 | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 15 #3. p. 527-538. |
Natsoulas, Theodore (1981) | |
Race Relations in Portuguese Africa: A Bibliographic Inquiry | |
Journal of African Studies (UCLA). Volume 8 #2. Summer. p. 79-84. |
Éluther, Jean-Paul (1981) | |
L'évolution des prestations familiales dans les départements d'Outre-Mer | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 35 #3. p. 783-795. |
Mwaka, G.I. (1980) | |
Cadburys and the dilemma of colonial trade in Africa: 1901-1910 | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 42 #4. p. 780-793. |
Bwendelele Mwana-Wuta (1979) | |
L'idéologie coloniale portugaise sous le régime de Salazar | |
Problèmes sociaux zaïrois. #126-127. septembre-décembre. p. 83-100. |
Eluther, J.-P. (1979) | |
La réforme de l'administration centrale des départements d'Outre-Mer | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 33 #3. p. 319-329. |
Killingray, David (1979) | |
The Idea of a British Imperial Army | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 20 #3. p. 421-436. |
Morris, H.F. (1979) | |
The development of statutory marriage law in twentieth century British colonial Africa | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 23 #1. p. 37-64. |
Rabut, Elisabeth (1979) | |
Le mythe parisien de la mise en valeur des colonies africaines à l'aube du xxe siècle: la commission des concessions coloniales 1898-1912 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 20 #2. p. 271-287. |
Read, James S. (1979) | |
Studies in the making of colonial laws: an introduction | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 23 #1. p. 1-9. |
Smyth, Rosaleen (1979) | |
The Development of British Colonial Film Policy, 1927-1939, with Special Reference to East and Central Africa | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 20 #3. p. 437-450. |
Taapopi, Leonard; Keenleyside, T.A. (1979) | |
The West and Southern Africa: Economic Involvement and Support for Liberation, 1960-1974 | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 13 #3. p. 347-370. |
Ammi-Oz, Moshe (1978) | |
L'integration des troupes noires dans l'armée coloniale française | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 13 #146. p. 67-79. |
Mittelman, James (1978) | |
Portugal's counter-revolution | |
Journal of Southern African Affairs. Volume 3 #2. p. 153-158. |
Roberts, Andrew D. (1978) | |
The Earlier Historiography of Colonial Africa | |
History in Africa. Volume 5. p. 153-168. |
Rossi, Gianluigi (1978) | |
Guerra fredda e questione delle ex colonie italiane nel 1947 | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 33 #4. p. 509-524. |
Collemacine, Joan E. (1977) | |
A look at african literature in the Portuguese language | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 32 #2. p. 283-292. |
Coquery-Vidrovitch, C. (1977) | |
Mutation de l'impérialisme colonial français dans les années 30 | |
African Economic History. Volume 4. Fall. p. 103-152. |
Ferreira, E.S. de (1977) | |
Portugal's efforts towards neocolonialism | |
Utafiti. Volume 2 #2. p. 229-246. |
Gann, L.H. (1977) | |
The rulers of German Africa: 1884-1914 | |
Stanford, CA: University of Stanford Press. Hoover Institution publications. 286p. |
Henriksen, Thomas H. (1976) | |
People's War in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 14 #3. September. p. 377-399. |
D'Souza, Henry (1975) | |
External Influences on the Development of Educational Policy in British Tropical Africa from 1923 to 1939 | |
African Studies Review. Volume 18 #2. September. p. 35-43. |
Gann, Lewis H. (1975) | |
Portugal, Africa, and the Future | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 13 #1. March. p. 1-18. |
Miller, Joseph C. (1975) | |
The Politics of Decolonization in Portuguese Africa | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 74 #295. April. p. 135-147. |
Saul, John S. (1975) | |
The revolution in Portugal's African colonies: a review essay | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 9 #2. p. 315-336. |
Anonymous (1974) | |
Portugal and Africa: after the Lisbon Coup | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 1 #1. p. 70-77. |
Brunschwig, Henri (1974) | |
Vigné d'Octon et l'anticolonialisme sous la troisième republique (1871-1914) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 14 #54. p. 265-298. |
Morris, H.F. (1974) | |
A history of the adoption of codes of criminal law and procedure in British Colonial Africa, 1876-1935 | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 18 #1. p. 6-23. |
Oraison, A.; Miclo, F. (1974) | |
Les îles Tromelin, Glorieuses, Juan de Nova, Europa et Bassas da India | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 84 #743. p. 136-170. |
Pelissier, René (1974) | |
L'Atlantique Sud, Lac Lusitan | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 9 #105. p. 34-42. |
Rose, John la (1974) | |
Africa and Portugal | |
Race. Volume 16 #1. p. 1-28. |
Sibeko, Alexander (1974) | |
Portugal and Africa: breaking the chains | |
The African Communist. #59. p. 29-47. |
Smith, Alan K. (1974) | |
Antonio Salazar and the Reversal of Portuguese Colonial Policy | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 15 #4. p. 653-667. |
Durieux, A. (1973) | |
La nouvelle loi organique de l'outre-mer portugais du 23 juin 1972 | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. #2. p. 241-274. |
Löwis, Hennig von (1973) | |
Portugal in Africa: eine kritische Literaturübersicht | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 8 #1. p. 108-112. |
Marcum, J. (1973) | |
De politiek van de onverschilligheid: Portugal en Afrika | |
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 27 #3. p. 97-106. |
Sagay, I. (1973) | |
The legal status of freedom fighters in Africa | |
Eastern Africa Law Review. Volume 6 #1. p. 15-29. |
Fernandes, G. (1972) | |
The Azores over Africa | |
Africa Today. Volume 19 #1. p. 3-6. |
Hacker, Susan (1971) | |
Violent and non-violent approaches to revolution | |
Mawazo. Volume 3 #3. p. 1-11. |
Hodge, Alison (1971) | |
The training of missionaries for Africa: the Church Missionary Society's Training College at Islington, 1900-1915 | |
Journal of Religion in Africa. Volume 4 #2. p. 81-96. |
Marchand, Cl. (1971) | |
Idéologie coloniale et enseignement en Afrique noire francophone | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 5 #3. p. 349-358. |
Marcum, J. (1971) | |
The United States and Portuguese Africa: a perspective on American foreign policy | |
Africa Today. Volume 18 #4. p. 23-37. |
Margarido, A. (1971) | |
L'eglise catholique en Afrique 'Portugaise' | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. #61. p. 87-112. |
Matznetter, J. (1971) | |
Urbanisierung in Portugiesisch-Afrika | |
Afrika Spectrum. #2. p. 60-76. |
Search: ge=colonial territories | ||||||||
Found: 375 | Record 1-100 |
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