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Search: ge=Latin America
Found: 39 Record 1-39

BookKirsch, Thomas G.; Mahlke, Kirsten; Dijk, Rijk van (eds.) (2023)
Domestic Demons and the Intimate Uncanny
Abstract presentRoutledge. 220p.

BookMwanaka, Tendai Rinos; Rodriguez, Ricardo Felix (eds.) (2017)
Experimental writing: Africa vs Latin America = Literatura experimental África vs América Latina
Bamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 332p.

BookRöschenthaler, Ute; Jedlowski, Alessandro (eds.) (2017)
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America: Economic Networks and Cultural Interactions
Abstract presentLondon: Zed Books. Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa. 339p.

Periodical articleGibran Nogueira, Simone; Souza Lobo Guzzo, Raquel (2016)
See this publicationAfrican psychology: dialogues with the global South
Abstract presentRevista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos = Brazilian journal of African studies. Volume 1 #2. p. 189-210.

Conference paperLeón-Manríque, José Luis; Moyo, Theresa (eds.) (2015)
The global financial and economic crisis in the South: impact and responses
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 334p.

Periodical articleHussen, Mohammed Seid (2014)
See this publicationDoes FDI promote economic growth and development? Evidence from Latin America and Africa
Abstract presentAfricanus: skakelblad van die Departement van Naturelle-Administrasie, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika = liaison journal of the Department of Native Administration, University of South Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 34-52.

BookKaag, Mayke; Zoomers, Annelies (eds.) (2014)
The global land grab: beyond the hype
Abstract presentLondon: Zed Books Ltd. 264p.

BookTchonang, Gabriel; Lecaros, Véronique; Sanchez Paredes, José; Hernandez, Béatrice; Moreira, Christina (eds.) (2014)
Le pentecôtisme: racines et extension Afrique/Amérique latine
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Religions du Sud. 310p.

Periodical articleCahen, Michel (2013)
See this publicationIs 'Portuguese-speaking' Africa comparable to 'Latin' America? Voyaging in the midst of colonialities of power
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 40. p. 5-44.

Periodical issueKihato, Caroline Wanjiku; Royston, Lauren (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationSpecial issue: rethinking urban land markets: Southern Africa in comparative perspective
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 24 #1. p. 1-172.

BookOmoweh, Daniel A. (ed.) (2012)
See this publicationThe feasibility of the democratic developmental state in the South
Dakar: CODESRIA. 180p.

BookBehrends, Andrea; Reyna, Stephen P.; Schlee, Günther (eds.) (2011)
Crude domination: an anthropology of oil
Abstract presentNew York: Berghahn Books. Dislocations #9. 325p.

Periodical articleBhattacharya, Sanjukta Banerji (2011)
The other powers in the continent
Africa Quarterly. Volume 51 #3-4. p. 28-41.

BookAraujo, Ana Lucia (2010)
Public memory of slavery: victims and perpetrators in the South Atlantic
Amherst, NY: Cambria. 478p.

BookChampin, Christophe (2010)
Afrique noire, poudre blanche: l'Afrique sous la coupe des cartels de la drogue
Bruxelles: Versaille. 155p.

BookLarson, Donald F.; Nash, John (2010)
See this publicationResource management and the effects of trade on vulnerable places and people: lessons from six case studies
Washington, DC: World Bank. Policy research working papers #5258. 39p.

BookTsikata, Dzodzi; Golah, Pamela (eds.) (2010)
See this publicationLand tenure, gender and globalisation: research and analysis from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. 299p.

BookUbink, Janine M.; Hoekema, André J. (eds.) (2009)
Legalising land rights: local practices, state responses and tenure security in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Abstract presentAmsterdam: Leiden University Press. Law, governance, and development. 618p.

Periodical articleVásquez, Manuel A. (2009)
See this publicationThe global portability of pneumatic Christianity: comparing African and Latin American Pentecostalisms
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 68 #2. p. 273-286.

BookEtemad, Bouda (2008)
Crimes et réparations: l'Occident face à son passé colonial
Bruxelles: André Versaille éditeur. L'autre et l'ailleurs. 205p.

Periodical articleRocha Menocal, Alina; Fritz, Verena; Rakner, Lise (2008)
See this publicationHybrid regimes and the challenges of deepening and sustaining democracy in developing countries
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 15 #1. p. 29-40.

BookFendler, Ute; Wehrheim, Monika (eds.) (2007)
Entdeckung, Eroberung, Inszenierung: filmische Versionen der Kolonialgeschichte Lateinamerikas und Afrikas
Abstract presentMünchen: Martin Meidenbauer. 238p.

BookRuhnke, Jan-Oliver (2007)
Alltagsgewalt, Kriminalität und Entwicklung: 'Security governance' in Guatemala und Südafrika
Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller e. K. 113p.

BookGomez, Michael A. (ed.) (2006)
Diasporic Africa: a reader
New York: New York University Press. 317p.

Dissertation / thesisMuraya, Petronella W. Kigochie (2003)
The effectiveness of community based organizations in low-income housing in less developed countries under the enabling approach: Nairobi and Santo Domingo, a comparative study
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 372p.

BookPetras, James F. (2003)
A system in crisis: the dynamics of free market capitalism
Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood. 260p.

BookReiber, Tatjana (2002)
Die Bedeutung der Art der Konfliktbearbeitung für die Befriedung von Bürgerkriegsgesellschaften am Beispiel von Angola und El Salvador
Tübingen: Abteilung für Internationale Beziehungen, Friedens- und Konfliktforschung des Instituts für Politikwissenschaften der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung #39. 66p.

Dissertation / thesisStephens, Marc (2002)
External debt, government spending and growth in heavily indebted poor countries
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 202p.

Periodical articleAlexander, Ian; Estache, Antonio (2000)
See this publicationIndustry Restructuring and Regulation: Building a Base for Sustainable Growth: Lessons from Latin America
Development Southern Africa. Volume 17 #3. September. p. 307-337.

Periodical articleCheibub, José Antonio (1998)
See this publicationPolitical regimes and the extractive capacity of governments: taxation in democracies and dictatorships
World Politics. Volume 50 #3. p. 349-376.

Periodical articleCupido, B. (1996)
Africa and Latin America: institute formed to forge links
Namibia Review. Volume 5 #3. September-October. p. 27-29.

Periodical articleKasanda L. (1996)
Défis et jalons pour l'évangélisation en Amérique latine: interpellations venues de la présence négroafricaine
Telema. Volume 22 #85. janv.-mars. p. 13-26.

Periodical articleGoldemberg, J. (1995)
Denuclearization in Latin America
Our Planet. Volume 7 #3. p. 12-13.

Periodical articleChesnais, Jean-Claude (1994)
Histoire et avenir des mouvements de populations
Politique étrangère. Volume 59 #3. p. 635-659.

Periodical articleTesfai, Y. (1992)
Latin American liberation theology's view of European theology
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 21 #1. p. 3-20.

Periodical articleGatwa, T. (1991)
P.A.S. et droits de l'homme: le r-le des églises
Dialogue (Kigali, Rwanda). #146. mai-juin. p. 72-82.

Periodical articleRanis, Gustav (1990)
See this publicationAsian and Latin American Experience: Lessons for Africa
Journal of International Development. Volume 2 #2. p. 151-171.

Periodical articleOsorio, J. (1989)
Controversies and assertions of popular education in Latin America
Journal of the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education (AALAE). Volume 4 #1. June. p. 8-11.

Dissertation / thesisWalker, Sheila S. (1972)
Ceremonial spirit possession in Africa and Afro-America: forms, meanings, and functional significance for individuals and social groups
Leiden: Brill. Dissertationes ad historiam religionum pertinentes #4. 179p.

Search: ge=Latin America
Found: 39 Record 1-39

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