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Search: pe=Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies
Found: 34 Record 1-34

Periodical articleKowalski, Mariusz (2015)
See this publicationPoles in the Dutch Cape Colony 1652-1814
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 10 #1. p. 65-96.

Periodical articleT'Sjoen, Yves (2015)
See this publicationBreyten Breytenbach in een zijspiegel: het vizier van H.C. ten Berge: transnationale laterale beweging en particuliere 'hetero-images' van een literaire actor
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 10 #1. p. 33-50.

Periodical articleKusek, Robert; Szymanski, Wojciech (2015)
See this publicationAn unlikely pair: Berlinde de Bruyckere and J.M. Coetzee
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 10 #1. p. 13-21.

Periodical articleLuijk, Ruben van (2014)
Over hesperiaanse melancholie: Eugène Nielen Marais en de geschiedenis van een poëtische gemoedsgesteldheid
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 55-73.

Periodical articleMichalska, Weronika (2014)
The impact of general De la Rey's death on the political situation in South Africa
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 43-52.

Periodical articleLesniewski, Michal (2014)
Chronology of the Klip River Affair of 1847
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 23-41.

Periodical issueKoch, Jerzy (ed.) (2014)
Themed edition: Olga Kirsch
Abstract presentWerkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 9. 154p.

Periodical articleDrwal, Malgorzata (2013)
Amazonen en volksmoeders: overeenkomsten in representaties van vrouwen in Zuid-Afrikaanse en Poolse nationale mythologieën
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 8 #2. p. 49-59.

Periodical issueKoch, Jerzy (ed.) (2012)
Themed edition: J.M. Coetzee in Poland
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 7. p. 9-134.

Periodical issueDynarowicz, Ewa (ed.) (2012)
Themed edition: Literary non-fiction
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 7. p. 7-129.

Periodical articleBrink, André (2011)
Ground Zero: die Suid-Afrikaanse literêre landskap ná apartheid
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 6 #1. p. 9-22.

Periodical articleMeiring, Barbara (2010)
Aspects of violence reflected in South African geographical names
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 95-112.

Periodical articleGranjo, Paulo (2010)
Twins, albinos and vanishing prisoners: a Mozambican theory of political power
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 73-94.

Periodical articleCichon, Anna Izabela (2010)
Violence and complicity in J.M. Coetzee's works
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 43-72.

Periodical articleLesniewski, Michal (2010)
Guns and horses, c 1750 to c 1850: Korana - people or raiding horses?
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 11-26.

Periodical articleFeijó, João (2010)
Relations with people and relations with things: management of human resources in African companies
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #1. p. 73-90.

Periodical articleWlodarczyk, Matylda (2010)
Adaptive shifts: identity and genre in the memorials of the 1820 British settlers in the Cape Colony
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #1. p. 47-72.

Periodical articleBesten, Hans den (2010)
Isaac le Long's German version of Grevenbroek's Khoekhoe glossaries as published by Juncker in 1710
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #1. p. 7-45.

Periodical articlePotocki-Waksmund, Radosÿ±aw (2009)
De zendingspost Genadendal als bijzonderheid van het negentiende-eeuwse Zuid-Afrika
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 139-159.

Periodical articleZajas, Pawel (2009)
Het handelsmerk Zuid-Afrika: enkele overpeinzingen rondom de toeristische berichtgeving
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 123-137.

Periodical articleBourdillon, Michael F.C. (2009)
Children's work in southern Africa
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 103-122.

Periodical articleGibson, Diana (2009)
Untold stories and disconnectedness, the dilemma of conscript veterans of the bush war
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 71-102.

Periodical articleCzarnecka, Boÿçzena (2008)
Belgisch Congo (1927-1930) in de herinneringen van de Poolse dokter Henryk Gordziaÿ±kowski
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 133-158.

Periodical articleZajas, Pawel (2008)
De antikoloniale etnografie en postkoloniale inschikkelijkheid in de Zuid-Afrikaanse reisverslagen van Antoni Rehman
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 111-131.

Periodical articleHuigen, Siegfried (2008)
'Imperial eyes' van de postkoloniale criticus: selectieve lectuur van achttiende-eeuwse reisbeschrijvingen over Zuid-Afrika
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 17-29.

Periodical articleVan Zyl, Hannes (2007)
Aanpassing in die uitgewersbedryf: die geval van NB-Uitgewers rondom die millenniumwending
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 87-100.

Periodical articleBarnard, Riana (2007)
Die uitdaging van volhoubare groei: 'n perspektief op die Suid-Afrikaanse uitgewersbedryf
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 77-86.

Periodical articleT'Sjoen, Yves (2007)
Achter de trommels: het Afrikaner nationalisme als bouwsteen voor het ideologische discours van de Vlaamse Beweging (ca. 1875-1921)
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 51-76.

Periodical articleCichocka, Aleksandra (2006)
Global expansion of English: the South African case
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 1 #1. p. 253-267.

Periodical articleDe Vries, Abraham H. (2006)
Wrede prag en angs
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 1 #1. p. 167-179.

Periodical articleWessels, André; Evaldsson, Anna-Karin (2006)
Die herdenking van historiese gebeurtenisse
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 1 #1. p. 147-165.

Periodical articleCochrane, Neil (2006)
Uit in die kuberruim: enkele waardetoevoegings en uitdagings ten opsigte van Gay Litnet binne Suid-Afrikaanse konteks
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 1 #1. p. 127-145.

Periodical articleKannemeyer, J.C. (2006)
N. P. van Wyk Louw, D.J. Opperman and the Afrikaans literary tradition
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 1 #1. p. 117-126.

Periodical articleVan Coller, H.P. (2006)
Het magisch realisme in enkele recente Afrikaanse romans
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 1 #1. p. 101-115.

Search: pe=Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies
Found: 34 Record 1-34

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