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Periodical articleDimitriu, Ileana (2016)
See this publicationA quest for the 'New man' in times of transition: faith, unfaith and the pitfalls of Utopia in JM Coetzee's 'The Master of Petersburg'
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 28 #2. p. 159-172.

Periodical articleKusek, Robert; Szymanski, Wojciech (2015)
See this publicationAn unlikely pair: Berlinde de Bruyckere and J.M. Coetzee
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 10 #1. p. 13-21.

BookClarkson, Carrol (2014)
Drawing the line: toward an aesthetics of transitional justice
New York: Fordham University Press. Just ideas. 204p.

Periodical issueEmenyonu, Ernest N. (ed.) (2014)
Politics & social justice
Abstract presentAfrican Literature Today. #32. 173p.

Periodical issueRogez, Mathilde; Samin, Richard (eds.) (2014)
Dossier: L'Afrique du Sud et la littérature post-apartheid (1994-2014) = South Africa and post-apartheid literature (1994-2014)
Études littéraires africaines. #38. p. 7-103.

Periodical articleBezan, Sarah (2012)
Shame as a structure of feeling: raped and prostituted women in J.M. Coetzee's 'Disgrace' and Futhi Ntshingila's 'Shameless'
JALA: the Journal of the African Literature Association. Volume 7 #1. p. 15-24.

BookHeinicke, Julius; Veit-Wild, Flora (eds.) (2012)
Kuvaka ukama: building bridges: a tribute to Flora Veit-Wild
Abstract presentHeidelberg: Weiss, Kalliope Paperbacks. 377p.

Periodical issueKoch, Jerzy (ed.) (2012)
Themed edition: J.M. Coetzee in Poland
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 7. p. 9-134.

BookMunro, Brenna M. (2012)
South Africa and the dream of love to come: queer sexuality and the struggle for freedom
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 337p.

BookVan der Vlies, Andrew (2012)
Print, text and book cultures in South Africa
Abstract presentJohannesburg: Wits University Press. 476p.

Periodical articleVan Jaarsveld, Anthea (2012)
Van roman na film: geen 'Disgrace' vir J.M. Coetzee: 'n onderzoek na die proses van filmverwerking = From novel to film: no 'Disgrace' for J.M. Coetzee: an investigation into the process of film adaptation
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 52 #2. p. 307-321.

Periodical articleChapman, Michael (2011)
See this publicationPostcolonial problematics: a South African case study
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 42 #4. p. 60-71.

Periodical articleChapman, Michael (2010)
'To Petrus': Coetzee, Krog, critics
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 22 #1. p. 155-162.

Periodical articleCichon, Anna Izabela (2010)
Violence and complicity in J.M. Coetzee's works
Werkwinkel: a Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 43-72.

Periodical issueFrenkel, Ronit (ed.) (2008)
See this publicationFeminism and contemporary culture in South Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 67 #1. p. 1-138.

Periodical articleYeoh, Gilbert (2008)
See this publicationReading ethics in J. M. Coetzee's 'Elizabeth Costello': the globalizing world, the normal and damnation
Abstract presentThe English Academy Review. Volume 25 #1. p. 77-88.

Periodical articleYitah, Helen (2008)
Disgrace, displacement and reparation in J.M. Coetzee's 'Disgrace'
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 24 #1. p. 27-36.

Periodical articleKehinde, Ayobami (2006)
Post-colonial African literature as counter-discourse: J.M. Coetzee's Foe and the reworking of the Canon
Ufahamu. Volume 32 #3. p. 92-122.

Dissertation / thesisPopescu, Monica (2005)
South Africa in transition: theorizing post-colonial, post-apartheid and post-communist cultural formations
Ann Arbor: UMI. 240p.

Periodical articleVital, Anthony (2005)
See this publicationSituating Ecology in Recent South African Fiction: J.M. Coetzee's 'The Lives of Animals' and Zakes Mda's 'The Heart of Redness'
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 31 #2. June. p. 297-313.

Periodical articleAttwell, David (2004)
See this publicationJ. M. Coetzee and South Africa: thoughts on the social life of fiction
Abstract presentThe English Academy Review. Volume 21. p. 105-117.

Periodical articleGraham, Lucy Valerie (2003)
See this publicationReading the Unspeakable: Rape in J.M. Coetzee's 'Disgrace'
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 29 #2. June. p. 433-444.

Periodical articleKauer, Ute (2003)
Nation and gender: female identity in contemporary South African writing
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 15 #2. p. 106-116.

Periodical articleKossew, Sue (2003)
See this publicationThe politics of shame and redemption in J.M. Coetzee's 'Disgrace'
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 34 #2. p. 155-162.

Periodical articleFalcone, Roberta (2002)
'Mapping South Africa': territorialitŕ tra memoria e avvenire nella narrativa di J.M. Coetzee
Terra d'Africa. #11. p. 51-157.

Periodical articleMedalie, David (2000)
'Such wanton innocence': representing South African boyhoods
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 12 #1. p. 41-61.

Periodical articleBarnett, Clive (1999)
See this publicationConstructions of Apartheid in the International Reception of the Novels of J.M. Coetzee
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 25 #2. June. p. 287-301.

Periodical articleHeyns, Michiel (1999)
Houseless poverty in the house of fiction: vagrancy and genre in two novels by J.M. Coetzee
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 11 #1. p. 20-35.

Periodical articleMedalie, David (1997)
Friday updated: 'Robinson Crusoe' as sub-text in Gordimer's 'July's People' and Coetzee's 'Foe'
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 9 #1. p. 43-54.

Periodical articleMarais, Mike (1996)
'One of those islands without an owner': the aesthetics of space in 'Robinson Crusoe' and J.M. Coetzee's 'Life & times of Michael K'
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 8 #1. p. 19-31.

Periodical articleEaston, T. Kai Norris (1995)
See this publicationText and Hinterland: J.M. Coetzee and the South African Novel
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 21 #4. December. p. 585-599.

Periodical articleWatson, Stephen (1986)
See this publicationColonialism and the novels of J.M. Coetzee
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 17 #3. p. 370-392.

Search: pr=0000000121034865
Found: 32 Record 1-32

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