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BookHaverkort, Bertus (2022)
See this publicationOude wortels, nieuwe scheuten: een zoektocht in wereldbeelden, dilemma's voor modernisering in de landbouw
Abstract presentLeiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC occasional publications #42. 250p.

Periodical articleBerhanu, Kassahun; Poulton, Colin (2014)
See this publicationThe Political Economy of Agricultural Extension Policy in Ethiopia: Economic Growth and Political Control
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 32 #2 Special issue. November. p. 197-213.

BookFreeman, Comfort K.; Seth, Boateng D. (eds.) (2014)
Contemporary development issues and the practice of agricultural extension
Abstract presentAccra New Town, Ghana: For the University of Ghana by Woeli Publishing Services. Agricultural sciences series #1. 101p.

Periodical articleKloppers, Elbé; Fourie, Lynnette (2014)
See this publicationCSR communication in a South African agricultural company
Abstract presentCommunicatio: South African journal for communication theory and research. Volume 40 #4. p. 305-322.

Periodical articleMgalama, Prosper Venance (2014)
See this publicationThe role of agricultural extension services in socio-economic development of East Africa: A critical review
Abstract presentAfricanus: skakelblad van die Departement van Naturelle-Administrasie, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika = liaison journal of the Department of Native Administration, University of South Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 53-64.

Periodical articleMugwisi, Tinashe (2014)
See this publicationThe use of libraries and information centres by agricultural researchers and extension workers in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 80 #1. p. 52-62.

Periodical articleOlanrewaju, Khadijat O.; Farinde, Akinloye J. (2014)
See this publicationThe potentials of traditional communication methods in information dissemination: a case study of farmers in Osun State, Nigeria
Abstract presentCommunicatio: South African journal for communication theory and research. Volume 40 #4. p. 361-375.

Periodical articlePlanel, Sabine (2014)
See this publicationA view of a 'bureaucratic' developmental State: local governance and agricultural extension in rural Ethiopia
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 8 #3. p. 420-437.

BookMkpado, Mmaduabuchukwu; Mbadiwe, Igbokwe Edwin (2013)
See this publicationDeveloping the capacity and improving access of small-scale farmers to low cost artificial substrate mushroom cultivation in South-Eastern Nigeria
Nairobi: African Technology Policy Studies Network. African Technology Policy Studies Network, Working paper series #72. 22p.

Periodical articleAdem, Teferi Abate (2012)
See this publicationThe local politics of Ethiopia's green revolution in South Wollo
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 55 #3. p. 81-102.

BookAdong, Annet; Mwaura, Francis; Okoboi, Geofrey (2012)
See this publicationWhat factors determine membership to farmer groups in Uganda? Evidence from the Uganda census of agriculture 2008/9
Kampala: Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC). Research series #98. 34p.

Periodical articleBroderick, Cyril E.; Barczewski, Richard; Guseh, James S. (2012)
The provision of technical resources to Liberian farmers to stipulate and increase agricultural output in Liberia
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 37 #2. p. 116-143.

Periodical articleKiplang'at, Joseph; Rotich, Daniel Chebutuk (2012)
Mapping and auditing agricultural indigenous knowledge in Kenya: a case study of the Uasin Gishu and Keiyo districts
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #44. p. 81-100.

Periodical articleLefort, René (2012)
See this publicationFree market economy, 'developmental State' and party-State hegemony in Ethiopia: the case of the 'model farmers'
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 50 #4. p. 681-706.

Periodical articleLwoga, Edda Tandi; Ngulube, Patrick; Stilwell, Christine (2012)
Information and knowledge needs, access and use for small-scale farming in Tanzania
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #44. p. 126-140.

BookMinistry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Kampala (2012)
Financing the food security budget in the national agricultural advisory services: adequacy and impacts in a decentralized system
Kampala: Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. 93p.

Periodical articleMolefe, Thato; Thamaga-Chitja, Joyce; Yobo, Kwasi S. (2012)
See this publicationQualitative evaluation of smallholder farmer decisions, support systems, knowledge and disease management tools
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 11 #2. p. 160-178.

Periodical articleMorris, Craig D.; Webster, Christine (2012)
A regional assessment of the status of agricultural information and communication management by organisations in southern Africa
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #44. p. 44-62.

Periodical articleMugwisi, Tinashe; Ocholla, Dennis; Mostert, Janneke (2012)
Is indigenous knowledge accessed and used by agricultural researchers and extension workers in Zimbabwe?
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #44. p. 101-125.

Periodical articlePlanel, Sabine (2012)
Du bon usage de l'engrais en politique: introduction à la modernisation agricole en Éthiopie
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 27. p. 261-281.

BookSsemakula, Edward (2012)
Effective agricultural technology dissemination: farmer-to-farmer extension model
Mbarara: Bishop Stuart University. 152p.

BookAbeje Berhanu (2011)
Peasant entrepreneurship and rural poverty reduction: the case of model farmers in Bure Woreda, West Gojjam Zone
Addis Ababa: Forum for Social Studies (FSS). FSS monograph series #8. 86p.

Conference paperAnonymous (2011)
Proceedings of Symposium on Development of Policy for Implementation of Universities' Outreach Activities, 5th-6th September 2011, AICAD headquarters, Juja, Kenya
Juja, Kenya: African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD). AICAD reports Volume 2. 92p.

Periodical articleCunguara, Benedito; Moder, Karl (2011)
See this publicationIs agricultural extension helping the poor? Evidence from rural Mozambique
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 20 #4. p. 562-595.

Periodical articleHounkponou, K.S. (ed.) (2011)
See this publicationAméliorer l'accès des communautés rurales aux informations agro-météorologiques pour renforcer leurs capacités d'adaptation au Bénin: une évolution constructive
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 15 #2. p. 4-25.

Periodical articleKaibui, Mwikamba (ed.) (2011)
The role of retired agricultural extension workers in enhancing farmers' socio-economic development in Thika District, Kenya
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 10. p. 172-191.

Dissertation / thesisOchieng, Justus (2011)
See this publicationEvaluation of the effects of adopted management interventions in smallholder indigenous chicken production in Rongo and Homabay districts, Kenya

BookThe World Bank. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington, DC (2010)
Gender and governance in rural services: insights from India, Ghana, and Ethiopia
Washington, DC: World Bank. Agriculture and rural development.

Periodical articleGreen, Erik (2009)
See this publicationA lasting story: conservation and agricultural extension services in colonial Malawi
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 50 #2. p. 247-267.

Periodical articleBerhanu, Abeje (2008)
See this publicationMatching extension service with farmers' needs: towards combining social and agro-ecological approaches in Ethiopian extension
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 24 #2. June. p. 1-26.

Periodical articleHart, Tim (2008)
See this publicationThe ignorance of gender in agrarian livelihoods in rural South Africa
Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. #78. p. 144-155.

BookHeemskerk, Willem; Nederlof, Suzanne; Wennink, Bertus (2008)
Outsourcing agricultural advisory services: enhancing rural innovations in Sub-Saharan Africa
Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), KIT Development, Policy and Practice. Bulletin ... #380. 149p.

Periodical articleWetengere, K. (2008)
See this publicationAn Effective Aquaculture Extension System from Farmers Perspective: The Case of Selected Villages in Morogoro and Dar es Salaam Regions, Tanzania
Abstract presentTanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 8 #1. p. 23-35.

BookMangheni, Margaret Najjingo (2007)
Experiences, innovations and issues in agricultural extension in Uganda: lessons and prospects
Abstract presentKampala: Fountain Publishers. 172p.

BookMarfo, Richard (2007)
Farmers' knowledge and perceptions about the health impacts of synthetic pesticides: a case study of tomato farmers of Kumawu, Ghana
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 168p.

BookMudege, Netsayi Noris (2007)
See this publicationAn ethnography of knowledge: the production of knowledge in Mupfurudzi resettlement scheme, Zimbabwe
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #11. 238p.

BookMusemakweri, John (2007)
Farmers' experiences and perceptions of the NAADS agricultural extension system/program in Kabale district, Uganda
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 129p.

Periodical articleWale, Edilegnaw; Yalew, Asmare (2007)
See this publicationFarmers' Variety Attribute Preferences: Implications for Breeding Priority Setting and Agricultural Extension Policy in Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 19 #2. September. p. 379-396.

Periodical issueAnonymous (2006)
Recherche scientifique et développement: actes de la deuxième conférence annuelle de la recherche scientifique à l'U.N.R
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 11. 326p.

Periodical articleBekele, Wagayehu (2006)
See this publicationAnalysis of Farmers' Preferences for Development Intervention Programs: A Case Study of Subsistence Farmers from East Ethiopian Highlands
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 18 #2. September. p. 183-204.

Periodical articleSaunders, Colin (2006)
'The Gospel of the plough': an extraordinary contribution to the development of national agriculture
Abstract presentHeritage of Zimbabwe. #25. p. 14-31.

Periodical articleApantaku, S.O.; Awotunde, J.M.; Adegbite, D.A.; Ajayi, E.A. (2005)
The Feasibility of Private Integrated Agricultural Extension Services in Ogun State, Nigeria
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 20 #1. p. 59-76.

BookBosch, Rik van den; Sterk, Geert (eds.) (2005)
Tools for catchment level soil and water conservation planning in the East African Highlands: tool for participatory soil and water conservation mapping: tool for financial analysis of soil and water conservation measures
Abstract presentWageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #65. 115p.

Periodical articleErgano, Kebebe; Beyene, Sheleme; Wallelu, Wondimu (2005)
See this publicationLearning experiences of Farmers Field School on Integrated Nutrient Management: evidence from Wolaita in southern Ethiopia: a research report
Abstract presentEthiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Volume 3 #2. December. p. 81-93.

Periodical articleGalaa, Sylvester Z. (2005)
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) Operating in Ghana's Agricultural Sector: How Can We Harness their Potential?
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 20 #2. July. p. 87-111.

Dissertation / thesisGoldberger, Jessica Rule (2005)
See this publicationFarming on the boundary: organic agriculture in semi-arid Kenya
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 232p.

BookInternational Institute of Rural Reconstruction (2005)
Conservation agriculture: a manual for farmers and extension workers in Africa
Nairobi: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR). 251p.

Periodical articleBagnall-Oakeley, H.; Ocilaje, M.; Oumo, F.I.; Nangoti, N.; Oruko, O.L.; Rees, D. (2004)
Mapping and understanding farmers indigenous agricultural knowledge and information systems and the implications for contracted research and extension systems
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 1. September. p. 119-125.

Periodical articleBelay, Kassa; Abebaw, Degnet (2004)
See this publicationChallenges Facing Agricultural Extension Agents: A Case Study from South-Western Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 16 #1. April. p. 139-168.

Periodical articleDraa, E.W.; Semana, A.R.; Adolph, B. (2004)
Comparing the processes used for assessing farmers' demand for research and advisory services
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 1. September. p. 89-102.

Periodical articleEkoja, Innocent I. (2004)
Sensitising users for increased information use: the case of Nigerian farmers
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 14 #2. p. 193-204.

BookFaure, Guy; Dugué, Patrick; Beauval, Valentine (eds.) (2004)
Conseil à l'exploitation familiale: expériences en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre
Paris: GRET. Guide pratique. 127p.

Periodical articleGalaa, Sylvester Z.; Obeng, Francis K. (2004)
Public-Private Sector Partnerships for Improved Agriculture Services Delivery: How Do We Make Them Work?
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 19 #2. p. 49-67.

Periodical articleHakiza, J.J.; Odogola, R.W.; Mugisha, J.; Semana, A.R.; Nalukwago, J.; Okoth, J.; Ekwamu, A. (2004)
Challenges and prospects of disseminating technologies through farmer field schools: lessons learnt based on experience from Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 1. September. p. 163-175.

Periodical articleMubangizi, N.; Mangheni, M.N.; Garforth, C.J. (2004)
Information sources and constraints under National Agricultural Advisory Services programme, of service providers in Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 1. September. p. 257-264.

Dissertation / thesisAnonymous (2003)
Smallholder farmers' perceptions of the Northern Province's extension service: case studies in two villages in the Northern Province of South Africa
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 122p.

Periodical articleBelay, Kassa (2003)
Agricultural Extension in Ethiopia: The Case of Participatory Demonstration and Training Extension System
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 18 #1. p. 49-83.

Periodical articleCarter, Isabel (2003)
See this publicationFacilitating Change: The Role of Animators
Abstract presentDevelopment in Practice. Volume 13 #1. February. p. 83-89.

Periodical articleMudege, Netsayi N.; Bourdillon, M.F.C. (2003)
See this publicationThe Role of Communication in Social Forestry: The Case of Mwenezi
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 30 #1. p. 51-71.

BookAbate, Teferi (2002)
Government intervention and socioeconomic change in a northeast Ethiopian community: an anthropological study
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 361p.

BookBarbier, Jean-Marc; Dangé, Guillaume (2002)
Conduite des champs de riz pluvial chez les agriculteurs d'un village de République de Côte d'Ivoire (région Ouest): pratiques techniques et observations agronomiques
Paris: Les Éditions du Gret. Dossier pédagogique agridoc - observer et comprendre un système agraire. 120p.

BookCochet, Hubert (ed.) (2002)
Démarche d'étude des systèmes de production de la région de Korhogo-Koulokakaha-Gbonzoro en Côte d'Ivoire (région Nord)
Paris: Les Éditions du Gret. Dossier pédagogique agridoc - observer et comprendre un système agraire. 87p.

BookFerraton, Nicolas; Cochet, Hubert (2002)
Démarche d'étude des systèmes de production de deux villages au nord de Man (Gbatongouin et Mélapleu) en Côte d'Ivoire
Paris: Les Éditions du Gret. Dossier pédagogique agridoc - observer et comprendre un système agraire. 111p.

Periodical articleKanini, M.J. (2002)
Adult literacy as a determinant factor of farmer participation in agricultural extension: a case study of Kibwezi Division, Kenya
Kenya Adult Educator. Volume 7 #1. p. 25-30.

Dissertation / thesisKone, Moctar (2002)
Societal learning for environmental protection and management in Mali
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dessertation Services. 322p.

Dissertation / thesisMberengwa, Ignatius (2002)
The communal areas management program for indigenous resources (CAMPFIRE) and rural development in Zimbabwe's marginal areas: a study in sustainability
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services.

Dissertation / thesisMbozi, Emmy Hangoma (2002)
Transformational learning: small-scale farmers' learning processes about crop markets in southern Zambia
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 248p.

Periodical articleOkorley, E.L.; Mensah, A.O.; Al-Hassan, I.S. (2002)
See this publicationTransfer and adoption of soil and water conservation technologies in the Tolon-Kumbungu District of Northern Region of Ghana
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 35. p. 189-195.

Periodical articleOnemolease, Eddy (2002)
See this publicationExtension Needs of Women Cassava Farmers in Igueben and Esan Northeast Local Government Areas of Edo State, Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 116-126.

Dissertation / thesisRingtoumda, Placido Félicité (2002)
Les représentations de la vulgarisation agricole en milieu rural au Burkina Faso, analysées en regard du transfert des apprentissages: contribution à l'approche du phénomène de 'transfert des apprentissages'
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 334p.

BookSemi Arid Rural Development Programme (SARDEP) (2002)
Module for extension on horticultural crops

Periodical articleAnyonge, T.M.; Holding, Christine; Kareko, K.K.; Kimani, J.W. (2001)
See this publicationScaling Up Participatory Agroforestry Extension in Kenya: From Pilot Projects to Extension Policy
Abstract presentDevelopment in Practice. Volume 11 #4. August. p. 449-459.

Periodical articleChikwendu, D.O. (2001)
See this publicationA review of agricultural extension in Nigeria: the need for an alternative model
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 10. p. 62-70.

Periodical articleEdriss, A.; Mphepo, M.; Njolomole, E. (2001)
See this publicationAnalysis of male and female farmers' participation in agricultural extension programmes: a case study in Mzuzu and Machinga agricultural development divisions of Malawi
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 5 #2. December. p. 110-116.

Periodical articleEvenson, Robert E.; Mwabu, Germano (2001)
See this publicationThe Effect of Agricultural Extension on Farm Yields in Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 13 #1. June. p. 1-23.

BookKidd, Andrew D. (2001)
See this publicationExtension, poverty and vulnerability in Uganda: country study for the Neuchâtel Initiative
London: Overseas Development Institute. ODI working paper #151. 68p.

Periodical articleRutatora, Deogratias F.; Mattee, Amon Z. (2001)
See this publicationMajor Agricultural Extension Providers in Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. Volume 22 #4. December. p. 155-173.

Periodical articleBeyene T.; Assefa A.; Croppenstedt, A. (2000)
The impact of agricultural extension on farm productivity
Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Economics. Volume 4 #1-2. February. p. 23-50.

Periodical articleCochet, Hubert; Ndarishikanye, Barnabé (2000)
See this publicationLa production caféière au Burundi: agronomie, vulgarisation et rapports sociaux
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 34 #2. p. 218-248.

Periodical articleDube, M.A.; Bhembe, V.L. (2000)
See this publicationExtension workers' opinions regarding the influence of the national maize competition on farmers practices in the Manzini Region, Swaziland
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 9. p. 104-108.

Periodical articleDube, M.A.; Dlamini, B.M. (2000)
See this publicationAnalysis of selected issues in Swaziland's agricultural extension: implications for future consideration
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 9. p. 90-95.

Periodical articleEdriss, A. (2000)
See this publicationDifferential impact of in-kind agricultural assistance and per capita net crop income in subsistence economy: the Malawi case
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 4 #2. December. p. 163-170.

Periodical articleKeregero, K.J.B. (2000)
See this publicationReaching Swazi nation land farmers: challenges to the credibility of agricultural extension in Swaziland
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 9. p. 79-89.

Periodical articleMlozi, M.R.S. (2000)
Household food production in urban areas in Tanzania: research issues
Uongozi. Volume 12 #1. June. p. 40-60.

Periodical articleOwuor, P.O.; Kavoi, M.M.; Siele, D.K. (2000)
Factors impeding tea production in smallholder sub-sector of the Kenya tea industry: an assessment of extension staff awareness of existing technologies
Tea. Volume 21 #2. December. p. 101-110.

Dissertation / thesisDegnbol, Tove (1999)
State bureaucracies under pressure: a study of the interaction between four extension agencies and cotton-producing farmers in the Sikasso Region, Mali
Roskilde: International Development Studies, Roskilde University. 336p.

Periodical articleEvenson, Robert E.; Siegel, Michele (1999)
See this publicationGender and Agricultural Extension in Burkina Faso
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 46 #1. p. 75-92.

Periodical articleKing'ori, B.; Van Eckert, M. (1999)
Teaching farmers to be processors
Agroforestry Today. Volume 11 #3-4. July-December. p. 19-22.

Periodical articleMakokha, M.; Odera, H.; Maritim, H.K.; Okalebo, J.R.; Iruria, D.M. (1999)
See this publicationFarmers' perceptions and adoption of soil management technologies in western Kenya
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 7 #4. December. p. 549-558.

Periodical articleSotelo Montes, C. (1999)
The need for a gender approach in agroforestry research in the Peruvian Amazon Basin: a personal perspective
Agroforestry Today. Volume 11 #3-4. July-December. p. 26-29.

Periodical articleAndrien, M.; Aoussaf, H.; Salhi, A. (1998)
La communication sociale en nutrition à travers la vulgarisation agricole au Maroc
Food, Nutrition and Agriculture. #22. p. 47-56.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1998)
Lancement du TIDS en vue de la modernisation du secteur agricole
Prosi. Volume 30 #355. août. p. 44-45.

Periodical articleGetu H.; Vera B.; Belay K.; Storck, H. (1998)
Technical efficiences of smallholder annual crop production in moisture stress area of eastern Oromia of Ethiopia: a stochastic frontier analysis
Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Economics. Volume 2 #2. July. p. 91-115.

Periodical articleKeregero, K.J.B.; Twala, T.S. (1998)
Extension job performance in Swaziland: how do male and female agricultural extension officers fare?
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 37-42.

Periodical articleMiiro, R.; Tibezinda, J. (1998)
Factors that affect the sustainability of terraces in Kabale District
MUARIK Bulletin. Volume 1. p. 51-56.

Periodical articleMwangi, J.G. (1998)
Improving agroforestry through extension education
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 2 #1. January. p. 53-59.

Periodical articleSithole, B.; Edziwa, B. (1998)
Ignorance or ignorant extension
Zimbabwe Science News. Volume 32 #2-3. April-Sept.. p. 35-41.

Periodical articleBelay E. (1997)
The new extension strategy
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 1 #2. December. p. 11-17.

Conference paperBierschenk, Thomas; Le Meur, Pierre-Yves; Oppen, Matthias von (eds.) (1997)
Institutions and technologies for rural development in West Africa: proceedings of the international symposium = Institutions et technologies pour le développement rural en Afrique de l'Ouest
Abstract presentWeikersheim: Margraf. 546p.

Periodical articleDue, Jean M.; Magayane, Flavianus; Temu, Anna A. (1997)
See this publicationGender Again: Views of Female Agricultural Extension Officers by Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania
Abstract presentWorld Development. Volume 25 #5. May. p. 713-725.

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