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Search: su=animal traction
Found: 19 Record 1-19

BookDiarra, Seydou (2013)
L'insertion urbaine des charretiers migrants dans l'agglomération dakaroise
Bamako: Éditions Jamana. 106p.

Periodical articleCochet, Hubert (2007)
Recherches en cours sur les transformations contemporaines de l'agriculture éthiopienne
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 23. p. 441-469.

Periodical articleJa'afar-Furo, Muhammad R. (2006)
Resource-use efficiency and constraints to animal traction technology in Adamawa State, Nigeria
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 23-24. p. 127-144.

Periodical articleObuo, J.P.; Barton, D.; Agobe, F.; O'Neill, D. (2005)
The impact of ox-weeding on the livelihoods of poor smallholder farmers in the Teso farming system
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 03 of 03. December. p. 1437-1441.

BookFrick, Thomas (2001)
Animal drawn mechanisation of field work for subsistence based small farms in South-West Niger: technical and interdisciplinary investigations
Beuren: Verlag Grauer. 142p.

Periodical articleMoitt, Bernard (2001)
See this publicationFrom pack animals to railways: transport and the expansion of peanut production and trade in Senegal, 1840-1940
Abstract presentOutre-mers: revue d'histoire. #330-331. p. 241-267.

Periodical articleAsefa T.; Tanner, D.G.; Melesse T.; Kefyalew G. (1997)
See this publicationOn-farm evaluation of an animal-drawn implement developed in Ethiopia for row placement of wheat seed and basal fertilizer
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 5 #4. December. p. 359-369.

Periodical articleGuibert, Hervé (1995)
Suivi de la force de travail 1988-1989 en zone cotonnière du Tchad
Abstract presentRevue scientifique du Tchad. Volume 3 #2. p. 111-124.

Periodical articleOgwang, B.H.; Dlamini, S.M. (1995)
Animal traction in Swaziland: results from a rapid rural appraisal
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 9. January. p. 12-18.

BookStarkey, Paul (1995)
Animal traction in South Africa: empowering rural communities
Abstract presentHalfway House: Development Bank of Southern Africa. 159p.

Periodical articleOgwang, B.H. (1994)
Response of draught oxen to winter supplementary feeding in Swaziland
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 3. p. 67-74.

Periodical articleBosc, P.-M. (1992)
Culture attelée et environnement: réflexions à partir d'expériences ouest-africaines
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #161. p. 197-209.

Periodical articleGoe, Michael R. (1989)
See this publicationThe Ethiopian Maresha: Clarifying Design and Development
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 71-112.

Periodical articleHuybens, E. (1987)
Traction bovine au kasai oriental: conflits entre les systèmes agricoles traditionnels et l'introduction d'une nouvelle technologie: le cas du 'Projet Rural', Coopibo-Diocèse de Mbuji-Mayi
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 27 #218. p. 479-486.

Periodical articleMueller, Herbert E. (1986)
Zugtiernutzung in Zambia: Einführung und Ausbreitung einer technologischen Innovation
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 22 #2. p. 175-182.

Periodical articleCharrière, Georges (1984)
La culture attelee: un progrès dangereux
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 20 #3-4. p. 647-656.

Periodical articlePeltre-Wurtz, Jacqueline (1984)
La charrue, le travail et l'arbre
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 20 #3-4. p. 633-646.

Periodical articleRoupsard, Marcel (1984)
Le point sur la culture attelee et la motorisation au Nord-Cameroun
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 20 #3-4. p. 613-631.

Periodical articleBigot, Yves (1981)
La culture attelee et ses limites dans l'evolution des systèmes de production en zone de savanes de Cote d'Ivoire
Abstract presentCahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #30. p. 10-29.

Search: su=animal traction
Found: 19 Record 1-19

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