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Search: su=banking law
Found: 41 Record 1-41

Periodical articleHassan, Mohamed Aden; Liberators, Giulia (2015)
Global remittances: update on the UK-Somali Corridor
Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies. Volume 15. p. 34-45.

Periodical articleKouame Gbanny, Sandrine (2013)
La faillite des organismes financiers de l'UEMOA
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 67 #1. p. 123-136.

Periodical articleLuwabelwa, Walubita; Mwenda, Kenneth K. (2013)
Board membership in Zambian banks: a nemesis to good corporate governance?
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 44. p. 103-128.

BookTcheumalieu Fansi, Manuel Roland (2013)
Droit et pratique bancaire dans l'espace OHADA
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 439p.

Periodical articleChilufya, Bwalya (2012)
The autonomy of the Bank of Zambia and Finance Bank Zambia Limited
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 43. p. 107-133.

Periodical articleToe, Souleymane (2012)
La responsabilité civile du banquier dispensateur de crédit à une entreprise en difficulté en droit OHADA à partir de l'exemple du Burkina Faso
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 122 #879. p. 151-205.

Periodical articleAdjita, A. Shamsidine (2011)
La prévention comme moyen de sécurisation des nouveaux moyens de paiement dans l'espace UEMOA
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 121 #875. p. 210-255.

Periodical articleRwechungura, Edson P. (2011)
Financial markets regulation and protection of the economy in Africa: the case of Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 4 #2. p. 371-431.

PeriodicalAssociation professionnelle des banques établissements financiers de Côte d'Ivoire (201*)
Revue de droit bancaire et financier
Association professionnelle des banques établissements financiers de Côte d'Ivoire.

Periodical issueJones, Stuart (ed.) (2009)
See this publicationAspects of banking history in Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economic History. Volume 24 #2. 204p.

BookTumwine-Mukubwa, Grace Patrick (2009)
Essays in African banking law and practice
Kampala: Uganda Law Watch. 278p.

Periodical articleAnjarwalla, A.S.; Mazera, J. (2008)
Islamic banking in Kenya
Advocate (Nairobi, Kenya). August. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleOgowewo, Tunde I.; Uche, Chibuike (2006)
See this publication(Mis)using bank share capital as a regulatory tool to force bank consolidations in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 50 #2. p. 161-186.

Periodical articleAddeah, K. (2005)
The Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673): its motivations, intentions and core principles
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleAdu, F. (2005)
Universal bankers view on the Banking Act, 2004 Act 673
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 31-36.

Periodical articleAsare, G.O.; Afful, I.K. (2005)
Rural bankers view of the new Banking Act, Act 673
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 37-42.

Periodical articleBuabeng, P.K. (2005)
Opportunities and challenges of the new Banking Act 2004 for the banking sector
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 23-27.

BookBuri, Alex; Kyazze, Joseph (2005)
A compendium of laws on banking in Uganda
Kampala: Fountain Publishers. Fountain series in law and business studies. 232p.

Periodical articleFrance, F. (2005)
The prudential requirements under the new Banking Act and banking supervision
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 15-22.

Periodical articleKan-Dapaah, A. (2005)
Future electronic transactions law and banking business in Ghana
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 43-45.

Periodical articleMusah, I.; Dornoo, S. (2005)
The Ghana new Banking Act and the competitive edge of banking in Ghana from an international investors perspective
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 28-30.

Periodical articleTientcheu Njiako, André (2005)
De la pratique du secret bancaire (une étude de la jurisprudence camerounaise et française)
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 115 #853. p. 430-463.

Periodical articleMwenda, Kenneth Kaoma (2004)
Unified financial services supervision in Zambia: the legal and institutional frameworks
Zambia Law Journal. Volume 36. p. 67-109.

Dissertation / thesisDiakhaté, Medou (2003)
The banking sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: privatization, moral hazard, and government regulation
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 187p.

Periodical articleMwige, K. (2003)
Bank charges and interest rates
Advocate (Nairobi, Kenya). November. p. 17-20.

Periodical articleJames, J.C. (2002)
Le secret bancaire en droit gabonais
Afrique juridique et politique. Volume 1 #1. janvier-juin. p. 29-61.

Periodical articleSall, Aliou (2002)
La double facette de l'intérêt financier
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 112 #841. p. 525-541.

Periodical articleVermaak, N.J. (2001)
See this publicationRural financial schemes' contribution to community development
Abstract presentThe Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 36 #1. p. 42-52.

Periodical articleSatta, T.A. (2000)
See this publicationThe impact of regulation and supervision compliance costs to financial institutions in Tanzania
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 8 #2. January. p. 55-63.

Periodical articleHakasenke, C. (1999-2000)
The charging of bank interest on non-accrual loans
LAZ: Law Association of Zambia Journal. Volume 2. p. 79-86.

Periodical articleMutaitina, O.R. (1999)
See this publicationCapital regulations and financial institutions: reflections from theory and evidence
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 8 #1. July. p. 21-27.

Periodical articleMbah, Emmanuel (1998)
See this publicationThe Relics of Colonial Heritage in African Laws: Stopping Cheques in Cameroon
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 10 #2. June. p. 327-339.

Periodical articleAtsegbua, Lawrence (1997)
See this publicationThe Nigerian Failed Banks (Recovery of Debts) and Financial Malpractices in Banks Decree: A Critical Analysis
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 9 #2. June. p. 374-385.

Periodical articleChemonges, J.K. (1997)
Bank fraud: causes, types and control
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #3. December. p. 21-24.

Periodical articleMadhuku, Lovemore (1997)
Protection of the surety under Zimbabwean law
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 41 #1. p. 68-80.

Periodical articleMukuna, W.H.A. (1995)
Negotiability of crossed cheques and leading banks' practice on account payee cheques examined
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). #2. p. 38-50.

Periodical articleKulundu-Bitonye, Wanyama (1993)
Statutory regulation and supervision of banks and banking services in Lesotho
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 8 #2. p. 19-58.

Periodical articleKabi, Mokhele (1992)
The Financial Institutions Act No. 23 of 1973 and how it has affected the participation of Lesotho's commercial banks in the process of economic development
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 8 #1. p. 175-206.

Periodical articleSarassoro, H. Cabogo (1990)
See this publicationL'escompte de chèque en Côte d'Ivoire (étude de droit bancaire)
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 2 #2. p. 202-233.

Periodical articleTeriba, O. (1969)
The 1967-69 banking amendments in Nigeria: an appraisal of financial adaptation in an underdeveloped war economy
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 11 #1. p. 43-64.

Periodical articleBrown, C.V. (1962)
The recent Nigerian Banking Amendments - a tentative appraisal
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 4 #2. p. 156-164.

Search: su=banking law
Found: 41 Record 1-41

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