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Found: 7771 | Record 1-100 |
Asaaju, Morenikeji (2023) | |
Revisiting Gender and Marriage: Runaway Wives, Native Law and Custom, and the Native Courts in Colonial Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria | |
Journal of Women's History. Volume 35 #1. p. 80-99. |
Boum, Aomar (2023) | |
Trails of Posters: French Colonial Moroccan Tourism Redux | |
Jewish Quarterly Review. Volume 113 #1. p. 30-35. |
Cola, Alessandro de (2023) | |
Money and the Regularisation of African Soldiers in the Early Phase of Italian Colonialism in Eritrea | |
War & Society. Volume 42 #2. p. 140-156. |
Cunningham, Tom (2023) | |
Missionaries, the State, and Labour in Colonial Kenya c.1909-c.1919: the 'Gospel of Work' and the 'Able-Bodied Male Native' | |
History Workshop Journal. Volume 95. p. 175-196. |
Ertola, Emanuele (2023) | |
Blowing Against the Winds of Change: Settlers Facing Decolonization in Eritrea, 1941-52 | |
Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 58 #1. p. 71-91. |
Florentino, Luiz Felipe (2023) | |
Reflexos da Conferência de Berlim nas relações entre Portugal e o país de Gaza: Cópia de ofício do residente chefe em Gaza ao secretário geral do governo da Província de Moçambique, em 16 de Janeiro de 1888. Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino/Caixa 1331/Secretaria de Estado da Marinha e Ultramar/Direcção Geral do Ultramar/Moçambique/1888/1a Repartição/AHU-ACL-SEMU-DGU/Pasta 10/Capilha 2 | |
Temporalidades - Revista Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMG. Volume 14 #2. p. 551-559. |
García-Moral, Eric (2023) | |
El impacto de las dinámicas de poder local en las políticas coloniales sobre el terreno. El caso de la creación de los jefes de pueblo en la Baja Casamance, Senegal (1851-1922) | |
Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Volume 23 #2. p. 909-937. |
Giordano, Rosario (2023) | |
The Bula Matari (Breaker of Rock) and the Judges. Congolese Efforts in the Campaign against the Red Rubber Regime (État indépendant du Congo, 1902-1904) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 249. p. 107-131. |
Lahti, Janne (2023) | |
Nordic Connectors: The Gallen-Kallela Family and Colonial Lives in East Africa and New Mexico | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #3. p. 510-533. |
Lorenz, Fredrick Walter (2023) | |
Agents, Ambassadors, and Imams: Ottoman-British Transimperialism in the Cape of Good Hope, 1862-1869 | |
Journal of World History. Volume 34 #2. p. 241-276. |
Maekawa, Ichiro (2023) | |
Cold War and Decolonisation: The British Response to Soviet Union Anti-colonialism in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #1. p. 182-210. |
Mahumane, Jose Jorge; Tembe, Joel das Neves (2023) | |
A Persistência ou o Uso Não Oficial de Topônimos Coloniais na Cidade de Maputo, Moçambique | |
Linha D'Água. Volume 36 #1. p. 183-202. |
Marmon, Brooks (2023) | |
Independence and Pan-African Diplomatic Contestation: Anti-colonial Nationalism and the Eclipse of White Legitimacy in 'British Central Africa', 1957-64 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #2. p. 384-408. |
Moskowitz, Kara (2023) | |
From Multiracialism to Africanization? Race, Politics, and Sport in Decolonizing Kenya | |
Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 58 #1. p. 115-135. |
Namuholopa, Óscar (2023) | |
A luta armada de libertação de Moçambique (1964-1974): contexto, processo e significado | |
África(s): Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Africanos, Povos Indígenas e Culturas Negras - PGEAVIN. Volume 9 #18. p. 73-91. |
Pedro, Martinho (2023) | |
Entre colonização e heterogenia no espaço imperial português entre séculos XVI e XVII | |
África(s): Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Africanos, Povos Indígenas e Culturas Negras - PGEAVIN. Volume 9 #18. p. 11-30. |
Perrier, Antoine (2023) | |
Tánger internacional y su estatus os efectos del co-colonialismo franco-español en Marruecos (1912- 1956) | |
Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo. Volume 21. p. 189-200. |
Piperoglou, Andonis; Varnava, Andrekos (2023) | |
Performing an Imperial Career: Hamilton Goold-Adams in Southern Africa, Cyprus and Queensland | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #1. p. 97-123. |
Saide, Alda (2023) | |
A luta do Regime Fascista Português contra a 'subversão' em Moçambique: O jornal Ressurgimento, 1968-1973 | |
Revista Brasileira de História. Volume 43 #93. p. 199-222. |
Thomas, Martin (2023) | |
Grand Narratives: Decolonisation and Its Wars | |
War & Society. Volume 42 #1. p. 60-71. |
Velasco, Christian (2023) | |
The African Savers and the Post Office Savings Bank in Colonial Kenya (1910-1954) | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 51 #4. p. 644-671. |
White, Bryant (2023) | |
Edmond Picard and the Congo Free State: A Study in Law and Literature | |
Humanities. Volume 12 #1. |
Alfieri, Noemi (2022) | |
Publicações Imbondeiro: como a editora nasceu, circulou e foi encerrada pela PIDE. Entrevista a Leonel Cosme | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 7. p. 159-170. |
Alvarado, Christian (2022) | |
Mau Mau as Method | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 9-37. |
Anderson, Samuel D. (2022) | |
From Algiers to Timbuktu: Multi-Local Research in Colonial History Across the Saharan Divide | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 277-299. |
Antunes, Maria José Lobo (2022) | |
A crack in everything: Violence in soldiers' narratives about the Portuguese colonial war in Angola | |
History and Anthropology. Volume 33 #5. p. 611-630. |
Asseraf, Arthur (2022) | |
Mass Media and the Colonial Informant: Messaoud Djebari and the French Empire, 1880-1901 | |
Past and Present. Volume 254 #1. p. 161-192. |
Barrios Diaz, Jose Alejandro Sebastian (2022) | |
Through Armed Struggle: Colonial Occupation, National Liberation War and Independence in Mozambique | |
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos = Brazilian journal of African studies. Volume 7 #14. p. 31-50. |
Boubrik, Rahal (2022) | |
Courtiers et marchands d'esclaves au Maroc sous la colonisation française | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 57 #1. p. 343-368. |
Cicciola, Elisabetta; Locci, Emanuela (2022) | |
Eritrea: da colonia primogenita a terra massonica | |
Nuova rivista storica. Volume 106 #2. p. 639-682. |
Cleminson, Richard (2022) | |
Anticolonialism in Early Twentieth-Century Portugal: The Ambivalences of Race and Transnationalism in O Negro (1911) | |
e-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 20 #2. p. 218-239. |
Correa, Silvio Marcus de Souza (2022) | |
Colonialismo alemão e privatização dos recursos naturais africanos | |
Tempo. Volume 28 #3. |
Correa, Silvio Marcus de Souza (2022) | |
Fotografia e teratologia colonial | |
Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens. Volume 57. p. 217-232. |
Costa, Mariana Gomes da (2022) | |
A degenerescência na fotografia da antropobiologia colonial portuguesa | |
Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens. Volume 57. p. 233-264. |
Cruz, Bernardo Pinto da (2022) | |
Gerald Bender vs. David Niddrie em Angola: Ciência política, geografia e controlo na guerra colonial portuguesa (1961-1974) | |
Terra Brasilis. Volume 17. |
Dande, Innocent; Swart, Sandra (2022) | |
'Today We Will Milk Dogs!' (Nhasi tinokama imbwa) - A Socio-political History of African-owned Dogs and the Dog Tax in Southern Rhodesia, c.1900-1950 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #4. p. 672-704. |
Davis, Leslia (2022) | |
Blood Brothers: Colonialism and Fascism as Relations in the Interwar Caribbean and West Africa | |
The American Historical Review. Volume 127 #2. p. 634-663. |
De Nys-Ketels, Simon (2022) | |
Colonial policing and urban space in the notorious Commune Rouge of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo | |
Urban History. Volume 49 #1. p. 129-148. |
Di-Capua, Yoav (2022) | |
Revolutionary Decolonization and the Formation of the Sacred: The Case of Egypt | |
Past and Present. Volume 256 #1. p. 239-281. |
Dulley, Iracema (2022) | |
Naming Others: Translation and Subject Constitution in the Central Highlands of Angola (1926-1961) | |
Comparative Studies in Society and History. Volume 64 #2. p. 363-393. |
El Imlahi, Said El Ghazi (2022) | |
Los judíos marroquíes en la agenda colonial española (1860-1956) | |
Historia Actual Online. Volume 59. p. 27-42. |
Kalniga, José Donadoni Manga (2022) | |
Réformes territoriales au Nord-Cameroun. Le lamidat comme modalité de contrôle sur les communes | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 247. p. 515-537. |
Krachenski, Naiara (2022) | |
Fotografia e Dominação: para uma história visual do colonialismo alemão (1884-1918) | |
Revista de História. Volume 181. p. 1-35. |
Larson, Lorne (2022) | |
Conversations along the Mbwemkuru: Foreign Itinerants and Local Agents in German East Africa | |
Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions. Volume 46 #1. p. 62-83. |
Lauwers, Karen (2022) | |
French colonial publications and their situated re-presentations of native Algerian leadership (late 1840s-1860s) | |
European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire. Volume 29 #5. p. 778-799. |
Lebre, Rui Aristides; Castela, Tiago (2022) | |
Aldeamento de guerra no colonialismo português na Guiné-Bissau | |
e-Cadernos Ces. Volume 247. |
Leeuwen, Marco H.D. van; Maas, Ineke (2022) | |
Social Mobility through Migration to the Colonies: The Case of Algeria | |
Journal of Interdisciplinary History. Volume 53 #2. p. 225-265. |
Linebaugh, Riley (2022) | |
Colonial Fragility: British Embarrassment and the So-called 'Migrated Archives' | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #4. p. 729-756. |
Livsey, Tim (2022) | |
Open Secrets: The British 'migrated archives', colonial history, and postcolonial history | |
History Workshop Journal. Volume 93. p. 95-116. |
Mahajubu, Abudul (2022) | |
The Nineteenth-Century Nubian Mutiny in Colonial Uganda: A Social-Historical Perspective | |
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Volume 23 #3. |
Mbah, Ndubueze L. (2022) | |
'Wives Wishing to Join Their Husbands': Colonial Forgery, Gender Legibility, and Labor Migration in West Africa | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 235-275. |
Menger, Tom (2022) | |
Concealing Colonial Comparability: British Exceptionalism, Imperial Violence, and the Dynamiting of Cave Refuges in Southern Africa, 1879-1897 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #5. p. 860-889. |
Nakissa, Aria (2022) | |
Islam and the cognitive study of colonialism: The case of religious and educational reform at Egypt's al-Azhar | |
Journal of Global History. Volume 17 #3. p. 394-417. |
Oliveira, Francisco Roque de (2022) | |
Geografia e colonialismo português no equador: O Relatório da primeira campanha de estudo de Francisco Tenreiro em São Tomé (1956) e o seu contexto institucional e político | |
Terra Brasilis. Volume 17. |
Owusu-Sarpong, Christiane (2022) | |
Nana Akua Amponsah (2011), Anne Hugon (2020): deux récits historiques d'une 'rencontre coloniale' avortée (Gold Coast, 1910-1950) | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 91 #2. p. 224-269. |
Pascual Salguero, Pedro José (2022) | |
Rafael Rodríguez-Moñino y Soriano, testigo directo de la Independencia de Guinea Ecuatorial | |
O Pelourinho: Boletin de Relaciones transfronterizas. Volume 26. p. 411-443. |
Pereira, Joana Dias (2022) | |
Threatening Alliances: Portuguese Ethnography of Indigenous Associative Life in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (1945-1974) | |
Lusotopie. Volume 21 #1. |
Pereira, Matheus Serva; Roque, Ricardo (2022) | |
Arquivo, literacia e resistência: notas sobre manuscritos 'nativos' na série Moçambique do fundo do Conselho Ultramarino do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 7. p. 65-91. |
Piçarra, Maria do Carmo (2022) | |
Margem de certa maneira: o caso da censura a Catembe. | |
Diálogos. Volume 26 #1. p. 62-82. |
Poti, Giorgio (2022) | |
The League of Nations and the post-Ottoman recolonization of the Nile Valley: The imperial Matryoshka of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1922-1924 | |
Journal of Global History. Volume 17 #2. p. 191-209. |
Seda, Abraham (2022) | |
African Boxing, Social Control and 'Subversive Culture' in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1900-1960 | |
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Volume 23 #2. |
Silva, Dayane Augusta Santos da (2022) | |
Fazer Pesquisa em Angola: Notas sobre pesquisa histórica e documental | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 7. p. 105-125. |
Silva, José Manuel Mussunda da; Quintas, Orlando Pedro (2022) | |
Origem em atos de força e violência do estado: os reflexos da violência colonial e pós-colonial nos processos políticos na angola contemporânea | |
Aedos. Volume 14 #31. p. 61-71. |
Surkis, Judith (2022) | |
Custody Battles and the Politics of Franco-Algerian Divorce, 1962-1992 | |
The Journal of Modern History. Volume 94 #4. p. 857-897. |
Thankkar, Neel (2022) | |
Speaking as a Colonial State: Mass Broadcasting and the Language of Development in Northern Rhodesia, 1941-1963 | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #1. p. 185-212. |
Thomas, Martin; Asselin, Pierre (2022) | |
French Decolonisation and Civil War: The Dynamics of Violence in the Early Phases of Anti-colonial War in Vietnam and Algeria, 1940-1956 | |
Journal of Modern European History. Volume 20 #4. p. 513-535. |
Tornimbeni, Corrado (2022) | |
La 'diplomazia della legittimità'. La Conferência das organizações nacionalistas das colónias portuguesas in Africa | |
Contemporanea: Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900. Volume 25 #4. p. 553-576. |
Traugh, Geoffrey (2022) | |
Reading Rostow in a Rhodesian Prison: Anticolonialism and the Reinvention of Modernization in British Central Africa | |
Comparative Studies in Society and History. Volume 64 #4. p. 1088-1117. |
Tropp, Jacob (2022) | |
U.S. Indian Affairs, British Imperial Africa, and Transcolonial Dialogues over Conservation and 'Native Development' in the 1930s | |
Journal of World History. Volume 33 #3. p. 459-489. |
Weideman, Julian (2022) | |
Praxis of Reform: The Politics of Zaytuna Student Housing in Colonial Tunis | |
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. Volume 65 #7. p. 859-889. |
Wiegink, Nikkie (2022) | |
Resettlements in Mozambique: Development, Displacement, and Control in the (Post)Colony | |
e-Journal of Portuguese History. Volume 20 #2. p. 113-131. |
Albuquerque, Gonçalo C.; Pimenta, Fernando Tavares (2021) | |
Um Madeirense ao Comando do Império. Aires de Ornelas e Vasconcelos e a Reorganização Administrativa de Moçambique (1907) | |
Arquivo Histórico da Madeira, Nova Série. Volume 3. p. 349-381. |
Alves, Amanda Palomo (2021) | |
Aquarela angolana: música e lazer na 'Luanda Lusotropical' (1961-1970). | |
Diálogos. Volume 25 #2. p. 168-191. |
Ben Salah, Jihane (2021) | |
Naturaliser dans l'Empire colonial: La loi du 20 décembre 1923 et le protectorat de Tunisie durant l'entre-deux-guerres | |
20 & 21: Revue d'histoire. Volume 152. p. 73-86. |
Bengochea Tirado, Enrique; Gimeno Martín, Juan Carlos; Medina Martín, Rocío (2021) | |
Mujeres, colonialismo y nacionalismo saharaui: hilvanando historia(s) | |
Ayer. Volume 124. p. 81-107. |
Bero, Sontina Benjamim; Lima, Agostinho Viana (2021) | |
Educar para separar e educar para unificar: A tónica racial dos propósitos de educação no Moçambique Colonial (1930-1974) e Pós-independente (1974-1985) | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 5. p. 162-177. |
Bezabeh, Samson A. (2021) | |
Djibouti and the Death of Hamoudi Ahmed: Reflections on Indian Ocean Studies | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 243. p. 511-531. |
Bonacci, Giulia (2021) | |
La promesse de l'Afrique. Chief M. K. O. Abiola et les réparations pour l'esclavage et le colonialisme, 1990-1993 | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 5. |
Brennan, James R. (2021) | |
The Secret Lives of Dennis Phombeah: Decolonization, the Cold War, and African Political Intelligence, 1953-1974 | |
The International History Review. Volume 43 #1. p. 153-169. |
Brennan, James R. (2021) | |
Print Culture, Islam and the Politics of Caution in Late Colonial Dar es Salaam: A History of Ramadhan Machado Plantan's Zuhra, 1947-1960 | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 12 #1. p. 92-124. |
Brichs, Ferran Izquierdo; Feliu Martínez, Laura; Camps Febrer, Blanca (2021) | |
Acumulación y resistencias en el norte de África y Oriente Medio: colonialismo, poscolonialismo y neoliberalismo | |
Ayer. Volume 124. p. 25-51. |
Bussotti, Luca (2021) | |
Reescrevendo a história. A contranarrativa sobre Moçambique contemporâneo a partir do Macuablogs (2004-2018) | |
Tempo e Argumento. Volume 13 #34. p. 1-37. |
Cardina, Miguel; Rodrigues, Inês Nascimento (2021) | |
The mnemonic transition: The rise of an anti-anticolonial memoryscape in Cape Verde | |
Memory Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 380-394. |
Chaviano Pérez, Lizbeth J. (2021) | |
Cuba, agent formel ou informel de l'impérialisme espagnol dans le Golfe de Guinée? | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 410-411. p. 169-183. |
Clay, Dean (2021) | |
'David vs Goliath': The Congo Free State Propaganda War, 1890-1909 | |
The International History Review. Volume 43 #3. p. 457-474. |
Dantas, Nancy Isabel (2021) | |
Bertina Lopes: a militant with a brush | |
Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens. Volume 54. p. 215-234. |
Decker, Tunde (2021) | |
Handwritten in Lagos: Selfhood and Textuality in Colonial Petitions | |
History in Africa. Volume 48. p. 355-382. |
Delpechin, Jacques (2021) | |
On how not to write about being colonized | |
África: Revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos. Volume 42. p. 123-141. |
Dias, Inês Cordeiro (2021) | |
Female gaze and subjectivity in The murmuring coast | |
Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens. Volume 54. p. 122-139. |
Elbourne, Elizabeth (2021) | |
Rights, Interpersonal Violence and Settler Colonialism in Early Nineteenth-Century South Africa: Thomas Pringle and Scottish Colonialism at the Cape, 1820-1834 | |
Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 185-214. |
Eyang, José Luís Bibang Ondo (2021) | |
La II República y el estatuto orgánico de los Territorios Españoles del Golfo de Guinea | |
Historia constitucional: Revista Electrónica de Historia Constitucional. Volume 22. p. 93-524. |
Fernandes, Gilberto (2021) | |
Breaking the News: Portuguese Lusotropicalist Public Relations and Lobbying in the United States, 1961-1964 | |
Portuguese Studies Review. Volume 28 #2. p. 197-232. |
Figge, Maja (2021) | |
Towards a caring gaze: aesthetics of decolonization in Sarah Maldoror's Sambizanga | |
Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens. Volume 54. p. 158-175. |
Figueiredo, Fábio Baqueiro (2021) | |
Emancipação feminina em questão: tensões e disputas simbólicas na independência angolana | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 6. p. 45-80. |
Francisco, Fernando (2021) | |
Resistência à Dominação Colonial Portuguesa até ao Início da Luta Armada em 1964 | |
Revista Portuguesa de História Militar. Volume 1. |
Freitas, Marco (2021) | |
Rádio Clube de Moçambique: História económica e cultural de uma empresa radiofónica num contexto colonial (1932-1974) | |
Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura. Volume 21. p. 97-120. |
Gomes, Patrícia Godinho (2021) | |
Mindjeris di Guiné, ka bô m'pina, Ka bô burgunhu. Narrativas de mulheres na/sobre a luta de libertação na Guiné Bissau (trajetórias, construções e percursos emancipatórios) | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 6. p. 81-106. |
Gonçalves, Márcia (2021) | |
The Scramble for Africa Reloaded? Portugal, European Colonial Claims and the Distribution of Colonies in the 1930s | |
Contemporary European History. Volume 30 #1. p. 2-15. |
Goodwin, Joshua; Ivins, Erica; Roberts, Richard; Wall, Rebecca (2021) | |
The Registers of Slave Liberation in Colonial Senegal: Preliminary Analysis of the Evidence from 1894 to 1903 | |
Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Volume 5. |
Guidolin, Camila (2021) | |
Narrativas e práticas coloniais em Portugal e França | |
Semina. Volume 20 #1. p. 59-74. |
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