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Found: 105 | Record 1-100 |
Stonawski, Marcin; Potanc?oková, Michaela; Cantele, Matthew; Skirbekk, Vegard (2016) | |
The changing religious composition of Nigeria: causes and implications of demographic divergence | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 54 #3. p. 361-387. |
Odimegwu, Clifford O.; Kekovole, John (eds.) (2014) | |
Continuity and change in Sub-Saharan African demography | |
New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis. Routledge African studies. 356p. |
Chire, Amina Saïd (ed.) (2013) | |
Djibouti contemporain | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 354p. |
Hansine, Rogers Justo Mateus (2013) | |
The social construction of the 'problématique' about population and development in Mozambique: reflections about neo-Malthusianism and fertility decline in Maputo City | |
The Hague: Institute of Social Studies. 51p. |
Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (2013) | |
Dinâmica demográfica, pobreza e protecção social | |
Maputo: Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos. 6p. |
Vimard, Patrice; Fassassi, Raïmi (2013) | |
Changements démographiques et développement durable en Afrique | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 102p. |
Bonsa, Shimelis (ed.) (2012) | |
Special thematic issue on urban history | |
Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 45. 155p. |
Kapoor, Sudhir (2012) | |
The economics of demography: Africa, India and China | |
Africa Quarterly. Volume 52 #3. p. 10-31. |
Nel, Etienne (2011) | |
Demographic and economic changes in small towns in South Africa's Karoo: looking from the inside out | |
Urban Forum. Volume 22 #4. p. 395-410. |
Nel, Etienne L. (2011) | |
Rethinking patterns of South African urban growth: 1911-2001 | |
Urban Forum. Volume 22 #4. p. 331-342. |
Oxford Economics, Firm (2011) | |
Creating Jobs in a Global Economy 2011 - 2030: the Hays/Oxford Global Economics report april 2011 | |
Oxford: Oxford Economics. 28p. |
Smit, Flip (2011) | |
Demografie - die toekoms wat reeds gebeur het: wêreldtendense met spesiale verwysing na Suid-Afrika | |
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 51 #1. p. 86-100. |
Jeon, Yongil; Rhyu, Sang-Young; Shields, Michael P. (2010) | |
Fertility in sub-Saharan African countries with consideration to health and poverty | |
African Development Review. Volume 22 #4. p. 540-555. |
Malmberg, Bo (2008) | |
Demography and the development potential of sub-Saharan Africa | |
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Current African issues #38. 39p. |
Monteil, Christian (2008) | |
Population et ménages: nouvelles projections 2030 | |
Économie de la Réunion. #132. p. 9-19. |
Cour, Jean-Marie (2007) | |
Peuplement, urbanisation et développement rural en Afrique sub-saharienne: un cadre d'analyse démo-économique et spatial | |
Afrique contemporaine. #223-224. p. 363-401. |
Mba, Chuks J.; Kwankye, Stephen O. (eds.) (2007) | |
Population, health and development in Ghana: attaining the millenium development goals | |
Legon: Sub-Saharan Publishers. 190p. |
Golaz, Valérie (2006) | |
Recensements et catégories ethniques: les enjeux politiques de la croissance démographique kényane | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 40 #3. p. 426-442. |
Hale, David (2006) | |
Who wants Africa? | |
African Analyst Quarterly. #1. p. 1-9. |
Madebwe, Crescentia (2004) | |
The Impact of Mine Closures on Rural Population Dynamics: The Case of Zhombe in Kwekwe District, Midlands Province, Zimbabwe | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 20 #2. June. p. 59-70. |
Angelo, Victor (2003) | |
HIV/AIDS, population and sustainable development | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #4. p. 99-120. |
Bossard, Laurent (2003) | |
Peuplement et migration en Afrique de l'Ouest: une crise régionale en Côte d'Ivoire | |
Afrique contemporaine. #206. p. 151-165. |
Kateb, Kamel (2003) | |
Changements démographiques et organisation familiale en Algérie | |
Maghreb Machrek. #176. p. 95-110. |
Curto, José C.; Gervais, Raymond R. (2002) | |
A história da população de Luanda no período do tráfico atlântico de escravos, 1781-1844 | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #5. p. 75-130. |
Mba, C.J. (2002) | |
Ghana's reproductive revolution: analysis of the determinants of fertility transition | |
Etude de la population africaine. Volume 17 #1. April. p. 47-67. |
Brand, Saskia (2001) | |
Mediating Means and Fate: A Socio-Political Analysis of Fertility and Demographic Change in Bamako, Mali | |
Leiden: Brill. African Social Studies Series #1. 340p. |
Curto, José C.; Gervais, Raymond R. (2001) | |
The Population History of Luanda during the Late Atlantic Slave Trade, 1781-1844 | |
African Economic History. Volume 29. p. 1-59. |
Iwunor, C.C.O. (2001) | |
The status of women and demographic change: evidence from canonical correlation analysis | |
Etude de la population africaine. Volume 16 #1. June. p. 121-139. |
Ngondo a Pitshandenge, Séraphin (2001) | |
Du vieillissement de la population en RDC: état de la question, mécanismes explicatifs, facteurs de promotion et propositions de stratégies | |
Congo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 41 #358. octobre. p. 488-505. |
Oucho, J.O. (2001) | |
Demographic, socio-economic and political implications of HIV/AIDS | |
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 14 #7. p. 37-42. |
Brand, Saskia Maria Anna Aleidis (2000) | |
Mediating means and fate: a socio-political analysis of fertility and demographic change in Bamako, Mali | |
344p. |
El Jadd, L.; El Habi, M.; Guirrou, Z.; Sekkat, A.; Chemseddine, M.; Boumezzough, A. (2000) | |
La dynamique des populations de Aphis gossypii glover sur cotonnier dans la principale zone de sa culture au Maroc | |
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 20 #2. April-June. p. 91-98. |
Feyisetan, B.; Casterline, J.B. (2000) | |
Socio-economic status, fertility preferences and contraceptive change in sub-Saharan Africa | |
Etude de la population africaine. Volume 15 #2. December. p. 1-24. |
Gasper, Des (2000) | |
Structures and meanings: a way to introduce argumentation analysis in policy studies education | |
The Hague: Institute of Social Studies. Working papers, General series #317. 30p. |
Uchudi, J.M. (2000) | |
Socio-economic factors and fertility difference in Sub-Saharan Africa: does the spouse's education matter? | |
Etude de la population africaine. Volume 15 #2. December. p. 27-41. |
Senda Lusamba, J. (1999) | |
Expérience de l'Afrique subsaharienne en matière de planification familiale | |
Cahiers économiques et sociaux. Volume 25 #1. avril. p. 59-74. |
Nel, E.L.; Hill, T.R. (1998) | |
Demographic trends in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa: development and planning implications | |
Urban Forum. Volume 9 #1. p. 131-141. |
Ezra, Markos (1997) | |
Demographic responses to ecological degradation and food insecurity: drought prone areas in Northern Ethiopia | |
Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. PDOD publications. Series A, (Doctoral dissertations). |
Courbage, Youssef (1996) | |
Le Maroc de 1962 à 1994: fin de l'explosion démographique? | |
Monde arabe: Maghreb Machrek. #153. p. 69-87. |
Marindo-Ranganai, Ravai (1995) | |
The Population Dynamics of the Tembomvura People of Zambezi Valley, Northern Zimbabwe: Some Methods of Collecting and Analysing Birth History Data | |
Zambezia. Volume 22 #2. p. 177-195. |
Anonymous (1994) | |
The persistence of urban growth despite violence: demographic growth and spatial dynamism in Kampala from 1966 to 1994 | |
I.F.R.A. Nairobi Newsletter. Volume 2 #3. p. 25-32. |
Shiva, V. (1994) | |
Transcending the politics of religious and demographic fundamentalism | |
EcoNews Africa. Volume 3 #17. 15 Sept.. p. 1-2, 7. |
Gakwaya, D. (1993) | |
Etre mieux informé: le problème démographique au Rwanda et le cadre de sa solution | |
Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développement. #28. déc.. p. 7-11. |
House, W.J. (1993) | |
Malawi's population dynamics: future prospects and their socio-economic consequences | |
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 9 #1. March. p. 6-9. |
Ministère de l'économie, des finances et du plan (Mali). Direction nationale de la statistique et de l'informatique (1993) | |
Perspectives de population par cercle/arrondissement 1993-1997 | |
Ministère de l'économie, des finances et du plan. Direction nationale de la statistique et de l'informatique. 291p. |
Mlay, Wilfred (1993) | |
Population Dynamics and the Environment | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 9 #2. June. p. 19-31. |
Sayed, Hussein A.A.; El-Zanaty, Fatma H.; Zaky, Hassan H.M. (1993) | |
A decade of change in Egypt: findings and implications for population policy | |
L'Égypte contemporaine. Volume 84 #432. p. 65-85. |
Colliez, J.P. (1992) | |
Au rythme de croissance actuel: 100,000 Réunionnais de plus dans neuf ans | |
Économie de la Réunion. #57. janvier-février. p. 2-9. |
Kisovi, Leonard M. (1992) | |
Changing land-use policy and population problems in Kitui District, Kenya | |
Journal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 22. p. 92-104. |
Murara, J. (1992) | |
Le problème démographique dans la sous-région | |
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 60 #1. janv.-mars. p. 45-58. |
Miller, H. Max; Tarver, J.D. (1991) | |
The Future Population of Botswana | |
Eastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 7 #1. p. 85-91. |
Pennington, Renee; Harpending, Henry (1991) | |
How Many Refugees Were There? History and Population Change among the Herero and Mbanderu of Northwestern Botswana | |
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 23. p. 209-221. |
Lututala M. (1990) | |
Modernisation et déséquilibres démographiques au Zaïre: quelques hypothèses de recherche | |
Cahiers économiques et sociaux. Volume 24 #1-2. août. p. 185-214. |
Anthony, A.C. (1989) | |
Population adjustments and dynamics in refugee impacted areas: a case study of Rukwa region in Tanzania | |
Review of Refugee Issues. Volume 1. p. 24-32. |
Geist, Helmut (1989) | |
Agrare Tragfähigkeit im westlichen Senegal: zur Problematik von Nahrungsspielraum und Bevölkerungsentwicklung in den semiariden Tropen Westafrikas | |
Hamburg: Institut für Afrikakunde. Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Afrika-Kunde #60. 401p. |
Rainibe, Dahy (1989) | |
Villages abandonnés et histoire démographique à l'époque coloniale | |
Omaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #29-32. p. 339-352. |
Achikbache, Bahjat; Anglade, Francis (1988) | |
Les villes prises d'assaut: les migrations internes | |
Politique africaine. #31. p. 6-14. |
Kamuzora, C.L. Wechungura (1988) | |
Critical Issues in Population Development Interrelationships and Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 4 #1. January. p. 1-16. |
Chauveau, J.-P. (1987) | |
La part baule: effectif de population et domination ethnique: une perspective historique | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 27 #105-106. p. 123-165. |
Dawson, Marc H. (1987) | |
Health, nutrition, and population in central Kenya, 1890-1945 | |
In: African population and capitalism: historical perspectives. p. 201-217. |
Galley, Yawo-Ganyo (1987) | |
Le bananier plantain: une culture commerciale paysanne au Fernan-Vaz (Gabon) | |
Muntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #6. p. 153-169. |
Jewsiewicki, B. (1987) | |
Toward a historical sociology of population in Zaire: proposals for the analysis of the demographic regime | |
In: African population and capitalism: historical perspectives. p. 271-279. |
Kidane, Asmerom (1987) | |
Reestimating the Ethiopian Population by Age, and Geographical Distribution, 1935-1985 | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 9 #3. p. 59-73. |
Perrot, C.-H. (1987) | |
La sensibilite des societes Akan du sud-est de la Côte d'Ivoire aux fluctuations demographiques | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 27 #105-106. p. 167-175. |
Rabetsitonta, T. (1987) | |
Les changements récents du régime démographique de la capitale malgache | |
Recherches pour le développement. Série sciences de l'homme et de la société. #4. p. 13-26. |
Saint Moulin, L. de (1987) | |
Essai d'histoire de la population du Zaire | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 27 #217. p. 389-407. |
Thibon, C. (1987) | |
Un siècle de croissance démographique au Burundi (1850-1950) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 27 #105-106. p. 61-81. |
Kidane, Asmerom (1985) | |
Economic growth and the demographic transition: the case of African countries | |
The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 12 #2. p. 77-88. |
Schoeman, J.H.; Cloete, Marienne; Nicholson, C. (1985) | |
The population development programme: a challenge for the future | |
RSA 2000: gesprek met die toekoms. Volume 7 #2. p. 1-7. |
Anonymous (1982) | |
Demographic transition in metropolitan Sudan | |
Canberra: Department of demography, Australian National University. 197p. |
Charmes, Jacques (1981) | |
Principales tendances de la démographie tunisienne au cours des deux décennies 1960-1980 et perspectives pour la décennie 1980- 1990: la diversité des sources, un dilemme pour le planificateur? | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 18 #3. p. 341-356. |
Olaore, G.O. (1981) | |
Population distribution trends in Nigeria, 1911-1963 | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 24 #1-2. p. 59-77. |
Field, John Osgood; Ropes, George (1980) | |
Infant mortality, the birth rate, and development in Egypt | |
L'Égypte contemporaine. Volume 71 #381. p. 213-265. |
Jouve, A.M. (1980) | |
Démographie et cerealiculture: évolution comparée de la démographie et de la céréaliculture au Maroc depuis le début du siècle | |
Revue de géographie du Maroc. #4. p. 5-20. |
Dittgen, Alfred (1979) | |
L'état civil comme sourcs de données do mouvement naturel de la population: étude des naissances et des décès déclarés dans la Commune d'Abidjan en 1975 | |
Cahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #2. p. 39-68. |
Gregory, Joel; Piché, Victor (1977) | |
Croissance démographique et développement économique dans le Tiers-Monde: une étude critique | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 11 #1. p. 101-110. |
Ekanem, Ita I.; Farooq, Ghazi M. (1976) | |
The dynamics of population change in Southern Nigeria | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 51-77. |
Ayiemba, Elias H.O. (1975) | |
Population change in the Kano-sugar belt region: measurements and problems for regional development | |
Journal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 5 #2. p. 81-92. |
Sadie, J.L. (1975) | |
Managing Population Numbers | |
Zambezia. Volume 4 #1. December. p. 11-18. |
Bondestam, Lars (1974) | |
Underdevelopment and economic growth in Ethiopia | |
Kroniek van Afrika. #1. p. 20-35. |
Grice, D.C. (1974) | |
The Approaching Crisis: Land and Population in the Transvaal and Natal | |
South Africa International. Volume 4 #4. April. p. 195-210. |
Wülker, Gabriele (1972) | |
Bevölkerungsprobleme Afrikas | |
Internationales Afrikaforum. Volume 8 #4. p. 268-271. |
Podlewski, A.M. (1971) | |
La dynamique des principales populations du Nord Cameroun (2e partie): 'Piemont et plateau de l'adamaoua' | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 8. p. 5-144. |
Sadie, J.L. (1971) | |
Population and economic development in South Africa | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 39 #3. p. 205-222. |
Clarke, J.I. (1969) | |
Population policies and dynamics in Tunisia | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 4 #1. October. p. 45-58. |
Cote, M. (1968) | |
L'évolution démographique du constantinois (1954-1966) | |
Revue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 5 #15. p. 237-242. |
Hance, W.A. (1968) | |
The race between population and resources | |
Africa Report. Volume 15 #1. p. 6-12. |
Eke, I.I.U. (1966) | |
Population of Nigeria: 1952-1965 | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 8 #2. p. 289-309. |
Podlewski, A.M. (1966) | |
La dynamique des principales populations du Nord-Cameroun (entre dénoué et lac Tchad) | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 3 #4. p. 3-194. |
Anonymous (1965) | |
Recent demographic levels and trends in Africa | |
Economic Bulletin for Africa - ECA. Volume 5. p. 30-79. |
Prest, A.R. (1965) | |
Population as a factor in African development | |
Statistical and Economic Review. #30. p. 1-16. |
Okonjo, Chukuka (1964) | |
Patterns of population growth | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 6 #1. p. 6-22. |
Turyagyenda, J.D. (1964) | |
Overpopulation and its effects in the Gombolola of Buhara, Kigezi | |
Uganda Journal. Volume 28 #2. p. 127-153. |
Blacker, J.G.C. (1963) | |
Population growth in East Africa | |
Economic and Statistical Review. #8. p. VIII-XII. |
Rimmington, G.T. (1963) | |
The historical geography of population growth in the Dedza district of Nyasaland | |
The Nyasaland Journal. Volume 16 #2. p. 43-60. |
Anonymous (1962) | |
Working party on economic and social development | |
Economic Bulletin for Africa - ECA. Volume 2 #2. p. 1-101. |
Carreira, A. (1960) | |
População autoctone segunda os recenseamentos para fins fiscais | |
Boletim cultural da Guiné Portuguesa. Volume 15 #57. p. 53-60. |
Gulliver, Pamela H. (1960) | |
The Population of the Arusha Chiefdom: A High Density Area in East Africa | |
Rhodes-Livingstone Journal. Volume 28. December. p. 1-21. |
Hilton, T.E. (1960) | |
Frafa resettlement and the population problem in Zuarungu | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 22 #3. p. 426-442. |
Sautter, G. (1960) | |
Le plateau congolais de Mbé | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 1 #2. p. 5-48. |
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