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Periodical articleChome, Ngala (2020)
See this publicationLand, livelihoods and belonging: negotiating change and anticipating LAPSSET in Kenya's Lamu county
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 310-331.

Periodical articleSuphian, Robert; Jani, Dev (2020)
See this publicationLocal Participation and Satisfaction with Developmental Projects: Segmentation of Saemaeul Undong Participants in Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 105-115.

Periodical articlePouw, Nicky; Dietz, Ton; Bélemvire, Adame (eds.) (2017)
See this publicationParticipatory assessment of development interventions: lessons learned from a new evaluation methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso
Abstract presentAmerican Journal of Evaluation. Volume 38 #1. p. 47-59.

BookBamba, Abou B. (2016)
African miracle, African mirage: transnational politics and the paradox of modernization in Ivory Coast
Athens: Ohio University Press. New African histories series. 297p.

Dissertation / thesisBergh, Michiel O.L. van den (2016)
Bridging the gap between bird conservation and sustainable development: perceptions and participation of rural people in Burkina Faso's Sahel region
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. African Studies Collection #64. 213p.

Periodical articleDaré, William's; Venot, Jean-Philippe (2016)
Dynamique des postures de chercheurs-engagés: retours sur la participation dans les politiques de l'eau au Burkina Faso
Anthropologie & développement: revue de l'APAD. #44. p. 149-178.

Periodical articleGottschalk, Keith (2016)
See this publicationHydro-politics and hydro-power: the century-long saga of the Inga project
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 50 #2. p. 279-294.

Periodical articleIkome, Francis Nguendi; Lisinge, Robert Tama (2016)
See this publicationThe political economy of infrastructure development in Africa: an assessment of the NEPAD Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative (PICI)
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 50 #2. p. 255-277.

BookLeonard, Lori (2016)
Life in the time of oil: a pipeline and poverty in Chad
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 149p.

BookMahomed, Halima; Coleman, Elizabeth (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationClaiming agency: reflecting on TrustAfrica's first decade
Dakar: TrustAfrica. 143p.

BookMalunga, Chiku Watchman; Holcombe, Susan H. (eds.) (2016)
Endogenous development: naïve romanticism or practical route to sustainable African development
London: Routledge. Development in practice books. 179p.

Periodical articleMosley, Jason; Watson, Elizabeth E. (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationFrontier transformations: development visions, spaces and processes in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 10 #3. p. 452-475.

BookProgramme des Nations Unies pour le développement en Mauritanie (PNUD) (2016)
Impacts des projets et programmes du PNUD en Mauritanie: quelques histoires de vie
Nouakchott: Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement en Mauritanie (PNUD). 47p.

BookSoumaré, Elhadj Malick (2016)
Performance des projets de développement international
Paris: L'Harmattan. 221p.

Periodical articleTarp, Kristoffer Nilaus; Haldrup, Søren Vester; Lassen, Malene Alber (2016)
See this publicationDoes the well-being of 'embedded' staff affect programme performance? The case of the IGAD initiative in South Sudan
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 23 #3. p. 385-402.

Periodical articleAtanga, Luc Armand (2015)
La pratique politique des microprojets parlementaires: stratégies de re-légitimation et hypnose des députés par l'exécutief au Cameroun?
Abstract presentRevue africaine d'études politiques et stratégiques = African Journal of Political and Strategic Studies. #1. p. 105-134.

Periodical articleConnor, Teresa (2015)
See this publicationAuditing poverty? Applied anthropologists and the discourse of development in post-apartheid South Africa
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 38 #1-2. p. 88-102.

Periodical articleDansabo, Muhammad Tasiu (2015)
Assessing the developmental impact of poverty eradication programmes in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. Volume 13 #1.

BookEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) (2015)
See this publicationEnergizing Africa: achievements and lessons from the Africa Renewable Energy and Access Program (AFREA) Phase I
Washington: World Bank Group. 52p.

BookFoundation for Civil Society, Dar es Salaam (2015)
See this publicationThe Youth to Youth Fund (Y2YF) best case practices: an excerpt of success stories registered by civil society organisations in Tanzania that implemented the Y2YF projects
Dar es Salaam: Foundation for Civil Society. 11p.

BookLavigne Delville, Philippe (2015)
Aide internationale et sociétés civiles au Niger
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 339p.

Periodical articleMiddelmann, Temba John Dawson (2015)
See this publicationThe Hartebeestpoort Irrigation Scheme: a project of modernisation, segregation and white poverty alleviation, 1912-1926
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 67 #2. p. 158-179.

Periodical articleMoskowitz, Kara (2015)
See this publication'Are you planting trees or are you planting people?': squatter resistance and international development in the making of a Kenyan postcolonial political order (c. 1963-78)
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 56 #1. p. 99-118.

BookNalwendela, Vincent (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationSuccess stories: a highlight of best case practices registered in 2013/2014 by Civil Society Organisations supported by the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS)
Dar es Salaam: The Foundation for Civil Society (FCS). 87p.

Periodical articleRizzo, Matteo (2015)
See this publicationThe political economy of an urban megaproject: the Bus Rapid Transit project in Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 114 #455. p. 249-270.

BookRubino, Roberta (2015)
Dans les engrenages d'une ONG internationale de développement: gouverner les ingouvernables
Paris: L'Harmattan. Ethnographiques. 215p.

Periodical articleSesan, Temilade (2015)
See this publicationDeconstructing 'discriminatory' technologies: insights into inclusive development from improved cookstove projects in Nigeria
Abstract presentSustainable access to energy in the Global South: essential technologies and implementation approaches. p. 217-228.

Periodical articleAdusei-Asante, Kwadwo (2014)
See this publicationCommunity-based program in a non-existent community
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Quarterly. Volume 15 #2. p. 69-84.

BookBüschel, Hubertus (2014)
Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe: deutsche Entwicklungsarbeit in Afrika 1960-1975
Frankfurt am Main: Campus. Reihe Globalgeschichte #16. 646p.

Periodical articleCorbett, Jack (2014)
'But we can't make them drink': understanding community ownership in the Namwera and Chiponde afforestation project
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 35 #1. p. 39-58.

Periodical articleLoffman, Reuben (2014)
See this publicationAn obscured revolution? USAID, the North Shaba Project, and the Zaïrian administration, 1976-1986
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 48 #3. p. 425-444.

BookMohamedbhai, G.T.G.; Frempong, Godfred; Addy, Adeline (eds.) (2014)
See this publicationUniversity research governance & national innovation systems in West and Central Africa
Accra: Association of African Universities. 225p.

BookNational Gender and Equality Commission (NGECK), Nairobi (2014)
See this publicationParticipation of vulnerable populations in their own programmes: the cash transfers in Kenya: year 2014
Nairobi: National Gender and Equality Commission. 33p.

Periodical articleOlaleye, Yemisi L. (2014)
Cultural planning and community-based organisations on project development among rural-urban dwellers in Oyo State, Nigeria
African Notes: Bulletin of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. Volume 38 #1. p. 49-57.

BookRépublique du Mali. Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Direction nationale de l'hydraulique, Bamako (2014)
See this publicationGuide méthodologique des projets d'alimentation en eau potable en milieux rural, semi-urbain et urbain pour les collectivités territoriales: version finale
Bamako: Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Direction nationale de l'hydraulique. 181p.

Dissertation / thesisShut, Thomas Tanko (2014)
See this publicationAn evaluation of the strategies of rural development programmes in Plateau State 1999-2010
Jos: University of Jos. 179p.

BookUnited Nations Development Programme, Kenya (2014)
See this publicationJourney to resilience: disaster risk reduction projects in Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: UNDP Kenya. 39p.

Periodical articleBattersby, Jane; Marshak, Maya (2013)
Growing communities: integrating the social and economic benefits of urban agriculture in Cape Town
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 24 #4. p. 447-461.

BookCasey, Katherine; Glennerster, Rachel; Miguel, Edward (2013)
See this publicationThe GoBifo project evaluation report: assessing the impacts of community-driven development in Sierra Leone
New Delhi: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. Impact evaluation report #3. 50p.

BookDietz, Ton (2013)
See this publicationThe PADEV story: PADEV 2007-2013 end-of-project report
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. ASC occasional publications #16. 28p.

Periodical articleEnglebert, Pierre; Tull, Denis (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationRépublique démocratique du Congo: terrains disputés
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #129. p. 5-133.

Periodical articleFerreira Couto, Carlos (2013)
See this publicationPeasants, the state and aid: rural development and poverty in Cape Verde
Abstract presentModern Africa: Politics, History and Society. Volume 1 #2. p. 87-109.

BookFoundation for Civil Society, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (2013)
See this publication10 years, 10 achievements 2003-2013
Dar es Salaam: Foundation for Civil Society. 99p.

BookItoua, Patrice (2013)
La Banque mondiale et la CEMAC: un partenariat pour l'aide au développement de la sous-région
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 270p.

Periodical articleJones, Ben (2013)
See this publicationThe making of meaning: churches, development projects and violence in eastern Uganda
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 43 #1. p. 74-95.

BookLambrecht, Stef; Lihoussou, Segla (2013)
See this publicationRevue des expériences en matière de gouvernance locale des services publics d'eau et d'assainissement
Gent: Protos. 86p.

BookMaina, John Githaiga (2013)
See this publicationMainstreaming sustainable land management in agropastoral production systems of Kenya: Dadaab district baseline survey report
Nairobi?: United Nations Development Programme. 60p.

BookMaina, John Githaiga (2013)
See this publicationMainstreaming sustainable land management in agropastoral production systems of Kenya: Narok project target area baseline survey report
Nairobi?: United Nations Development Programme. 84p.

BookMaina, John Githaiga (2013)
See this publicationMainstreaming sustainable land management in agropastoral production systems of Kenya: Mbeere North Baseline survey report
Nairobi?: United Nations Development Programme. 85p.

Periodical articleMarabello, Selenia (2013)
See this publicationTranslating and acting diaspora: looking through the lens of a co-development project between Italy and Ghana
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 72 #2. p. 207-227.

BookNalwendela, Vincent; Msangi, Mwanaidi (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationSuccess stories: A highlight of achievements made by Civil Society Organisations supported by the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) in 2011/2012
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Foundation for Civil Society (FCS). 111p.

BookOumarou, Hamani (2013)
See this publicationLes pratiques familiales essentielles (PFE) au Niger: socio-anthropologie d'une intervention à base communautaire
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #104. 137p.

BookRoba, Guyo Malicha (2013)
See this publicationIndigenous institutions and knowledge in natural resource management in project pilot districts of Mbeere-north, Kyuso, Narok-north and Dadaab: final report on documentation of indigenous institutions
Nairobi?: United Nations Development Programme. 42p.

BookUnited Nations Development Programme (2013)
See this publicationCombating desertification in Kenya: emerging lessons from empowering local communities
Nairobi: United Nations Development Programme. 43p.

Periodical articleWelsh, Marc (2013)
See this publicationRepositioning the Shire Valley Project: a retrospective (part 1)
Abstract presentThe Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 66 #2. p. 51-60.

Periodical articleAkanle, Olayinka; Olutayo, A.O. (2012)
Women's rights as the missing link in poverty eradication in Nigeria
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #1. p. 227-241.

BookAmbassade des Pays-Bas (2012)
See this publicationProgramme pluriannuel d'appui au secteur de l'eau et de l'assainissement phase II 2013 - 2016 (PPEA-II): document de programme
Cotonou: Ambassade des Pays-Bas. 170p.

DVD / videoDahrendorf, Sibylle; Schlingensief, Christoph (eds.) (2012)
See this publicationKnistern der Zeit: Christoph Schlingensief und sein Operndorf in Burkina Faso
Abstract presentBerlin: Filmgalerie 451.

BookDikeni, Leslie (2012)
South African development perspectives in question: the conflicting nature of people, environment and development
Johannesburg: Real African Publishers. 159p.

Periodical articleDordain, Dominique; Mogenet, Luc (2012)
Le paradigme de l'aide projet fait de la résistance: de la dépendance à la réappropriation
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #241. p. 13-27.

Periodical articleIgbokwe-Ibeto, Chinyeaka Justine (2012)
Issues and challenges in local government project monitoring and evaluation in Nigeria: the way forward
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #79. p. 23-35.

BookMaina, John Githaiga (2012)
See this publicationMainstreaming sustainable land management in agropastoral production systems of Kenya: Kyuso and Mulangoni Baseline survey report
Nairobi?: United Nations Development Programme. 93p.

Periodical articleOlaniyan, Olanrewaju; Folawewo, Abiodun O.; Olofin, Sam O. (2012)
Determinants of grassroots' influence in development programmes in Sub-Saharan African
Abstract presentIbadan journal of the social sciences. Volume 10 #2. p. 76-87.

BookCoulter, George W. (2011)
Africa in transition: the journey from traditional to modern Africa
Brighton: Book Guild. 318p.

Periodical articleLavigne Delville, Philippe (2011)
Pour une anthropologie symétrique entre 'développeurs' et 'développés'
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 51 #202-203. p. 491-509.

BookMinistry of Water, Environment, Land and Urban Planning, Bujumbara (2011)
See this publicationResettlement policy framework and and process framework for Lake Victoria environmental management project phase II
Bujumbara: Republic of Burundi; Ministry of Water, Environment, Land and Urban Planning. 40p.

BookMinistère de l'eau, de l'environnement, de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme (2011)
See this publicationProjet de gestion environnementale du Bassin du Lac Victoria, 2ème Phase (LVEMP II): cadre de participation des groupes vulnérables dans le projet
Bujumbara: Ministère de l'eau, de l'environnement, de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. 12p.

BookPorter, Doug; Allen, Bryant; Thompson, Gaye (2011)
Development in practice: paved with good intentions
Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge revivals. 247p.

Periodical articleBishop, Carly; Hilhorst, Dorothea (2010)
See this publicationFrom food aid to food security: the case of the Safety Net policy in Ethiopia
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 48 #2. p. 181-202.

BookBradbury, Mark; Kleinman, Michael (2010)
See this publicationWinning hearts and minds? Examining the relationship between aid and security in Kenya
Medford, MA: Feinstein International Center, Tufts University. 76p.

Periodical articleD'Haese, Luc (2010)
'Empowerment for Food Security Project' (EFSP) in KwaZulu-Natal: kwetsbaarheidsanalyse en voedselzekerheidsindicatoren
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 56 #4. p. 457-472.

Periodical articleNgueko, Raoul Bruno; Kouokam, Roger; Ngouwouo Younchawou, Maxime (2010)
Impacts socioéconomiques de l'implication des pygmées Baka du grand Djoum dans la commercialisation des PFNL
Enjeux: bulletin d'analyses géopolitiques pour l'Afrique centrale. #44. p. 20-25.

Periodical articleVan der Waldt, Gerrit (2010)
See this publicationProject governance: a municipal leadership challenge
Abstract presentPolitikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 37 #2-3. p. 251-268.

BookWeima, Henny (2010)
See this publicationMbankana revisited: een pleidooi voor kleinschaligheid en duurzaamheid!
Amsterdam. 19p.

BookSangreman, Carlos; Oliveira, Ana Filipa (eds.) (201*)
Os actores não governamentais na Avaliação exemplos práticos em Moçambique e Guiné-Bissau
Lisboa: Edição Centro de estudos africanos. 211p.

Dissertation / thesisAkker, Marlous van den (2009)
See this publicationSamen door het landschap: verwarring en cooperatie rond een decentralisatieprojekt in Narena, Mali

BookHomolle, Patrick (2009)
D'une rive à l'autre: associations villageoises et développement dans la région de Kayes au Mali
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection anthropologie critique. 277p.

Periodical articleJauze, Jean-Michel (2009)
Integrated Resort Scheme (IRS): nouveau souffle pour l'économie mauricienne ou enclaves dorées pour résidents fortunés?
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 62 #245. p. 75-94.

Periodical articleMiescher, Stephan F.; Tsikata, Dzodzi (2009)
Hydro-power and the promise of modernity and development in Ghana: comparing the Akosombo and Bui Dam projects
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 12-13. p. 15-53.

Periodical articleMubiala, Mutoy (2009)
L'action en faveur du développement pour la défense des droits de l'homme
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 63 #3. p. 628-637.

Periodical articleStamm, Volker (2009)
See this publicationSocial research and development policy: two approaches to West African land-tenure problems
Abstract presentAfrica Spectrum. Volume 44 #2. p. 29-52.

Periodical articleAsiedu, Alex B.; Labi, Kwame A.; Osei-Tutu, Brempong (2008)
See this publicationAn Asanteman-World Bank heritage development initiative in promoting partnership with Ghanaian traditional leaders
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 55 #4. p. 3-26.

BookDiop, Djibril (2008)
L'engagement associatif à travers les associations villageoises de développement: une alternative pour le développement local, l'exemple du 'projet Eau' de Bokidiawé
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 160p.

Periodical issueMiller, Darlene; Oloyede, Olajide; Saunders, Richard (eds.) (2008)
See this publicationSpecial issue: South Africa in Africa - African perceptions, African realities
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 12 #1. 141p.

BookMohamadou, Abdoulaye; Moha, Mahaman (2008)
See this publicationLes communes du canton de Birnin Lallé (3): observatoire de la décentralisation au Niger (enquêtes de suivi 2007)
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #72. 41p.

Periodical articleMuñoz, José-María (2008)
Au nom du développement: ethnicité, autochtonie et promotion du secteur privé au Nord Cameroun
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #112. p. 67-85.

Periodical articleMwangi, Oscar Gakuo (2008)
See this publicationEnvironmental change and human security in Lesotho: the role of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project in environmental degradation
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 17 #3. p. 58-70.

Periodical articleNthomang, Keitseope (2008)
Botswana's Remote Area Development programme (RADP) and the challenge of sustainable service delivery to San communities: the case for a cultural development (CD) approach
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 23 #1. p. 37-60.

Periodical articleRamaili, Lisema Gladys; Cloete, Fanie (2008)
The role of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project in poverty alleviation in Lesotho
Africa Insight. Volume 37 #4. p. 117-136.

Dissertation / thesisZougouri, Sita (2008)
Derrière la vitrine du développement: aménagement forestier et pouvoir local au Burkina Faso
Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. Uppsala studies in cultural anthropology #44. 274p.

Dissertation / thesisBreen, Mary B. (2007)
Gender and participation in practice: development lessons from Northern Ghana
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 159p.

BookDias, Sabrina Maria (2007)
Facilitating local women's participation in planning large-scale mining projects: case study of QIT Madagascar Minerals S.A.
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 241p.

BookKontinen, Tiina (2007)
Learning challenges of NGOs in development: co-operation of Finnish NGOs in Morogoro, Tanzania
Helsinki: Department of Education, University of Helsinki. 266p.

Dissertation / thesisMaurice, Stephane (2007)
Self-organization and cross-scale interactions in integrated development and conservation projects: a comparative study of Honey Care Africa's beekeeping projects in Kakamega district and Kwale district, Kenya
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 217p.

Dissertation / thesisOnyema, Isaac N. (2007)
Assessing the impact of World Bank funded water projects in selected rural communities of Nigeria: a survey analysis of resident perspectives
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 105p.

Dissertation / thesisSaxby, Karen Ann (2007)
Changing with the times: how women's entrepreneurship is making a difference in Ghana
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 156p.

Periodical articleHochet, Peter (2006)
La 'bonne gouvernance' à l'épreuve des contextes locaux: un projet de gestion participative des ressources pastorales au Mali
Abstract presentAutrepart. #37. p. 111-127.

Periodical articleMkandawire, Thandika (2006)
See this publicationGlobal funds: lessons from a not-too-distant past?
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 31 #4. p. 1-21.

BookPeretu, Benedicta Tariere (2006)
Les Africaines dans le développement: le rôle des femmes au Nigeria
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 244p.

Dissertation / thesisBraun, Yvonne Alexandra (2005)
See this publicationFeminist Political Ecology in Practice: The Social Impacts of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project
Ph.D. dissertation: University of California, Irvine, California. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 213p.

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