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Search: su=drinking water | ||||||||
Found: 69 | Record 1-69 |
Bargach, Jamila (2020) | |
Fog in Seven Movements: Connecting Anti-Atlas Villages to Fog Water | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #4. p. 293-318. |
Bisung, Elijah (ed.) (2016) | |
One community's journey to lobby for water in an environment of privatized water: is Usoma too poor for the pro-poor program? | |
African Geographical Review. Volume 35 #1. p. 70-82. |
Kleynhans, Evert (2016) | |
A critical analysis of the impact of water on the South African campaign in German South West Africa, 1914-1915 | |
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 61 #2. p. 29-53. |
Vondolia, Godwin K.; Asenso-Boadi, Francis Mensah (2016) | |
Private sector participation in the provision of quality drinking water in urban areas of Ghana: what do households want and can afford? | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 84 #2. p. 245-259. |
Martial, Mumba Kakudji (2014) | |
La préparation d'un code de l'eau: une solution a l'approvisionnement en eau potable de la RDC: (cas de la ville de Lubumbashi) | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 1 #1. p. 109-126. |
République du Mali. Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Direction nationale de l'hydraulique, Bamako (2014) | |
Guide méthodologique des projets d'alimentation en eau potable en milieux rural, semi-urbain et urbain pour les collectivités territoriales: version finale | |
Bamako: Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Direction nationale de l'hydraulique. 181p. |
Asenso-Boadi, Francis Mensah; Vondolia, Godwin K. (2013) | |
A private sector participation in the provision of quality drinking water in Ghana's urban areas: are people willing to pay? | |
Nairobi: African Economic Research Consortium. AERC research paper #262. 48p. |
Eguavoen, Irit (2013) | |
Far from basic rules: social dynamics, legal regulations and access to household water in Northern Ghana, 1965-2012 | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 47 #3. p. 483-500. |
Jackson, Ken (2013) | |
Diversity and the distribution of public goods in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 22 #3. p. 437-462. |
Lambrecht, Stef; Lihoussou, Segla (2013) | |
Revue des expériences en matière de gouvernance locale des services publics d'eau et d'assainissement | |
Gent: Protos. 86p. |
Matengu, Kenneth (2013) | |
Towards improving rural water supply and sanitation coverage in Caprivi, North-east Namibia | |
Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 2 #1. p. 21-33. |
Mkondiwa, Maxwell; Jumbe, Charles B.L.; Wiyo, Kenneth A. (2013) | |
Poverty-lack of access to adequate safe water nexus: evidence from rural Malawi | |
African Development Review. Volume 25 #4. p. 537-550. |
Zibi, Joséphine (2013) | |
Le village africain à l'école de l'eau: clefs pour une ingénierie sociale et culturelle du développement | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 270p. |
Ambassade des Pays-Bas (2012) | |
Programme pluriannuel d'appui au secteur de l'eau et de l'assainissement phase II 2013 - 2016 (PPEA-II): document de programme | |
Cotonou: Ambassade des Pays-Bas. 170p. |
Bomfie, Edmond Mokuinema (2012) | |
Géopolitique de l'eau et gouvernance en Province orientale: République démocratique du Congo | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Géopolitique mondiale. 100p. |
Karuaihe, Selma; Wandschneider, Philip; Yoder, Jonathan (2012) | |
Water bill estimation when price is cryptic: experience from Windhoek, Namibia | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 80 #2. p. 264-286. |
Levison, Morgan (ed.) (2012) | |
Using mixed methods to visualize the water-health nexus: identifying problems, searching for solutions | |
African Geographical Review. Volume 31 #2. p. 183-199. |
Ngomuo, A.; Msoka, A. (2012) | |
Effects of water scarcity on women in pastoral areas: a case study of Melela Ward in Mvomero District - Morogoro, Tanzania | |
Utafiti. Volume 9 #1. p. 99-110. |
Annandale, Elrista; Nealer, Eric (2011) | |
Exploring aspects of the water history of the Potchefstroom region and the local management of it | |
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #62. p. 111-124. |
Ethiopian Economic Association (2011) | |
Research report on spatial equity in the provision on WaSH services: evidence from selected area-based case studies | |
Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Economic Association. 117p. |
Ikuesan, Oladeji (2011) | |
Call for healthy drinking water in Ilaje, Nigeria: sustainable technology is the key | |
Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. 45p. |
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin (2011) | |
Ill health unleashed? Cities and municipal services in Ghana | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 38 #127. p. 43-60. |
Pereira, Álvaro (2011) | |
Água em Angola: a insustentável fraqueza do sistema institucional | |
Revista angolana de sociologia: RAS. #8. p. 63-85. |
Tewari, Devi Datt (2011) | |
Spawning economic development through enforcement of justiciable human right to water in South Africa | |
Ghana Journal of Development Studies. Volume 8 #1. p. 90-111. |
Arku, Frank S.; Arku, Cynthia (2010) | |
I cannot drink water on an empty stomach: a gender perspective on living with drought | |
Gender and Development. Volume 18 #1. March. p. 115-124. |
Hoang-Gia, Luc; Fugelsnes, Thomas (2010) | |
Public-private partnerships for small piped water schemes: a review of progress in seven African countries: serving the rural and small town poor | |
Nairobi: Water and Sanitation Program - African Region. 24p. |
Keener, Sarah; Luengo, Manuel; Banerjee, Sudeshna (2010) | |
Provision of water to the poor in Africa: experience with water standposts and the informal water sector | |
Washington, DC: World Bank. Policy research working papers #5387. 63p. |
Ofouémé-Berton, Yolande (2010) | |
L'approvisionnement en eau des populations rurales au Congo-Brazzaville | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 63 #249. p. 7-29. |
Programme d'eau potable et d'assainissement du millénaire (PEPAM) (2010) | |
Revue annuelle conjointe 2010: rapport de synthèse des travaux | |
Dakar: Ministère de l'urbanisme, de l'habitat, de la construction et de l'hydraulique. 54p. |
The World Bank. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington, DC (2010) | |
Gender and governance in rural services: insights from India, Ghana, and Ethiopia | |
Washington, DC: World Bank. Agriculture and rural development. |
Valentin, Manuel (2010) | |
Bouteilles et sachets en plastique: pratiques et impacts des modes de consommation d'eau à boire au Sénégal | |
Autrepart. #55. p. 57-70. |
Ainuson, Kweku G. (2009) | |
Urban water politics and water security in disadvantaged urban communities in Ghana | |
African Studies Quarterly. Volume 11 #4. p. 59-82. |
Manu, Kwabena Sarpong (2009) | |
Africa regional paper: bridging divides in Africa's water security, an agenda to implement existing political commitments | |
Abidjan: African Development Bank. 67p. |
McCaskie, Tom C. (2009) | |
'Water wars' in Kumasi, Ghana | |
In: African cities: competing claims on urban spaces. p. 135-155. |
Odoi, F.N.A.; Afutu, M.K.; Lamptey, S. (2009) | |
Effect of different salinity levels in drinking water on growth of broiler chickens | |
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 42 #1-2. p. 9-13. |
Stewart, Amy Eleanor (2009) | |
The governance of water and sanitation in Africa: achieving sustainable development through partnerships | |
London: Tauris Academic Studies. International library of African studies #27. 286p. |
Touré, Malal (ed.) (2009) | |
Mobilisation sociale et participation populaire autour d'un projet d'accès à l'eau, à l'assainissement et à la santé: Cas de Malika et Keur Massar (Ville de Pikine) | |
Dakar: Enda Éditions. Etudes et recherches #276. 90p. |
Amoah, C.M.; Adiku, S.G.K.; Owusu, E.O. (eds.) (2008) | |
New developments on health, agricultural resources and socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin | |
Accra: Volta Basin Research Project, University of Ghana. 161p. |
Hilhorst, Thea; Adjinacou, Cyriaque (2008) | |
L'approche sectorielle peut-elle renforcer les instances locales? Le secteur eau au Bénin | |
Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, KIT Development, Policy and Practice. Bulletin ... #382. 55p. |
Lopa Dufrenot, Micheline (2008) | |
L'accès à l'eau saine: un droit humain au Burkina Faso | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 183p. |
Pelig-Ba, K.B. (2008) | |
Iodine in drinking water in the Northern Region of Ghana: its relationship to iodine deficiency disorders | |
Ghana Journal of Development Studies. #1. May. p. 109-125. |
Hemson, David (2007) | |
The burden of care: water, health and gender in the Dolphin Coast concession | |
Urban Forum. Volume 18 #3. p. 211-225. |
Mba, Chuks J.; Kwankye, Stephen O. (eds.) (2007) | |
Population, health and development in Ghana: attaining the millenium development goals | |
Legon: Sub-Saharan Publishers. 190p. |
Ministère des mines, de l'énergie et de l'eau (MMEE). Comité de pilotage de la stratégie de l'AEP en milieu urbain, Cotonou (2007) | |
Stratégie nationale de l'approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu urbain 2006-2015 | |
Cotonou: Ministère des mines, de l'énergie et de l'eau, Direction générale de l'eau. 28p. |
Nwonwu, Francis O.C. (2007) | |
A review of Africa's performance on sustainable development from safe drinking water, improved sanitation and secure tenure perspectives | |
Africa Insight. Volume 37 #2. p. 197-214. |
Odoi, F.N.A.; Afutu, M.K.; Lamptey, S. (2007) | |
Effects of different salinity levels in drinking water on growth of broiler chickens | |
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 40 #1. p. 27-31. |
Onyema, Isaac N. (2007) | |
Assessing the impact of World Bank funded water projects in selected rural communities of Nigeria: a survey analysis of resident perspectives | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 105p. |
Shayo, N.B.; Chove, B.E.; Gidamis, A.B.; Ngoma, O.B. (2007) | |
The quality of water in small community supplies of Kingolwira village, Morogoro, Tanzania | |
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 9 #1. January. p. 56-60. |
Khedr, Ashraf Abdel-Hamid Mohamed (2006) | |
Socio-economic assessment of water supply in rural Egypt: (El-Gharbia governorate, Saft Torab case) | |
München: Universität der Bundeswehr. Institut für Wasserwesen. Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Wasserwesen, Hochschule der Bundeswehr München #94. 185p. |
Yussif, Adam Bawa (2006) | |
Water vending in Tamale: water scarcity and its domestic implications: a case study of impacts on care | |
Legon: Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. Studies in the culture of care #3. 60p. |
Abera K.; Ahmed A. (2005) | |
An overview of environmental health status in Ethiopia with particular emphasis to its organization, drinking water and sanitation: a literature survey | |
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 19 #2. p. 89-103. |
Edoh, D.; Atuora, P.; Ntow, W.; Ofori, J.; Biney, C. (2005) | |
Bacteriological and physico-chemical studies on hand-tied and sealed bagged water in Accra, Ghana | |
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 7 #2. p. 23-29. |
Egwari, L.O.; Iwuanyanwu, S.; Ojelabi, C.I.; Uzochukwu, O.; Effiok, W.W. (2005) | |
Bacteriology of sachet water sold in Lagos, Nigeria | |
East African Medical Journal. Volume 82 #5. May. p. 235-240. |
Miras, Claude de; Le Tellier, Julien (2005) | |
Gouvernance urbaine et accès à l'eau potable au Maroc: partenariat public-privé à Casablanca et Tanger-Tétouan | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 276p. |
Amoah, C.; Odamtten, G.T.; Longmatey, H. (2004) | |
Sensitivity of escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae and nine other bacterial species isolated from drinking water in the lower Volta basin to some commonly used antibiotics | |
Ghana Journal of Science. Volume 44. p. 47-57. |
Beauchamp, Stéphanie Dos Santos (2004) | |
La quête de l'eau en milieu urbain sahélien: l'accès et la perte de l'eau courante à Ouagadougou | |
African Population Studies. Volume 19 Supplement B. p. 275-303. |
Mengesha A.; Mamo W.; Baye G. (2004) | |
A survey of the bacteriological quality of drinking water in north Gondar | |
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 18 #2. p. 112-115. |
Ba, K. (ed.) (2003) | |
Republic of Mali: rural drinking water supply and sanitation programme: appraisal report | |
Abidjan: African Development Fund. 63p. |
Cowley, T.E.; Cunningham, P.L.; Joubert, D. (2003) | |
The drinking frequency of wing-tagged namaqua sandgrouse, Pterocles namaqua, at a Namib desert waterhole | |
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 51. p. 7-14. |
Mengesha A.; Abera K.; Mesganaw F. (2003) | |
Sustainability of drinking water supply projects in rural of north Gondar, Ethiopia | |
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 17 #3. December. p. 221-229. |
Strasburg, Tony (ed.) (2002) | |
Bread and water | |
Big World Cinema Production, 2002. |
Viland, Marie (2001) | |
Eau et santé: guide pratique pour les intervenants en milieu rural africain | |
Paris: Éditions du GRET. Collection études et travaux. 109p. |
Comité de pilotage Livre bleu Bénin (200*) | |
Livre bleu Bénin: l'eau, l'assainissement, la vie et le développement humain durable | |
Cotonou: PNE-Bénin. 101p. |
Uppeegadoo, A.; Choong Kwet Yive, N.S.; Gopaul, A.K. (1999) | |
Determination of trihalomethanes in drinking water in southern Mauritius | |
University of Mauritius Research Journal. Science and Technology. Volume 3. p. 109-114. |
Wekhe, S.N. (1995) | |
The efficacy of potassium permanganate medicated drinking water in the prevention and control of fowl typhoid disease | |
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 217-219. |
Malangu M. (1994) | |
Eau de consommation domestique au Shaba: considération et perspectives | |
Annales de la Faculté Polytechnique. Volume 4 #2. p. 98-116. |
Simango, C.; Dindiwe, J.; Rukure, G. (1992) | |
Bacterial contamination of food and household stored drinking water in a farmworker community in Zimbabwe | |
Central African Journal of Medicine. Volume 38 #4. April. p. 143-149. |
Biesbrouck, Karen; Guijt, Joost (1991) | |
Where has all the water gone? Environmental problems in and around Gawar and Gadala in the north of Cameroon | |
Leiden: Programme Environment and Development, Centre of Environmental Science, Leiden University. |
Tobayiwa, C.; Musiyambiri, M.; Mazorodze, O.; Sapahla, S. (1991) | |
Levels of nitrate in drinking water in two rural districts of Zimbabwe | |
Zimbabwe Science News. Volume 25 #10-12. October-December. p. 87-90. |
Search: su=drinking water | ||||||||
Found: 69 | Record 1-69 |
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