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Search: su=ethnic warfare
Found: 48 Record 1-48

Periodical articleKiondo, Emmanuel Y.; Kopoka, Peter A. (2018)
See this publicationRoot causes of intra-ethnic conflicts among agro-pastoralists Kuria of Tarime, Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 16 #2. p. 87-111.

BookOba, Gufu (2017)
Herder warfare in East Africa: a social and spatial history
Winwick: White Horse Press. 357p.

BookNasong'o, Shadrack Wanjala (ed.) (2015)
The roots of ethnic conflict in Africa: from grievance to violence
Abstract presentNew York City: Palgrave Macmillan. 208p.

BookOkello, Amos Onyango (2012)
See this publicationStructural underpinnings of the Kenya's election violence: an analysis of Tethno-political conflicts
Abstract presentNairobi: African Leadership Centre. African Leadership Centre Monographs #25. 49p.

BookOki, Andrew Eseimokumo (2012)
Bonfires of the gods: a novel
Owerri, Imo State: Griots Lounge. 227p.

BookSafunu, Banchani John-Paul (2012)
See this publicationDo grassroots approaches and mobilization for development contribute to post-conflict peacebuilding? The experience of Northern Ghana
Abstract presentNairobi: African Leadership Centre. African Leadership Centre Monographs #26. 47p.

Periodical articleBolak Funteh, Mark (2011)
Traditions of magic, warfare and peace in the Cameroon Grassfields
Kaliao: revue pluridisciplinaire de l'École Normale Supérieure de Maroua (Cameroun), Série lettres et sciences humaines. Volume 3 #5. p. 71-89.

BookAboagye, Festus Boahen (2010)
Indigenous African warfare: its concept and art in the Gold Coast, Asante and the Northern Territories up to early 1900s
Pretoria: Ulinzi Africa Publishing Solutions. 539p.

Periodical articleSagawa, Toru (2010)
See this publicationWar experiences and self-determination of the Daasanach in the conflict-ridden area of Northeastern Africa
Nilo-Ethiopian Studies. #14. p. 19-37.

Periodical articleAdu-Boahen, Kwabena (2008)
Military capability and interstate warfare in eighteenth-century Ghana: reinterpreting the Asante triumph in the 1722-23 Bono war
Drumspeak: international journal of research in the humanities. Volume 1 #1. p. 44-78.

Periodical articleKröger, Franz (2008)
Raids and refuge: the Bulsa in Babatu's slave wars
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 24 #2. p. 25-38.

Periodical articleOjo, Olatunji (2008)
See this publicationBeyond diversity: women, scarification, and Yoruba identity
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 35. p. 347-374.

Periodical articleFisch, Maria (2007)
The Tawana's military campaign into Kavango
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 55. p. 109-131.

Periodical articleWright, John (2007)
Beyond the 'Zulu aftermath': migrations, identities, histories
Abstract presentJournal of Natal and Zulu History. Volume 24-25. p. 1-36.

Periodical articleVircoulon, Thierry (2005)
L'Ituri ou la guerre au pluriel
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #215. p. 129-146.

Periodical articleVlassenroot, Koen; Raeymaekers, Timothy (2004)
See this publicationThe Politics of Rebellion and Intervention in Ituri: The Emergence of a New Political Complex?
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 103 #412. July. p. 385-412.

Dissertation / thesisInnes, Michael Alexander (2003)
Conflict radio and ethnic warfare in Liberia: 1980-1997
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertion Services. 114p.

Periodical articleNärman, Anders (2003)
See this publicationKaramoja: Is Peace Possible?
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 30 #95. March. p. 129-133.

Periodical articlePul, Hippolyt A.S. (2003)
See this publicationExclusion, Association and Violence: Trends and Triggers in Northern Ghana's Konkomba-Dagomba Wars
Abstract presentAfrican Anthropologist. Volume 10 #1. March. p. 39-82.

Periodical articleKwarteng, Kwame Osei (2002)
See this publicationThe Asante Conquest of Ahafo in the 18th Century: A Historical Legacy
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #6. p. 59-66.

Periodical articleKnighton, Ben (2001)
See this publicationForgiveness or disengagement in a traditional African cycle of revenge
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 30 #1. p. 18-32.

Periodical articleBrukum, N.J.K. (2000-2001)
See this publicationEthnic conflict in Northern Ghana, 1980-1999: an appraisal
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #4-5. p. 131-147.

Periodical articleHavenne, Émile (2000)
La deuxième guerre d'Afrique centrale
Abstract presentL'Afrique des Grands Lacs. p. 143-174.

Periodical articleVansina, Jan (2000)
Du nouveau sur la conquête lunda au Kwango
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 40 #341. janvier. p. 45-58.

Periodical articleMusambayi, Katumanga (1998)
0,4º au nord de l'équateur: une souveraineté à l'abandon
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #70. p. 22-31.

Periodical articleBogner, Artur (1996)
Der Bürgerkrieg in Nordghana 1994: die Genese und Eskalation eines 'tribalistischen' Konflikts
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 31 #2. p. 161-183.

Periodical articleMeillassoux, Claude (1994)
See this publicationGloires oubliées et mémoires reconstruites: les guerres de Gumbu du Sahel (Mali)
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 49 #1. p. 1-20.

Periodical articleJones, Adam (1993)
See this publication'My Arse for Okou'. A Wartime Ritual of Women on the Nineteenth Century Gold Coast
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 33 #132. p. 545-566.

Periodical articleEmordi, E.C. (1992)
Strategies and tactics in pre-colonial Igbo warfare: the Ubulu-Uku example in Aya-Idu of 1750
Abstract presentAfrican Notes: Bulletin of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. Volume 16 #1-2. p. 44-55.

Periodical articleOkazaki, Akira (1992)
See this publicationThe Gamk Anti-'Dingi' Ritual: The Imagination of Power among a 'Pre-Nilotic' People
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 22 #1. February. p. 66-77.

Periodical articlePilaszewicz, S. (1991)
The Zabarma conquests on the Gold Coast and in Upper Volta: studies on Hausa manuscript no. 98017
Abstract presentAfricana Bulletin. #37. p. 7-18.

Periodical articleZewde, Bahru (1990)
See this publication'Twixt Sirdar and Emperor: The Anuak in Ethio-Sudanese Relations 1902-1935
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 12 #1. p. 79-93.

Book chapterChristiansson, Carl; Tobisson, Eva (1989)
Environmental degradation as a consequence of socio-political conflict in Eastern Mara Region, Tanzania
Abstract presentIn: Ecology and politics: environmental stress and security in Africa. p. 51-66.

Periodical articleGump, James (1989)
See this publicationEcological Change and Pre-Shakan State Formation
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 18. p. 57-71.

BookSpittler, Gerd (1989)
Dürren, Krieg und Hungerkrisen bei den Kel Ewey (1900-1985)
Abstract presentStuttgart: Steiner. Studien zur Kulturkunde #89.

Periodical articleEsoavelomandroso, Manassé (1986)
L'insécurité dans la province bara du 'royaume de Madagascar' (1888-1895)
Abstract presentOmaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #23-24. p. 229-237.

Periodical articleRasamoelina, H. (1986)
Razzias et brigandage sur les confins du Betsileo au milieu du 19e siècle
Abstract presentOmaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #23-24. p. 217-227.

Periodical articleSkalnik, P. (1986)
Nanumba chieftaincy facing the Ghanaian state and Konkomba 'tribesmen': an interpretation of the Nanumba-Konkomba war of 1981
Abstract presentLes cahiers du CEDAF. #2. p. 89-109.

Periodical articleSkalnik, Peter (1985)
Chieftaincy en staat: de lange geschiedenis van het Nanumba-Konkomba conflict
Abstract presentGhana nieuwsbrief. #17. p. 4-22.

Periodical articleCros, Michèle; Dory, Daniel (1984)
Pour une approche écologique des guerres lobi
Abstract presentCultures et développement. Volume 16 #3-4. p. 465-484.

Periodical articleIjoma, J. Okoro (1983)
War and diplomacy in Igboland West of the Niger in the pre-colonial period
Abstract presentNigeria Magazine. #145. p. 10-15.

Book chapterLatour, E.P. de (1982)
La paix destructrice
Abstract presentIn: Guerres de lignages et guerres d'États en Afrique / textes rassemblés et présentés par J. Bazin et E. Terray. p. 235-267.

Book chapterOlivier de Sardan, J.P. (1982)
Le cheval et l'Arc
Abstract presentIn: Guerres de lignages et guerres d'Etats en Afrique; textes rassemblés et présentés / par J. Bazin et E. Terray. p. 189-234.

Periodical articleBaxter, P.T.W. (1979)
Boran Age-Sets and Warfare
Abstract presentSenri Ethnological Studies. #3. p. 69-95.

Periodical articleFukui, Katsuyoshi (1979)
Cattle Colour Symbolism and Inter-Tribal Homicide among the Bodi
Abstract presentSenri Ethnological Studies. #3. p. 147-177.

Periodical articleJacobs, Alan H. (1979)
Maasai Inter-Tribal Relations: Belligerent Herdsmen or Peaceable Pastoralists?
Abstract presentSenri Ethnological Studies. #3. p. 33-52.

Periodical articleTodd, Dave M. (1979)
War and Peace between the Bodi and Dime of Southwestern Ethiopia
Abstract presentSenri Ethnological Studies. #3. p. 211-225.

Periodical articleTornay, Serge (1979)
Armed Conflicts in Lower Omo Valley, 1970-1976: An Analysis from within the Nyangatom Society
Abstract presentSenri Ethnological Studies. #3. p. 97-117.

Search: su=ethnic warfare
Found: 48 Record 1-48

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