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Search: su=forest management
Found: 180 First Previous Record 101-180

Dissertation / thesisMakana, Jean-Remy M. (2005)
Ecology and sustainable management of African mahoganies and other selected timber species in northeastern Congo Basin, Democratic Republic of Congo
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 215p.

Periodical articleOlajide, O.; Udofia, S.I.; Ikojo, H.A. (2005)
The imperatives of natural forest management in Nigeria
Journal of environment and culture. Volume 2 #1. p. 74-81.

Dissertation / thesisOuelmouhoub, Samir (2005)
Gestion multi-usage et conservation du patrimoine forestier: cas des subéraies du Parc national d'El Kala (Algérie)
Montpellier: Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes, Institut agronomique méditerranéen de Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAMM). Série 'Master of science' #78. 127p.

Dissertation / thesisPopp, Wossen Marion (2005)
Conflicting practices of environment construction in Bale, Ethiopia
Berlin: Weißensee Verlag. Berliner Beiträge zur Ethnologie #9. 213p.

Dissertation / thesisRabesahala Horning, Nadia (2005)
The limits of rules: when rules promote forest conservation and when they do not: insights from Bara country, Madagascar
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 289p.

BookBlower, John (2004)
Banagi hill: a game warden's Africa
Kinloss: Librario. 303p.

Periodical articleMala, William Armand; Oyono, Phil René (2004)
Some dimensions of local practices of natural resource management in the Central Africa region
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 20 #2. p. 23-31.

Periodical articleMalimbwi, R.E.; Munyanziza, E. (2004)
From local people to local people: forest management and policy in Tanzania over 100 years
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 7 #2. December. p. 101-108.

Periodical articleZewdie, Yihenew (2004)
See this publicationRoom for Manoeuvre: Local Organisations and Resource Tenure Administration in Highland Kafa, Southwest Ethiopia
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 20 #2. June. p. 31-58.

Periodical articleKakudidi, Esezah Kyomugisha (2003)
Crafts-making plants from in and around Kibale National Park, Western Uganda
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 49. December. p. 46-55.

Periodical articleKamgang, V.K.B.; Ekodeck, G.E.; Njilah, I.K. (2003)
Application of remote sensing to the study of forest/savanna contact in Kandara South-East Cameroon
Journal of Applied Social Sciences (Buea, Cameroon). Volume 3 #2. p. 46-65.

Periodical articleMusukwe, N.W.; Okorio, J.; Wilson, J. (2003)
Tree management for improved compatibility with other crops
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 285-292.

Periodical articleOkullo, J.B.L.; Obua, J.; Kaboggoza, J.R.S.; Aluma, J. (2003)
Traditional agroforestry systems, tree uses and management in Northern Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 8 #3. November. p. 5-12.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2002)
Managing forest resources: the Tanzania experience
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). February 28. p. 34-35.

BookBarrow, Edmund G.C. (ed.) (2002)
Analysis of stakeholder power and responsibilities in community involvement in forest management in eastern and southern Africa
Nairobi: IUCN Eastern Africa Regional Office. Publications on forest and social perspectives in conservation #9. 154p.

Periodical articleBurke, A. (2002)
Present vegetation in the Kavango region
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 50. p. 133-145.

Dissertation / thesisCoulibaly, Kantougoudiou (2002)
Les agriculteurs et le parc arboré dans le Moyen-Bani-Niger au Mali: contribution à l'analyse des pratiques et des techniques de gestion du parc arboré
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 202p.

Periodical articleEsegu, J.F.O.; Ndemere, P. (2002)
A century of forest management research in Uganda: 1898-1998
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 7-11.

Periodical articleGombya-Ssembajjwe, W.D.; Kaboggoza, J.R.S. (2002)
Management of open woodlands in Uganda: the effectiveness of the Forest Department of the Ministry of Lands, Water and Natural Resources
Mawazo. Volume 8 #1. June. p. 105-118.

Periodical articleGuveya, E.; Sukume, C. (2002)
See this publicationA goal programming model for planning management of Miombo woodlands
Zimbabwe Science News. Volume 36 #1-2. June. p. 42-50.

Dissertation / thesisRobertson, John (2002)
The evolving forestry context in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Boston Spa: British Thesis Service.

Periodical articleShah, W.P. (2002)
Mangroves in the middle
Ecoforum. Volume 25 #3. hot season. p. 34-35.

Periodical articleStiles, D. (2002)
The fate of the forests
Swara. Volume 25 #3. September-December. p. 49-51.

BookWoodcock, Kerry A. (2002)
Changing roles in natural forest management: stakeholders' roles in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania
Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited. Ashgate studies in environmental policy and practice. 188p.

Periodical articleTaye B.; Getachew B.; Elias T.; Matheos E.; Kumlachew Y. (2001-2002)
Regeneration status of moist Montane Forests of Ethiopia: consideration for conservation. Pt. 1: Boginda, Bonga, Masha-Anderacha and Yayu forests
Walia. #22. p. 45-62.

Periodical articleYonas Y. (2001-2002)
The 2001 draft forest policy within the Ethiopian agriculture policy: call for action
Walia. #22. p. 3-10.

Periodical articleChikuni, M.F.; Sambo, E.Y.; Dudley, C.O. (2001)
Causes of forest degradation in the Lake Chilwa catchment, Malawi
Malawi Journal of Science & Technology. Volume 6. August. p. 11-17.

Conference paperCollas de Chatelperron, Philippe (ed.) (2001)
Gestion durable des forêts au Cameroun: vers une foresterie responsable: contributions du projet forêts et terroirs: actes de l'atelier d'échanges 4-6 juillet 2000, Yaoundé, Cameroun
Abstract presentMontpellier: CIRAD. 164p.

Periodical articleDudley, C.O. (2001)
The influence of elephant browsing on colophospermum mopane woodland, Liwonde National Park, Malawi
Malawi Journal of Science & Technology. Volume 6. August. p. 19-34.

BookEstève, Jean (2001)
Étude sur le plan pratique d'aménagement des forêts naturelles de production tropicales africaines: application au cas de l'Afrique centrale: premier volet: production forestière
Paris: Association Technique iIternationale des Bois Tropicaux (ATIBT). 91p.

Periodical articleGombya-Ssembajjwe, W.S. (2001)
Assessing tropical moist forest conditions: the case of Mengo Forests
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 6 #1. January. p. 1-5.

BookHerzog, Florian (2001)
Analyse socio-économique d'un programme de reboisement: un exemple de la région d'Antsiranana au Nord de Madagascar
Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Begleitprogramm Tropenökologie (TÖB).

Periodical articleMarisela, P-M.; Horacio, V-M. (2001)
Potential agroforestry species identified in the Tamaulipan thornscrub of north-eastern Mexico
Agroforestry Today. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 14-15.

Periodical articleObua, J.; Muhanguzi, G.; Raussen, T. (2001)
On-farm tree planting and tree diversity in the Kigezi Highlands and Mabira Buffer Zones
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 6 #1. January. p. 7-12.

Periodical articleWallace, B.J. (2001)
Small-time operations: big-time loss: illegal logging in the northern Philippines
Agroforestry Today. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 16-18.

BookBahuchet, Serge (ed.) (2000)
Les peuples des forêts tropicales aujourd'hui
Bruxelles: APFT. 132p.

Dissertation / thesisBooijink, Marijke (2000)
'Wij zijn het die in het bos leven': een studie met behulp van de Participatieve Analyse en Planning-benadering naar de perceptie van de Bagyeli-pygmeeën van de toekomst van het tropisch regenwoud in relatie tot de commerciële houtkapindustrie

Periodical articleGerrits, A.; Gurung, B.D. (2000)
Managing forests together: community forestry in Nepal
Agroforestry Today. Volume 12 #1. p. 29-31.

Dissertation / thesisJanzen, Sjoerd Erik (2000)
Contractueel beheer van het Forêt Classée Goumel-Niandane, Senegal

Periodical articleKantai, P. (2000)
Conservation by decree
Ecoforum. Volume 24 #4. short rains. p. 17-20.

Periodical articleMashinini, V. (2000)
Managing common tree property resources in Lesotho: some considerations for sustainable development
NUL Journal of Research. Volume 8. p. 1-19.

Conference paperSadio, Syaka; Dione, Mamadou; Ngom, Melle Soukeyna (2000)
See this publicationRégion de Diourbel: gestion des ressources forestières et de l'arbre
Crewkerne: Drylands Research. Drylands Research working paper, Senegal series #17. 35p.

Periodical articleShah, W. (2000)
The rape of our forests
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 9-12.

Periodical articleGombya-Ssembajjwe, William (1999)
See this publicationInstitutions and sustainable forest management
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 45. August. p. 51-60.

Periodical articleHöft, R. (1999)
Community-based forest conservation in Kenya
Bulletin (UNESCO. Nairobi Office). Volume 34 #2. July-December. p. 20-21.

Periodical articleNewmark, W.D. (1999)
Ecological monitoring: its importance for the conservation of biological diversity in the Eastern Arc forests
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 29 #3. December. p. 4-6.

Periodical articleOsemeobo, G.J. (1999)
See this publicationConceptual issues in forestry management in Nigeria: lessons from the past
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 11 #3-4. December. p. 137-140.

Periodical articleRogo, L.; Lwande, W.; Miller, S.; Herren, H.; Chapya, A. (1999)
Kakamega Forest: an integrated conservation project
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 29 #3. December. p. 9-13.

Periodical articleRugumamu, W. (1999)
People, state and forests in West Usambara high canopy forests
Njiwa. Volume 7 #10. November. p. 16-18.

Periodical articleWarui, H.M. (1999)
Marsabit Forest: a key resource in need of protection by all stakeholders
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 29 #3. December. p. 13-15.

Periodical articleRugumamu, William (1998-2001)
See this publicationA forest resources co-management strategy for Tanzania: a study of West Usambara high canopy forests
Utafiti. Volume 4 #Special issue. p. 117-130.

Periodical articleBahati, J.B. (1998)
Logging, arboricide treatments and regeneration at Budongo Forest, Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 3 #1. September. p. 39-46.

Periodical articleFanshawe, J. (1998)
Arabuko-Sokoke: challenges and opportunities
NMK Horizons. #3. July. p. 13.

Periodical articleGordon, I.J. (1998)
Kipepeo Project wins international prize
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 28 #2. August. p. 5-7.

Periodical articleKigomo, B.N. (1998)
Morphological and growth characteristics in brachylaena huillensis (muhugu): some management considerations
Kenya Journal of Sciences. Series B, Biological Sciences. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 11-20.

Periodical articleWoodcock, K.A. (1998)
See this publicationChanging roles in natural forest management: a case study from the Udzungwa Mountains
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 87 #1-2. p. 349-357.

Periodical articleAruofor, R.O. (1997)
See this publicationA linear programming model of the forest sector of the Nigeria economy
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 9 #3-4. December. p. 227-233.

Periodical articleFlandez, M.S. (1997)
Aménagement des fôrets: l'expérience d'Ankeniheny
Akon'ny Ala. #20. avril. p. 23-38.

Periodical articlePetit, S.; De Foresta, H. (1997)
Precious wood from the agroforests of Sumatra: where timber provides a solid source of income
Agroforestry Today. Volume 9 #4. October-December. p. 18-20.

Periodical articleRakotomavo, A. (1996-1997)
Gestion durable des ressources végétales et développement: le cas du bassin versant du petit Jabo
Terroirs & ressources. #3. p. 43-52.

Periodical articleBerner, P.O. (1996)
Préparation d'un volet forestier au sein d'un projet de conservation et de développement intégré de la région et de Madagascar: le cas du complex des réserves de Marojejy et d'Anjanaharibe-Sud
Akon'ny Ala. #18. avril. p. 37-47.

Periodical articleGfeller, B. (1996)
La valorisation des forêts et du bois: une chance de l'avenir
Akon'ny Ala. #18. avril. p. 6-11.

Periodical articleSorg, J.P. (1996)
L'étude de la végétation: un outil au service de l'aménagement et de la gestion des ressources forestières à Madagascar
Akon'ny Ala. #18. avril. p. 26-36.

Periodical articleWambui, M. (1996)
Lessons from Nepal in community forest management
EcoNews Africa. Volume 5 #9. 2 May. p. 1-2, 5.

Periodical articleBlaser, J. (1995)
Où en sommes-nous en sylviculture tropicale? réflexions sur l'aménagement sylvicole en forêt tropicale humide
Akon'ny Ala. #17. September. p. 18-27.

Periodical articleMüller, U. (1995)
Conditions cadres et propositions d'un aménagement des forêts à Madagascar
Akon'ny Ala. #16. févr.. p. 39-51.

Periodical articleSoto Flandez, M. (1995)
La gestion des forêts naturelles malgaches
Akon'ny Ala. #16. févr.. p. 7-12.

Periodical articleVincelette, M. (1995)
Réflexions sur l'amenagement des forêts et des ressources naturelles
Akon'ny Ala. #16. févr.. p. 3-6.

Periodical articleRakotomavo, A. (1994-1995)
Dynamique spatio-temporelle: de la végétation des hautes-terres centrales malgaches
Terroirs & ressources. #2. p. 36-41.

Periodical articleBanana, A.Y.; Turiho-Habwe, T.G. (1994)
Potential for community-based forest resource management in Uganda: the case of non-gazetted forests of Hoima and Masindi Districts, western Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 2 #2. December. p. 71-75.

BookCameroun. Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts (1994)
Recueil de textes officiels relatifs à la gestion des forêts et de la faune au Cameroun = A compendium of official instruments on forest and wildlife management in Cameroun
Yaoundé: Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts. 185p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
L'industrie sucrière vole au secours de la Grosse Cateau Verte
Prosi. #293. juin. p. 22-27.

Periodical articleShah, A.S. (1993)
Forest management and conservation in Zanzibar
Splash. Volume 9 #3. September-December. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleAdegbehin, J.O.; Nokoe, S.; Okojie, J.A. (1991)
The versatility of the Gompertz and logistic functions as growth models in forestry
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 53-56.

Periodical articleKadzombe, E.D. (1991)
Use, conservation, and management of forest resources
Malawian Geographer. #29. October. p. 1-5.

Periodical articleCabalzar, G.P. (1990)
Opération sauvegarde et aménagement des forêts Côte Ouest. 1. phase, Connaissance du milieu
Akon'ny Ala. #5. avril. p. 14-21.

Periodical articlePankhurst, R. (1989)
Some notes on deforestation and afforestation in Ethiopia prior to World War I
Walia. #12. November. p. 10-20.

BookSkinner, J. (1988)
Towards better woodland management in the Sahelian Mali
London: Pastoral Development Network, Agricultural Administration Unit, Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Paper. 17p.

Periodical articleRazafimamonjy, D.; Guillerm, J.L. (1987)
Approche sur l'étude de la dynamique du 'savoka' dans la région de Ranomafana-Ifanadiana
Recherches pour le développement. Série sciences biologiques. #5. p. 7-18.

BookAalbersberg, Roel S. (1975)
Un problème 'glissant' en Khroumirie: une discussion sur les problèmes qui se posent autour de la lutte contre l'érosion et du regroupement agraire

Search: su=forest management
Found: 180 First Previous Record 101-180

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