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Search: su=health aid | ||||||||
Found: 32 | Record 1-32 |
Eboko, Fred (2015) | |
Repenser l'action publique en Afrique: du sida à la globalisation des politiques publiques | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 262p. |
Amin, Julius A. (2014) | |
Making sense of fifty years of U.S. Peace Corps service in Cameroon | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 47 #2. p. 319-338. |
Vidal, Laurent (ed.) (2014) | |
Le sida au Cameroun: nouvelles militances et societé civile | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Logiques sociales. 159p. |
Follér, Maj-Lis (2013) | |
Governing AIDS through aid to civil society: global solutions meet local problems in Mozambique | |
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 12 #1. p. 49-59. |
Lang, Michael Kpughe (2013) | |
International ecumenical community development aid in bad hands: the case of the Bu health centre project of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon | |
Lagos Historical Review. Volume 13. p. 107-128. |
Li, Anshan; April, Funeka Yazini (eds.) (2013) | |
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: the politics of human resource development | |
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 103p. |
Nnamuchi, Obiajulu; Ortuanya, Simon (2012) | |
The human right to health in Africa and its challenges: a critical analysis of Millennium Development Goal 8 | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #1. p. 178-198. |
Anshan, Li (2011) | |
Chinese medical cooperation in Africa: with special emphasis on the medical teams and anti-malaria campaign | |
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Discussion paper #52. 27p. |
Freeman, Charles W.; Boynton, Xiaoqing Lu; Bräutigam, Deborah (eds.) (2011) | |
China's emerging global health and foreign aid engagement in Africa: a report of the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies and the CSIS Global Health Policy Center | |
Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies. 51p. |
Gilbert, Hannah; Cunliffe, Alex (2011) | |
Non-governmental organisations and the management of HIV and AIDS in refugee camps: a comparison of Marratane Camp in Mozambique and Kakuma Camp in Kenya | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 29 #1. p. 63-81. |
Gastorn, Kennedy; Sippel, Harald; Wanitzek, Ulrike (eds.) (2010) | |
Justice and dignity for all: current issues of human rights in Tanzania | |
Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press. TGCL Series #1. 162p. |
Rodney, Patricia (2010) | |
Addressing the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and children in sub-Saharan Africa: PEPFAR, the U.S. strategy | |
Africa Today. Volume 57 #1. p. 65-76. |
Hermann, Judith (2009) | |
Du ministère des âmes au ministère des corps? L'encadrement des pratiques sexuelles par l'Église éthiopienne, entre sida et aide américaine | |
Autrepart. #49. p. 47-63. |
Johnson, Krista (2008) | |
Between self-help and dependence: donor funding and the fight against HIV/AIDS in South Africa | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 78 #4. p. 496-517. |
Ramos, Manuel João; Soares, Rodolfo (eds.) (2008) | |
Espírito de missão | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #15. 145p. |
Vachon, Marc; Bugingo, François (2008) | |
Rebel without borders: frontline mission in Africa and the Gulf | |
Toronto: ECW Press. 274p. |
Hammett, Daniel (2007) | |
Cuban Intervention in South African Health Care Service Provision | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 33 #1. March. p. 63-81. |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Kopenhagen. Evaluation Department (2007) | |
Joint external evaluation of the health sector in Tanzania, 1999-2006 | |
Copenhagen: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. 168p. |
Unumeri, Godwin O. (2007) | |
Development aid agencies and reproductive health care policies in Nigeria | |
Nigerian Journal of International Affairs. Volume 33 #1. p. 103-126. |
Carlson, Cindy; Roos, Janneke (2005) | |
Evaluation of health-related programmes of three co-financing agencies; a joint evaluation of the programmes of Cordaid, ICCO and Plan Netherlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal and Zambia in the period 2002-2004: synthesis report | |
London: HLSP Institute. CFP evaluation series 2003-2006 #3. 183p. |
Mwabu, Germano M. (ed.) (2004) | |
Improving health policy in Africa | |
Nairobi: University of Nairobi Press. 639p. |
Smith, Gayle (2004) | |
US aid to Africa | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 31 #102. p. 698-703. |
Lewis, Jeff (ed.) (2002) | |
Health, nutrition and population: Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Yemen: evaluation 1995-1999 | |
The Hague: Policy and Operations Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs host. IOB-evaluaties #288. |
Kerouedan, Dominique; Brunet-Jailly, Joseph (2001) | |
La France a-t-elle une stratégie de coopération en matière de santé avec l'Afrique et Madagascar? | |
L'Afrique politique. p. 165-180. |
Catlett, Marcus; Schuftan, Claudio (1994) | |
Lessons from Institution Building in Kenya | |
Public Administration and Development. Volume 14 #2. May. p. 153-168. |
Cliff, J. (1993) | |
Donor-dependence or donor control? The case of Mozambique | |
The Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 28 #3. p. 237-244. |
Grosch, Edmund (1991) | |
Der Kampf gegen die Lepra in Senegal: die Arbeit des Deutschen Aussätzigen-Hilfswerk e.V. (DAHW) in Afrika am Beispiel Senegals | |
Internationales Afrikaforum. Volume 27 #1. p. 91-98. |
Anonymous (1990) | |
Santé: coopération et développement industriel | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 46 #2343. p. 2773-2800. |
Dujardin, B. (1987) | |
Aide internationale: l'offre correspond-elle aux besoins? | |
Politique africaine. #28. p. 65-80. |
Pollock, M. (1987) | |
What help can the U.K. give? | |
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. Volume 33 #1. p. 13-17. |
Thebaud, Annie (1986) | |
Aid Games | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 13 #36. September. p. 43-49. |
Turshen, Meredeth (1985) | |
Medical Aid to Ethiopia, 1950-1970 | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 7 #1. p. 49-61. |
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