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Search: su=housing construction
Found: 47 Record 1-47

BookFrescura, Franco; Myeza, Joyce (2017)
Illustrated glossary of Southern African architectural terms: English-IsiZulu: an illustrated survey of historical terms appertaining to the indigenous, folk and colonial architectures of southern Africa
Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. UKZN bilingual glossary series. 220p.

Periodical articleAwanyo, Louis; McCarron, Michelle; Attua, Emmanuel Morgan (2016)
See this publicationAffordable housing options for all in a context of developing capitalism can housing transformations play a role in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana?
Abstract presentAfrican Geographical Review. Volume 35 #1. p. 35-52.

BookSilvester, Hans (2016)
Arles: Actes sud. 234p.

Periodical articleMarchand, Trevor H.J. (2014)
See this publicationFor the love of masonry: Djenné craftsmen in turbulent times
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 155-172.

Periodical articleSmiley, Sarah L. (2013)
See this publicationResearching housing, water, and sanitation in the British and Tanzania National Archives
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 40. p. 353-364.

Periodical articleKagochi, John M.; Kiambigi, Maina (2012)
See this publicationRemittances' influence on housing construction demand in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 24 #3. p. 255-265.

BookCassiman, Ann (2011)
Architectures of belonging: inhabiting worlds in rural West Africa
Abstract presentAntwerp: BAI Publishers. 213p.

BookRognard, Eugène (2011)
Paroisse du Tampon: histoire de la nouvelle église: 1907-1924
Sainte-Clotilde: Surya éditions. 209p.

BookDzeukou, Guy Blaise (2010)
Code de l'urbanisme, de la construction et de l'habitat
Bafoussam: Editions juridiques camerounaises. 691p.

Periodical articleTassou, André (2010)
Les modèles architecturaux des villes du Nord-Cameroun: 1960-2010
Abstract presentRio dos Camaroes: revue camerounaise d'histoire et des traditions. #1. p. 65-78.

BookWaite, Marilyn (2010)
Sustainable water resources in the built environment
London: IWA Publishing. 221p.

BookMarchand, Trevor H.J. (2009)
The masons of Djenné
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. African expressive cultures. 352p.

Periodical articleNdjio, Basile (2009)
See this publicationMigration, architecture, and the transformation of the landscape in the Bamileke Grassfields of West Cameroon
Abstract presentAfrican Diaspora: a Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World. Volume 2 #1. p. 73-100.

BookStatistics South Africa (2009)
See this publicationSelected building statistics of the private sector as reported by local government institutions, 2008
Pretoria: Statistics South Africa. Statistiese vrystelling. 188p.

Periodical articleShitara, Tomohiro (2008)
See this publicationConstruction methods and spatial formations of Italian colonial residences and divisional formations of Italian residential areas in Gondar, Ethiopia
Nilo-Ethiopian Studies. #12. p. 27-45.

Periodical articleTapela, Tshenesani Nigel (2007)
Managing tensions and forging creative synergies between indigenous and modern settlement planning concepts and practices: lessons for the design and planning for sustainable settlements and built-forms in Southern Africa
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 6 #2. p. 102-116.

Periodical articleBattesti, Vincent (2006)
De l'habitation aux pieds d'argile: les vicissitudes des matériaux et techniques de construction à Siwa (Égypte)
Journal des africanistes. Volume 76 #1. p. 165-185.

Periodical articleOueslati, Ameur (2006)
Les plages du littoral méditerranéen du Maroc entre Fnideq et M'diq: leur cadre géomorphologique et l'impact des aménagements sur leur évolution récente
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #37. p. 105-142.

BookInnes, Miranda (2005)
Cinnamon city
London: Bantam. 274p.

Dissertation / thesisLindberg, Luther Eric (2004)
Sustainable shelter in the desert: appropriate methods for Niger
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 94p.

Periodical articleTipple, A. Graham; Owusu, Stephen E.; Pritchard, Columbus (2004)
See this publicationUser-Initiated Extensions in Government-Built Estates in Ghana and Zimbabwe: Unconventional But Effective Housing Supply
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 51 #2. Winter. p. 79-105.

BookKalabamu, Faustin (2003)
Changing gender and institutional roles in self-help housing in Botswana: the case of Lobatse
Roma: Institute of Southern African studies (ISAS), National University of Lesotho (NUL). ISAS GRUPHEL research report series. Phase III #5. 126p.

Conference paperLarsson, Anita; Mapetla, Matseliso; Schlyter, Ann (eds.) (2003)
Gender and urban housing in Southern Africa: emerging issues
Abstract presentRoma, Lesotho: Institute of Southern African Studies, National University of Lesotho. 230p.

Dissertation / thesisNapier, Mark (2002)
Core housing, enablement and urban poverty: the consolidation paths of households living in two South African settlements
Boston Spa: British Library, British Thesis Service.

Periodical articleBaloi, M.D.L. (2001)
See this publicationArchaeology and Mud Wall Decay in the Bobirwa Area: An Ethnoarchaeological Study
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 15 #1. p. 46-59.

Periodical articleChana, T. (1999)
Affordable housing: the Kenyan experience
Habitat Debate. Volume 5 #2. p. 14-15.

Periodical articleRaymer, D. (1999)
Houses of straw
Ecoforum. Volume 23 #3. short rains. p. 19-22.

Periodical articleTipple, G. (1999)
Building homes to build local economies
Habitat Debate. Volume 5 #2. p. 12-13.

BookTait, John (1997)
From self-help housing to sustainable settlement: capitalist development and urban planning in Lusaka, Zambia
Aldershot: Avebury. The Making of Modern Africa. 377p.

Periodical articlePettang, Chrispin; Vermande, Paul; Zimmermann, Monique (1995)
L'impact du secteur informel dans la production de l'habitat au Cameroun
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 31 #4. p. 883-903.

Periodical articleLuís, A. (1994)
Construçao e aguas analisa seu trabalho
Tempo. #1237. 4 de set.. p. 10-13.

Periodical articlePavageau, C. (1992)
Les besoins augmentent, la construction sauvage aussi
Économie de la Réunion. #60. juillet-août. p. 2-7.

Periodical articleBiering, M. (1991)
Construction of mud houses, an alternative to the traditional methods of house construction
Journal of the Network of African Countries on Local Building Materials and Technologies. Volume 1 #4. September. p. 26-32.

Periodical articleHammond, A.A. (1991)
Housing in Africa, problems, prospects, and strategies
Journal of the Network of African Countries on Local Building Materials and Technologies. Volume 1 #4. September. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleKawamara, S. (1991)
Women Building Arm in Arm
Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #3. July-September. p. 3-5.

Periodical articleMacoloo, Gervase C. (1991)
See this publicationThe Transformation of the Production and Retail of Building Materials for Low-Income Housing in Mombasa, Kenya
Abstract presentDevelopment and Change. Volume 22 #3. July. p. 445-473.

Periodical articleMohamedbhai, G.T.G.; Chan Chim Yuk, C.W.; Baguant, B.K. (1991)
Use of calcarenite blocks in housing construction in Rodrigues
Journal of the Network of African Countries on Local Building Materials and Technologies. Volume 1 #4. September. p. 18-23.

Periodical articleBoyer, J.M.; Jacod, M. (1990)
La logement é la Réunion: aujourd'hui et demain. [Pt.2] Une amélioration rapide de l'habitat
Économie de la Réunion. #47. mai-juin. p. 13-23.

Periodical articleNdikumana, R. (1990)
D'ici dix ans, plus de paillotes
Grands lacs. #36. 1er trimestre. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleMutizwa-Mangiza, N.D. (1989)
Building brigades and urban low cost shelter provision in Zimbabwe: a case study of Marondera
Abstract presentReview of Rural and Urban Planning in Southern and Eastern Africa. #1. November. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleRaherisoanjato, D. (1988)
Le vala du pays betsileo (XVIIIe-XXe siècle)
Abstract presentOmaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #27. janvier-juin. p. 93-102.

BookTheunynck, Serge; Widmer, Nicolas (eds.) (1987)
Économie de la construction à Nouakchott
Abstract presentParis: Éditions L'Harmattan. Villes et entreprises. 224p.

Periodical articleSule, R.A. Olu (1982)
Housing Problems of Rural Population in Nigeria: A Study of Five Villages
Abstract presentRural Africana. Volume 14. Fall. p. 68-76.

Periodical articleKay, George (1973)
Rural House-Types and Settlements in Central Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of African Affairs. Volume 3 #2. p. 21-32.

Periodical articleHensens, J. (1970)
Enquête nationale sur l'habitat rural traditionnel au Maroc - été 1970
Abstract presentBulletin économique et social du Maroc. Volume 32 #118. p. 99-115.

Periodical articlePascon, P. (1968)
Types d'habitat et problèmes d'aménagement du territoire au Maroc
Abstract presentRevue de géographie du Maroc. #15. p. 85-101.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Building a house on the Niger: the Bozo tribe a river people of Mali
Abstract presentNew York: International Film Foundation.

Search: su=housing construction
Found: 47 Record 1-47

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