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Search: su=industrial development
Found: 394 First Previous Record 301-394

BookAnonymous (1972)
Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associés
Abstract presentBruxelles: Commission des Communautés Européennes. 80p.

BookAnonymous (1972)
Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associés
Abstract presentBruxelles: Commission des Communautés Européennes. 90p.

Periodical articleBarbour, K.M. (1972)
See this publicationIndustrialisation in West Africa: the need for sub-regional groupings within an integrated economic community
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 10 #3. p. 357-382.

Periodical articleDumbuya, M.B. (1972)
Social effects of industrialization and urbanization in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 3 #3. p. 54-72.

Periodical articleEl-Bushra, El-Sayed (1972)
The Development of Industry in Greater Khartoum, Sudan
Abstract presentEast African Geographical Review. #10. April. p. 27-50.

Periodical articleKillick, Tony (1972)
The state promotion of industry: the case of the Ghana industrial development corporation - part I
Abstract presentGhana Social Science Journal. Volume 2 #1. p. 27-49.

Periodical articleLacroix, Jean-Louis (1972)
Le rôle de l'industrie dans le développement économique général
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 12 #61. p. 5-26.

Periodical articleMonteiro, A.D.; Ojow, F.I. (1972)
Industrial strategy for east African community: retrospect and prospects
Abstract presentThe Uganda Economic Journal. Volume 1 #2. p. 201-213.

Periodical articleNgororano, A. (1972)
Uganda's industry sector: an appraisal of recent growth and the industrial strategy in plan III
Abstract presentThe Uganda Economic Journal. Volume 1 #2. p. 168-200.

Periodical articleOyelabi, J. Ade (1972)
Tariffs, domestic prices and industrial growth in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 14 #3. p. 275-299.

Periodical articlePower, John H. (1972)
The role of protection in industrialization policy with particular reference to Kenya
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 4 #1. p. 1-20.

Periodical articleRweyemamu, J.F. (1972)
A model of perverse capitalist industrial development
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 4 #1. p. 21-40.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1971)
Wirtschaftsplanung und Wirtschaftspolitik in Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. #3. p. 5-62.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1971)
Addis Ababa declaration on industrial development in Africa in the 1970s
Abstract presentKroniek van Afrika. #3. p. 197.

Periodical articleBureau, René (1971)
Le monde industriel vu par le jeune Africain: comment l'y preparer?
Abstract presentBulletin de liaison. #1. p. 19-23.

Periodical articleDorm-Adzobu, C. (1971)
The state and industrial development in Ghana
Abstract presentGhana Social Science Journal. Volume 1 #1. p. 108-115.

Periodical articleDu Plessis, M.A. (1971)
Grensgebied- en Tuislandontwikkeling: probleme en vooruitsigte
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 22 #3. p. 96-105.

Periodical articleEhrensaft, Ph. (1971)
See this publicationSemi-industrial capitalism in the third world: implications for social research in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 18 #1. p. 40-67.

Periodical articleFakhfakh, Mohamed (1971)
Industrialisation et dynamique urbaine
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 8 #27. p. 69-92.

Periodical articleLent, G.E. (1971)
Tax incentives for the promotion of industrial employment in developing countries
Abstract presentStaff Papers. Volume 18 #2. p. 399-419.

Periodical articleParmena, William (1971)
'Back to the Land' and Industrial Location in Kenya
Abstract presentEast Africa Journal. Volume 8 #10. October. p. 21-24.

Periodical articlePfeffer, R. (1971)
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 7 #12. p. 705-711.

Periodical articleSteenkamp, W.F.J. (1971)
See this publicationLabour policies for growth during the 'seventies: in the established industrial areas
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 39 #2. p. 97-111.

Periodical articleThomas, L.V. (1971)
Problèmes specifiques de l'industrie en Afrique noire: économie et ideologie
Abstract presentDéveloppement et civilisations. #43. p. 15-29.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1970)
Industrial growth in developing Africa from 1950 to 1968 and prospects for 1980
Abstract presentEconomic Bulletin for Africa - ECA. Volume 10 #1. p. 1-13.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1970)
Maroc - effort budgetaire sans precedent pour accelerer le rythme des investissements
Abstract presentEurope France outremer: revue internationale. Volume 48 #495. p. 30-32.

Periodical articleAtari, Chediy (1970)
Industrialisation et plein emploi: le cas de la Tunisie
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 7 #20. p. 9-29.

Periodical articleHopcraft, Peter N. (1970)
Some Notes on the Industrial Development Aspects of the Plan. (Kenya's New Development Plan)
Abstract presentEast Africa Journal. Volume 7 #3. March. p. 39-45.

Periodical articleLewis, A. Olu (1970)
An appraisal of the industrial development programma
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 5 #3. p. 365-376.

Periodical articleSeidman, Ann W. (1970)
Comparative Industrial Strategies in East Africa
Abstract presentEast Africa Journal. Volume 7 #6. June. p. 19-43.

Periodical articleTrapido, St. (1970)
See this publicationSouth Africa in a comparative study of industrialization
Abstract presentJournal of Development Studies. Volume 7 #3. p. 309-320.

Periodical articleAbrahamson, A.E. (1969)
Industrialisation, employment, labour and management problems in Rhodesia
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 3 #3. p. 24-28.

Periodical articleAluko, S.A. (1969)
The case for rapid industrialisation in Nigeria
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 4 #3. p. 193-215.

Periodical articleBritten, M.J. (1969)
The effects of industrialisation on the distributive trade and the consumer
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 3 #2. p. 21-26.

Periodical articleBruce, N.H.B. (1969)
Finance for industrial development
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 5 #2. p. 47-53.

Periodical articleCameron, J.D. (1969)
Industrial growth and the subsistence economy
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 3 #3. p. 16-21.

Periodical articleMabogunje, A.L. (1969)
Industrialization within an existing system of cities in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 3-16.

Periodical articleMills, W.D. (1969)
The possible effects of rhodesian industrial growth upon Agriculture
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 5 #2. p. 38-44.

Periodical articleMussett, B.H. (1969)
Government's industrial policy: its aims and objects in promoting the development of secondary industry
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 3 #2. p. 7-14.

Periodical articlePackard, Ph.C. (1969)
See this publicationResearch motes on network analysis
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 7 #1. p. 147-149.

Periodical articleSadie, J.L. (1969)
Economic growth through industrialisation
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 5 #5. p. 42-52.

Periodical articleSvoboda, J.L. (1969)
See this publicationTransfer tax and development bank: a new look for the East African Community
Abstract presentAfrican Law Studies. #2. p. 95-162.

Periodical articleYoung, A. (1969)
Patterns of Development in Zambian Manufacturing Industry since Independence
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 1 #2. December. p. 29-38.

Periodical articlePearson, D.S. (1968)
Industrial development in Rhodesia
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 2 #1. p. 5-27.

Periodical articleTowa, Marcien (1968)
Civilisation industrielle et négritude
Abstract presentAbbia: revue culturelle camerounaise. #19. p. 31-45.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1967)
L'etude des possibilites d'industrialisation de la Republique Democratique du Congo, du Rwanda et du Burundi realisee a l'initiative de la C.E.E.
Abstract presentCourrier africain. #72-75. p. 1-31.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1967)
Some aspects of public finance and industrial development in the east African sub-region
Abstract presentEconomic Bulletin for Africa - ECA. Volume 7 #1-2. p. 11-34.

Periodical articleAsiodu, P.C. (1967)
Industrial policy and incentives in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 9 #2. p. 161-174.

Periodical articleFrank (Jr), C.R. (1967)
Industrialization and employment generation in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 9 #3. p. 277-297.

Periodical articleKarsten, Detlev (1967)
Problems of Industrialization in Ethiopia
Abstract presentEthiopia Observer. Volume 11 #1. p. 36-42.

Periodical articleMeyer, P.J. (1967)
Nywerheidsontwikkeling in die bantoetuislande: die rol van private inisiatief
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 18 #4. p. 191-208.

Periodical articleMwepu-Kyabutha, Gaspard (1967)
Quelques aspects des consequences sociales de l'industrialisation au Katanga
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 17 #1-2. p. 53-69.

Periodical articlePhillips, A.O. (1967)
Nigerian industrial tax incentives: import duties relief and the approved user scheme
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 9 #3. p. 315-327.

Periodical articleRautenbach, P.S. (1967)
Nywerheidsontwikkeling in die Bantoetuislande: die rol van die owerheid
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 18 #4. p. 184-190.

Periodical articleStadler, J.J. (1967)
Nywerheidsontwikkeling in die Bantoetuislande: die behoefte aan nywerheidsontwikkeling
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 18 #4. p. 165-184.

Periodical articleNixson, F.I.; Stoutjesdijk, A.J. (1966)
Industrial development in the Kenya and Uganda development plans
Abstract presentEast African Economic Review. Volume 2 #2. p. 65-77.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1965)
Industries nouvelles en Afrique noire francophone et à Madagascar
Abstract presentEurope France outremer: revue internationale. Volume 40 #399. p. 18-56.

Periodical articleCallaway, A. (1965)
From traditional crafts to modern industries
Abstract presentOdù: Journal of Yoruba and Related Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 28-51.

Periodical articleEtherington, D.M. (1965)
Projected changes in urban and rural population in Kenya and the implications for development policy
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 1 #2. p. 65-83.

Periodical articleLeguay, F. (1965)
La cooperation technique dans le domaine de la planification
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 19 #5. p. 423-437.

Periodical articleN'Gom N'Goudi, P. (1965)
L'industrialisation: base de l'unité africaine
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #53. p. 68-95.

Periodical articlePearson, D.S. (1965)
See this publicationAfrican Advancement in Commerce and Industry
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 3. August. p. 231-247.

Periodical articleVattaire, J. (1965)
L'industrie française et la cooperation technique
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 19 #5. p. 416-422.

Periodical articleArkadie, B. van (1964)
Import substitution and export promotion as aids to industrialization in East Africa
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 1. p. 40-56.

Periodical articleCantor, D.J. (1964)
Effects of import-replacing industrialisation on the foreign trade of Ghana
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 6 #2. p. 251-258.

Periodical articleEwing, A.F. (1964)
See this publicationIndustrialisation and the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 2. p. 351-363.

Periodical articleLambooy, J.G. (1964)
De industrialisatie in Tunesië
Abstract presentTijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. Volume 55 #5. p. 122-127.

Periodical articleNieuwenhuysen, J.P. (1964)
See this publicationProspects and issues in the development of the reserves
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 32 #2. p. 128-147.

Periodical articleNiewenhuysen, J.P. (1963)
See this publicationThe industrialisation of the Tugela Basin
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 31 #1. p. 26-37.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1962)
The international labour organization and the development of handicrafts and small-scale industries
Abstract presentOversea Quarterly. Volume 5 #1. p. 14-16.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1962)
Mauritanie: un an d'independance
Abstract presentEurope France outremer: revue internationale. Volume 59 #384. p. 11-58.

Periodical articleDeane, Phyllis (1962)
The industrial revolution in British Central Africa
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 12 #3. p. 331-355.

Periodical articleEvans, P.C.C. (1962)
See this publicationWestern Education and Rural Productivity in Tropical Africa
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 32 #4. October. p. 313-323.

Periodical articleGourou, P. (1962)
Les conditions du developpement de l'Afrique tropicale
Abstract presentGenève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 1 #1. p. 43-52.

Periodical articleHoselitz, B.H. (1962)
Some reflections on the social and cultural conditions of economic productivity
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 12 #4. p. 489-498.

Periodical articleMassell, B.F. (1962)
Industrialization and economic union in greater East Africa
Abstract presentEast African Economic Review. Volume 9 #2. p. 108-122.

Periodical articleNieuwenhuysen, J.P. (1962)
See this publicationIron and steel: future industry for border areas?
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 30 #3. p. 221-234.

Periodical articleVisser, A.J. (1962)
Die ontwikkeling van die grensgebiede met speciale verwysing na die Transvaal
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 14. p. 248-263.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1961)
De industriële ontwikkeling van Marokko onder het vijfjarenplan (1960-1964)
Abstract presentTijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. Volume 52 #9. p. 251-252.

Periodical articleComte, G. (1960)
La Côte d'Ivoire économique
Abstract presentEurope France outremer: revue internationale. Volume 38 #373. p. 27.

Periodical articleErasmus, D.P. (1960)
See this publicationMoontlike ontwikkelingsprogram vir die vernaamste produksietakke (met uitsondering van die sekondêre nywerheid) in Betsjouanaland protektoraat
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 28 #3. p. 234-246.

Periodical articleMarais, G. (1960)
See this publicationTariff protection, industrialization and the balance of payments, with special reference to the Union of South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 28 #1. p. 55-67.

Periodical articleRacine, J. (1960)
Le B.I.A. Bureau des ensembles industriels africains (1952) - bureau d'investissement en Afrique (1959)
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique d'Outre-Mer: communauté, assistance, technique, coopération. Volume 14. p. 478-488.

Periodical articleAldridge, Ph. (1959)
The federation must have more industries
Abstract presentThe New Commonwealth - Society for Promotion of International Law and Order. Volume 37. p. 115-158.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1959)
Industrialization in West Africa
Abstract presentStatistical and Economic Review. #23. p. 1-41.

Periodical articleEloff, J.F. (1959)
Tempo van ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die Bantoegebiede
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 10 #2. p. 56-61.

Periodical articleMainguy, M. (1959)
Le pétrole saharien et les problèmes humains
Abstract presentCahiers Nord-Africains. #76. p. 3-53.

Periodical articleSebag, P. (1959)
L'industralisation de la Tunisie: une experience-pilote dans l'industrie de la chaussure
Abstract presentLes cahiers de Tunisie: revue de sciences humaines. Volume 7 #25. p. 147-173.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1958)
Sahara 58
Abstract presentFrance Outre-mer: revue mensuelle. Volume 35 #342. p. 36-71.

Periodical articleM'Zah, Salah (1958)
Industrialisation et plein emploi
Abstract presentDocuments nord-africains. #310. p. 11-13.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1957)
Premier rapport de la mission scientifique interdisciplinaire d'études au Haut-Katanga constituée par l'université de Liège
Abstract presentBulletin du Centre d'Etude des Problèmes Sociaux Indigènes. #38. p. 5-74.

Periodical articleAttar, Ahmad K. El- (1957)
Capital for industry
Abstract presentThe Egyptian Economic and Political Review. Volume 4 #2. p. 13.

Periodical articleChampion, J.C. (1957)
Labour and managerial skills in East African industrial development
Abstract presentEast African Economic Review. Volume 4 #1. p. 24-32.

Periodical articleBriey, P. de (1952)
L'industralisation de l'Afrique Centrale et problèmes sociaux qu'elle pose
Abstract presentBulletin du Centre d'Etude des Problèmes Sociaux Indigènes. #19. p. 13-59.

Search: su=industrial development
Found: 394 First Previous Record 301-394

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