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Periodical articleMedani, Khadidja; Nur, Bakheit M. (2020)
See this publicationL'islamisation de la connaissance et ses institutions dans le monde musulman contemporain: Le cas du Soudan et de l'Université internationale d'Afrique
Cahiers d'études africaines. #240. p. 827-849.

Periodical articleSeri-Hersch, Iris (2020)
See this publicationArabization and Islamization in the Making of the Sudanese 'Postcolonial' State (1946-1964): Cultural Representations, Political Strategies and School Practices
Cahiers d'études africaines. #240. p. 779-804.

BookBonte, Pierre (2016)
Récits d'origine: contribution à la connaissance du passé ouest-saharien (Mauritanie, Maroc, Sahara occidental, Algérie et Mali)
Paris: Éditions Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 807p.

BookMadore, Frédérick (2016)
La construction d'une sphère publique musulmane en Afrique de l'Ouest
Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval. Collection religions, cultures et sociétés. 208p.

BookAhmed, Chanfi (2015)
West African 'ulama' and Salafism in Mecca and Medina: Jawab al-Ifriqi: the response of the African
Boston: Brill. Islam in Africa #17. 213p.

BookGómez-Rivas, Camilo (2015)
Law and the islamization of Morocco under the Almoravids: the fatwas of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd to the far Maghrib
Leiden: Brill. Studies in the history and society of the Maghrib 6. 207p.

Periodical articleKramer, Robert S. (2015)
See this publicationThe death of Bassiouni: a case of complex identity in the Sudan
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 49 #1. p. 95-107.

Periodical articleRobinson, David (2015)
See this publicationReflections on legitimation and pedagogy in the 'Islamic revolutions' of West Africa on the frontiers of the Islamic world
Abstract presentJournal of West African History. Volume 1 #1. p. 119-132.

BookMohammed, Ahmed Rufai (2014)
History of the spread of Islam in the Niger-Benue confluence area: Igalaland, Ebiraland and Lokoja c.1900-1960
Ibadan: Ibadan University Press. 377p.

Periodical articleSeignobos, Christian (2014)
Boko Haram: innovations guerrières depuis les monts Mandara: cosaquerie motorisée et islamisation forcée
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #252. p. 149-169.

BookDassetto, Felice; Laurent, Pierre-Joseph; Ouédragogo, Tasséré (2013)
Un islam confrérique au Burkina Faso: actualité et mémoire d'une branche de la Tijâniyya
Paris: Karthala. 276p.

BookFluehr-Lobban, Carolyn (2012)
Shari'a and Islamism in Sudan: conflict, law and social transformation
London: Tauris. International library of African studies; 30. 343p.

BookGoerg, Odile; Pondopoulo, Anna; Triaud, Jean-Louis (eds.) (2012)
Islam et sociétés en Afrique subsaharienne à l'épreuve de l'histoire: un parcours en compagnie de Jean-Louis Triaud
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 495p.

Periodical articleMassing, Andreas Walter (2012)
Imams of Gonja: the Kamaghate and the transmission of Islam to the Volta Basin
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 51 #205. p. 57-101.

Periodical articlePark, Jeong Kyung (2012)
See this publication'Singwaya was a mere small station': Islamization and ethnic primacy in Digo oral traditions of origin and migration
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 24 #2. p. 157-170.

Periodical articleTayob, Abdulkader (2012)
See this publicationPolitics and Islamization in African public spheres
Abstract presentIslamic Africa. Volume 3 #2. p. 139-168.

BookAnonymous (2011)
Islamic studies students manual: a guide to understanding the Islamic history
Abstract presentKampala: Karim Publications. Uganda advanced certificate of education paper #225-1. 212p.

Periodical articleMbaye, Cheikh Amadou Kabir (2011)
Le Marsiyya
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #87. p. 99-112.

BookPeterson, Brian J. (2011)
Islamization from below: the making of Muslim communities in rural French Sudan, 1880-1960
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 319p.

BookSaint-Lary, Maud; Samson, Fabienne; Amiotte-Suchet, Laurent (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationOutils d'un islam en mutation: réislamisation et moralisation au sud du Sahara
Abstract presentNeuchâtel: Institut d'ethnologie, Université de Neuchâtel. Ethnographiques #22.

Periodical articleAdebayo, Ibrahim R. (2010)
The role of traditional rulers in the islamization of Osun State (Nigeria)
Abstract presentJournal for Islamic Studies. Volume 30. p. 60-77.

Periodical articleAdetona, Lateef Mobolaji (2010)
'Da'wah' (Islamic propagation) in Yoruba land: from the advent of Islam to the end of colonial period
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 19. p. 99-121.

Book chapterBangura, Joseph J. (2010)
Temne agency in the propagation and Africanization of Islam in colonial Freetown, 1920-1961
In: Facts, fiction, and African creative imaginations. p. 134-150.

Periodical articleBerger, Laurent (2010)
La centralisation d'un culte périphérique: islam, possession et sociétés d'initiation au Bèlèdugu (Mali)
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #118. p. 143-164.

BookRobinson, David; Schmitz, Jean; Triaud, Jean-Louis; Meunier, Roger (eds.) (2010)
Les sociétés musulmanes africaines: configurations et trajectoires historiques
Paris: Karthala. Collection 4 vents. 310p.

BookSeydou, Christiane (2010)
L'épopée peule de Boûbou Ardo Galo: héros et rebelle
Paris: Karthala. Paroles en miroir #5. 278p.

BookFilakota, Richard (2009)
Le renouveau islamique en Afrique noire: l'exemple de la Centrafrique
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 210p.

BookMasquelier, Adeline Marie (2009)
Women and Islamic revival in a West African town
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 343p.

Conference paperMoumouni, Seyni; Pawlikova-Vilhanova, Viera (eds.) (2009)
Le temps des Oulèmas: les manuscrits africains comme sources historiques
Abstract presentNiamey: Centre Nigérien de Recherches en Sciences Humaines. Études nigériennes #61. 350p.

Periodical articlePhliponeau, Marie (2009)
Micro-histoire de la diffusion de l'islam en Afrique de l'Ouest: création de réseaux et de chaînes d'enseignement en Bwamu (Burkina Faso)
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 49 #196. p. 969-1000.

Periodical articleTom, Abdullahi Osman El- (2009)
The Arab congregation and the ideology of genocide in Darfur, Sudan
Tinabantu: journal of African national affairs. Volume 3 #2. p. 27-52.

Periodical articleUsman, Muhammad Tukur (2009)
See this publicationMaghreb influence on the Arabic literary tradition of Northern Nigeria
Maghreb Review. Volume 34 #2-3. p. 207-226.

Periodical articleVoguet, Élise (2009)
Islamisation de 'l'intérieur du Maghreb': les fuqahâ' et les communautés rurales
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #126. p. 141-152.

BookZakari, Maïkorema (2009)
L'islam dans l'espace nigérien: 1: Des origines (VIIe siècle) à 1960
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 317p.

Periodical articleAdekoya, J.S. (2008)
Thematic study of songs that promote Islamic teachings in Yorubaland
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 40 #2. p. 103-127.

BookAhmed, Chanfi (2008)
Les conversions à l'islam fondamentaliste en Afrique au sud du Sahara: le cas de la Tanzanie et du Kenya
Paris: L'Harmattan. Comprendre le Moyen-Orient. 456p.

BookBecker, Felicitas (2008)
Becoming Muslim in mainland Tanzania 1890-2000
Oxford: Oxford University Press. British Academy postdoctoral fellowship monographs. 364p.

Dissertation / thesisPhiri, Felix Jere (2008)
Local Muslim associations as a contemporary way of islamization in Zambia
Boston: Document Supply Centre, British Thesis Service. 340p.

Periodical articlePérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine (2008)
See this publicationConversion to Islam and modernity in Nigeria: a view from the underworld
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 54 #4. p. 71-87.

Periodical articleBabou, Cheikh Anta Mbacké (2007)
See this publicationUrbanizing mystical Islam: making Murid space in the cities of Senegal
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 40 #2. p. 197-223.

Dissertation / thesisBangstad, Sindre (2007)
See this publicationGlobal flows, local appropriations: facets of secularisation and re-islamization among contemporary Cape Muslims
Leiden: ISIM. ISIM dissertations. 354p.

BookHamani, Djibo (2007)
L'islam au Soudan central: histoire de l'Islam au Niger du VIIe au XIXe siècle
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 338p.

Periodical articleNasambu, Kassilly Janet (2007)
The penetration of Islam among the Bukusu of Bungoma district, Kenya
Abstract presentMaseno University Faculty of Arts and Social Science journal. Volume 2 #1. p. 11-17.

Periodical articleNugent, Paul (2007)
See this publicationCyclical history in the Gambia/Casamance borderlands: refuge, settlement and Islam from c. 1880 to the present
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 48 #2. July. p. 221-243.

BookJansen, Jan (ed.) (2006)
Sub-Sahara Afrika: perspectieven en plaatsbepalingen
Abstract presentAmsterdam: Aksant. Antropologie Academie. 165p.

Conference paperKasozi, Abdu B.K.; Ünay, Sadik (eds.) (2006)
Proceedings of the international symposium on Islamic civilisation in Eastern Africa, Kampala, Uganda, 15-17 December 2003
Abstract presentIstanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA). Sources and studies on the history of Islamic civilisation #13. 332p.

BookMiran, Marie (2006)
Islam, histoire et modernité en Côte d'Ivoire
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 548p.

BookSaid, Mohamed (2006)
See this publicationMuslim Bible Scholars of Tanzania: the legacy of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (1918-2005)
Tanga: Author. 13p.

BookWani, Abdalla Keri (2006)
Islam in Southern Sudan: its impact: past, present and future
Khartoum: Khartoum University Press.

Periodical articleAdeleke, Ademola (2005)
Islam and Hausa Culture
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 5. p. 99-110.

BookØstebø, Terje (2005)
A history of Islam and inter-religious relations in Bale, Ethiopia
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Studies on inter-religious relations #18. 49p.

Periodical articleMassing, Andreas W. (2004)
See this publicationBaghayogho: A Soninke Muslim Diaspora in the Mande World
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 44 #176. p. 887-922.

Periodical articlePeterson, Brian J. (2004)
See this publicationSlave Emancipation, Trans-Local Social Processes and the Spread of Islam in French Colonial Buguni (Southern Mali), 1893-1914
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 45 #3. p. 421-444.

BookRobinson, David (2004)
Muslim societies in African history
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. New approaches to African history #2. 220p.

BookShimada, Yoshihito (2004)
Royaumes peul, islamiques et super-ethniques dans le Nord-Cameroun: autour de Rey-Bouba
Abstract presentNagoya: Comparative Studies in Social and Human Sciences, Nagoya University. African kingdoms collection; 3.

Periodical articleAbebe, Berhanou (2003)
Montages et truquages photographiques dans l'Éthiopie moderne
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 19. p. 19-35.

Periodical articleDieng, Bassirou (2003)
Oralité et création: l'épopée et l'islamisation des traditions de l'Ouest africain
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #70. p. 99-120.

Conference paperJones, Adam (ed.) (2003)
Transculturation: Mission and Modernity in Africa
Abstract presentLeipzig: University of Leipzig, Institut für Afrikanistik. University of Leipzig papers on Africa, Mission archives series #22. 80p.

Dissertation / thesisMcFarland, Sherri Lynn (2003)
Sudanese government policies and the roles and status of Nuba women
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 220p.

BookNgoupandé, Jean-Paul (2003)
L'Afrique face à l'islam: les enjeux africains de la lutte contre le terrorisme
Paris: Michel. 295p.

Periodical articleAhmed-Rufai, Misbahudeen (2002)
See this publicationThe Muslim Association Party: A Test of Religious Politics in Ghana
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #6. p. 99-114.

Periodical articleHamès, Constant (2002)
Les manuscrits arabo-africains: des particularités?
Abstract presentRevue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #99-100. p. 169-182.

Periodical articleKâ, Thierno (2002)
L'influence d'Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) sur la culture arabo-islamique au Sénégal
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 52 #1-2. p. 165-174.

Periodical articleLa Guérivière, Jean de (2002)
Les multiples visages de l'islam noir
Abstract presentGéopolitique africaine. #5. p. 73-81.

Periodical articleMumisa, Michael (2002)
See this publicationIslam and Proselytism in South Africa and Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 22 #2. October. p. 275-298.

Periodical articlePoggo, Scopas S. (2002)
See this publicationGeneral Ibrahim Abboud's Military Administration in the Sudan, 1958-1964: Implementation of the Programs of Islamization and Arabization in the Southern Sudan
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 67-101.

Periodical articleVô Vân, David (2002)
Grañ à Hayq: un épisode de la conquête de l'Amhara dans la mémoire du Wällo
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 18. p. 245-251.

BookAhmed, Hussein (2001)
Islam in nineteenth-century Wallo, Ethiopia: revival, reform and reaction
Leiden: Brill. Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East and Asia 74. 228p.

BookAzumah, John Alembillah (2001)
The legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: a quest for inter-religious dialogue
Oxford: Oneworld. 264p.

Conference paperAnonymous (2000)
Centenaire du souvenir: 'Almami Samori Touré 1898-1998'
Abstract presentConakry: Éditions Universitaires. 266p.

Periodical articleMiles, William F.S. (2000)
See this publicationMuslim Ethnopolitics and Presidential Elections in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 20 #2. October. p. 229-241.

Periodical articleMiran, Marie (2000)
Vers un nouveau prosélytisme islamique en Côte d'Ivoire: une révolution discrète
Abstract presentAutrepart. #16. p. 139-160.

Periodical articleSchmitz, Jean (2000)
See this publicationL'islam en Afrique de l'Ouest: les méridiens et les parallèles
Abstract presentAutrepart. #16. p. 117-137.

Periodical articleSicard, S. von (2000)
See this publicationThe Arrival of Islam in Malawi and the Muslim Contribution to Development
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 20 #2. October. p. 291-311.

Periodical articleRaji, Adesina Yusuf (1999)
See this publicationThe Growth of Islam in Pre-Colonial Igbomina
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 19 #2. October. p. 211-221.

Periodical articleYusuf, Salahudeen (1999)
See this publicationNigeria's Membership in the OIC: Implications of Print Media Coverage for Peace and National Unity
Abstract presentJournal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 19 #2. October. p. 235-247.

Conference paperAguadé, Jordi; Cressier, Patrice; Vicente, Angeles (eds.) (1998)
Peuplement et arabisation au Maghreb occidental: dialectologie et histoire
Abstract presentMadrid: Casa de Velázquez. 175p.

Periodical articleMeunier, Olivier (1998)
See this publicationMarabouts et courants religieux en pays hawsa: dynamique de l'islamisation de la ville de Maradi à la fin du XIXème siècle et durant le XXème siècle
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 32 #3. p. 521-557.

BookMeunier, Olivier (1998)
Les voies de l'islam au Niger dans le Katsina indépendant du XIXe au XXe siècle: (Maradi, pays hawsa)
Paris: Publications Scientifiques du Muséum. Mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie, Université de Paris. 232p.

Periodical articleSaq, M.O. Abu (1998)
Islamic Political Ideation in Eastern Sudan
Sudan Notes and Records. #2. p. 149-157.

BookMeunier, Olivier (1997)
Les routes de l'islam: anthropologie politique de l'islamisation de l'Afrique de l'Ouest en général et du pays hawsa en particulier du VIIIe au XIXe siècle
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 203p.

Book chapterSoares, Benjamin F. (1997)
The Fulbe 'shaykh' and the Bambara 'pagans': contemporary campaigns to spread Islam in Mali
Abstract presentIn: Peuls et Mandingues: dialectique des constructions identitaires. p. 267-280.

BookZeltner, Jean-Claude (1997)
Les pays du Tchad et la montée des périls, 1795-1850
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Racines du présent. 149p.

Periodical articleAhmad, Abdussamad H. (1996)
See this publicationTrade and Islam in the Towns of Bagemdir, 1900-1935
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 29 #2. December. p. 5-21.

Periodical articleOyelade, E.O. (1995)
The ruler factor in the Islamization of the Yoruba 1840-1940
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 27 #1. p. 22-34.

BookCallaway, Barbara; Creevey, Lucy (1994)
The Heritage of Islam: Women, Religion, and Politics in West Africa
Abstract presentBoulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. 221p.

Book chapterBahri, Jalel (1993)
Le lycée de Radaka: une filière de formation pour les arabisants d'Afrique noire en Tunisie
Abstract presentIn: Le radicalisme islamique au sud du Sahara: da'wa, arabisation et critique de l'Occident. p. 75-95.

Book chapterGrandin, Nicole (1993)
Al-Merkaz al-islami al-ifriqi bi'l-Khartoum: la République du Soudan et la propagation de l'islam en Afrique noire (1977-1991)
Abstract presentIn: Le radicalisme islamique au sud du Sahara: da'wa, arabisation et critique de l'Occident. p. 97-120.

Book chapterMattes, Hanspeter (1993)
La da'wa libyenne entre le Coran et le Livre Vert
Abstract presentIn: Le radicalisme islamique au sud du Sahara: da'wa, arabisation et critique de l'Occident. p. 37-73.

Book chapterSchulze, Reinhard (1993)
La da'wa saoudienne en Afrique de l'Ouest
Abstract presentIn: Le radicalisme islamique au sud du Sahara: da'wa, arabisation et critique de l'Occident. p. 21-35.

BookAzeez, Gbolagade; Sarumi, Abidoye (1992)
Ajagbemokeferi the missionary
Abstract presentIbadan: Caltop Publications. 34p.

Periodical articleUmejesi, I.O. (1992)
The spread of Islam in Nigeria
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 24 #2. p. 85-96.

Periodical articleAzevedo, Mario; Prater, Gwendolyn S. (1991)
See this publicationThe Minority Status of Islam in East Africa: A Historico-Sociological Perspective
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 12 #2. July. p. 482-497.

Periodical articleBah, Mohammad Alpha (1991)
See this publicationThe Status of Muslims in Sierra Leone and Liberia
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 12 #2. July. p. 465-481.

Periodical articleGrégoire, E. (1991)
Accumulation marchande et propagation de l'islam en milieu urbain: le cas de Maradi (Niger)
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #5. p. 43-55.

Periodical articleRaji, R.A. (1989)
The 'Ishriniyat' of Al-Fazazi: An aspect of the precedence of the Kanem-Borno empire in Arabic and Islamic scholarship
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 6-7. p. 1-10.

Book chapterConstantin, F. (1988)
Charisma and the crisis of power in East Africa
Abstract presentIn: Charisma and brotherhood in African Islam. p. 67-90.

Dissertation / thesisDieng, Samba (1988)
La geste d'EL Hadj Omar et l'islamisation de l'épopée peule traditionnelle
Dakar: Université Cheikh Anta Diop; Faculté des lettres et sciences sociales. 527p.

Book chapterOtayek, R. (1988)
Muslim charisma in Burkina Faso
Abstract presentIn: Charisma and brotherhood in African Islam. p. 91-112.

Periodical articleTriaud, J.-L. (1988)
Bamako, la ville aux deux cents mosquees, ou la victoire du 'secteur informel' islamique
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #2. p. 166-177.

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