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Search: su=judges
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Periodical articleFombad, Charles Manga (2021)
See this publicationA comparative overview of recent trends in judicial appointments: selected cases from Africa
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 55 #1. p. 161-182.

BookAbubaka, Adamu (2017)
Islamic law practice and procedure in Nigerian courts
Lagos: Malthouse Press. Malthouse law books. 202p.

BookAndreetta, Sophie; Kolloch, Annalena (2017)
See this publication'On se débrouille': How to be a good judge when the State lets you down?
Mainz: Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. Arbeitspapiere #171. 25p.

BookBauer, Gretchen; Dawuni, Josephine (eds.) (2016)
Gender and the judiciary in Africa: from obscurity to parity?
Abstract presentNew York; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Routledge Research in Gender and Politics #5. 198p.

Periodical articleDawuni, Josephine J. (2016)
See this publicationTo 'mother' or not to 'mother': the representative roles of women judges in Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 60 #3. p. 419-440.

BookBengaly, Abraham (2015)
La protection juridictionnelle des droits de l'homme au Mali
Paris: L'Harmattan Mali. 339p.

Periodical articleDawuni, Josephine; Kang, Alice (2015)
See this publicationHer ladyship Chief Justice: the rise of female leaders in the judiciary in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 62 #2. p. 45-69.

Periodical articleDiallo, Ibrahima (2015)
La legitimité du juge constitutionnel africain
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 69 #2. p. 147-175.

Periodical articleKebe, Abdou Aziz Daba (2015)
Les réserves d'interprétation dans la jurisprudence constitutionnelle des états de l'Afrique noire francophone
Annales africaines: revue de la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques (UCAD). Volume 1. p. 255-294.

BookCameron, Edwin (2014)
Justice: a personal account
Cape Town: Tafelberg. 347p.

BookHoexter, Cora; Olivier, Morné (eds.) (2014)
The judiciary in South Africa
Abstract presentClaremont, Cape Town: Juta. 442p.

BookKolloch, Annalena (2014)
See this publication'Il faut être un modèle': Richterinnen und Staats-anwältinnen in der Republik Benin zwischen Berufsidealen und Anpassungsstrategien
Mainz: Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. Arbeitspapiere #147. 101p.

Periodical articleNdam, Ibrahim (2014)
L'indépendance de la Cour Commune de Justice et d'Arbitrage: un nécessaire affermissement
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 124 #888. p. 303-334.

Periodical articleYerima, Timothy F.; Hammed, Hanafi A. (2014)
Magistracy and internal security challenge in the administration of criminal justice in contemporary Nigeria
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 20 #1. p. 91-120.

Periodical articleBonthuys, Elsje (2013)
See this publicationGender and the Chief Justice: principle or pretext?
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 39 #1. p. 59-76.

Periodical articleDjuitchoko, Célestin Sietchoua (2013)
See this publicationLa Chambre des Comptes de la Cour Suprême: nouveau juge administratif au Cameroun
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 16 #1. p. 67-82.

BookFriedman, Gerald; Gauntlett, Jeremy (2013)
Bar, bench & bullshifters: Cape tales 1950-1990
Cape Town: Siber Ink. 95p.

Periodical articleKwahou, Sylvestre (2013)
Le juge administratif, parent pauvre du contentieux des marchés des personnes publiques au Gabon
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 67 #2. p. 139-164.

Periodical articleSwanepoel, Paul (2013)
See this publicationTransient justice: colonial judges on circuit in interwar Tanganyika
Abstract presentStichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 13 #24. p. 65-91.

Periodical articleBayo Bibi, Blandine (2012)
L'efficacité de la convention d'arbitrage en droit OHADA
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 122 #881. p. 440-463.

BookChibita, Mike J. (2012)
Loved by the best: the journey of one African judge
Kampala: World of Inspiration. 188p.

BookImbwaseh, Akaa (ed.) (2012)
Valley of decisions: biography and essays in honour of Hon. Justice Iorhemen Hwande
Abstract presentIbadan: Safari Books Ltd. 362p.

BookKanyeihamba, George W. (2012)
The blessings and joy of being who you are

Periodical articleLiwanga, Roger-Claude (2012)
Judicial independence in the Democratic Republic of Congo: myth or reality?
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 56 #2. p. 194-214.

Periodical articleNaluwairo, Ronald (2012)
Military courts and human rights: a critical analysis of the compliance of Uganda's military justice with the right to an independent and impartial tribunal
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #2. p. 448-469.

BookSomolu, Femi; Somolu, Kayode; Somolu, Seke (eds.) (2011)
Olumo: the mystique of an alluring symbol: the memoirs of the Honourable Justice Olujide Somolu, Chief Justice of the Western State 1967-1971
Lagos: Florence and Lambard. 262p.

BookKludze, A.K P. (2010)
See this publicationTo cap or not to cap: the Supreme Court of Ghana
Accra: Institute of Economic Affairs. Constitutional review series #4. 16p.

Periodical articleSill, Kaitlyn L.; Haynie, Stacia L. (2010)
See this publicationPanel assignment in appellate courts: strategic behaviour in the South African Supreme Court of Appeal
Abstract presentPolitikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 37 #2-3. p. 269-285.

Periodical articleStockreiter, Elke E. (2010)
See this publication'British kadhis' and 'Muslim judges': modernisation, inconsistencies and accommodation in Zanzibar's colonial judiciary
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 4 #3. p. 560-576.

Periodical articleBreton, Jean-Marie (2009)
Le statut et la perception du juge de l'administration dans les états d'Afrique noire francophone
Mondes et cultures. Volume 69. p. 406-435.

Periodical articleSeghiri, Abderrezak (2009)
Les instruments conventionnels de protection des droits de l'homme dans l'ordre juridique algérien: évolution textuelle et stagnation factuelle
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 17. p. 321-351.

Periodical articleDiagne, Mayacine (2008)
Le juge constitutionnel africain et la technique des réserves d'interprétation
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 62 #3. p. 367-400.

BookHamani, Oumarou (2008)
See this publicationL'administration des carrières des magistrats au Niger: une ethnographie du conseil de la magistrature
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #70. 33p.

Periodical articleNjocke, Henri Claude (2008)
Le juge administratif camerounais est-il dans le maquis?
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #70. p. 61-81.

Periodical articleBen Néfissa, Sarah; Moisseron, Jean-Yves (2007)
L'Égypte sous pression? Des mobilisations au verrouillage politique
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #108. p. 5-125.

Periodical articleBreton, J.-M. (2007)
Le statut et la perception de juge de l'administration dans les États d'Afrique noire francophone
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 10 #1. p. 1-30.

BookDavid, Philippe (2007)
Niger en transition: 1960-1964: souvenirs et rencontres
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection économie plurielle, Série économies et cultures. 303p.

Conference paperKalaile, J.B. (ed.) (2007)
The Malawi judiciary: judges conference on independence, accountability and transparency
Abstract presentBalaka: Montfort Media. 290p.

Periodical articleKarpe, Philippe (2007)
La pratique judiciaire dans le domaine foncier à Madagascar
Droit et cultures. #54. p. 213-239.

BookOkeke, Chris (ed.) (2007)
Towards functional justice: the seminar papers of Justice Chukuwudifu A. Oputa
Abstract presentIbadan: Gold Press Limited, in association with Givani Books (Export) Inc. 405p.

BookOputa, C.A. (2006)
Hon. justice Chukwudifu Oputa: selected speeches and reflections
Onitsha: Spiritan Publications. 834p.

Periodical articleVogt, A. (2006)
An officer, a scholar and a gentleman: notes on the military career of Judge Clemens Gutsche (1876-1947)
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 54. p. 87-113.

Conference paperBayeni, Emmanuel; Ekaba, Alexis (eds.) (2005)
La contribution du juge dans la consolidation de l'État de droit en Répubique du Congo
Abstract presentCollection 'Etudes et documents du CDHD'. 157p.

Periodical articleHashim, Abdulkadir (2005)
See this publicationServants of Sharia: Qadis and the Politics of Accommodation in East Africa
Sudanic Africa. Volume 16. p. 27-51.

BookOlagunju, Lekan (2005)
Justice Gani Agbaje: a life of providence
Ibadan: Blue Crest Communications.

Periodical articleSolo, K. (2004)
The judge, the criminal trial and unrepresented accused in Botswana
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #2. p. 122-126.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2003)
Justice household honour
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November 30. p. 10-16.

Periodical articleGready, Paul; Kgalema, Lazarus (2003)
See this publicationMagistrates under apartheid: a case study of the politicisation of justice and complicity in human rights abuse
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 19 #2. p. 141-188.

Periodical articleKimberley, M.J. (2003)
Sir Joseph Vintcent: Rhodesia's first judge
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #22. p. 144-156.

Periodical articleRajaona, Andrianaivo Ravelona (2003)
Le juge, les urnes et la rue: figures judiciaires et variations juridiques autour de la crise politique malgache (janvier-juin 2002)
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 57 #4. p. 391-444.

Periodical articleThiedemann, Hilke (2003)
The 'lawful judge': a comparative survey on the allocation of cases to judges in South Africa and Germany
Abstract presentVerfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 36 #2. p. 228-260.

Periodical articleThénault, Sylvie (2003)
See this publicationLa magistrature à l'épreuve de la guerre d'indépendance algérienne
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. #338-339. p. 153-162.

Periodical articleJagwanth, Saras (2002)
The constitutional roles and responsibilities of lower courts
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 201-224.

Periodical articleKimberley, M.J. (2002)
Cyril Tennant Blakeway (1882-1944): our tenth judge (1938-1944)
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #21. p. 134-139.

Periodical articleKimberley, M.J. (2002)
Vernon Arthur Lewis (1886-1950): our ninth judge (1936-1950)
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #21. p. 28-36.

Periodical articleBilong, Salomon (2001)
Le juge judiciaire et la protection civile des fonctionnaires en droit camerounais
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 55 #2. p. 195-206.

Periodical articleKimberley, M.J. (2001)
Roberts James Hudson (1885-1963): our eighth judge (1933-1950)
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #20. p. 82-95.

Periodical articleMoyo, S. (2001)
Judicial independence in Zimbabwe
Law Society of Zimbabwe Magazine. #8. July. p. 19-20.

Periodical articleSemuyaba, J. (2001)
An independent judiciary
Law Review (Kampala, Uganda). #1. p. 87-95.

Periodical articleSow, Ahmed Iyane (2001)
Les juges de la Cour africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 55 #1. p. 38-54.

Periodical articleAncel, Jean-Pierre (2000)
L'arbitrage et la coopération du juge étatique
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 110 #833. p. 170-187.

Periodical articleBourbon, A.P. de (2000)
Restructuring of the High Court
Law Society of Zimbabwe Magazine. #6. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleBourbon, A.P. de (2000)
Is the legal profession millenium compliant?
Law Society of Zimbabwe Magazine. #5. p. 12-15.

Periodical articleKunda, George (2000)
Justification for the judicial code of conduct
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 32. p. 145-165.

Periodical articleMutizwa, J.P. (2000)
Let us as lawyers hit back at the judges
Law Society of Zimbabwe Magazine. #4. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleSolo, Kholisani (2000)
The role of the Public and Judicial Service Commissions in Botswana
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 69-99.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1999)
Chunga, an enemy of justice, freedom, and democracy
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). September 23. p. 8-18.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1999)
Chesoni: why Moi needed Chesoni
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). September 16. p. 6-17.

Periodical articleArika, V. (1999)
The rule against bias: disqualification of a judge
Advocate (Nairobi, Kenya). January. p. 24-26, 32.

Periodical articleCoulibaly, Alban A. (1999)
La rénovation de la justice en Afrique: le rôle du juge dans la construction de l'État de droit
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 53 #1. p. 50-66.

BookSampson, Ekong (1999)
The path of Justice Chike Idigbe
Lagos: Distinct Universal Limited. 292p.

Periodical articleBiti, T. (1998)
The Constitution and the role of the judiciary in Zimbabwe
Social Change and Development. #45. August. p. 27-28.

Periodical articleGwisai, M. (1998)
Judges in the storm: the judicial review debate
The Zimbabwe Law Review. Volume 15. p. 50-63.

Periodical articleKunda, George (1998)
The Zambian judiciary in the 21st century
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 30. p. 29-50.

Periodical articleMolapo, B. (1998)
Unity Dow appointed high court judge
Kutlwano. Volume 36 #3. March. p. 4.

Periodical articleMuchechetere, S. (1998)
The judiciary and the Constitution in Zimbabwe
Social Change and Development. #45. August. p. 25-26.

Periodical articleSondashi, L. (1998)
Who should prescribe the emoluments of a judge?
LAZ: Law Association of Zambia Journal. Volume 1. p. 31-33.

Periodical articleTema, L. (1998)
Mosojane is now Tatitown court president
Kutlwano. Volume 36 #1. January. p. 12.

Periodical articleChomba, F.M. (1997)
The role of judges in upholding the rule of law
Abstract presentAnnual conference - African Society of International and Comparative Law. Volume 9. p. 17-29.

Periodical articleCocker, A.M. (1997)
Defining a magistrate's independence
Nairobi Law Monthly. #69. July. p. 23-25.

Periodical articleGuiga, Jaouida (1997)
Rôle des juges dans la mise en oeuvre de l'État de droit (l'exemple tunisien)
Annual conference - African Society of International and Comparative Law. Volume 9. p. 30-36.

Periodical articleHélin, Élise (1997)
La magistrature: de la marginalisation à la restructuration
Monde arabe: Maghreb Machrek. #157. p. 40-46.

Periodical articleImanyara, G. (1997)
Judges can say no to executive interference
Nairobi Law Monthly. #66. January. p. 14-23.

Periodical articleMbaya, W. (1997)
Reforming the judiciary: a contribution towards Kenyans' democratisation efforts
Advocate (Nairobi, Kenya). 1st quarter. p. 23-26.

Periodical articleWamae, P. (1997)
Appointment of Judges: the Law Society's stand
Nairobi Law Monthly. #66. January. p. 15-23.

Periodical articleAbécassis, Frédéric; Ardisson, Denis (1995)
Les magistrats égyptiens: variations sociales sur le modèle de l'État
Abstract presentDroit et cultures. #30. p. 17-45.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1995)
The Office of the Chief Justice
Kenya Jurist. Volume 5 #1. March. p. 12-15.

Periodical articleHélin, Elise (1995)
Les femmes magistrats en Tunisie: implantation professionnelle et intégration sociale
Abstract presentDroit et cultures. #30. p. 91-105.

Periodical articleImanyara, G. (1995)
Apaloo quits in a huff
Nairobi Law Monthly. #52. February. p. 15-16.

Periodical articleImanyara, G. (1995)
The judiciary on focus once again: will new chief justice Cockar assert the independence of the judiciary?
Nairobi Law Monthly. #52. February. p. 8-13.

Periodical articleBarnwell, P.J. (1994)
Temple, Robert (1808-1866)
Dictionnaire de biographie mauricienne. #49. juillet. p. 1541.

Periodical articleKahonge, P. (1994)
Independence and impartiality of the judiciary: a critical analysis of the mode of appointment of judges in Kenya
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). #1. p. 57-61.

Periodical articleKhattabi, Mustapha (1994)
Le statut des magistrats des tribunaux administratifs marocains
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 48 #2. p. 208-219.

Periodical articleKimberley, M.J. (1994)
Our seventh judge, Sir Robert McIlwaine
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #13. p. 17-27.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
The role and responsibilities of those involved in the criminal justice system
Legal Forum. Volume 5 #2. June. p. 50-55.

Periodical articleBarnwell, P.J. (1993)
Hooper, Charles Arthur (1889-1960)
Dictionnaire de biographie mauricienne. #48. janvier. p. 1487-1488.

Periodical articleD'Unienville, R. (1993)
Robert de Rochecouste, François Jérôme (c. 1732-1806)
Dictionnaire de biographie mauricienne. #48. janvier. p. 1496-1498.

Periodical articleGathii, J. (1993)
The diminution of judicial competence in Kenya in the 1990s
Kenya Jurist. Volume 3 #2. June-Aug.. p. 31-33.

Periodical articleKimberley, M.J. (1993)
Our sixth judge, Sir Murray Bisset
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #12. p. 25-32.

Periodical articleKyando, L.A.A.; Peter, C.M. (1993)
See this publicationLay People in the Administration of Criminal Justice: The Law and Practice in Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 5 #3. October. p. 661-682.

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