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Search: su=maritime transport
Found: 85 Record 1-85

Conference paperAbdillahi Ahmed, Achaa; Chitou, Ibrahim; Smeesters, Bernadette (eds.) (2015)
Stratégie logistique et de transport au service du développement en Afrique: Université de Djibouti, colloque international 15 & 16 décembre 2013
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 272p.

BookBallet, Richard (2015)
Organisation du trafic maritime en Afrique: usages du bordereau de suivi de la cargaison
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 203p.

Periodical issueEl Khayat, Mustapha (2015)
Numéro spécial: Gouvernance de la logistique et compétitivité
Abstract presentRevue marocaine d'audit et de développement. #42. p. 7-259.

Dissertation / thesisAdewale, Adedapo (2014)
See this publicationImproving the competitiveness of Nigerian LNG shipping sector: a cluster policy perspective on the economic development of Nigerian maritime resources
Rotterdam: Netherlands Martime University. 143p.

Periodical articleKenguep, Ebénézer (2014)
Le recours subrogatoire de l'assureur maritime des facultés à l'importation en droit camerounais et communautaire des transports: juges, soyez vigilants!
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #6. p. 26-35.

Periodical articlePiedade Carvalho, Fernando da (2014)
See this publicationOs dhow do Zanzibar: a técnica de construção de uma antiga embarcação de origem árabe e o seu papel socioecónomico na actualidade
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #27. p. 149-170.

Periodical articleFolquet, Léon (2013)
La réglementation de l'UEMOA en matière de transport maritime
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #5. p. 18-25.

BookOkafor, Ifesinachi (2013)
See this publicationMaritime security challenges in the gulf of Guinea
Nairobi: African Leadership Centre. African Leadership Centre Monographs #33. 68p.

BookTejpar, Johan; Zetterlund, Kristina (2013)
See this publicationEUCAP NESTOR: trying to steer out the doldrums
Stockholm: FOI. FOI report. 51p.

Periodical articleLaw, Robin (2011)
West Africa's discovery of the Atlantic
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 44 #1. p. 1-25.

BookPandya, Amit A.; Herbert-Burns, Rupert; Kobayashi, Junko (2011)
See this publicationMaritime commerce and security: the Indian Ocean
Washington, DC: Henry L. Stimson Center. 150p.

BookRadimilahy, Chantal; Rajaonarimanana, Narivelo (eds.) (2011)
Civilisations des mondes insulaires: (Madagascar, îles du canal de Mozambique, Mascareignes, Polynésie, Guyanes): mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Claude Allibert
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 877p.

Periodical articleRantrua, Sylvie (2011)
Dossier transport maritime
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 66 #3259. p. 6-21.

Periodical articleBouaré, Mady Marie (2010)
Le transport maritime de passagers à l'épreuve des principes généraux du droit de la responsabilité
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #2. p. 42-52.

Periodical articleChaponnière, Jean-Raphaël (2010)
Les ports africains
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #234. p. 27-92.

Periodical articleNotteboom, Theo (2010)
The development of container terminals in South Africa: towards a hub for sub-Saharan Africa?
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 56 #2. p. 179-194.

PeriodicalNdendé, Martin; Dibas-Franck, Eric (eds.) (2009)
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation
Paris: L'Harmattan.

Periodical articleNgo Mbogba, Paulette (2009)
De l'urgence de l'effectivité des MOUs dans les pays du Sud
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #1. p. 19-24.

Periodical articleZinsou, Amour Christian (2009)
Le MOU d'Abuja: un accord administratif pertinent difficilement appliqué dans la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #1. p. 25-36.

Periodical articleBoshoff, Willem H.; Fourie, Johan (2008)
See this publicationExplaining ship traffic fluctuations at the early Cape settlement 1652-1793
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economic History. Volume 23 #1-2. p. 1-27.

Periodical articleAlexander, Andrew (2007)
See this publicationShipboard slave uprisings on the Malagasy coast: the 'Meermin' (1766) and 'De Zon' (1775)
Abstract presentKronos: Journal of Cape History. #33. p. 84-111.

Periodical articleSbaï, Hussein (2006)
Les liaisons maritimes entre la France et le Maroc entre 1850-1912
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 33 #123. p. 171-183.

BookFavrel-Samreth, Murielle (2005)
Mombasa, histoire d'un port africain
Nice: France Europe Editions. 117p.

Periodical articleMacDonald, Andrew (2005)
Durban-Bound: Chinese Miners, Colonial Medicine and the Floating Compounds of the Indian Ocean, 1904-1907
Abstract presentJournal of Natal and Zulu History. Volume 23. p. 94-128.

Periodical articleCessou, Sabine (2004)
Dossier fret aérien et maritime
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 59 #3072. p. 2124-2146.

Periodical articleNdjambou, Léandre Edgar (2004)
Échanges maritimes et enclavement en Afrique de l'Ouest: le cas des ports d'Abidjan et de Cotonou
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 57 #226-227. p. 233-258.

Periodical articleOlawoyin, Adewale A. (2004)
See this publicationThe phantom of the Bills of Lading Act, 1855, lives on: enforcing ownership and contractual rights under bills of lading in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 48 #1. p. 82-103.

Periodical articleCaslin, Olivier (2002)
Dossier transport maritime
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 57 #2957. p. 1507-1522.

Periodical articleOlukoju, Ayodeji (2001-2002)
Getting Too Great a Grip: European Shipping Lines and British West African Lighterage Services in the 1930s
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine = Annual Journal of African History. #9-10. p. 19-40.

Periodical articleLaberrondo, Lydie (2001)
2001, chemins de mer saouâhil: les boutres entre tradition et mouvement, rêve et réalité
Abstract presentL'Afrique orientale. p. 407-448.

PeriodicalGhana Shippers' Authority, Accra (200*)
Shipping review: Ghana's authoritative quarterly maritime journal
Accra: Ghana Shippers' Authority.

Periodical articleOlukoju, Ayodeji (1999)
Subsidising the merchants at the expense of the administration: railway tariffs and Nigerian maritime trade in the 1920s
Indian Journal of African Studies. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 61-77.

Periodical articleLe Gouard, Yann (1998)
Afrique: l'offre de transport maritime
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 53 #2754. p. 1763-1774.

Periodical articleOrganisation of African Unity (1998)
See this publicationAfrican Maritime Transport Charter = Charte africaine des transports maritimes
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 10 #2. p. 367-377.

Periodical articlePatriat, Lucas (1998)
L'Afrique et le transport maritime mondial
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 53 #2739. p. 989-994.

Periodical articleNdjambou, Léandre (1997)
Le destin des conférences maritimes sur la côte occidentale d'Afrique dans le contexte des indépendances nationales et de la libéralisation des échanges
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 50 #198. p. 137-150.

Periodical articleNlerum, Franklyn A. (1997)
See this publicationThe Application and Some Implications of the Hamburg Rules for Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 9 #2. p. 386-408.

Periodical articleGaspon, Olivier (1996)
La transition économique en Afrique du Sud: le cas des transports maritimes
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #179. p. 27-43.

Periodical articleIheduru, Okechukwu C. (1996)
See this publicationPost-Apartheid South Africa and Its Neighbours: A Maritime Transport Perspective
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 34 #1. March. p. 1-26.

Periodical articleLéon, Antoine (1996)
See this publicationMarins de commerce et pêcheurs d'Alger en 1930
Abstract presentRevue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 83 #313. p. 53-75.

Periodical articleUdoka, Ini Akpan (1995)
See this publicationThe Shipping Industry in the Lower Cross River Region, Nigeria: 1865-1955
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 24. p. 205-215.

Periodical articleIheduru, Okechukwu C. (1994)
See this publicationThe State and Maritime Nationalism in Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 32 #2. June. p. 215-245.

Periodical articleLadan, A.M. (1994)
Freedom of navigation: an unfair competition with the economic objectives of the exclusive economic zones of African States
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 27 #2. p. 234-256.

Periodical articleLynn, Martin (1992)
See this publicationTechnology, Trade and 'A Race of Native Capitalists': The Krio Diaspora of West Africa and the Steamship, 1852-1895
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 33 #3. p. 421-440.

Periodical articleOlukoju, Ayodeji (1992)
See this publicationElder Dempster and the Shipping Trade of Nigeria during the First World War
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 33 #2. p. 255-271.

Periodical articleDevine, D.J. (1990)
The Cape's False Bay: a possible haven for ships in distress
Abstract presentSouth African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 16. p. 81-91.

Periodical articleMalécot, Georges R. (1990)
Quelques aspects de la vie maritime en mer Rouge dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle
Abstract presentL'Afrique et l'Asie modernes. #164. p. 22-43.

Periodical articleDevisse, J. (1989)
See this publicationLes Africains, la mer et les historiens
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 29 #115-116. p. 397-418.

Periodical articleGutkind, Peter C.W. (1989)
See this publicationThe Canoemen of the Gold Coast (Ghana): A Survey and an Exploration in Precolonial African Labour History
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 29 #115-116. p. 339-376.

Periodical articleHenry, C. (1989)
See this publicationGrandeur et décadence des marins bijogo
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 29 #114. p. 193-207.

Periodical articleLaw, Robin R. (1989)
See this publicationBetween the Sea and the Lagoons: The Interaction of Maritime and Inland Navigation on the Precolonial Slave Coast
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 29 #114. p. 209-237.

Periodical articleLynn, Martin (1989)
See this publicationFrom Sail to Steam: The Impact of the Steamship Services on the British Palm Oil Trade with West Africa, 1850-1890
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 30 #2. p. 227-245.

Periodical articleMbunda, L.X. (1989)
Tanzania and international conventions on carriage of goods by sea: a historical study
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 5 #1. p. 139-152.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1988)
The Suez Canal (1975-1988)
Abstract presentEconomic Review. Volume 29 #4. p. 71-81.

Conference paperAnonymous (1988)
L'accès maritime au Zaïre: symposium, Bruxelles, 5 décembre 1986 = Maritieme toegang tot Zaïre: symposium, Brussel, 5 december 1986
Abstract presentBruxelles: Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer. 172p.

Periodical articleMunro, J. Forbes (1987)
See this publicationShipping Subsidies and Railway Guarantees: William Mackinnon, Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean, 1860-1893
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 28 #2. p. 209-230.

Periodical articleNdende, M. (1987)
Les armements maritimes africains: bilan et perspectives de développement
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 43 #2190. p. 2857-2871.

Periodical articleKappel, Robert (1986)
Liberia's international shipping strategy: the role of flags of convenience and the repercussions for the national development
Abstract presentLiberia-Forum. Volume 2 #2. p. 45-60.

Periodical articleLederer, A. (1985)
Les armateurs au Congo et au Zaire
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 31 #2. p. 151-168.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1983)
Les transports avec l'Afrique: sous la réd. de Hugues Viel
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 39 #1950. p. 689-784.

Periodical articleLerat, Serge (1983)
Les flottes pétrolières des pays sous-développés
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 36 #142. p. 103-118.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1982)
Les ports africains
Abstract presentEurope outremer: revue internationale. Volume 59 #636. p. 28-43.

Periodical articleKappel, Robert (1982)
Die internationale Flotte unter der Flagge Liberias: die Folgen der Neuordnung der Internationalen Seeverkehrsordnung
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 17 #1. p. 47-65.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1981)
Ports francais et ports africains
Abstract presentEurope outremer: revue internationale. Volume 58 #625. p. 1-44.

Periodical articleOnokala, P.C. (1981)
An application of the linear programming trans-portation problem to the evacuation of palm kernels in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 23 #3. p. 307-346.

Periodical articleBalta, Paul (1979)
La Compagnie Nationale Algérienne de navigation
Abstract presentMaghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #83. p. 52-60.

Periodical articleBeth, Hans Ludwig (1979)
Aufbau und Entwicklungspolitik West- und zentralafrikanischer Handelsflotten
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 14 #1. p. 53-59.

Periodical articleRodolfo, Claudine (1979)
L'essor maritime des pays du moyen-orient Arabe
Abstract presentMaghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #83. p. 43-51.

Periodical articleVoss, Harald (1979)
Zusammenarbeit in West- und Zentralafrika: gemeinsame Institutionen für Seehäfen und Seeschiffahrt
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 14 #1. p. 61-72.

Periodical articleFadika, Lamine (1978)
La strategie maritime ivoirienne et le Nouvel Ordre Maritime International
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 13 #150-151. p. 29-56.

Periodical articleGrosset-Grange, H. (1978)
See this publicationLa côte africaine dans les routiers nautiques arabes au moment des grandes dévouvertes
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 13. p. 1-35.

Periodical articleFilani, M.O.; Osayimwese, Iz. (1977)
Some economic effects of cargo unitization in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 19 #2. p. 53-62.

Periodical articleDhaou, Noureddine Ben; Rekaibi, Noureddine (1976)
Les transports maritimes au Maghreb: politiques nationales et cooperation maghrebine
Abstract presentIntégration: revue du C.M.E.R.A. #6. p. 40-76.

Periodical articleHuybrechts, A. (1969)
Les voies d'acces et d'evacuation du Congo
Abstract presentCahiers économiques et sociaux. Volume 7 #1. p. 3-65.

Periodical articleThilmans, G. (1968)
Sur l'existence, fin XVIe, de comptoirs néerlandais a Joal et Portudal (Sénégal)
Abstract presentNotes africaines: bulletin d'information et de correspondance de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire. #117. p. 17-18.

Periodical articleHalls, C. (1967)
Dutch Navigation of the East African Coast
Abstract presentTanzania Notes and Records. Volume 67. June. p. 39-48.

Periodical articleMcMaster, D.N. (1966)
The Ocean-Going Dhow Trade to East Africa
Abstract presentEast African Geographical Review. #4. April. p. 13-24.

Periodical articleMallakh, Ragaei El; McGuire, Carl (1960)
See this publicationThe economics of the Suez Canal under UAR
Abstract presentMiddle East Journal. Volume 14 #2. p. 125-140.

Periodical articleVerburgh, C. (1958)
See this publicationThe merchant shipping industry of South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 26 #3. p. 200-212.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1957)
The Suez canal in Egyptian economy
Abstract presentThe Egyptian Economic and Political Review. Volume 4 #4. p. 37-38.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1957)
The earlier stage of Indian transoceanic traffic
Abstract presentNada: The Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department Annual. Volume 34. p. 95-115.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1956)
Clearance of the Suez Canal
Abstract presentCommonwealth Survey: A Record of United Kingdom and Commonwealth Affairs. Volume 2 #24. p. 1009-1011.

Periodical articleCoste, M. (1956)
Le fret maritime entre les ports de la mer du nord et la côte occidentale d'Afrique
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 9 #36. p. 350-362.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1955)
The Suez Canal in 1955
Abstract presentThe Egyptian Economic and Political Review. Volume 2 #9. p. 37.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1955)
The Suez Canal
Abstract presentThe Egyptian Economic and Political Review. January. p. 9-11.

Search: su=maritime transport
Found: 85 Record 1-85

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