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Search: su=market
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Periodical articleSchoeman, Stan (1987)
Transcultural marketing: problems and principles
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 17 #3. p. 177-187.

Periodical articleMorrell, Robert (1986)
See this publicationFarmers, Randlords and the South African State: Confrontation in the Witwatersrand Beef Markets, c.1920-1923
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 27 #3. p. 513-532.

Periodical articleArnould, Eric J. (1985)
See this publicationEvaluating Regional Economic Development: Results of A Marketing Systems Analysis in Zinder Province, Niger Republic
Abstract presentJournal of Developing Areas. Volume 19 #2. January. p. 209-244.

Periodical articleDecoudras, P.M. (1984)
Burundi: le problème des voies d'approvisionnement
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 37 #147. p. 205-234.

Periodical articleWilson, Ernest J. (1984)
African Governments between International and Domestic Markets
Abstract presentRural Africana. Volume 19-20. Spring/Fall. p. 81-98.

Periodical articleStanley, Janet L. (1983)
The African Art Market: An Essay and Bibliography
Abstract presentAfricana Journal. Volume 14 #2-3. p. 157-170.

Dissertation / thesisStewart, Bonnie Ann (1981)
The impact of the market organizations serving the agricultural sector in Zinder, Niger
Abstract presentAnn Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International. 196p.

Periodical articleAsombang, Wilfred W. (1980)
Export marketing strategies for economic development in Namibia
Abstract presentSADEX. Volume 2 #6. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleKleu, S.J. (1980)
See this publicationDie rol van die markstelsel in die ontwikkeling van die pluralistiese Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 48 #3. p. 249-267.

Periodical articlePringle, W.A. (1980)
See this publicationThe South African maize industry and the marketing act
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 48 #4. p. 380-388.

Periodical articleRoberts, Richard L. (1980)
See this publicationThe Emergence of a Grain Market in Bamako, 1883-1908
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 37-54.

Periodical articleTano, Kouadio (1980)
Bibliographie relative aux principaux travaux realises en Côte d'Ivoire et en afrique de l'ouest sur les circuits de commercialisation des produits du secteur primaire
Abstract presentCahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #27. p. 183-194.

BookDoré, Christiane; Livesey, Malcom (eds.) (1979)
Sudan, the country and its market
Paris: Groupe J.A. World markets #19. 145p.

Periodical articleOkereke, O. (1979)
Price Communication and Market Integration: A Case Study of Some Grain Markets in Anambra and Imo States of Nigeria
Abstract presentEastern Africa Journal of Rural Development. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 119-138.

Periodical articleHaegen, P. van der (1978)
Le marché mondial du cacao
Abstract presentEtudes & expansion: revue de la Société d'Etudes et d'Expansion. Volume 77 #277. p. 519-535.

Periodical articleHandwerker, W. Penn (1978)
Planning Change in African Urban Food Retailing Institutions: A Liberian Perspective
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 8 #2. p. 133-143.

Periodical articleIkporukpo, C.O. (1978)
The structure of demand for gasoline in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 20 #2.

Periodical articleMiddeleer, Marc de (1978)
L'acces aux matières premières: le marché international des petroles bruts
Abstract presentEtudes & expansion: revue de la Société d'Etudes et d'Expansion. Volume 77 #277. p. 561-579.

Periodical articleMontluc, Monique; Techeur, Pierre (1978)
Le marché mondial du cuivre
Abstract presentEtudes & expansion: revue de la Société d'Etudes et d'Expansion. Volume 77 #277. p. 581-602.

Periodical articleNyssens, A. (1978)
Le marché mondial du café
Abstract presentEtudes & expansion: revue de la Société d'Etudes et d'Expansion. Volume 77 #277. p. 539-552.

Periodical articleOyaide, W.J. (1978)
A framework for data collection and utilization in the distributive sector of the Nigerian economy
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 20 #2. p. 295-307.

Periodical articleVerheve, D. (1978)
Le marché mondial du sucre
Abstract presentEtudes & expansion: revue de la Société d'Etudes et d'Expansion. Volume 77 #277. p. 553-559.

Periodical articleLabaied, Hachemi (1977)
Quelques aspects du marché du tabac
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 14 #50-51. p. 107-145.

Periodical articleMlambiti, M.E. (1977)
Structural Patterns in Produce Marketing at Morogoro
Abstract presentTanzania Notes and Records. Volume 81 and 82. p. 79-98.

Periodical articleOdufalu, Johnson O. (1977)
Market Failures and government intervention in the Nigkrian economy: a comment
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 12 #1. p. 87-98.

Periodical articleSouthall, Roger J. (1975)
See this publicationPolarisation and Dependence in the Gold Coast Cocoa Trade, 1890-1938
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. Volume 16 #1. June. p. 93-115.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1974)
Le marché africain et malgache (13 édition)
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 30 #1519. p. 3449-3638.

Periodical articleOgunpola, Akin; Ojo, Oladeji (1974)
Market failures and government intervention in the Nigerian economy
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 9 #4. p. 423-429.

Periodical articleRiedel, Jürgen (1974)
Das Rohstoffproblem und die Bedeutung Afrikas für die Rohstoffversorgung
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 10 #11. p. 659-667.

Periodical articleSchubert, Bernd (1973)
Some considerations on methods for evaluating marketing systems for agricultural products
Abstract presentEastern Africa Journal of Rural Development. Volume 6 #1-2. p. 39-54.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1972)
Abstract presentEconomic Review. Volume 12 #3-4. p. 220-230.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1972)
Le marche africain et malgache (11e édition)
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 28 #1385. p. 1337-1554.

Periodical articleMpolesha, Albert (1971)
L'avenir des marchés inter-africains
Abstract presentRemarques africaines: revue panafricaine d'information et de documentation. Volume 13 #376. p. 163-165.

Periodical articleRoire, Cl. (1971)
Les grandes compagnies commerciales et le marché africain
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #64. p. 66-78.

Periodical articleSeidman, Ann (1971)
See this publicationProspects for Africa's exports
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 9 #3. p. 409-428.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1970)
Le marche africaine et malgache: 9e édition
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 26 #1271. p. 855-1000.

Periodical articleDelaporte, G. (1970)
L'evolution du marché du cacao de 1945 à 1970
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 26 #1306. p. 333-336.

Periodical articleDelaporte, G. (1970)
L'évolution du marché du café au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 26 #1306. p. 329-332.

Periodical articleDutrieux, L. (1970)
Evolution technologique et grand marchés de matières premières
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #54. p. 39-60.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1969)
Le marche africain et malgache: 8e édition
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 25 #1218. p. 617-742.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1968)
Le marche africain et malgache: 7e édition
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 24 #1168. p. 779-926.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1967)
Le marche africain et malgache: 6ème édition
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 25 #1105. p. 75-259.

Periodical articleDuller, H.J.; Packard, P.C. (1967)
Import-substitutie in Nigerië: de noodzaak tot analyse van de afzetmarkt
Abstract presentKroniek van Afrika. #3. p. 190-198.

Periodical articleLawson; Rowena, M. (1966)
Inflation in the consumer market in Ghana: report of the commission of enquiry into trade malpractices: (Office of the president, Accra, January 1966)
Abstract presentThe Economic Bulletin of Ghana. Volume 10 #1. p. 36-51.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1965)
Le marche africain et Malgache (5e éd.)
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 22 #1054. p. 163-355.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1965)
Le marché d'Afrique Équatoriale
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 21 #1042. p. 2627-2764.

Periodical articleUgoh, S.U. (1965)
Prospects for some Nigerian agricultural products in the world market
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 7 #3. p. 237-243.

Periodical articleCerami, C.A. (1963)
African markets are vital to western economy
Abstract presentOptima. Volume 13 #3. p. 101-107.

Periodical articleNjao, N. (1963)
Groundnuts and groundnut oil
Abstract presentAgricultural Economics Bulletin for Africa. #3. p. 44-57.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1962)
Notes on 1960/61 price trends of selected export commodities of the African region
Abstract presentEconomic Bulletin for Africa - ECA. Volume 2 #1. p. 40-56.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1961)
Le marche Algérien
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 17 #802.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1960)
African produce in the world market: cocoa
Abstract presentStatistical and Economic Review. #24.

Periodical articleHirschberg, W. (1960)
Ethnologische Betrachtungen über den afrikanischen Markt
Abstract presentAfrika: Monatsschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur im neuen Afrika. Volume 2 #7. p. 277-280.

Periodical articleLeduc, G. (1960)
L'évolution du marché mondial du cacao
Abstract presentBulletin mensuel. #49. p. 373-382.

Periodical articleBourcier de Carbon, L. (1959)
Obstacles à la croissance et organisation des marchés en pays sous-développés
Abstract presentBulletin mensuel. #34. p. 137-152.

Periodical articleLeduc, G. (1959)
Le marché des bois de l'Afrique Equatoriale et du Cameroun: évolution récente et perspective d'avenir
Abstract presentBulletin mensuel. #33. p. 97-103.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1958)
La place des pays africains de la communauté sur le marché des produits tropicaux
Abstract presentNotes et études documentaires. #2485. p. 1-16.

Periodical articleBourcier de Carbon, L. (1958)
Obstacles à la croissance et organisation des marchés en pays sous-développes
Abstract presentRevue de science financière. #3. p. 461-484.

Periodical articleGarmany, J.W. (1958)
Central Africa wants market and money
Abstract presentThe New Commonwealth - Society for Promotion of International Law and Order. Volume 35. p. 206-209.

Periodical articleSherbini, A.A. el (1958)
The status of marketing in under-developed countries
Abstract presentL'Égypte contemporaine. Volume 49 #294. p. 37-43.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1956)
A study of cocoa
Abstract presentWest Africa. #2062. p. 825.

Periodical articleMurray, S.S. (1956)
Expanding market for Tobacco
Abstract presentThe Times British Colonies Review. #24. p. 7-9.

Search: su=market
Found: 162 First Previous Record 101-162

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