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Search: su=migration | ||||||||
Found: 1270 | Record 1-100 |
Agostinho, Issau (2023) | |
Traços da política de emigração da África Subsahariana. Fluxo ou refluxo da Agenda 2030? | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. Volume 38. p. 89-99. |
Berckmoes, Lidewyde H.; Turner, Simon (2021) | |
Pursuing futures through children: Crisis, social reproduction, and transformation in Burundi's transnational families | |
Migration Studies. Volume 55 #3. p. 321-338. |
Fauri, Francesca (2021) | |
Shifting Tides: 120 Years of Migratory Flows between Italy and Tunisia | |
Journal of European Economic History. Volume 50 #1. p. 39-81. |
Lobo, Andréa de Souza (2021) | |
The challenges of making family at a distance. Some reflections on migrations and family dynamics in Cape Verde | |
Análise Social. Volume 55 #237. p. 840-866. |
Luning, Noortje; Dijk, Rijk van; Kate, Laurens ten (2021) | |
A Question of Faith: An explorative pilot study on the relationship between West African religion, migration and human trafficking | |
Centre against Child and Human Trafficking (CKM); African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 26p. |
Almeida, David; Rosa, João (2020) | |
Incidences of Return Migration: International Students from Cape Verde | |
Journal of Cape Verdean Studies. Volume 5. p. 54-65. |
Bashwira, Marie-Rose; Haar, Gemma van der (2020) | |
Necessity or choice: women's migration to artisanal mining regions in eastern DRC | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 54 #1. p. 79-99. |
Dee, Henry (2020) | |
Central African Immigrants, Imperial Citizenship and the Politics of Free Movement in Interwar South Africa | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 46 #2. p. 319-337. |
Semedo, Carla (2020) | |
A experiência migratória de cabo-verdianos para as roças de São Tomé e Príncipe: pesquisa de campo | |
População e Sociedade. Volume 34. p. 87-106. |
Brinkman, Inge (2019) | |
War, peace and nationhood: in between south-east Angola and Rundu, Namibia (1960s-2012) | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #1. p. 47-65. |
Eresso, Meron Zeleke (2019) | |
Sisters on the move: Ethiopia's gendered labour migration milieu | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #1. p. 27-46. |
Kaag, Mayke; Steel, Griet (2019) | |
Transnational Migrants, Land and New Investment Hubs in African Cities | |
Built environment. Volume 44 #4. p. 477-492. |
Marfaing, Laurence (2019) | |
Dakar ville moderne: la médiation des entrepreneurs sénégalais en Chine | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #1. p. 89-107. |
Mensah Obeng, Mark Kwaku (2019) | |
Journey to the East: a study of Ghanaian migrants in Guangzhou, China | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #1. p. 67-87. |
Bernabé Pons, Luis F. (2018) | |
El paso de los Moriscos por Francia hacia el Magreb: una vez más | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 53 #2. p. 223-244. |
Brogini, Anne (2018) | |
Un observatoire des mobilités en Méditerranée: Tunis à la fin du XVIème siècle (1582-1600) | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 53 #2. p. 283-299. |
Dietz, Ton (2018) | |
Destination Africa: the dynamics 1990-2015 | |
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC working paper #141. 18p. |
Dietz, Ton; Haas, Hein de (2018) | |
Wen er maar aan! Migratie en ontwikkeling: een ongemakkelijke boodschap | |
Geografie. #6. p. 26-32. |
Ikanda, Fred Nyongesa (2018) | |
Somali refugees in Kenya and social resilience: Resettlement imaginings and the longing for Minnesota | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 117 #469. p. 569-591. |
Liang, Kelly; Le Billon, Philippe (2018) | |
African migrants in China: space, race and embodied encounters in Guangzhou, China | |
Social and Cultural Geography. 27p. |
Taber, C. Kevin (2018) | |
A Migratory Mess or a Demographic Peace? Voluntary and Involuntary Population Flows and Conflict Intensity in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 8 #2. p. 1-37. |
Bezabeh, Samson A. (2017) | |
Arab diasporas in geopolitical spaces: imperial contestation and the making of colonial subjecthood in the port of Djibouti (1919-1939) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 57 #225. p. 17-37. |
Coe, Cati (2017) | |
Transnational migration and the commodification of eldercare in urban Ghana | |
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Volume 24 #5. p. 542-556. |
Cuvelier, Jeroen (2017) | |
Money, migration and masculinity among artisanal miners in Katanga (DR Congo) | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 44 #152. p. 204-219. |
Gosselink, Martine; Holtrop, Maria; Ross, Robert; Badenhorst, Geoffrey (eds.) (2017) | |
Good Hope: South Africa and The Netherlands from 1600 | |
Amsterdam: Rijks Museum. 376p. |
Gupta, Pamila; Rodary, Estienne (eds.) (2017) | |
Special Issue: opening-up Mozambique: histories of the present | |
African Studies. Volume 76 #2. p. 179-314. |
Heelsum, A. van (2017) | |
Aspirations and frustrations: experiences of recent refugees in the Netherlands | |
Ethnic and Racial Studies. Volume 40 #13. p. 2137-2150. |
Hirt, Nicole (2017) | |
Die Afrika-Strategie der EU: Abschottung statt Fluchtursachenbekämpfung | |
Hamburg: GIGA. GIGA Focus Afrika #3. 11p. |
Johnson, Jessica A. (2017) | |
After the mines: the changing social and economic landscape of Malawi-South Africa migration | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 44 #152. p. 237-251. |
Jønsson, Jesper Bosse; Bryceson, Deborah Fahy (2017) | |
Beyond the artisanal mining site: migration, housing capital accumulation and indirect urbanization in East Africa | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 11 #1. p. 3-23. |
Lazzarini, Alicia H. (2017) | |
Gendered Labour, Migratory Labour: Reforming Sugar Regimes in Xinavane, Mozambique | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 43 #3. p. 605-623. |
Ngalle Edimo, Christophe; Danngar, Adjim (2017) | |
Mamie Denis: évadée de la maison de retraite | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Harmattan BD. 116p. |
Thorsen, Dorte (ed.) (2017) | |
Reconfiguring migration | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 87 #2. p. 300-361. |
Whitaker, Beth Elise (2017) | |
Migration within Africa and beyond | |
African Studies Review. Volume 60 #2. p. 209-220. |
Bruyne, Marnix de (2016) | |
We moeten gaan: Nederlandse boeren in Zimbabwe | |
Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Podium. 390p. |
Cousins, Helen; Dodgson-Katiyo, Pauline (eds.) (2016) | |
Diaspora & returns in fiction | |
African Literature Today. #34. |
de Jager, Nicola; Musuva, Catherine (2016) | |
The influx of Zimbabweans into South Africa: a crisis of governance that spills over | |
Africa Review: Journal of African Studies Association of India. Volume 8 #1. p. 15-30. |
Fageol, Pierre-Éric; Garan, Frédéric (2016) | |
La migration des Réunionnais dans l'Empire et la doctrine de la 'plus grande France' sous la Troisième République | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 104 #390-391. p. 261-289. |
Frankel, Philip H. (2016) | |
Long walk to nowhere: human trafficking in post-Mandela South Africa | |
New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. 274p. |
Heelsum, A. van (2016) | |
Why migration will continue: aspirations and capabilities of Syrians and Ethiopians with different educational backgrounds | |
Ethnic and Racial Studies. Volume 39 #8. p. 1301-1309. |
Hirt, Nicole (2016) | |
Flüchtlinge aus Eritrea: Spielball europäischer Interessen | |
GIGA Focus Afrika. #2. p. 1-10. |
Klotz, Audie (2016) | |
Borders and the roots of xenophobia in South Africa | |
South African Historical Journal. Volume 68 #2. p. 180-194. |
Konaté, Famagan-Oulé; Gonin, Patrick (eds.) (2016) | |
Le rôle des migrations au Mali: cercles de Kita, Banamba et district de Bamako | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 286p. |
Larbi, Abdelhalim (2016) | |
Changements climatiques et migration: enjeux de la reconnaissance d'un statut juridique international | |
REMALD: revue marocaine d'administration locale et de développement. #131. p. 125-138. |
Ndibe, Okey (2016) | |
Never look an American in the eye: flying turtles, colonial ghosts, and the making of a Nigerian American | |
New York, NY: Soho Press. 210p. |
O'Rourke, Harmony (2016) | |
Beyond the world of commerce: rethinking Hausa diaspora history through marriage, distance, and legal testimony | |
History in Africa. Volume 43. p. 141-167. |
Peraldi, Michel (ed.) (2016) | |
Mobilités et migrations européennes en (post) colonies | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 56 #221-222. p. 9-400. |
Razy, Élodie; Rodet, Marie (eds.) (2016) | |
Children on the move in Africa: past & present experiences of migration | |
Suffolk: James Currey. 241p. |
Stock, Inka (2016) | |
Transnational social fields in forced immobility: relations of young Sub-Saharan African migrants in Morocco with their families and friends | |
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Volume 23 #4. p. 407-421. |
Zhou, Min; Shenasi, Shabnam; Xu, Tao (2016) | |
Chinese Attitudes toward African Migrants in Guangzhou, China | |
International Journal of Sociology. Volume 46 #2. p. 141-161. |
Bonacci, Giulia (2015) | |
Exodus!: heirs and pioneers, Rastafari return to Ethiopia | |
Kingston: The University of the West Indies Press. 482p. |
Boudribila, Mohamed-Mustapha (2015) | |
Aspects de l'histoire ancienne de l'Afrique du Nord: Amazihs et Carthaginois | |
Agadir: Faculté des Lettres et des Scienes Humaines, Université Ibn Zohr. 283p. |
Bredeloup, Sylvie (ed.) (2015) | |
Special issue on migration | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 40 #1. 181p. |
Cruz, Irene Santos da (2015) | |
Filosofias da imigraçao: fronteiras abertas versus fronteiras fechadas | |
Praia: Edições Uni-CV. 309p. |
Dahou, Tarik; Sidi Moussa, Nedjib (eds.) (2015) | |
Le dossier: L'Algérie aux marges de l'Etat | |
Politique africaine. #137. p. 5-128. |
Dia, Hamidou (2015) | |
Trajectoires et pratiques migratoires des Haalpulaaren du Sénégal: socio-anthropologie d'un village multi-situé | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Connaissance des hommes. 397p. |
Furtado, Cláudio Alves; Laurent, Pierre-Joseph; Évora, Iolanda (eds.) (2015) | |
As ciências sociais em Cabo Verde: temáticas, abordagens e perspectivas teóricas | |
Praia: Edições Uni-CV. Colecção Sociedade #8. 489p. |
Gary-Tounkara, Daouda (2015) | |
A Reappraisal of the Expulsion of Illegal Immigrants from Nigeria in 1983 | |
International Journal of Conflict and Violence. Volume 9 #1. p. 25-38. |
Gatugu, Joseph; Manço, Altay A. (eds.) (2015) | |
Les familles africaines et le mythe de l'Occident: destins migratoires singuliers | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Compétences interculturelles. 243p. |
Gaulier, Armelle; Gary-Tounkara, Daouda (eds.) (2015) | |
Dossier: musique et pouvoir, pouvoirs des musiques dans les Afriques | |
Afrique contemporaine. #254. p. 13-102. |
Geyer, H.S.; Geyer, H.S. (2015) | |
Disaggregated population migration trends in South Africa between 1996 and 2011: a differential urbanisation approach | |
Urban Forum. Volume 26 #1. p. 1-13. |
Jensen, Steffen; Zenker, Olaf (eds.) (2015) | |
Special issue: homelands as frontiers: apartheid's loose ends | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 41 #5. p. 937-1097. |
Kamdem, Pierre (ed.) (2015) | |
Migrations et développement dans les Afriques de l'Ouest et du Centre | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 305p. |
Keese, Alexander (2015) | |
Developmentalist attitudes and old habits: Portuguese labour policies, South African rivalry, and flight in southern Angola, 1945-1974 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 41 #2. p. 237-253. |
Koné, Sixeau Daouda (2015) | |
Le peuplement ancien en Basse-Guinée: XIIe-XIXe siècles | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection Histoire africaine. 351p. |
Leichtman, Mara (2015) | |
Shi'i cosmopolitanisms in Africa: Lebanese migration and religious conversion in Senegal | |
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Public cultures of the Middle East and North Africa. 294p. |
Maskens, Maïté (2015) | |
Bordering Intimacy: The Fight against Marriages of Convenience in Brussels | |
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology. Volume 33 #2. p. 42-58. |
Mengome, Armand Joachim (2015) | |
La longue marche des populations fang: des berges du delta du Nil aux rives de l'estuaire du Gabon | |
Paris: Les impliqués éditeur. 60p. |
Moji, Polo Belina (2015) | |
New names, translational subjectivities: (dis)location and (re)naming in NoViolet Bulawayo's 'We Need New Names' | |
Journal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 27 #2. p. 181-190. |
Mouckaga, Hugues; Dianzinga, Scholastique; Owaye, Jean-François (eds.) (2015) | |
Ethnies, nations et développement en Afrique: quelle gouvernance: actes du colloque de Brazzaville, Congo, du 26 au 28 mai 2014 | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série politique. 698p. |
Norodom Kiari, Jean-Bédel (ed.) (2015) | |
De l'intégration régionale en Afrique centrale (1960-2010): une analyse de cinquante années de pratique | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 195p. |
Oualett Halatine, Zakiyatou (2015) | |
Chronique Kal Ansar: le tambour suspendu: témoignage de l'Amanokal Mohamed-Elmehdi Ag Attaher Al Ansari | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 259p. |
Schröder, Günter (2015) | |
Wanderungs- und Fluchtbewegungen im und aus dem Horn von Afrika | |
Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Perspektive. 5p. |
Seck, Abdourahmane; Canut, Cécile; Ly, Mouhamed Abdallah (eds.) (2015) | |
Figures et discours de migrants en Afrique: mémoires de routes et de corps | |
Paris: Riveneuve. 237p. |
Solomon, Thomas (ed.) (2015) | |
African musics in context: institutions, culture, identity | |
Kampala: Fountain Publishers. 365p. |
Uusihakala, Katja (2015) | |
Rescuing children, reforming the Empire: British child migration to colonial Southern Rhodesia | |
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Volume 22 #3. p. 273-287. |
Vigneswaran, Darshan; Quirk, Joel (eds.) (2015) | |
Mobility makes states: migration and power in Africa | |
Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 297p. |
Vubo, Emmanuel Yenshu (ed.) (2015) | |
Environment, agriculture and cross-border migrations | |
Dakar: CODESRIA. 163p. |
Walker-Said, Charlotte; Felber Seligman, Andrea (eds.) (2015) | |
Special issue: Wealth in pluralities: intersections of money, gender, and multiple values across African societies | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 48 #3. p. 387-499. |
Abdalla, Mustafa; Dias Barros, Denise; Berthet, Marina (eds.) (2014) | |
Spaces in movement: new perspectives on migration in African settings | |
Köln: Rudiger Köppe Verlag. Topics in interdisciplinary African studies #35. 205p. |
Alpes, Maybritt Jill (2014) | |
Imagining a future in 'bush': migration aspirations at times of crisis in Anglophone Cameroon | |
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. Volume 21 #3. p. 259-274. |
Arthur, John A.; Takougang, Joseph; Owusu*, Thomas Yaw (eds.) (2014) | |
Africans in global migration: searching for promised lands | |
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 326p. |
Bava, Sophie; Boissevain, Katia (eds.) (2014) | |
Routes migratoires africaines et dynamiques religieuses: dossier | |
In: L'année du Maghreb. #11. p. 7-211. |
Boureima, Amadou; Lawali, Dambo (eds.) (2014) | |
Sahel: entre crises et espoirs: hommage au Pr. Joerg Winistorfer | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 362p. |
Bourlet, Mélanie (2014) | |
Mobilité, migrations et littératures en réseaux: exemple des romans poulâr | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 54 #213-214. p. 309-340. |
Bredeloup, Sylvie (2014) | |
Migrations d'aventures: terrains africains | |
Paris: CTHS. CTHS Géographie #11. 141p. |
Brunet-Jailly, Joseph; Charmes, Jacques; Konaté, Doulaye (eds.) (2014) | |
Le Mali contemporain | |
Bamako: Éditions Tombouctou. 658p. |
Canut, Cécile (ed.) (2014) | |
Ilia di mudjer = L'île des femmes = The island of women | |
Aulas: Tutti Quanti films. |
Canut, Cécile; Ramos, Elsa (2014) | |
Carnet de route d'un voyageur en Afrique de l'Ouest | |
Paris: Le Cavalier bleu. 96p. |
Canut, Cécile; Mazauric, Catherine (eds.) (2014) | |
La migration prise aux mots: mise en récits et en images des migrations transafricaines | |
Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu. 286p. |
Charbit, Yves; Mishima, Teiko (eds.) (2014) | |
Questions de migrations et de santé en Afrique sub-saharienne: recherches interdisciplinaires en France et au Japon | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection populations. 235p. |
Codjoe, Samuel Nii Ardey; Badasu, Delali Margaret; Kwankye, Stephen Owusu (eds.) (2014) | |
Population studies: key issues and contemporary trends in Ghana | |
Legon-Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers. Social science series #5. 278p. |
Degorce, Alice (2014) | |
Mobilités et migrations dans les discours et la littérature orale moose (Burkina Faso) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 54 #213-214. p. 289-308. |
Escrivá, Angeles (2014) | |
Migrants Coping with Legality: The views and experiences of older Peruvians and Moroccans | |
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Volume II #2. p. 161-175. |
Freire, Francisco (2014) | |
Saharan migrant camel herders: Znaga social status and the global age | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 52 #3. p. 425-446. |
Gary-Tounkara, Daouda (2014) | |
De Dakar à New York: récits de marins de l'Afrique francophone à la 'découverte' de l'Amérique au tournant des années 1920 | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 54 #213-214. p. 155-180. |
Graiouid, Said; Belghazi, Taieb (eds.) (2014) | |
Migration, human rights and the politics of identity in a globalized world | |
Rabat: Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Mohammed V. Colloquia and seminars #183. 257p. |
Kouamé, Ernest (2014) | |
Yéfini: ou l'histoire authentique du royaume baoulé d'hier à aujourd'hui | |
Abidjan: L'Encre Bleue. Collection L'Afrique & l'Afrique. 176p. |
Labari, Brahim; Anbi, Abdderrahim (2014) | |
Le rural au prisme des changements sociaux: regards sociologiques | |
Agadir: Faculté des Lettres des Sciences Humaines, Université Ibn Zohr. 165p. |
Lafay, Marina; Mick, Carola (2014) | |
À l'écoute du 'Cri de la Tourterelle': la performativité du chant et du cinéma sur la migration au Niger | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 54 #213-214. p. 499-527. |
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