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Search: su=millet
Found: 45 Record 1-45

Periodical articleBender, Matthew V. (2011)
Millet is gone!: considering the demise of eleusine agriculture on Kilimanjaro
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 44 #2. p. 191-214.

Dissertation / thesisVoortman, Roelf Lubbe (2010)
Explorations into African land resource ecology: on the chemistry between soils, plants and fertilizers

Periodical articleKahlheber, Stefanie; Bostoen, Koen; Neumann, Katharina (2009)
See this publicationEarly plant cultivation in the Central African rain forest: first millennium BC pearl millet from South Cameroon
Abstract presentJournal of African Archaeology. Volume 7 #2. p. 253-272.

BookBernard, Yves (2007)
Mil merveille du Sahel
Paris: L'Harmattan. 170p.

Dissertation / thesisSamaké, Odiaba (2003)
Integrated crop management strategies in Sahelian land use systems to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability: a case study in Mali
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #47. 132p.

Dissertation / thesisZougmoré, Robert B. (2003)
Integrated water and nutrient management for sorghum production in semi-arid Burkina Faso
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #45. 205p.

Periodical articleBessler, David A.; Kergna, Alpha (2002)
See this publicationPrice Discovery: The Case of Millet in Bamako, Mali
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 11 #4. December. p. 472-502.

Periodical articleD'Andrea, A.C.; Casey, J. (2002)
See this publicationPearl Millet and Kintampo Subsistence
Abstract presentAfrican Archaeological Review. Volume 19 #3. September. p. 147-173.

BookMaas, Pieter (2001)
L'influence des changements climatiques sur l'exploitation du mil à Wayre, village dogon du Mali central
Abstract presentLeiden; Wageningen: African Studies Centre; ICCD.

Periodical articleJoshua, S.D.; Gworgwor, N.A. (2000)
Economic assessment of chemical weed control in cereal-legume intercrop in the savanna zone of Nigeria
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 17-18. p. 247-256.

Periodical articleKwari, J.D.; Bibinu, A.T.S.; Abubakar, M. (2000)
Identifying sources of nitrogen applied to sorghum-based crop mixtures in Sudano-Sahel and Sahel savanna zones of north-east Nigeria
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 17-18. p. 266-273.

Periodical articleMakokha, A.O. (2000)
See this publicationConsumer and retailer responses to commercially processed sorghum flour in western Kenya
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 12 #1-2. June. p. 7-11.

Dissertation / thesisMayus, Martina (1998)
Millet growth in windbreak-shielded fields in the Sahel: experiment and model
Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University. Tropical resource management papers #21. 259p.

Periodical articleOhiokphehai, O.; Botsalo, S.B.; Mpotokwane, S.M.; Santo, P. Espirito; Domingues, M.; Faria, M. (1998)
See this publicationConsumer Preferences and Utilisation of Sorghum and Millet in Rural Areas of Botswana
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 30. p. 163-170.

Periodical articleRowley-Conwy, Peter A.; Deakin, William J.; Shaw, Charles H. (1997)
Ancient DNA from Archaeological Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) from Qasr Ibrim, Nubia. Implications for Domestication and Evolution and a Review of Archaeological Evidence
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 9. p. 23-35.

Periodical articleMiyawaki, Yukio (1996)
Cultivation Strategy and Historical Change of Sorghum Varieties in the Hoor of Southwestern Ethiopia
Abstract presentSenri Ethnological Studies. #43. p. 77-120.

Conference paperGroot, J.J.R.; Coulibaly, A. (eds.) (1995)
Les modèles de simulation de la croissance végétale comme outils de recherche développement
Abstract presentWageningen: AB-DLO. Rapports du projet de coopération scientifique Production Soudano-Sahélienne (PSS) #11. 92p.

BookDirar, Hamid A. (1993)
The indigenous fermented foods of the Sudan: a study in African food and nutrition
Abstract presentWallingford: CAB International. 552p.

Dissertation / thesisHassan, Hassan Abbas (1993)
Organization and performance of the marketing system of sorghum in the Sudan
Abstract presentBerlin: Köster. Schriften zur internationalen Agrarentwicklung #2. 302p.

Periodical articleMacGarry, Brian (1990)
What are We Promoting? A Case Study of the Introduction of a New Milling Technology in a Rural Area in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 5 #1. p. 73-81.

Periodical articleMcCann, James C. (1990)
See this publicationA Dura Revolution and Frontier Agriculture in Northwest Ethiopia, 1898-1920
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 31 #1. p. 121-134.

Periodical articleAgbodan, Mavor Tetey (1989)
See this publicationPrix officiels et prix d'équilibre des denrées alimentaires: le cas du maïs et du mil à Lomé
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 14 #4. p. 83-93.

BookMellaart, Eduard A.R. (1988)
Simulations des effects de la variabilité de la disponibilité hydrique en fonction de la pluviosité sur la production de sorgho et de mil
Abstract presentGroningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 76p.

BookSnijders, Tom A.B. (1988)
A method for early warning
Abstract presentGroningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 29p.

Periodical articleNdembou, Samuel (1987)
La culture du mouskouari en aval du barrage de Lagdo
Abstract presentRevue de géographie du Cameroun. Volume 7 #1. p. 27-41.

Periodical articleVernier, P.; Aboubakar, Y.; Tchari, B. (1987)
Le systeme de double culture riz pluvial-sorgho mouskwari au Cameroun: essais préliminaires
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 42 #4. p. 280-288.

Periodical articleGigou, J. (1986)
La fertilisation raisonnee du sorgho en afrique de l'ouest
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 41 #3-4. p. 192-202.

Periodical articleStaveren, J.Ph. van; Stoop, W.A. (1986)
Adaptation aux types de terroirs des toposequences de l'Afrique de l'Ouest de differents genotypes de sorgho par rapport aux cultivars locaux de sorgho, de mil et de mais
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 41 #3-4. p. 203-217.

Periodical articleKakeya, Makoto; Sugiyama, Yuko (1985)
See this publicationCitemene, Finger Millet and Bemba Culture: A Socio-Ecological Study of Slash-and-Burn Cultivation in Northeastern Zambia
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #4. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleChantereau, J. (1983)
Selection d'hybrides de Sorgho pour le centre-nord et le nord du Sénégal
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 38 #4. p. 295-302.

Periodical articleDancette, C. (1983)
Besoins en eau do mil au Senegal: adaptation en zone semi-aride tropicale
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 38 #4. p. 267-280.

Periodical articleLambert, Claude (1983)
L'irat et l'amelioration du mil: présentation des travaux
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 38 #1. p. 78-88.

Periodical articleShepherd, Andrew W. (1983)
See this publicationCapitalist Agriculture in the Sudan's Dura Prairies
Abstract presentDevelopment and Change. Volume 14 #2. April. p. 297-320.

Periodical articleSiband, Pierre (1983)
Essai d'analyse du fonctionnement du mil (pennisetum typhoides) en zone sahelienne
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 38 #1. p. 27-36.

Periodical articleChrétien, J.-P. (1982)
Le sorgho dans l'agriculture, la culture et l'histoire du Burundi
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 52 #1-2. p. 145-162.

Periodical articleToure, A.B.; Scheuring, J.F. (1982)
Presence de genes mainteneurs de l'androsterilité cytoplasmique parmi les variétés locales de Sorgho au Mali
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 37 #4. p. 362-365.

Periodical articleHuntington, Richard; Ackroyd, James; Deng, Luka (1981)
See this publicationThe Challenge for Rainfed Agriculture in Western and Southern Sudan: Lessons from Abyei
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 28 #2. 2nd Quarter. p. 43-53.

Periodical articlePichot, J. (1981)
Evolution de la fertilité d'un sol ferrugineux tropical sous l'influence de fumures minerales et organiques
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 36 #2. p. 122-133.

Book chapterIbrahim, F.N. (1978)
Millet cultivation as a major cause of desertification in Darfur and Kordofan, Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Resources and development in Africa / ed. by J.S. Oguntoyinbo, M.O. Filani and O.O. Areola. p. 1-4.

Periodical articleAndrews, D.J. (1976)
Plant density and grain yield of Nigerian sorghums
Abstract presentSavanna: A Journal of the Environmental and Social Sciences. Volume 5 #1. p. 55-60.

Periodical articleKambal, A.E.; Au-El-Gasim, E.H. (1976)
A Case for an Accelerated Hybrid Sorghum Project in the Sudan
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 57. p. 107-114.

Periodical articleJacquinot, L. (1972)
Résultats et perspectives des recherches: effectuées au Sénégal sur la potentialité du mil céréalier (Pennisetum Typhoides)
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale, Série 1. Volume 27 #8. p. 815-821.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1971)
The current situation in relation to the milling of sorghum and millets and their utilization for flour
Abstract presentAgricultural Economics Bulletin for Africa. #13. p. 73-79.

Periodical articleCouty, P. (1965)
Notes sur la production et le commerce du mil dans: Le département du Diamare (Nord-Cameroun)
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 2 #4. p. 3-88.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean (ed.) (19**)
Le mil - Niger
Abstract presentParis: Comité du film ethnographique.

Search: su=millet
Found: 45 Record 1-45

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