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Periodical articleMarfaing, Laurence (2019)
See this publicationDakar ville moderne: la médiation des entrepreneurs sénégalais en Chine
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #1. p. 89-107.

Periodical articleAnsoms, An; Cioffo, Giuseppe; Dawson, Neil; Desiere, Sam; Huggins, Chris; Leegwater, Margot; Murison, Jude; Bisoka, Aymar Nyenyezi; Treidl, Johanna; Van Damme, Julie (2018)
See this publicationThe Rwandan agrarian and land sector modernisation: confronting macro performance with lived experiences on the ground
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 45 #157. p. 408-431.

Periodical articleLundy, Brandon D. (2018)
See this publicationChallenging adulthood: Changing initiation rites among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau
African Studies. Volume 77 #4. p. 584-606.

Periodical articleHodgson, Dorothy L. (2017)
See this publicationAfrica from the margins
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 60 #2. p. 37-49.

BookBertelsen, Bjørn Enge (2016)
Violent becomings: state formation, sociality, and power in Mozambique
New York: Berghahn Books. Ethnography, theory, experiment. 332p.

BookFálolá, Tóyìn (2016)
Nigerian political modernity and postcolonial predicament
Austin, TX: Pan-African University Press. 480p.

Periodical articleGrant, Julie (2016)
See this publicationCrossing the divide: research methods to facilitate representative data collection within conflicted communities
Abstract presentCritical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 30 #6. p. 823-839.

Periodical articleKolapo, Femi J. (2016)
See this publicationAppraising the limits of Pentecostal political power in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 46 #4. p. 369-389.

BookLima, Paula Sophia Branco de (2016)
See this publicationMocambique como lugar de interrogacao: a modernidade em Elisio Macamo e Severino Ngoenha
Cape Town: African Minds. 106p.

BookLima, Paula Sophia Branco de (2016)
Mocambique como lugar de interrogacao: a modernidade em Elisio Macamo e Severino Ngoenha
Cape Town: African Minds. 106p.

Periodical articlePier, David G. (2016)
See this publicationDance, discipline, and the liberal self at a Ugandan Catholic boarding school
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 59 #3. p. 33-59.

Book chapterSoares, Benjamin (2016)
New Muslim public figures in West Africa
Abstract presentIn: Islamic education in Africa: writing boards and blackboards. p. 268-284.

Periodical articleAderinto, Saheed (2015)
See this publicationModernizing love: gender, romantic passion and youth literary culture in colonial Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 85 #3. p. 478-500.

BookAdil, Faraj (2015)
La gestion entrepreneuriale du secteur public pour une nouvelle approche managériale
Rabat: Publications de la revue du droit marocain. Série des publications de la revue de droit marocain #2. 484p.

BookEl Makrini, Naïma (2015)
Regards croisés sur les conditions d'une modernité arabo-musulmane: Mohammed Arkoun et Mohammed al-Jabri
Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia-L'Harmattan. Islams en changement #7. 143p.

BookGifford, Paul (2015)
Christianity, development and modernity in Africa
London: Hurst & Company. 187p.

Periodical articleHoernlé, Agnes Winifred; Niehaus, Isak (2015)
See this publicationThe indigenous system of social relations (1934), with an introduction by Isak Niehaus
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 38 #1-2. p. 75-87.

BookLalèyê, Issiaka-P. Latoundji (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationCulture et religion en Afrique au seuil du XXIe siècle: conscience d'une renaissance?
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 257p.

BookManga-Bihina, Antoine; Mouchili Njimom, Issoufou Soulé (eds.) (2015)
Philosophie et développement: de la philosophie de questionnement du développement aux perspectives de l'émergence
Abstract presentParis: Éditions l'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série philosophie. 178p.

Periodical articleSmit, W.J.; Notermans, Catrien (2015)
See this publicationSurviving change by changing violently: ukuthwala in South Africa's Eastern Cape province
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 38 #1-2. p. 29-46.

Periodical articleAkoth, Steve Ouma (2014)
Human rights critique in post-colonial Africa: practices among Luo in Western Kenya
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 37. p. 94-106.

BookBachrouch, Taoufik (2014)
La crise de la conscience tunisienne au XIXème siècle
Tunis: Atlas éditions. 335p.

Periodical articleBessah, Titem (2014)
Jeunesse, tajmaat et association en Kabylie aujourd'hui: cas d'Ath Idjer
Insaniyat: revue algérienne d'anthropologie et de sciences sociales. #65-66. p. 281-299.

Periodical articleBetih Chimoun, Ghislaine Berthe (2014)
'Tradition' et 'modernité: un éternel conflit dans la littérature négro-africaine francophone
Sophia: la revue du Laboratoire de Littérature Comparée. #2. p. 176-211.

Periodical articleGinio, Ruth (2014)
'Cherchez la femme': African gendarmes, quarrelsome women, and French commanders in French West Africa, 1945-1960
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 47 #1. p. 37-53.

BookMoyo, B.H.Z. (2014)
Agriculture and environment for developing countries
Mzuzu: Mzuni Press. Mzuni books #10. 111p.

BookOsha, Sanya (2014)
African postcolonial modernity: informal subjectivities and the democratic consensus
New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. African histories and modernities. 262p.

Periodical articleThurston, Alexander (2014)
See this publicationThe era of overseas scholarships: Islam, modernization, and decolonization in Northern Nigeria, c. 1954-1966
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 62-91.

BookTáíwò, Olúfémi (2014)
Africa must be modern: a manifesto
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 224p.

Periodical articleWerbner, Pnina (2014)
See this publicationBetween ontological transformation and the imagination of tradition: girls' puberty rituals in twenty-first century Botswana
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 44 #3-4. p. 355-385.

Dissertation / thesisFourie, Elsje (2013)
See this publicationNew Maps for Africa? Contextualising the 'Chinese Model' within Ethiopian and Kenyan Paradigms of Development
University of Trento.

BookMationgo Mboungou, Sébastien (2013)
Consensus et fédéralisme au Congo-Brazzaville: modernisation et partage
Paris: Paari. Le Griot bantu. 148p.

BookAddi, Lahouari (2012)
Algérie, chroniques d'une expérience postcoloniale de modernisation: débats et réflexions
Alger: Barzakh. Le cours des choses. 334p.

Periodical articleDiouf, Daouda (2012)
Jeunesse africaine tradition et modernité dans la littérature africaine: quels repères?
Sophia: la revue du Laboratoire de Littérature Comparée. #1. p. 109-129.

BookGhorbal, Samy (2012)
Orphelins de Bourguiba & héritiers du prophète
Tunis: Cérès. D'islam & d'ailleurs. 197p.

BookKamanzi, Adalbertus (2012)
See this publicationCan we construct differently from an experience of the degrading environment as function of the discourse of modernity? The answer is yes!
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. ASC working paper #102. 21p.

Periodical articleMiescher, Stephan F. (2012)
See this publicationBuilding the city of the future: visions and experiences of modernity in Ghana's Akosombo township
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 53 #3. p. 367-390.

DVD / videoMoussié, Lucile; Salem, Abderrahmne A. (eds.) (2012)
See this publicationDu sable au goudron
Lussas: Doc Net films.

Periodical articleMurillo, Bianca (2012)
See this publicationThe 'modern shopping experience': Kingsway Department Store and consumer politics in Ghana
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 82 #3. p. 368-392.

BookNewell, Sasha (2012)
The Modernity Bluff: Crime, Consumption, and Citizenship in Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentChicago: The University of Chicago Press. 305p.

Periodical articleNwadigwe, Charles E. (2012)
Body, space, and technology: interrogating conventionality in postmodern african dance theatre
Abstract presentAfrican Performance Review. Volume 6 #2. p. 27-42.

Periodical issueSamson, Fabienne (ed.) (2012)
See this publicationIslam au-delà des catégories
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. #206-207. p. 329-686.

Periodical articleSeri-Hersch, Iris (2012)
La modernité dans l'historiographie du Soudan: usages convenus d'un concept nébuleux?
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 52 #208. p. 905-935.

Periodical articleVorhölter, Julia (2012)
See this publicationNegotiating social change: Ugandan discourses on Westernisation and neo-colonialism as forms of social critique
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 50 #2. p. 283-307.

Periodical articleHawkins, Simon (2011)
See this publicationWho wears 'hijab' with the president: constructing a modern Islam in Tunisia
Journal of Religion in Africa. Volume 41 #1. p. 35-58.

Dissertation / thesisHållén, Nicklas (2011)
See this publicationTravelling objects: modernity and materiality in British colonial travel literature about Africa
Umeå: Department of Language Studies, Umeå University. Umeå studies in language and literature #15. 257p.

Periodical articleKahn, Jeffrey (2011)
See this publicationPolicing 'evil': State-sponsored witch-hunting in the People's Republic of Bénin
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 41 #1. p. 4-34.

Periodical articleJewsiewicki, Bogumil (2010)
Imaginaire collectif des Katangais au temps de la désindustrialisation: regard du dedans et regard d'en dehors: la photographie de Sammy Baloji et le rap de Baloji Tshiani
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 50 #198-200. p. 1079-1111.

Periodical articleRiot, Thomas (2010)
See this publicationLe football Rwanda: un simulacre guerrier dans la créolisation d'une société (1900-50)
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 44 #1. p. 75-109.

BookSabry, Tarik (2010)
Cultural encounters in the Arab world: on media, the modern and the everyday
London: I.B. Tauris. Library of modern Middle East studies #89. 228p.

Periodical articleBernault, Florence (2009)
De la modernité comme impuissance: fétichisme et crise du politique en Afrique équatoriale et ailleurs
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 49 #195. p. 747-774.

Periodical articleBloom, Peter J.; Skinner, Kate (2009)
Modernity and danger: 'The Boy Kumasenu' and the work of the Gold Coast Film Unit
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 12-13. p. 121-153.

Book chapterBrinkman, Inge; Bruijn, Mirjam de; Bilal, Hisham (2009)
The mobile phone, 'modernity' and change in Khartoum, Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa. p. 69-91.

Periodical articleClark, Gracia (2009)
Consulting elderly Kumasi market women about modernization
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 12-13. p. 97-119.

Periodical articleDonham, Donald L. (2009)
La dialectique religion et politique dans la révolution éthiopienne: pour une ethnographie historique de la révolution marxiste
Abstract presentSocial Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions. Volume 22 #2. p. 131-167.

Periodical articleDumouchelle, Kevin D. (2009)
Traditions of modernity: currents in architectural expression in Kumasi
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 12-13. p. 155-188.

BookGras, Pierre (ed.) (2009)
Voyage en Afrique urbaine: urbanisation, modernité et société
Abstract presentParis: l'Harmattan. Carnets de ville. 155p.

Periodical articleHugon, Anne (2009)
Maternity and modernity in the Gold Coast, 1920s-1950s
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 12-13. p. 77-95.

Periodical articleMbah, Jean Ferdinand (2009)
Les problèmes théoriques et méthodologiques liés au renouvellement de l'expérience culturelle dans une société africaine en transition
Abstract presentRevue gabonaise de sociologie. #2. p. 15-53.

Periodical articleMennasemay, Maimire (2009)
The 'Dekike Estifanos': towards an Ethiopian critical theory
Horn of Africa. Volume 27. p. 64-118.

Periodical articleMiescher, Stephan F.; Tsikata, Dzodzi (2009)
Hydro-power and the promise of modernity and development in Ghana: comparing the Akosombo and Bui Dam projects
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 12-13. p. 15-53.

Periodical articleMonénembo, Thierno (2009)
Comme un ovni qui ne décolle jamais, l'Afrique!
Abstract presentPalabres actuelles: revue de la Fondation Raponda-Walker pour la Science et la Culture. #3. p. 5-12.

Periodical articleOlutayo, A.O.; Akanle, O. (2009)
See this publicationFast food in Ibadan: an emerging consumption pattern
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 79 #2. p. 207-227.

BookGeschiere, Peter; Meyer, Birgit; Pels, Peter (eds.) (2008)
Readings in modernity in Africa
Abstract presentOxford: James Currey. 226p.

Periodical articleHaenni, Patrick; Tammam, Husam (2008)
Penser dans l'au-delà de l'islamisme: Égypte, la dispersion idéologique des lendemains qui déchantent
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #123. p. 179-201.

Dissertation / thesisThorsen-Cavers, David William (2008)
Entanglements: tradition, modernity & globalization in Cape Coast
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 614p.

Periodical articleZwana, Solmon (2008)
Old wine in new wine skins: tombstone unveiling as a case of religious innovation and change in Zimbabwean Christianity
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 21 #1. p. 37-52.

Periodical articleArnoldi, Mary Jo (2007)
See this publicationBamako, Mali: monuments and modernity in the urban imagination
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 54 #2. p. 3-24.

DVD / videoCamara, Cheick Fantamady (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationIl va pleuvoir sur Conakry
Abstract presentConakry: C.O.P. Films.

Conference paperCoray-Dapretto, Lorenza; Passos, Joana (eds.) (2007)
Global heritage: tradition and innovation: Africa and South Asia in perspective
Abstract presentKöln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Topics in African studies #5. 134p.

Periodical issueKlein, Tobias Robert; Auga, Ulrike (eds.) (2007)
See this publicationTexts, tasks, and theories
Abstract presentMatatu: Journal for African Culture and Society. Volume 35. 218p.

Periodical articleKumar, P. Pratap (2007)
Urbanism and the 'death of religion': strategies of religious manifestation in modern society
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 20 #1. p. 43-56.

Periodical articleSalvadore, Matteo (2007)
See this publicationA modern African intellectual: Gäbre-Heywät Baykädañ's quest for Ethiopia's sovereign modernity
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 62 #4. p. 560-579.

Periodical articleSchultz, Ulrike (2007)
Autonomie oder Sicherheit: das Aushandeln von Familiennormen in sudanesischen Familien
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 42 #2. p. 167-194.

DVD / videoTraoré, Salif; Quinsac, Philippe; Kouyaté, Sotigui (eds.) (2007)
See this publicationFaro: la reine des eaux
Abstract presentAmsterdam: Filmfreak Distributie.

DVD / videoVesco, Sylvain (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationLa voie peule entre tradition et modernité
Abstract presentFree Band Production.

Periodical articleWylie, Dan (2007)
'Now strangers walk in that place': Antjie Krog, modernity, and the making of
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 19 #2. p. 49-71.

Periodical articleBerman, Bruce J. (2006)
See this publicationThe Ordeal of Modernity in the Age of Terror
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 49 #1. April. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleBonte, Pierre (2006)
La notion de 'biens de prestige' au Sahara occidental
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 76 #1. p. 25-42.

BookElahmadi, Mohsine (2006)
Le mouvement Yasiniste
Casablanca: El Moultaka. 230p.

Periodical articleInjendi, M.M. (2006)
The modernization approach to development and its criticism
Eastern Africa Journal of Humanities and Sciences. Volume 6 #1. January-June. p. 60-80.

Periodical articleKaler, Amy (2006)
See this publication'When They See Money, They Think it's Life': Money, Modernity and Morality in Two Sites in Rural Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 32 #2. June. p. 335-349.

Periodical articleKurcz, Maciej (2006)
North-Sudanese villages on the Nile at the verge of transformations
Africana Bulletin. #54. p. 55-84.

Periodical articleLewinson, Anne S. (2006)
See this publicationDomestic Realms, Social Bonds, and Class: Ideologies and Indigenizing Modernity in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 40 #3. p. 462-495.

BookLushaba, Lwazi Siyabonga (2006)
See this publicationDevelopment as modernity, modernity as development
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. ASC working paper #69. 51p.

Periodical articleMazrui, Ali A. (2006)
Is development sustainable without modernization?
Ufahamu. Volume 32 #1-2. p. 13-37.

Periodical articleMercer, Claire (2006)
See this publicationTelecentres and Transformations: Modernizing Tanzania through the Internet
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 105 #419. April. p. 243-264.

BookMiran, Marie (2006)
Islam, histoire et modernité en Côte d'Ivoire
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 548p.

Periodical articleSchneider, Leander (2006)
See this publicationThe Maasai's New Clothes: A Developmentalist Modernity and its Exclusions
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 53 #1. Fall. p. 101-131.

Dissertation / thesisAksikas, Jaafar (2005)
Islamic modernities: society, politics, culture, and the war of ideology in Morocco
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 337p.

BookAlidou, Ousseina (2005)
Engaging modernity: Muslim women and the politics of agency in postcolonial Niger
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. Women in Africa and the diaspora. 235p.

Periodical articleClaudot-Hawad, Hélène (2005)
Les 'Tifinagh' comme écriture du détournement: usages touaregs du XXI siècle
Études et documents berbères. #23. p. 5-30.

Periodical articleGiddy, Patrick; Detterbeck, Markus (2005)
See this publicationQuestions Regarding Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Amakwaya Practice
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #59. p. 26-44.

Periodical articleKyeyune, G.M. (2005)
The interface between indigenous and modern knowledge: a challenge to professionals
Nkumba Business Journal. Volume 5. p. 134-145.

Periodical articlePankhurst, Richard (2005)
See this publicationInnovation and Misoneism during the Reign of Emperor Yohannes IV (1872-1889)
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 8. p. 48-71.

Periodical articleAmin, S. (2004)
See this publicationModernité et interprétations religieuses
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 29 #1. p. 7-53.

Periodical articleArchambault, S. (2004)
Factors promoting or inhibiting the integration of ecologically modern principles into the Ugandan agriculture industry
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 1. September. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleHaram, Liv; Yamba, Bawa (2004)
See this publicationVisiting the Issue of Uncertainty in Contemporary African Lives: An Introduction
African Sociological Review. Volume 8 #1. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleKebede, Messay (2004)
See this publicationAfrican Development and the Primacy of Mental Decolonization
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 29 #1. p. 107-129.

Periodical articleKinyera, S.O.; Kaahwa, Y.; Banda, E.J. (2004)
Traditional pottery in perspective of modern technology
Uganda Journal. Volume 50. December. p. 77-84.

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