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Search: su=Protestant churches
Found: 98 Record 1-98

Periodical articleRich, Jeremy (2016)
See this publicationThat they all may be one? Jean Bokeleale and US Protestant missionary conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1965-1972
Abstract presentSocial Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions. Volume 29 #1-2. p. 66-92.

Periodical articleBeutter, Anne (2015)
See this publicationChurch discipline chronicled: a new source for Basel Mission historiography
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 42. p. 109-138.

DVD / videoSlageren, Anne van (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationMission accomplie?
Abstract presentAndere Vertoningen.

Periodical articleTaru, Josiah; Settler, Frederico (2015)
Patterns of consumption and materialism among Zimbabwean Christians: a tale of two indigenous churches
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 28 #2. p. 113-137.

Dissertation / thesisTavares de Pina Ramos, Max Ruben (2015)
See this publicationMissionários do Sul: evangelização, globalização e mobilidades dos pastores cabo-verdianos da Igreja do Nazareno
Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais. 292p.

Periodical articleMeier zu Selhausen, Felix (2014)
See this publicationMissionaries and female empowerment in colonial Uganda: new evidence from Protestant marriage registers, 1880-1945
Abstract presentEconomic history of developing regions. Volume 29 #1. p. 74-112.

Periodical issueCinnamon, John M. (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationMissionaries, enslavement and antislavery
Abstract presentSocial Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions. Volume 26 #1. 122p.

BookClarke, Erskine (2013)
By the rivers of water: a nineteenth-century Atlantic odyssey
New York: Basic Books. 450p.

Periodical articleGarrard, David J. (2013)
See this publicationThe Protestant church in Congo: the Mobutu years and their impact
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 43 #2. p. 131-166.

BookKouassi, Célestin Kouadio (2013)
Tous un comme nous: diversité et unité d'action du Protestanisme en Afrique occidentale Française (1895-1960)
Abidjan: Centre de Publications Evangeliques. Collection Théofac. 128p.

Periodical articleRich, Jeremy (2013)
See this publicationZaire for Jesus: Ford Philpots 's evangelical crusades in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1966-1978
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 43 #1. p. 4-28.

BookSpencer, Leon P. (2013)
Toward an African church in Mozambique: Kamba Simango and the Protestant community in Manica and Sofala, 1892-1945
Mzuzu: Mzuni Press. 173p.

BookPeterson, Derek R. (2012)
Ethnic patriotism and the East African revival: a history of dissent, c. 1935-1972
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. African studies series #122. 344p.

Conference paperWard, Kevin; Wild-Wood, Emma (eds.) (2012)
The East African Revival: history and legacies
Abstract presentFarnham: Ashgate. 235p.

Periodical articlePrudhomme, Claude (2011)
Compétition franco-britannique, rivalité culturelle et mobilisation missionnaire dans l'océan Indien (1815-1939)
Revue historique de l'océan Indien. #8. p. 35-56.

Periodical issueSeibert, Gerhard (ed.) (2011)
'Identidades, percursos e clivagens nos PALOP'
Abstract presentCadernos de Estudos Africanos. #20. 159p.

Periodical articleRaharinjanahary, Lala; Gueunier, Noël J. (2010)
L'autodafé d'un 'doany': réflexions d'étudiants malgaches autour de la destruction d'un site de culte ancestral par les militants du Réveil protestant (2006)
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #44. p. 151-181.

BookKaoma, Kapya (2009)
See this publicationGlobalizing the culture wars: U.S. conservatives, African churches, & homophobia
Somerville, MA: Political Research Associates. 42p.

BookRossatanga-Rignault, Guy (2009)
Ni prophète, ni fils de prophète: le révérend Henri Ndjavé-Ndjoy: un pionnier de l'Église protestante du Gabon
Libreville: Éditions Raponda-Walker. 174p.

BookTamcke, Martin; Manukyan, Arthur (2009)
Protestanten im Orient
Abstract presentWürzburg: Ergon Verlag. Orthodoxie, Orient und Europa #1. 209p.

Periodical articleFossouo, Pascal (2008)
See this publicationMissionary challenges faced by the first African church leaders in Cameroon and Ghana
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 37 #3. p. 262-289.

Periodical articleKriel, Lize (2008)
Intersections of gender and race in the missionary correspondence of deaconess Anneliese Dörfer, East And South Africa, 1936-1967
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 53 #2. p. 98-125.

Periodical articleFolarin, George O. (2006)
Prosperity gospel in Nigeria: a re-examination of the concept, impact, and evaluation
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Biblical Studies. Volume 23 #2. p. 79-97.

BookGlagow, Manfred (2006)
Die Mkandawires auf Livingstonia: eine afrikanische Familie in Zeiten der Mission, des Kolonialismus und der Diktatur, Malawi 1875-1994
Bielefeld: Transcript. Kultur und soziale Praxis. 207p.

Periodical articleHofmeyr, Isabel (2006)
Books in heaven: dreams, texts and conspicuous circulation
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 18 #2. p. 136-149.

Periodical articleSomé, Magloire (2006)
Les missionnaires protestants américains face au nationalisme français: Haute-Volta, 1920-1939
Abstract presentLe Fait Missionnaire: Social Sciences and Missions. #18. July. p. 73-108.

Periodical articleYakubu, A.R. (2006)
Christian engagement with Muslims in Ghana: a study of the Christian Council of Ghana and Ghana Catholic Bishops' Conference
Abstract presentThe Ghana Bulletin of Theology. Volume 1 #1. July. p. 102-117.

Periodical articleJoblin, Alain (2005)
See this publicationL'idée de mission chez les protestants (XVIe siècle-début XXe siècle)
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 93 #348-349. p. 203-220.

BookMusomba, Angetile Yesaya (2005)
The Moravian Church in Tanzania Southern province: a short history
Nairobi: Institut français de recherche en Afrique (IFRA). Les cahiers de l'IFRA #29. 92p.

Dissertation / thesisQuartey, Seth (2005)
Missionary practices: German-speaking missionaries between the home committee and colonial environment in the Gold Coast (West Africa) 1828-1895
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 285p.

BookRammelt, Monika (2005)
Guide to the ELCT Northern Diocese Archive in Moshi, Tanzania 1906-1993
Leipzig: Institut für Afrikanistik. University of Leipzig papers on Africa, Mission archives series #26. 170p.

Periodical articleOtto, Shako (2004)
Traditional Konso culture and the missionary impact
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 20. p. 149-180.

Conference paperPirotte, Jean (ed.) (2004)
Résistances à l'évangélisation: interprétations historiques et enjeux théologiques
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Mémoire d'églises. 298p.

Periodical articlePugach, Sarah (2004)
See this publicationImages of Race and Redemption. The Protestant Missionary Contribution to Carl Meinhof's 'Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen'
Abstract presentLe Fait Missionnaire: Social Sciences and Missions. #15. December. p. 59-95.

BookSomé, Magloire (2004)
La christianisation de l'Ouest-Volta: action missionnaire et réactions africaines, 1927-1960
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 516p.

Periodical articleDimock, Liz (2003)
Women's Leadership Roles in the Early Protestant Church in Uganda: Continuity with the Old Order
Abstract presentAustralasian Review of African Studies. Volume 25 #2. December. p. 8-22.

Periodical articleFairweather, Ian (2003)
See this publication'Showing Off': Nostalgia and Heritage in North-Central Namibia
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 29 #1. March. p. 279-296.

Periodical articleGatwa, Tharcisse (2003)
See this publicationTheological education in Africa: what prospects for sharing knowledge?
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 32 #3. p. 193-213.

Periodical articleLoubser, J.A. (Bobby) (2003)
Kringdans: die heilige Drie-eenheid as grond vir eenheid én verskeidenheid
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 43 #3-4. p. 149-163.

Periodical articleByaruhanga, C. (2001)
Facing unity and the way forward; the Roman Catholic/Anglican experience in Uganda
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 24 #2. p. 37-50.

Periodical articleMorier-Genoud, Éric (2001)
Arquivos, historiografia e igrejas evangélicas em Moçambique
Estudos moçambicanos. #19. p. 137-154.

Periodical articleSoumille, Pierre (2001)
Église catholique et protestantisme français en Tunisie aux 19e et 20e siècles (années 1860-années 1960)
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 28 #102-103. p. 117-140.

Periodical articleSpijker, Gerard van 't (2001)
See this publicationCredal hymns as 'summa theologiae': new credal hymns in Rwanda after the 1994 war and genocide
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 30 #3. p. 256-275.

Periodical articleComaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John (2000)
Privatizing the Millennium. New Protestant Ethics and the Spirits of Capitalism in Africa, and Elsewhere
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 35 #3. p. 293-312.

Periodical articleMcCain, D. (2000)
The Church in Africa in the twenty-first century: characteristics, challenges and opportunities
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology. Volume 19 #2. p. 105-130.

Periodical articleButselaar, Jan van (1999)
See this publicationLa culture des 'gens de la prière': la vie d'une communauté protestante au Mozambique à la fin du XIXe siècle
Abstract presentLusotopie. p. 439-450.

Periodical articleDias, Eduardo Costa (1999)
See this publicationProtestantismo e proselitismo na Guiné-Bissau: reflexões sobre o insucesso do proselitismo no Oio e na província Leste
Abstract presentLusotopie. p. 309-318.

BookMeyer, Birgit (1999)
Translating the devil: religion and modernity among the Ewe in Ghana
Abstract presentEdinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. International African library #21. 265p.

Periodical articleSchubert, Benedict (1999)
See this publicationOs protestantes na guerra angolana depois da independência
Abstract presentLusotopie. p. 405-413.

Periodical articleBirmingham, David (1998)
See this publicationMerchants and Missionaries in Angola, 1890-1910: Heli Chatelain and the 'Mission Philafricaine'
Abstract presentLusotopie. p. 345-355.

Periodical articleHarries, Patrick (1998)
See this publicationChristianity in Black and White: The Establishment of Protestant Churches in Southern Mozambique
Abstract presentLusotopie. p. 317-333.

Periodical articleNascimento, Augusto (1998)
See this publicationA marginalidade social e política do protestantismo em São Tomé e Príncipe (do último quartel de oitocentos a meados de novecentos)
Abstract presentLusotopie. p. 307-315.

Periodical articleNeves, Joel das (1998)
See this publicationA American Board Mission e os desafios do protestantismo em Manica e Sofala (Moçambique), ca. 1900-1950
Abstract presentLusotopie. p. 335-343.

Periodical articleOtayek, René; Dialo, Daouda (1998)
Dynamisme protestant, développement participatif et démocratie locale: le cas de l'Office de développement des Églises évangéliques (Burkina Faso)
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #185. p. 19-34.

Periodical articleKombo, J.O. (1997)
Beyond the traditional reflective mould: a response to Chandran's perspective on African indigenous churches
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #2. June. p. 18-29.

Periodical articleMatemba, Yonah H. (1997)
See this publicationSome Aspects of the History of the Seventh Day Adventists in Botswana from 1922 to 1970
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 29. p. 23-44.

Periodical articleSurgy, Albert de (1996)
La multiplicité des Églises au sud de l'Afrique occidentale
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #177. p. 30-44.

Dissertation / thesisMeyer, Birgit (1995)
Translating the devil: an African appropriation of pietist protestantism: the case of the Peki Ewe in southeastern Ghana, 1847-1992
Abstract present408p.

Periodical articleDorier-Apprill, Élisabeth (1994)
Christianisme et thérapeutique à Brazzaville
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #55. p. 133-139.

Periodical articleFagun, M.P.O.; Chipenda, J.; Napier, W.F.; Salama, A. (1994)
Dialogue avec les autres chrétiens
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 62 #1-2. janvier-juin. p. 191-197.

Periodical articleGapangwa, J.; Ruzoka, P.; Francis, M.K.; Butelezi, P.F.J.; Kpodzro, P.F.K.; Kombo, E.; Adelakun, J.B.; Matthiam, J.; Yungu, A.T. (1994)
Eglises africaines et politique
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 62 #1-2. janvier-juin. p. 220-236.

BookKastfelt, Niels (1994)
Religion and politics in Nigeria: a study in Middle Belt Christianity
Abstract presentLondon: British Academic Press. 204p.

Periodical articleNwosu, L. Ugwuanya (1994)
See this publicationAfrican religion in ecumenical perspective
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 49 #2. p. 161-179.

Periodical articleSilva, T.C. (1993)
Zidequias Manganhela: notas para uma releitura das relaçoes estado colonialigrejas protestantes, na década de 70
Estudos moçambicanos. #13. maio. p. 27-49.

Periodical articleBahamwati B.N. (1992)
L'évangélisation et la croissance de l'Eglise
Bulletin de recherches théologiques et sociologiques. #3. p. 93-98.

Periodical articleIsaya M. (1992)
L'épiscopalisme protestant au Zaïre: un enjeu ecclésiologique et ministériel dans l'église protestante du Zaïre
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 25-26 #49-52. p. 213-240.

Periodical articleMasu -ga-Rugamika; Ecilo S. (1992)
Enquête sur la sociologie de la prédication
Bulletin de recherches théologiques et sociologiques. #3. p. 109-116.

Periodical articleNelson, Jack E. (1992)
See this publicationClass Formation and the Professionalization of an African Clergy
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 22 #2. May. p. 133-151.

Periodical articleSilva, T.C. (1992)
Igrejas protestantes no sul de Moçambique e nacionalismo: o caso da missao suiça' (1940-1974)
Estudos moçambicanos. #10. p. 19-39.

Periodical articleKabongo-Mbaya, P.B. (1991)
Protestantisme zaïrois et déclin du mobutisme: ajustement de discours ou rupture de stratégie
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #41. p. 72-89.

Periodical articleLawuyi, Olatunde B. (1991)
See this publicationThe Dialogue with the Living: Biography in the Order of a Christian's Funeral Service in Yoruba Society
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 21 #3. August. p. 227-240.

Periodical articleZorn, J.-F.; Luze, B. de; Ka Mana (1991)
Les débuts du protestantisme en Afrique
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. Volume 30 #159. p. 15-35.

Periodical articleAjayi, J.F. Ade (1988)
Protestantism in Africa
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 20 #1. p. 35-46.

Periodical articleMukendji M. (1988)
Théologie et philosophie: à la quête de l'impact du luthérianisme sur la philosophie
Revue zaïroise de théologie protestante. Volume 2 #2. janvier. p. 51-68.

Periodical articleComtesse, M. (1986)
Relation entre l'Eglise et l'Etat
Revue zaïroise de théologie protestante. Volume 1 #1. déc.. p. 183-188.

Periodical articleComtesse, M. (1986)
La signification de la 'confession de Barmen' pour les églises du tiers monde
Revue zaïroise de théologie protestante. Volume 1 #1. déc.. p. 143-153.

Periodical articleKomy N.D. (1986)
La contribution spécifique des églises africaines à l'édification de l'église universelle: Cas des églises protestantes zaïroises
Revue zaïroise de théologie protestante. Volume 1 #1. déc.. p. 189-195.

Periodical articleMasiala ma Solo. (1986)
Une faculté de théologie protestante dans une église au milieu d'un peuple
Revue zaïroise de théologie protestante. Volume 1 #1. déc.. p. 57-75.

Periodical articleRoux, André (1979)
Eglises protestantes de langue française en Afrique: évolution des missions aux églises, problématique actuelle
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. Volume 18 #104. p. 10-18.

Periodical articleKimpianga Mahatah Mahaniah (1978)
Toward a united protestant church of Zaire
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 12 #23-24. p. 227-245.

Periodical articleMudoola, Dan (1978)
See this publicationReligion and Politics in Uganda: The Case of Busoga, 1900-1962
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 77 #306. January. p. 22-35.

Periodical articleSpindler, M.R. (1977)
Church finance in Madagascar: between theology and politics
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. #16. p. 1-25.

Periodical articleMbasani Mbambi (1976)
L'armée du salut au Congo Belge (de 1934 à nos jours)
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 10 #20. p. 241-255.

Periodical articleStrauss, P.D. (1976)
Kerklike skakeling in SWA: die gesprek tussen die NGK en Velkswa
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 27 #1. p. 2-10.

Periodical articleVorster, J.D. (1976)
Die aard en omvang van die kerk se taak t.o.v. rasseverhoudinge
Abstract presentTydskrif vir rasse-aangeleenthede. Volume 27 #2. p. 30-34.

Periodical articleWyllie, Robert W. (1974)
See this publicationPioneers of Ghanaian Pentecostalism: Peter Anim and James McKeown
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 6 #2. p. 109-122.

Periodical articleFerrari, Antoine (1970)
Un phenomene religieux en pays Dida: le développement des 'assemblées de dieu' dans la region de Lakota
Abstract presentBulletin de liaison. #1. p. 31-36.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1968)
Les eglises protestantes d'Afrique et le Conseil Oecumenique
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #32. p. 63-68.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1968)
Les missions protestantes en Afrique du sud
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #32. p. 44-51.

Periodical articleKeller, J. (1968)
Le protestantisme au Congo-Kinshasa
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #32. p. 52-62.

Periodical articleKruger, E. (1968)
Histoire et géographie des eglises protestantes en Afrique
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #32. p. 22-29.

Periodical articleLedoux, M.-A. (1968)
Remarques sur les protestants et la politique
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #32. p. 74-78.

Periodical articleLedoux, M.-A. (1968)
Force et faiblesses des eglises protestantes africaines
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #32. p. 69-73.

Periodical articleRoux, A. (1968)
Presence protestante au Maghreb
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #32. p. 37-43.

Periodical articleJ.L. (1960)
Une jeune église en face de ses problèmes
Abstract presentLe monde non-chrétien. #55. p. 155-163.

Periodical articleRegard, P. (1959)
Le protestantisme au Congo Belge
Abstract presentVivante Afrique: revue générale des missions d'Afrique. #204. p. 45-46.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1958)
La responsabilité chrétienne dans les régions de transformation sociale rapide
Abstract presentLe monde non-chrétien. p. 3-147.

Periodical articleBinet, J. (1958)
Sociologie réligieuse dans le Sud-Cameroun
Abstract presentLe monde non-chrétien. p. 153-184.

Search: su=Protestant churches
Found: 98 Record 1-98

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