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Search: su=proverbs
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Book chapterAbbink, Jon (2017)
Traditional Ethiopian legal culture: Amharic proverbs and maxims on law and justice
Abstract presentIn: Studies in Ethiopian languages, literature, and history: festschrift for Getatchew Haile, presented by his friends and colleagues. p. 3-20.

BookMavoungou Pambou, René (2016)
Panorama de la littérature orale du Loango: étude des proverbes
Paris: Paari. Collection GERMOD. 324p.

Periodical articlePongweni, Alex (2016)
Individual agency and responsibility in African proverbial discourse
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 5 #2. p. 152-171.

Periodical articleHayes, Nicole C. (2015)
See this publicationDying is dying, that's all: structural violence and cultural projects in Malawian AIDS proverbs
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 14 #3. p. 229-237.

BookMessaoudi, Samia; Harzoune, Mustapha (eds.) (2015)
Innan in Teqbaylit = Paroles kabyles
Alger: Casbah éditions. 62p.

BookN'Kaloulou, Bernard (2015)
Bingana, ou, Le souffle des ancêtres: proverbes ou adages du Congo-Brazzaville
Paris: L'Harmattan. 191p.

BookBaumgardt, Ursula; Diallo, Abdourahmane (eds.) (2014)
La transmission culturelle: l'exemple du peul
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Tradition orale. 169p.

Periodical articleEsimaje, Alexandra llzoaku; Mosagbor, Richard Abekhe; Ezirim, Chukwuma Daniel (2014)
Proverbs as iconic and indexical markers of culture: exploration of proverbs of four Nigerian cultures
Abstract presentOkike: an African Journal of New Writing. #51. p. 255-271.

Periodical articleKayange, Grivas Muchineripi (2014)
See this publicationUnderstanding the semantics of Chichewa proverbs in the light of contemporary philosophy of language
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 220-233.

BookKorse, Piet (2014)
Kinderrituelen uit Afrika (Oeganda en Congo)
Oosterbeek: Piet Korse. 187p.

Periodical articleSamuel, Awa; Chimmuanya, Ngele (2014)
Absence of local flavour: presentation of Igbo proverbs in English and French
Abstract presentOkike: an African Journal of New Writing. #52. p. 333-347.

Periodical articleTaringa, Beatrice (2014)
Implications of the portrayal of women in Shona proverbs for gender sensitive teaching and learning of ChiShona
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 26 #3. p. 395-408.

Periodical articleAboh, Romanus (2013)
See this publicationProverbs and euphemisms as discourse strategies in Joe Ushie's poetry
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 72 #1. p. 107-120.

Periodical articleBrempong, Owusu (2013)
Proverbs and proverbial sayings in highlife songs
Journal of Performing Arts. Volume 4 #4. p. 147-156.

BookKorse, Piet (2013)
In gesprek met Afrika
Oosterbeek: Korse. 195p.

Periodical articleMele, Mohammed Laminu (2013)
Kanuri proverbs: metaphoric conceptualization of a cultural discourse
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 25 #3. p. 333-348.

Periodical articleAgyekum, Kofi (2012)
Akan proverbs and aphorisms about marriage
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 27 #2. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleBagwasi, Mompoloki Mmangaka (2012)
See this publicationPerceptions, contexts, uses and meanings of silence in Setswana
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 24 #2. p. 184-194.

BookDold, Tony; Cocks, Michelle (2012)
Voices from the forest: celebrating nature and culture in Xhosaland
Auckland Park: Jacana Media. 229p.

Periodical articleEbenso, Bassey (ed.) (2012)
See this publicationUsing indigenous proverbs to understand social knowledge and attitudes to leprosy among the Yoruba of southwest Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 24 #2. p. 208-222.

Periodical articleMalangwa, Pendo Salu (2012)
Overcoming the barriers through literal and descriptive translations: examples of kanga names
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 1 #1. p. 51-62.

Periodical articleOlatunji, Michael Olutayo (2012)
See this publicationYorùbá proverbs and musicality
Abstract presentLegon Journal of the Humanities. Volume 23. p. 125-140.

BookRaji, Remi (2012)
Playful blasphemies: postproverbials as archetypes of modernity in Yorùbá culture
Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. LuKA, Studien zu Literaturen und Kunst Afrikas #3. 168p.

Periodical articleSeema, Johannes (2012)
See this publicationThe significance of Basotho philosophy of development as expressed in their proverbs
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 11 #1. p. 128-137.

BookTadi, Fernando Ndombele Kidima (2012)
Eloquência: manual de aprendizagem da eloquência através de provérbios Kikongo = Kinzonzi: malongi ma ntela a mambu muna yingana
Luanda: Mayamba. Kinkulu kyetu.

Periodical articleYitah, Helen (2012)
See this publicationKasena women's critique of gender roles and gender justice through proverbial jesting
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 24 #1. p. 9-20.

Periodical articleAdekannbi, Gills Oluwatosin (2011)
Re-enacting Oedipus Rex with Yoruba witticism
Drumspeak: international journal of research in the humanities. Volume 4 #1-2. p. 56-74.

Periodical articleAkpan, Inimborn James; Umoren, Anthonia Inyang (2011)
On the documentation of Ibibiod proverbs, riddles, and proverb-riddles
Drumspeak: international journal of research in the humanities. Volume 4 #1-2. p. 180-202.

BookAlembong, Nol (2011)
Standpoints on African orature
Yaoundé: Presses universitaires de Yaoundé. Collection connaissances. 199p.

Periodical articleShittu, S.A. (2011)
An analytical study of Yoruba proverbs of Islamic origin
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 20. p. 145-157.

Periodical articleMbolokala Imbuli, Nestor (2010)
Langue et cosmogonie ekonda: le proverbe comme trame et vecteur de sens existentiels
Annales de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. #8. p. 69-73.

Periodical articleAdegoju, Adeyemi (2009)
See this publicationRhetoric in conflict-related Yoruba proverbs: guide to constructive conflict resolution in Africa
African Study Monographs. Volume 30 #2. p. 55-69.

Periodical articleAdeniji, Abiodun (2009)
Traditional widsom as literary artefact: the example of D.O. Fagunwa's prose narratives
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 55 #3. p. 329-333.

Periodical articleAkyea, Gladys Mansa F. (2009)
'Nyadodo' among the Ewe
Drumspeak: international journal of research in the humanities. Volume 2 #1. p. 91-107.

Periodical articleBaumgardt, Ursula; Roulon-Doko, Paulette (2009)
L'expression de l'espace dans les langues africaines II
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 79 #2. p. 9-314.

Periodical articleHussein, Jeylan Wolyie (2009)
See this publicationA discursive representation of women in sample proverbs from Ethiopia, Sudan, and Kenya
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 40 #3. p. 96-108.

Periodical articleKröger, Franz (2009)
Rhymes in Buli proverbs, songs and poems
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 25 #1. p. 43-50.

Periodical articleOuédraogo, Albert (2009)
Les Yarse: l'avoir et la foi au service d'une identité (2ème partie)
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #83. p. 1-20.

BookSchneider-Blum, Gertrud (ed.) (2009)
Máakut(i) tawá shuultáa = Proverbs finish the problems: sayings of the Alaaba (Ethiopia)
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen #28. 102p.

BookSissao, Alain Joseph (2009)
Oralité et écriture: la littérature écrite face aux défis de la parole traditionnelle
Abstract presentDIST (CNRST). 205p.

Periodical articleYitah, Helen (2009)
See this publication'Fighting with proverbs': Kasena women's (re)definition of female personhood through proverbial jesting
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 40 #3. p. 74-95.

BookEbnou, Moussa Ould; Mohameden, Mohamedou Ould; Bonte, Pierre (eds.) (2008)
Maximes et proverbes
Paris: L'Harmattan. 336p.

Periodical articleHenrix, Marcel (2008)
Gba lengge ngbaka: Oyaa le wa to ze na: proverbes ngbaka
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 29. p. 133-260.

Periodical articleHolter, Knut (2008)
The left hand washes the right and the right hand washes the left: some remarks on the use of African proverbs in Old Testament proverb scholarship
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Biblical Studies. Volume 26 #1. p. 45-55.

Periodical articleKoni Muluwa, Joseph; Bostoen, Koen (2008)
Un recueil de proverbes mbuun d'Imbongo (RD Congo, Bantu B87)
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 29. p. 381-423.

Periodical articleKorse, Piet (2008)
Proverbes des Mongo de Basankusu (RDC) II
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 29. p. 29-114.

BookMvogo Nganoma, Joseph (2008)
Beling'mombo: ntol bene: un essai de présentation du peuple mvog'belinga du Cameroun
Yaoundé: Mvogo Nganoma Joseph. 159p.

BookNza-Mateki (2008)
Proverbes et dictons des Punu du Gabon
Libreville: Editions Raponda-Walker. 88p.

Periodical articleOmobowale, Ayokunle Olumuyiwa (2008)
Clientelism and social structure: an analysis of patronage in Yoruba social thought
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 43 #2. p. 203-224.

BookOwomoyela, Oyekan (2008)
Yoruba proverbs
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 502p.

Periodical articleThiel, Josef Franz (2008)
See this publicationDie funktion der Sprichwörter bei den Bayansi (R.D. Kongo)
Paideuma. Volume 54. p. 197-216.

BookBernard, Yves (2007)
Dire la santé avec des proverbes: proverbes zarma-songay du Niger: essai
Paris: L'Harmattan. 245p.

Periodical articleKasende, Jean-Christophe L.A. (2007)
Oralité et narrativité dans le roman africain
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #79. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleKorse, Piet (2007)
Bomóngó: the notion of 'Bomóngó', the Supreme Being by the Móngo
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 28. p. 31-73.

Periodical articleMekusi, Busuyi (2007)
World and woe: a sociological reading of proverbs as an enduring therapy among the Yorubas
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 6 #1. p. 26-36.

Periodical articleMutembei, A.K. (2007)
See this publicationUkimwishaji wa utanzu wa fasihi: mifano kutoka methali za Tanzania
Kiswahili. Volume 70. p. 76-89.

BookNnam, Nkuzi Michael (2007)
Colonial mentality in Africa
Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books. 228p.

BookRettová, Alena (2007)
Afrophone philosophies: reality and challenge
Stredokluky: Zdenek Susa. Topics in African studies 7. 447p.

Periodical articleYoka Lye Mudaba, André (2007)
Les langages populaires et vision démocratique: la part du proverbe et du conte
Congo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 47 #416. p. 423-431.

Periodical articleIbili A. (2006)
Langage proverbial mbuun et prévention des conflits
Likundoli. Série A, Mémoire et enquêtes d'histoire congolaise. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 228-236.

Periodical articleOduaran, Akpovire; Oduaran, Choja (2006)
See this publicationAfrican Proverbs as a Medium of Fostering Intergenerational Relationships and Communication in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican and Asian Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 215-229.

BookQuitout, Michel (2006)
Bouquet de proverbes libyens
Paris: L'Harmattan. 130p.

Periodical articleAgyekum, Kofi (2005)
An Akan oral artist: the use of proverbs in the lyrics of Kwabena Konadu
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 21 #1. p. 1-18.

BookBailleul, Charles (2005)
Sagesse bambara: proverbes et sentences
Bamako: Donniya. 463p.

Periodical articleBeck, Rose M. (2005)
See this publicationTexts on Textiles: Proverbiality as Characteristics of Equivocal Communication at the East African Coast (Swahili)
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 131-160.

Periodical articleHussein, Jeylan W. (2005)
See this publicationThe Social and Ethno-Cultural Construction of Masculinity and Femininity in African Proverbs
African Study Monographs. Volume 26 #2. August. p. 59-87.

Periodical articleKiyimba, Abasi (2005)
See this publicationGendering Social Destiny in the Proverbs of the Baganda: Reflections on Boys and Girls Becoming Men and Women
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 253-270.

Periodical articleKorse, Piet (2005)
Proverbes mongo de Basankusu (RDC)
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 26. p. 243-436.

Periodical articleMuranga, M.J.K. (2005)
Irenology: the role of proverbs in conflict prevention and management
African Journal of Leadership and Conflict Management. Volume 2 #2. January. p. 111-121.

Periodical articleMutiga, J. (2005)
Exploiting idiomatic expressions and proverbs in oral communication
Nairobi Journal of Literature. #3. March. p. 25-30.

Periodical articleSalami, Irene (2005)
Language and Gender: A Feminist Critique of the Use of Proverbs in Selected African Dramatic Texts
Ufahamu. Volume 31 #1-2. p. 22-39.

Periodical articleWanjohi, G.J. (2005)
Images of women in African proverbs
Wajibu. Volume 20 #1. February-Apr.. p. 7-9.

Periodical articleAghali-Zakara, Mohamed (2004)
Proverbes, sentences, maximes en touareg (berbère méridional)
Études et documents berbères. #22. p. 119-139.

BookAllsopp, Stanley Reginald Richard (2004)
A book of Afric Caribbean proverbs
Kingston: Arawak Publications. 244p.

Periodical articleKariuki, Joseph (2004)
Contemporary sayings and changing patterns of social relations in Nairobi
L'Afrique orientale. p. 219-238.

BookOkwelume, O. Charles (2004)
Drumbeats of black Africa: a collection of African proverbs
Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited; in assoc. with Safari Books (Export) Limited. 169p.

Periodical articleSchipper, Mineke (2004)
An Empty Calabash? Women's Beauty in African Proverbs North and South of the Sahara
Africa Quarterly. Volume 44 #3. p. 40-56.

Periodical articleN'Gaïde, Abderrahmane (2003)
See this publicationStéréotypes et imaginaires sociaux en milieu haalpulaar: classer, stigmatiser et toiser
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 43 #172. p. 707-738.

Periodical articleAgbájé, James Bodé (2002)
See this publicationProverbs: A Strategy for Resolving Conflict in Yorubá Society
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 15 #2. December. p. 237-243.

BookChambard, Roger (2002)
Proverbes libyens, recueillis par Roger Chambard: avec un index arabe-français/français-arabe
Paris: Karthala. 602p.

Periodical articleFeinberg, Harvey M.; Solodow, Joseph B. (2002)
See this publicationOut of Africa
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 43 #2. July. p. 255-261.

Periodical articleMbongo, Nsame (2002)
Les textes de sagesse africains: la question du statut théorique des proverbes et maximes
Abstract presentAfrikanistische Arbeitspapiere: Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik. #70. p. 99-139.

Periodical articleNkansah-Obrempong, J. (2002)
Visual theology: the significance of cultural symbols, metaphors and proverbs for theological creativity in the African context: a case study of the Akan of Ghana
Journal of African Christian Thought. Volume 5 #1. June. p. 38-47.

Periodical articleOgechi, Nathan Oyori; Ruto, Sara Jerop (2002)
See this publicationPortrayal of Disability through Personal Names and Proverbs in Kenya; Evidence from Ekegusii and Nandi
Abstract presentStichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 2 #3. p. 63-82.

BookStewart, Julia (2002)
African proverbs and wisdom: a collection for every day of the year from more than forty African nations
New York, NY: Kensington Publishing Corp.. 192p.

Periodical articleEnglund, Harri (2001)
See this publicationChinyanja and the Language of Rights
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 10 #3. p. 299-319.

BookLeguy, Cécile (2001)
Le proverbe chez les Bwa du Mali: parole africaine en situation d'énonciation
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 323p.

Periodical articleBrempong, Owusu (2000)
Libation in highlife songs
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 16 #1. p. 39-57.

Periodical articleNhiwatiwa, E. (2000)
Use of proverbs in preaching and African perspective
Religion in Malawi. #10. November. p. 16-18.

Periodical articlePeacock, K. (2000)
Using proverbs as a key to world view
Research Review. #14. June. p. 47-51.

Periodical articleVan Damme, Wilfried (2000)
See this publicationAfrican verbal arts and the study of African visual aesthetics
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 31 #4. p. 8-20.

Periodical articleWembou, Michel-Cyr Djiena (2000)
See this publicationLe droit humanitaire africain: sources, contenu et portée
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 12 #1. p. 1-22.

Periodical articleEybel, J. (1999)
Proverbs for transformation working with caregivers
Wajibu. Volume 14 #1. p. 20-23.

Periodical articleJang, Tae-Sang (1999)
See this publicationA poetic structure in Hausa proverbs
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 30 #1. p. 83-115.

Periodical articleKiiru, M. (1999)
You Cannot Catch Old Birds with Chaff: The Woman's Multiple Images in Proverbs
Wajibu. Volume 14 #1. p. 7-9.

Periodical articleKudadjie, J.N. (1999)
Using Ga and Dangme proverbs for preaching and teaching
Wajibu. Volume 14 #1. p. 12-18.

Periodical articleRaji-Oyelade, Aderemi (1999)
See this publicationPostproverbials in Yoruba culture: a playful blasphemy
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 30 #1. p. 74-82.

Periodical articleMpe, Phaswane (1998)
See this publicationOrality, mediation and subversion in Sol Plaatje's 'Mhudi'
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 57 #1. July. p. 79-91.

Periodical articleOha, Obododimma (1998)
See this publicationThe Semantics of Female Devaluation in Igbo Proverbs
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. Volume 19 #2. October. p. 87-102.

Periodical articleSalami, Yunusa Kehinde (1998)
Yoruba proverbs as mechanism for social regulation
Abstract presentAfrikanistische Arbeitspapiere: Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik. #56. p. 147-161.

Search: su=proverbs
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