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Search: su=refugees
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Periodical articleLong, Katy (2012)
See this publicationRwanda's first refugees: Tutsi exile and international response 1959-64
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 6 #2. p. 211-229.

DVD / videoLongoria, Alvaro; Bardem, Javier (eds.) (2012)
See this publicationHijos de las nubes: la última colonia = Sons of the clouds
Madrid: Cameo Media.

Periodical issueLyons, Tanya; Marlowe, Jay; Harris, Anne (eds.) (2012)
Violence in Africa and its consequences: understanding Africa in Australasia and the Pacific
Abstract presentAustralasian Review of African Studies. Volume 33 #1. 199p.

Periodical articleMakgala, Christian John (2012)
See this publicationThe Basutoland Congress Party in exile: 1974-1986
Abstract presentAfrican historical review. Volume 44 #2. p. 78-97.

Periodical articleMorapedi, Wazha G. (2012)
See this publicationThe dilemmas of liberation in southern Africa: the case of Zimbabwean liberation movements and Botswana, 1960-1979
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 38 #1. p. 73-90.

BookOkome, Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké; Vaughan, Olufemi (eds.) (2012)
Transnational Africa and globalization
Abstract presentBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 266p.

BookRoberts, Rebecca (ed.) (2012)
See this publicationDesperate choices: conditions, risks & protection failures affecting Ethiopian migrants in Yemen
Westlands: Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat. 57p.

Periodical articleSnodgrass, Lyn; Mensah, David (2012)
Seeking sustainable solutions in protracted refugee situations: the case of Krisan Refugee Camp, Ghana
Africa Insight. Volume 42 #1. p. 13-29.

BookSpecken, Hendrik (2012)
See this publication'This is not our homeland': die alltägliche (Re-)Produktion von Nation in einem saharauischen Flüchtlingslager
Mainz: Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. Arbeitspapiere #139. 74p.

Periodical articleTavuyanago, Baxter; Muguti, Tasara; Hlongwana, James (2012)
See this publicationVictims of the Rhodesian immigration policy: Polish refugees from the Second World War
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 38 #4. p. 951-965.

Periodical articleWielenga, Cori (2012)
See this publicationLonging for home: pre-genocide and post-genocide refugees in Rwanda
Abstract presentAfrican Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 12 #3. p. 77-99.

Periodical articleWilson, Alice (2012)
See this publicationHouseholds and the production of public and private domains: revolutionary changes in Western Sahara's liberation movement
Paideuma. Volume 58. p. 19-43.

Dissertation / thesisAbraha, Sara (2011)
See this publication'Stuck in Italy': stories of Eritrean refugees with ambitions

DVD / videoDeclich, Francesca (ed.) (2011)
Coming of age in exile
Abstract present

BookDietz, Ton; Klaver, Wijnand (2011)
See this publicationHonger in de Hoorn van Afrika: een drama in kaarten en grafieken
Leiden: African Studies Centre. ASC infosheet #11. 4p.

Conference paperEvers, Sandra; Notermans, Catrien; Ommering, Erik van (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationNot just a victim: the child as catalyst and witness of contemporary Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #20. 275p.

BookFayemi, Kayode (2011)
Out of the shadows: exile and the struggle for freedom & democracy in Nigeria
Ibadan: Amandla Consulting. 483p.

Periodical articleFreitas, Raquel (2011)
Construção e desconstrução da relação entre migrações forçadas e desafios de segurança em África
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #22. p. 129-152.

Periodical articleGilbert, Hannah; Cunliffe, Alex (2011)
See this publicationNon-governmental organisations and the management of HIV and AIDS in refugee camps: a comparison of Marratane Camp in Mozambique and Kakuma Camp in Kenya
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 29 #1. p. 63-81.

Periodical articleHautaniemi, Petri (2011)
See this publicationTransnational life course, human development and diverse landscapes of opportunities among young Somali men
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 20 #1. p. 11-27.

Dissertation / thesisLijnders, Laurie (2011)
See this publicationCaught in the borderlands: discursive, bodily, and collective frontiers of violence and suffering experiences by Eritrean refugees in Israel

Periodical issueMarlowe, Jay (2011)
South Sudanese diaspora in Australasia
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 32 #2. 193p.

Periodical articleMulumba, D. (2011)
Refugees and reproductive health care in Uganda: some observations from Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement in Arua District, Uganda
Mawazo. Volume 10 #1. February. p. 65-80.

DVD / videoNeumann, Daniel; Chapman, Alexandra; Dolan, Chris (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationGetting out
Abstract presentKampala: Refugee Law Project, Faculty of Law, Makerere University.

Periodical articlePangilinan, Christian (2011)
A role for the African Court of Justice and Human Rights in developing a binding regional framework for refugee protection
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 19. p. 45-80.

DVD / videoPhlypo, Hanne; Vuylsteke, Catherine (eds.) (2011)
Silent stories: four people, three continents, one dream
Abstract presentBrussel: Caviar Films.

Periodical articleSoga, Toru (2011)
See this publicationRefugee life as an extension of pastoral life: survival strategies of the Gabra Miigo pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia
Nilo-Ethiopian Studies. #16. p. 13-27.

BookTesfamichael W. Tewelde (2011)
Exodus of the betrayed pearl: history of exodus in the making & current political scenario of Eritrea
Addis Ababa: H.Y. International Printing Enterprise. 168p.

Periodical articleWedel, Johan (2011)
Mental health problems and healing among Somalis in Sweden
Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies. Volume 11. p. 73-89.

Periodical articleCampbell, Madeline Otis (2010)
See this publicationDissenting participation: unofficial politics in the 2007 Saharawi General Congress
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #4. p. 573-580.

Periodical articleChelpi-den Hamer, Magali (2010)
Écoles de réfugiés ou intégration dans les écoles locales? Le parcours des réfugiés libériens en Côte d'Ivoire (1992-2007)
Abstract presentAutrepart. #54. p. 43-63.

Periodical articleCourtin, Fabrice; Fournet, Florence; Solano, Philippe (2010)
La crise ivoirienne et les migrants burkinabés: l'effet boomerang d'une migration internationale
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #236. p. 13-27.

Periodical articleKaiser, Tania (2010)
See this publicationDispersal, division and diversification: durable solutions and Sudanese refugees in Uganda
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 44-60.

Periodical issueKieh, George Klay (2010)
'Post-conflict peacebuilding in Liberia'
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 35 #1. 149p.

BookKifleyesus, Abbebe (2010)
Recollections of return, resettlement, and reintegration from Gash Barka in Eritrea
Addis Ababa: Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 282p.

Periodical articleMankou-Nguila, Armand Charlebois (2010)
La convention régissant les aspects propres aux problèmes des réfugiés en Afrique: entre spécificité et universalisme
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 64 #4. p. 486-504.

BookMarysse, S.; Reyntjens, F. (eds.) (2010)
L'Afrique des grands lacs: annuaire 2009-2010
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. L'Afrique des Grands Lacs #14. 432p.

BookMohamed, Nadifa (2010)
Black mamba boy
London: HarperCollins. 280p.

Periodical articleMushemeza, E.D. (2010)
Mechanisms for handling disasters and humanitarian assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons in Uganda
Mawazo. Volume 9 #1. February. p. 235-247.

BookPavenello, Sara; Elhawary, Samir; Pantuliano, Sara (2010)
See this publicationHidden and exposed: urban refugees in Nairobi, Kenya
London: Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG), Overseas Development Institute (ODI). HPG working papers. 36p.

DVD / videoTariku, Nega; Kifle, Alemayehu (eds.) (2010)
See this publicationAdera
Abstract presentJohannesburg: Amariam Pictures.

BookVeroff, Julie (2010)
See this publicationCrimes, conflicts and courts: the administration of justice in a Zambian refugee settlement
Geneva: UNHCR, Policy Development and Evaluation Service. Research paper, New issues in refugee research #192. 42p.

BookYansané, Abdoulaye (2010)
Destinée: le récit personnel d'un voyage forcé
Washington: Les Éditions Phoenix. Première chance. 133p.

Periodical issueAg Mohamed, Alassane; Coulibaly, Chéibane; Drabo, Gaoussou (2009)
Nord du Mali, de la tragédie à l'espoir (1990-1995): les choix de développement économique (suite) et la problématique des réfugiés
Abstract presentLes cahiers de Mande Bukari. #14. 61p.

BookBol, Aher Arop (2009)
The lost boy
Cape Town: Kwela Books. 189p.

Periodical articleCiavolella, Riccardo; Fresia, Marion (2009)
Mauritanie, la démocratie au coup par coup
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #114. p. 5-104.

Periodical articleHarrison, Kathleen McDavid (2009)
See this publicationHIV behavioural surveillance among refugees and surrounding host communities in Uganda, 2006
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 8 #1. p. 29-41.

Dissertation / thesisHart, Klazina Cornelia 't (2009)
See this publicationNikueleze amani: children's understanding of peace and conflict in a Congolese refugee camp in Tanzania

Periodical articleKleinsmidt, Verne; Manicom, Desiree (2009)
A policy analysis of the Refugee Act 130 of 1998
Africa Insight. Volume 39 #4. p. 164-183.

Periodical articleManicom, Desiree; Mullagee, Fairuz (2009)
The status of asylum seekers and refugees in South Africa: an independent overview
Africa Insight. Volume 39 #4. p. 184-197.

Periodical articleMoundounga Mouity, Patrice (2009)
Géopolitique des usages spatio-migratoires de territorialité des réfugiés dans les campagnes du Gabon
Enjeux: bulletin d'analyses géopolitiques pour l'Afrique centrale. #39. p. 43-58.

Periodical articleMujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira (2009)
The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and the promotion and protection of refugees' rights
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 9 #1. p. 160-182.

Periodical issueMutua-Kombo, Eddah (ed.) (2009)
Special issue on peace and communication in post-conflict Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Media Review. Volume 17 #1-2. 122p.

Periodical articleSadouni, Samadia (2009)
See this publication'God is not unemployed': journeys of Somali refugees in Johannesburg
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 68 #2. p. 235-249.

BookSchlee, Günther; Watson, Elizabeth E. (eds.) (2009)
Changing identifications and alliances in North-East Africa
Abstract presentNew York: Berghahn Books. Integration and conflict studies 3. 270p.

Periodical articleSimpson, Thula (2009)
See this publication'The bay and the ocean': a history of the ANC in Swaziland, 1960-1979
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 41 #1. p. 90-117.

Periodical articleSwart, Sarah (2009)
Unaccompanied minor refugees and the protection of their socioeconomic rights under human rights law
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 9 #1. p. 103-128.

Periodical articleBadawy, Tarek (2008)
The protection of refugees between obligations under multilateral conventions and specific treaty obligations: the case of Egypt
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 16. p. 151-196.

Periodical articleBerry, Leah (2008)
See this publicationThe impacts of environmental degradation on refugee-host relationships
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 17 #3. p. 125-131.

Periodical articleChamo, L.; Mokowe, T. (2008)
Zimbabwe is on fire
Kutlwano. Volume 46 #7. July. p. 10-11, 18-19.

Periodical articleCiabarri, Luca (2008)
See this publicationProductivity of refugee camps: social and political dynamics from the Somaliland-Ethiopia border (1988-2001)
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 43 #1. p. 67-90.

BookDaskal, Jennifer (2008)
See this publication'Why am I still here?': the 2007 Horn of Africa renditions and the fate of those still missing
New York, NY: Human Rights Watch (HRW). 54p.

Periodical articleDesai, Ashwin (2008)
See this publicationXenophobia and the place of the refugee in the rainbow nation of human rights
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 12 #2. p. 49-68.

Periodical articleElford, Lisa (2008)
See this publicationHuman rights and refugees: building a social geography of bare life in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Geographical Review. Volume 27. p. 65-79.

Periodical articleGunputh, Rajendra Parsad (2008)
Déportation dans la région de lÁfrique australe: l'affaire chagossienne ou l'histoire de l'extinction d'un peuple en exil: à la mémoire des déracinés de l'océan Indien
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 62 #3. p. 315-345.

Periodical articleHammar, Amanda; Rodgers, Graeme (2008)
See this publicationIntroduction: notes on political economies of displacement in southern Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #4. p. 355-370.

Conference paperHollenbach, David (ed.) (2008)
Refugee rights: ethics, advocacy, and Africa
Abstract presentWashington, DC: Georgetown University Press. 264p.

Periodical articleHorst, Cindy (2008)
A monopoly on assistance: international aid to refugee camps and the neglected role of the Somali diaspora
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 43 #1. p. 121-131.

Periodical articleJansen, Bram J. (2008)
See this publicationBetween vulnerability and assertiveness: negotiating resettlement in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 107 #429. p. 569-587.

Periodical articleMachalík, Tomáÿés (2008)
SWAPO children in Czechoslovakia: from the past to the present
Viva Africa. p. 280-293.

Periodical articleMgadla, Part T. (2008)
See this publication'A good measure of sacrifice': Botswana and the liberation struggles of southern Africa (1965-1985)
Abstract presentSocial Dynamics. Volume 34 #1. p. 5-16.

Periodical articleMujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira (2008)
From archaic to modern law: Uganda's Refugees Act 2006 and her international treaty obligations
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 14 #2. p. 399-422.

Periodical articleParsons, Neil (2008)
See this publicationThe pipeline: Botswana's reception of refugees, 1956-68
Abstract presentSocial Dynamics. Volume 34 #1. p. 17-32.

Periodical articlePérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine (2008)
Marges urbaines et migrations forcées: les réfugiés à l'épreuve des camps en Afrique de l'Est
Abstract presentAutrepart. #45. p. 191-205.

Periodical articleRodgers, Graeme (2008)
See this publicationEveryday life and the political economy of displacement on the Mozambique-South Africa borderland
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #4. p. 385-399.

BookSimpson, Gerry; Amon, Joe (2008)
See this publicationNeighbors in need: Zimbabweans seeking refuge in South Africa
New York, NY: Human Rights Watch (HRW). 122p.

BookWalzer, Craig (ed.) (2008)
Out of exile: the abducted and displaced people of Sudan
San Francisco, CA: McSweeney's. Voice of witness. 465p.

Periodical articleWarfa, Nasir (2008)
Post-migration geographical mobility, mental health and health service utilisation among Somali refugees in the UK: a qualitative study
Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies. Volume 8. p. 7-30.

Periodical articleAmuyunzu-Nyamongo, M.; Okeng'o, L.; Wagura, A.; Mwenzwa, E. (2007)
See this publicationPutting on a Brave Face: The Experiences of Women Living with HIV and AIDS in Informal Settlements of Nairobi, Kenya
AIDS Care. Volume 19 Supp. 1. February. p. 25-34.

Periodical articleAndrews Gale, Lacey (2007)
Bulgur Marriages and 'Big' Women: Navigating Relatedness in Guinean Refugee Camps
Anthropological Quarterly. Volume 80 #2. Spring. p. 355-378.

BookBul Dau, John (2007)
God grew tired of us: a memoir
Washington: National Geographic. 287p.

BookBützer, Christina (2007)
The long way home: contemplations of Southern Sudanese refugees in Uganda
Berlin: Lit Verlag. Spektrum, Berliner Reihe zu Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik in Entwicklungsländern $ Berlin series on society, economy and politics in developing countries #98. 145p.

Periodical articleCaratini, Sophie (2007)
La prison du temps: les mutations sociales à l'oeuvre dans les camps de réfugiés saharouis: première partie: la voie de la révolution; deuxième partie: l'impasse
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #221. p. 153-172.

BookDegu, Wondem Asres (2007)
The State, the crisis of State institutions and refugee migration in the Horn of Africa: the cases of Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia
Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press. 446p.

BookDiaw, Mama Moussa (2007)
Les otages: roman
Paris: Société des Écrivains. 305p.

BookEdward, Jane K. (2007)
Sudanese Women Refugees: Transformations and Future Imaginings
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 268p.

BookFarah, Abdulkadir Osman; Muchie, Mammo; Gundel, Joakim (eds.) (2007)
Somalia: diaspora and state reconstitution in the Horn of Africa
London: Adonis & Abbey Publishers. 338p.

BookGale, Lacey Andrews (2007)
Home is who you make it: place, agency, and relationships among Fula refugees in Guinea
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 289p.

Periodical articleGottschalk, Noah (2007)
See this publicationUganda: Early Marriage as a Form of Sexual Violence
Forced Migration Review. #27. January. p. 3.

Periodical articleHashim, M.J. (2007)
The policies of de-Nubianization in Egypt and Sudan: an ancient people on the brink of extinction
Tinabantu: journal of African national affairs. Volume 3 #1. p. 13-22.

Dissertation / thesisHassanen, Sadia (2007)
Repatriation, integration, or resettlement: the dilemmas of migration among Eritrean refugees in Eastern Sudan
Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press. 220p.

Periodical articleHermanson, Judith A. (2007)
Violence, Poverty and Survival in Darfur, Sudan
Development. #50. p. 154-159.

Periodical articleIkanda, Fred Nyongesa (2007)
See this publicationDeteriorating conditions of hosting refugees: a case study of the Dadaab complex in Kenya
African Study Monographs. Volume 29 #1. p. 29-49.

Periodical articleJohn-Langba, Johannes (2007)
The Relationship of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence to Sexual-Risk Behaviour among Refugee Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
World Health and Population. June. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleKim, Glen; Torbay, Rabih; Lawry, Lynn (2007)
See this publicationBasic Health, Women's Health, and Mental Health among Internally Displaced Persons in Nyala Province, South Darfur, Sudan
American Journal of Public Health. Volume 97 #2. p. 353-361.

Periodical articleLe Houérou, Fabienne (2007)
Voisins ou ennemis à Arba Wa Nus? La mise en scène du quotidien des migrants forcés égyptiens et réfugiés sud soudanais dans un quartier populaire du Caire
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #119-120. p. 59-80.

Periodical articleMachalík, Tomá°s (2007)
Czechoslovakia on the battlefront of the Cold War: Angolan civil war and the 'Namibian Czechs'
Viva Africa. p. 205-220.

DVD / videoMatabane, Khalo; Kgoroge, Tony (eds.) (2007)
Conversations on a Sunday afternoon
Abstract presentWendywood: Sterkinekor Home Entertainment.

Periodical articleMorupisi, D. (2007)
Life as a refugee in Dukwi
Kutlwano. Volume 48 #1. January. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleMsoka, G. (2007)
Cosmotheandrization of human rights: a focus on refugees and internally displaced persons in Africa
AFER. Volume 49 #1-2. March-June. p. 62-96.

Search: su=refugees
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