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Periodical articleBinaté, Issouf (2017)
Les célébrations du Maouloud au nord de la Côte-d'Ivoire: entre espace de réislamisation, socialisation et quête de légitimité politique
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 57 #225. p. 39-58.

BookMontgomery, Eric James (2017)
An ethnography of a Vodu shrine in southern Togo: of spirit, slave and sea
Leiden: Brill. Studies on religion in Africa. 306p.

Periodical articleFlemmen, Anne Britt; Zenebe, Mulumebet (2016)
See this publicationReligious 'mahbär' in Ethiopia: ritual elements, dynamics, and challenges
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 46 #1. p. 3-31.

Periodical issueMenu, Bernadette (ed.) (2016)
Dossier: Le juste et le sacré: les territoires de la faute dans l'Égypte ancienne, en Mésopotamie et dans la Bible = Just and sacred: the fault territoiries in Ancient Egypte, in Mesopotamia and in the Bible
Abstract presentDroit et cultures. #71. 216p.

BookZiavoula, Robert; Kouvouama, Abel; Yengo, Patrice (eds.) (2016)
Les territoires du sacré: images, discours, pratiques
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 268p.

Periodical articleHannig, Anita (2014)
See this publicationSpiritual border crossings: childbirth, postpartum seclusion and religious alterity in Amhara, Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 84 #2. p. 294-313.

Periodical articleNorman, Neil L. (2014)
See this publicationLiquid gods within cellular landscapes: micro-monuments, ethnic pluralism and the political landscape of Hueda, Bénin, 1650-1727
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 49 #1. p. 3-20.

BookAlami, Mohamed El (2013)
Le protocole et les us et coutumes au Maroc: des origines à nos jours
Paris: L'Harmattan. 211p.

Periodical articleMasondo, Sibusiso (2013)
See this publicationThe crisis model for managing change in African Christianity: the story of St John's Apostolic Church
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 42 #2. p. 157-174.

Periodical articleMüller, Retief; Kruger, Frans (2013)
See this publicationRain and water symbolism in southern African religious systems: continuity and change
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 42 #2. p. 143-156.

Periodical articleLow, Chris (2012)
KhoeSan shamanistic relationships with snakes and rain
Abstract presentJournal of Namibian Studies. Volume 12. p. 71-96.

Periodical articleMergo, Lemessa (2012)
'The scene does not speak': the demise of the Odaa Bulluq sacred forest in Horro Guduru, northwestern Oromia, Ethiopia
Abstract presentThe journal of Oromo studies. Volume 19 #1-2. p. 101-137.

Periodical articlePerman, Tony (2011)
See this publicationAwakening spirits: the ontology of spirit, self, and society in Ndau spirit possession practices in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 41 #1. p. 59-92.

Periodical articlePype, Katrien (2011)
See this publicationConfession cum deliverance: in/dividuality of the subject among Kinshasa's born-again Christians
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 41 #3. p. 280-310.

Periodical articleUkpokolo, Chinyere (2011)
Endogenous peace processes and the resolution of 'Afu-Afughi' religio-cultural conflict in Nanka, Southeastern Nigeria
Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 43 #2. p. 177-200.

Periodical articleHermann, Judith (2010)
Le rituel de l'eau bénite: une réponse sociale et symbolique à la pandémie du sida
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 25. p. 229-245.

Periodical articleJong, Ferdinand de (2010)
Remembering the nation: the Murid 'Maggal' of Saint-Louis, Senegal
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 50 #197. p. 123-151.

BookLaister, Richard (2010)
Looking for Mr. Legba: a voodoo quest
Bury St. Edmunds: Arena Books. 179p.

Periodical articleMupaya Kapiten, Didier (2010)
Rite: participation: salut: comment les hybridismes favorisent la convivialité interculturelle
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 15 #29. p. 55-80.

BookNabti, Mehdi (2010)
Les Aïssawa: soufisme, musique et rituels de transe au Maroc
Paris: Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 437p.

Periodical articleNinot, Olivier (2010)
Des moutons pour la fête: l'approvisionnement de Dakar en moutons de Tabaski
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 63 #249. p. 141-164.

Periodical articlePaulin-Campbell, Annemarie (2010)
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and shifts in images of God and self: the experience of two South African women
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 23 #1-2. p. 173-197.

Periodical articleAwuah-Nyamekye, Samuel (2009)
Women's participation in the ritual of worship in African traditional religion
Drumspeak: international journal of research in the humanities. Volume 2 #3. p. 53-79.

Periodical articleBerner, Ulrich (2009)
See this publicationRepresentation and anticipation in ritual drama: examples from medieval Europe and modern Africa
Paideuma. Volume 55. p. 117-135.

BookBrisebarre, Anne-Marie; Kuczynski, Liliane (eds.) (2009)
La Tabaski au Sénégal: une fête musulmane en milieu urbain
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 466p.

Periodical articleFarag, Iman (2009)
Querelle de minarets en Égypte: le débat public sur l'appel à la prière
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #125. p. 47-66.

Periodical articleMoussaoui, Abderrahmane (2009)
La mosquée en Algérie: figures nouvelles et pratiques reconstituées
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #125. p. 23-45.

Periodical articleBonte, Pierre (2008)
De la boomanie au fétichisme du bétail: une approche du pastoralisme en Afrique de l'Est
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 78 #1-2. p. 197-217.

Periodical articleKah, Henry Kam (2008)
Religious cults in conflict with colonial forces, 1916-1961: its impact on the social life of Mamfe Division in British Southern Cameroons
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 40 #2. p. 11-32.

Periodical articleNieuwkerk, Karin van (2008)
Piety, penitence and gender: the case of repentant artists in Egypt
Journal for Islamic Studies. Volume 28. p. 37-65.

Periodical articleSchulz, Dorothea E. (2008)
Piety's manifold embodiments: Muslim women's quest for moral renewal in urban Mali
Abstract presentJournal for Islamic Studies. Volume 28. p. 66-93.

Periodical articleZwana, Solmon (2008)
Old wine in new wine skins: tombstone unveiling as a case of religious innovation and change in Zimbabwean Christianity
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 21 #1. p. 37-52.

BookHøjbjerg, Christian Kordt (2007)
Resisting state iconoclasm among the Loma of Guinea
Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Carolina Academic Press ritual studies monographs. 360p.

Periodical articleLuning, Sabine (2007)
See this publicationRitual Territories as Local Heritage? Discourse on Disruptions in Society and Nature in Maane, Burkina Faso
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 77 #1. p. 86-103.

Dissertation / thesisSalami, Gitti (2007)
Ordinarily extraordinary: Yakurr priest-chiefs' ritual performances and the Leboku festival
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services.

Periodical articleAyantayo, J.K. (2006)
Religious communication in Nigeria and the challenges to environmental management
Journal of environment and culture. Volume 3 #1. p. 74-83.

Periodical articleBoissevain, Katia (2006)
Corps d'adeptes, paroles de Dieu et visions de saints: pratiques rituelles masculines et féminines dans deux sanctuaires de Tunis
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #113-114. p. 179-193.

Periodical articlePype, Katrien (2006)
See this publicationDancing for God or the Devil: Pentecostal Discourse on Popular Dance in Kinshasa
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 36 #3-4. p. 296-318.

Periodical articleAncel, Stéphane (2005)
See this publication'Mahbär' et 'sänbäte': associations religieuses en Éthiopie
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 8. p. 95-111.

BookKment, Patric (2005)
Afíríkà yèyé mi! - Meine Mutter Afrika: Reafrikanisierung, kulturelle Expansion und Transformation der Òrìshà-Religion Trinidads: Geschichte und Grundlagen der Veränderungsprozesse einer afroamerikanischen Religion im Spannungsfeld von Eklektizismus, Synkretismus und Reafrikanisierung
Wien: LIT Verlag. Afrika und ihre Diaspora #4. 226p.

Periodical articleAsamoah-Gyadu, J. Kwabena (2004)
See this publicationOf 'sour grapes' and 'children's teeth': inherited guilt, human rights and processes of restoration in Ghanaian Pentecostalism
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 33 #4. p. 334-353.

Periodical articleKurcz, Maciej (2004)
The contemporary Dhikr: different aspects of the Sudanese religious expression
Africana Bulletin. #52. p. 67-83.

Book chapterSoares, Benjamin F. (2004)
Islam and Public Piety in Mali
Abstract presentIn: Salvatore, Armando; Eickelman, Dale (eds.), Public Islam and the Common Good. Leiden: Brill. p. 205-225.

Periodical articleAdogbo, M.P. (2003)
The signification of rituals of destiny among the Urhobo
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 35 #1-2. p. 82-92.

BookDijk, Rijk van (ed.) (2003)
See this publicationEen schijn van voodoo: culturele achtergronden van de handel in Nigeriaanse meisjes voor de Nederlandse prostitutie: een verkenning
Abstract presentLeiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. ASC occasional publications #5. 64p.

Periodical articleHoven, Ed van (2003)
See this publicationSaint mediation in the era of transnationalism: The 'da'ira' of the Jakhanke 'marabouts'
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 73 #2. p. 290-308.

Periodical articleKaplan, Steven (2003)
The social and religious functions of the Eucharist in medieval Ethiopia
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 19. p. 7-18.

Periodical articleKapoor, Rashmi (2003)
Religious beliefs and practices of people of Indian origin in Mauritius
Indian Journal of African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 142-166.

Periodical articleMusa, Dauda E. (2003)
Theatre and religion: 'Kyen-Eku' as performance and ritual among the Eggon
Afrika und Übersee: Sprachen, Kulturen. Volume 86 #2. p. 235-248.

Periodical articleVahed, Goolam H. (2003)
See this publicationA Sufi Saint's Day in South Africa: The Legend of Badsha Peer
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 49. p. 96-122.

BookKrasberg, Ulrike (2002)
Die Ekstasetänzerinnen von Sîdî Mustafa: eine theater-ethnologische Untersuchung
Berlin: Reimer. 244p.

Periodical articleDijk, Rijk van (2001)
See this publication'Voodoo' on the Doorstep: Young Nigerian Prostitutes and Magic Policing in the Netherlands
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 71 #4. p. 558-586.

Periodical articleMarcus, Cressida (2001)
See this publicationThe Production of Patriotic Spirituality: Ethiopian Orthodox Women's Experience of War and Social Crisis
Northeast African Studies. Volume 8 #3. p. 179-208.

Dissertation / thesisSengers, Gerda Cornelia (2000)
Vrouwen en demonen: Zar en korangenezing in hedendaags Egypte
Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. 269p.

Periodical articleTalkeu Tounouga, Camille (2000)
La fonction symbolique de l'eau en Afrique noire: une approche culturelle de l'eau
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #161-162. p. 33-47.

Periodical articleAhmed, Abdallah Chanfi (1999)
La passion pour le Prophète aux Comores et en Afrique de l'Est ou l'épopée du Maulid al-Barzandji
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #13. p. 65-89.

Periodical articlePlatvoet, Jan G. (1999)
See this publicationAt War with God: Ju/'Hoan Curing Dances
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 29 #1. p. 2-61.

BookTayob, Abdulkader I. (1999)
Islam in South Africa: mosques, imams, and sermons
Gainesville: University Press of Florida. Religion in Africa. 176p.

BookBrisebarre, Anne-Marie; Dassetto, Felice (eds.) (1998)
La fête du mouton: un sacrifice musulman dans l'espace urbain
Abstract presentParis: CNRS Editions. Méditerranée. 351p.

BookChlyeh, Abdelhafid (1998)
Les Gnaoua du Maroc: itinéraires initiatiques, transe et possession
Grenoble: Pensée sauvage. 158p.

Periodical articleMuller, Carol (1997)
See this publication'Written' into the Book of Life: Nazarite women's performance inscribed as spiritual text in 'Ibandla lamaNazaretha'
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 28 #1. p. 3-14.

Periodical articleBlanchy, Sophie; Cheikh, Mwanesha; Saïd, Moussa; Allaoui, M.; Issihaka, M. (1996)
Rituels de protection dans l'archipel des Comores
Abstract presentIslam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #10. p. 121-142.

Periodical articleDugast, Stéphan (1996)
Meurtriers, jumeaux et devins: trois variations sur le thème du double (Bassar, Togo)
Abstract presentSystèmes de pensée en Afrique noire. #14. p. 175-209.

Periodical articleIlésanmí, T.M. (1996)
The ingenuity of Yorùbá women in the worship of Orínláse in Ìlawè-Èkìtì
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 28 #1-2. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleLiberski-Bagnoud, Danouta (1996)
La lame du couteau et la mort amère: violence funéraire, initiation et homicide en pays kasena (Burkina Faso)
Abstract presentSystèmes de pensée en Afrique noire. #14. p. 211-250.

Periodical articleNabofa, M.Y. (1996)
Saliva symbolism in African belief
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 28 #1-2. p. 11-35.

Periodical articlePels, Peter (1996)
See this publicationKizungu Rhythms: Luguru Christianity as Ngoma
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 26 #2. May. p. 163-201.

BookAdetona, Abdul Lateef Mobolaji (1995)
The abuse of Islamic rites and ceremonies in the contemporary Nigerian society
Lagos: Al-Basit Productions. 47p.

BookJedrej, M.C. (1995)
Ingessana: the religious institutions of a people of the Sudan-Ethiopia borderland
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. Studies on religion in Africa #13. 136p.

BookJong, A.H. de (1995)
De uitdaging van Vaticanum II in Oost-Afrika: de bijdrage van Nederlandse missionarissen aan de doorvoering van Vaticanum II in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda en Malawi 1965-1975
Kampen: Kok. Kerk en theologie in context. 196p.

BookLeverenz, Irene (1994)
See this publicationDer Kuhstall Gottes: ein Ritual der Agar-Dinka
München: Trickster Verlag. Sudanesische Marginalien #6. 318p.

Periodical articleHeusch, Luc De (1993)
See this publicationHistoire structurale d'une religion africaine (le culte des Cwezi et des Imandwa dans la région des Grands Lacs)
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 41 #1-2. p. 19-50.

Periodical articleMary, André (1993)
See this publicationLe travail symbolique des prophètes d'Eboga: logiques syncrétiques et entre-deux culturel
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 33 #132. p. 613-643.

BookHoly, Ladislav (1991)
Religion and custom in a Muslim society: the Berti of Sudan
Abstract presentCambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge studies in social and cultural anthropology #78. 243p.

Periodical articleStevens, Lesley (1991)
See this publicationReligious Change in a Haya Village, Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 21 #1. February. p. 2-25.

Periodical articleFernandez, James W. (1990)
See this publicationThe Body in Bwiti: Variations on a Theme By Richard Werbner
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 20 #1. February. p. 92-111.

BookSamb, Amadou Makhtar (1990)
Aç-çalâtou Ala Nabi ou de la prière sur le prophète
Abstract present116p.

Periodical articleSekhukhune, Phatudi D. (1990)
Social Meaning in North Sotho Ritual Symbolism
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Ethnology. Volume 13 #1. p. 30-32.

Periodical articleTengan, Edward B. (1990)
See this publicationThe Sisala Universe: Its Composition and Structure (An Essay in Cosmology)
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 20 #1. February. p. 2-19.

Periodical articleThys, E. (1990)
Quelques observations sur l'abattage de petits ruminants dans le cadre de la Fête du Mouton ou Tabaski à Maroua (Cameroun)
Abstract presentRevue de géographie du Cameroun. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 60-67.

Periodical articleWerbner, Richard P. (1990)
See this publicationBwiti in Reflection: On the Fugue of Gender
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 20 #1. February. p. 63-91.

BookWerbner, Richard P. (1989)
Ritual passage, sacred journey: the process and organization of religious movement
Abstract presentWashington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. Smithsonian series in ethnographic inquiry.

Periodical articleIfesieh, E. Ifemegbunam (1988)
The three basic aspects of sacred meal tradition in Igbo religious culture (a case study) n. 1
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 22 #43-44. p. 7-16.

Periodical articleMbadu Khonde; Lufuluabo Mutamba (1987)
See this publicationSignifications et dimensions psycho-culturelles du rituel gémellaire chez les Hema-Banyamboga
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 8. p. 143-189.

Periodical articleAdewale, S.A. (1986)
The cultic use of water among the Yoruba
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 28-39.

Periodical articleFaik-Nzuji, C. Madiya (1986)
Parole et geste dans les médiations du sacré
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 20-21 #39-42. p. 73-93.

Periodical articleGravrand, H. (1986)
Rites et symboles sereer face au sacré
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 20-21 #39-42. p. 125-143.

Periodical articleIfesieh, Emmanuel Ifemegbunam (1986)
Ritual Symbolism in Igbo Traditional Religion (A Survey through Religious and Cultural Analysis)
Abstract presentAfricana Marburgensia. Volume 19 #1. p. 50-82.

Periodical articleMbuyi Kabandanyi (1986)
Réflexions sur les langages du sacré à partir des données positives
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 20-21 #39-42. p. 167-191.

Periodical articleThomas, L.-V. (1986)
Le symbolisme dans la mort africaine
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 20-21 #39-42. p. 297-325.

Periodical articleIkenga-Metuh, Emefie (1985)
Religious Symbolism in Igbo Life Crisis Rituals
Abstract presentAfricana Marburgensia. Volume 18 #2. p. 59-80.

Periodical articleIkenga-Metuh, Emefie (1985)
See this publicationRitual Dirt and Purification Rites among the Igbo
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 15 #1. p. 3-24.

Periodical articleBinsbergen, W.M.J. van (1984)
See this publicationSocio-ritual structures and modern migration among the Manjak of Guinea-Bissau: ideological reproduction in a context of peripheral capitalism
Abstract presentAntropologische verkenningen. Volume 3 #2. p. 11-43.

Periodical articleCamara, S. (1984)
Le retour des ancêtres défunts chez les Mandenka: du rituel au mythe
Abstract presentCahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle. p. 43-55.

Periodical articleDiop, A. Moustapha (1984)
Rites de passage et système religieux chez les Manjak (Guinée-Bissau)
Abstract presentNotes africaines: bulletin d'information et de correspondance de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire. #181. p. 9-16.

Periodical articleRivière, Claude (1984)
Le tragique ritualisé dans le vécu Africain
Abstract presentLe mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 20 #231-232. p. 114-126.

Periodical articleMary, A. (1983)
See this publicationL'alternative de la vision et de la possession dans les sociétés religieuses et therapeutiques du Gabon
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 23 #91. p. 281-310.

Periodical articleWolf, Jan de (1983)
De betekenis van het schaap in enkele Oost-Afrikaanse verhalen en riten
Abstract presentAntropologische verkenningen. Volume 2 #2. p. 96-112.

Periodical articleBosko, Dan (1981)
See this publicationWhy Basotho wear blankets
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 40 #1. p. 23-32.

Periodical articleDupre, Marie-Claude (1981)
Histoire et rituels: l'observation du Siku en pays beembé (République populaire du Congo)
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 18 #2. p. 171-194.

Search: su=religious rituals
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