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Search: su=rural planning | ||||||||
Found: 35 | Record 1-35 |
Ejiogu, E.C. (ed.) (2011) | |
Social movements and nation-building in Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa | |
African Renaissance. Volume 8 #1. 128p. |
Diaboula, Woudé (2010) | |
La carte peut-elle contribuer à la décentralisation? | |
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #40. p. 37-57. |
Diop, Amadou; Agossou, Noukpo; Nyassogbo, Kwami Gabriel (eds.) (2010) | |
Systèmes spatiaux et structures régionales en Afrique | |
Paris: Karthala. Collection Maîtrise de l'espace et développement #9. 198p. |
Ansoms, An (2009) | |
Re-engineering rural society: the visions and ambitions of the Rwandan elite | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 108 #431. p. 289-309. |
Elong, Joseph Gabriel; Essengue Nkodo, Pierre Éloi (2009) | |
Planification des infrastructures et émergence des nouveaux acteurs associatifs du développement rural dans le Cameroun forestier | |
Annales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Volume 1 #10. p. 269-297. |
Ocheje, Paul D. (2007) | |
'In the public interest': forced evictions, land rights and human development in Africa | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 51 #2. p. 173-214. |
Ubink, Janine M. (2007) | |
Tenure security: wishful policy thinking or reality? A case from peri-urban Ghana | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 51 #2. p. 215-248. |
Hopkins, Omar Snowden (2005) | |
Planning rural water supply systems in developing countries: the case of Rwanda | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 143p. |
Akatch, Samuel O. (2001) | |
Rural planning in regional development: the Kenyan experience | |
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 13 #3-4. December. p. 123-131. |
Taouil, Ahmed (2001) | |
Milieu naturel et utilisation du sol dans le Haouz mediterraneen de Tetouan, Rif occidental, Maroc: facteurs physiques, système agro-sylvo-pastoral, production et évolution de l'espace | |
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. 275p. |
Coelho, João Paulo Borges (1998) | |
State Resettlement Policies in Post-Colonial Rural Mozambique: The Impact of the Communal Village Programme on Tete Province, 1977-1982 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 24 #1. March. p. 61-91. |
Anonymous (1992) | |
Understanding the transformation dimensions of rural development planning | |
Rural Progress. Volume 11 #1. p. 63-82. |
Olujimi, Bayo; Egunjobi, Layi (1991) | |
Public participation in a village regrouping scheme | |
The Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 26 #3. p. 165-171. |
Department of Housing and Physical Planning, Lilongwe (1990) | |
Highlights of the new town and country planning legislation in Malawi | |
Review of Rural and Urban Planning in Southern and Eastern Africa. #1. p. 122-130. |
Gasper, D.R. (1990) | |
What happened to the land question in Zimbabwe? Rural reform in the 1980s | |
Review of Rural and Urban Planning in Southern and Eastern Africa. #1. p. 38-77. |
Mlia, J.R. Ngoleka; Kaluwa, Ben M. (1990) | |
Equity and Economic Growth: The Locational Dilemma of Malawi's Rural Growth Centres Project | |
Eastern and Southern Africa Geographical Journal. Volume 1 #1. February. p. 55-64. |
Mosha, A.C. (1989) | |
Planning and development of human settlements in Tanzania | |
Review of Rural and Urban Planning in Southern and Eastern Africa. #1. November. p. 15-42. |
Robinson, Peter S. (1987) | |
Spatial Planning and 'Rural Service Centres' in Southern Africa | |
Africanus. Volume 17 #1-2. p. 70-90. |
Mehretu, Assefa; Wittick, Robert I.; Pigozzi, Bruce W. (1983) | |
Spatial Design for Basic Needs in Eastern Upper Volta | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 17 #3. April. p. 383-394. |
Bouet, Claude (1980) | |
Pour une géographie de l'habitat rural au Gabon | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 33 #130. p. 123-144. |
Okafor, Francis C. (1980) | |
Integrated Rural Development Planning in Nigeria: A Spatial Dimension | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 20 #77-78. p. 83-95. |
Dabor, I.S. (1978) | |
Planning for Regional Development in Sierra Leone: Decentralised Planning for Rural Development | |
African Administrative Studies. #20. December. p. 51-59. |
Onokerhoraye, A.E. (1978) | |
Planning for rural development in Nigeria: a spatial approach | |
The Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 13 #1. p. 29-34. |
Baguma, Rweikiza (1977) | |
Decentralization and popular participation in planning for rural development | |
Taamuli: a Political Science Forum. Volume 7 #2. p. 50-65. |
Lepoul, Georges (1977) | |
'1000 villages socialistes' en Algérie: analyse d'une opération d'aménagement rural | |
Maghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #77. p. 40-48. |
Roux, Jean-Claude (1977) | |
Planification agricole et comportement des migrants à Andriambe (O.D.E/M.O.), Moyen-Ouest Malgache | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 14 #2. p. 199-215. |
Livingstone, Ian (1976) | |
Rural development in Kenya: the S.R.D.P. revisited | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 15 #3. p. 132-140. |
Mwapachu, Juma Volter (1976) | |
Operation planned villages in rural Tanzania: a revolutionary strategy for development | |
The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 6 #1. p. 1-16. |
Fuller, Colin (1975) | |
The special rural development programme in Kenya: its use as a case-study in the Department of Administrative Studies in the University of Manchester | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 14 #3. p. 148-158. |
Leach, J.W. (1974) | |
The Kenya special rural development programma | |
Journal of Administration Overseas. Volume 13 #2. p. 358-365. |
Widstrand, Carl (1974) | |
The evaluation of rural development projects | |
Cultures et développement. Volume 6 #1. p. 109-133. |
Chambers, R. (1971) | |
Planning for rural areas in Africa: experience and prescriptions | |
The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 1 #3. p. 130-147. |
Sammani, Mohd. Osman al- (1971) | |
A study of central villages and their served envelopes as lower order planning units for rural development in the Sudan | |
Khartoum: University of Khartoum, Sudan research unit. 61p. |
Hata, Nobuyuki (1968) | |
Ndagaa fishing and settlement formation along lake Tanganyika | |
Kyoto University African Studies. Volume 2. p. 31-50. |
Ogendo, Reuben B. (1967) | |
The Significance of Industrial Zoning to Rural Industrial Development in Kenya. A Study of the Facts and Methodology | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 7 #27. p. 444-484. |
Search: su=rural planning | ||||||||
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