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Search: su=sedentarization | ||||||||
Found: 80 | Record 1-80 |
Pierre, Caroline (2015) | |
Identités peules en mosaïque agropastorale au Bénin: dynamique des rapports de pouvoir, mobilité et territoire | |
Anthropologie & développement: revue de l'APAD. #42-43. p. 133-159. |
Bollig, Michael; Greiner, Clemens; Österle, Matthias (2014) | |
Inscribing identity and agency on the landscape: of pathways, places, and the transition of the public sphere in East Pokot, Kenya | |
African Studies Review. Volume 57 #3. p. 55-78. |
Chatty, Dawn; Fratkin, Elliot; Sulek, Emilia Róza (eds.) (2014) | |
Special issue: The emerging world of pastoralists and nomads | |
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 18 #1. 145p. |
Ayalew Gebre (2012) | |
The dynamics of land transaction practices among the Karrayu pastoralists in the Upper Awash Valley of Ethiopia: the cases of Abadir and Merti communities | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 28 #1. p. 59-89. |
Skounti, Ahmed (2012) | |
Le sang & le sol: nomadisme et sédentarisation au Maroc: Les Ayt Merghad du Haut-Atlas oriental | |
Rabat: Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe (IRCAM). 309p. |
Altayeb, Omer Y (2010) | |
The Shukriya of central Butana: pastoralism and p Oroblems of settlement and agriculture in New Halfa scheme | |
Khartoum: Khartoum University Press. 136p. |
Matsuura, Naoki (2009) | |
Visiting patterns of two sedentarized central African hunter-gatherers: comparison of the Babongo in Gabon and the Baka in Cameroon | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 30 #3. p. 137-159. |
Ahmed, Abdel Ghaffar M. (2008) | |
Transforming pastoralism: a case study of the Rufa'a al Hoi ethnic group in the Blue Nile state, Sudan | |
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute. Sudan working paper. 18p. |
Österle, Matthias (2008) | |
From cattle to goats: the transformation of East Pokot pastoralism in Kenya | |
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 12 #1. p. 81-91. |
Ashimolowo, O.R.; Lawal-Adebowale, O.A.; Sodiya, C.I.; Osamiluyi, B.O. (2006) | |
Sedentarisation and livelihoods: the case of Fulani women in Abeokuta North, Ogun State, Nigeria | |
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 21 #2. p. 103-118. |
Fratkin, Elliot M.; Roth, Eric Abella (eds.) (2004) | |
As pastoralists settle: social, health, and economic consequences of pastoral sedentarization in Marsabit District, Kenya | |
New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. Studies in human ecology and adaptation. 280p. |
Fratkin, Elliot M. (2004) | |
Ariaal pastoralists of Kenya: studying pastoralism, drought, and development in Africa's arid lands | |
Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. Cultural survival studies in ethnicity and change. 142p. |
Fujita, Masako (2003) | |
Sedentarization, seasonality, and economic differentiation: maternal diet and health in Ariaal-Rendille communities in northern Kenya | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 124p. |
Maruyama, Junko (2003) | |
The Impacts of Resettlement on Livelihood and Social Relationships among the Central Kalahari San | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 24 #4. p. 223-245. |
De Jongh, Michael (2002) | |
No Fixed Abode: The Poorest of the Poor and Elusive Identities in Rural South Africa | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 28 #2. June. p. 441-460. |
De Jongh, Michael (2000) | |
Itinerant and Sedentary | |
South African Journal of Ethnology. Volume 23 #1. p. 1-13. |
Fratkin, Elliot; Nathan, Martha A.; Roth, Eric Abella (1999) | |
Health consequences of pastoral sedentarization among Rendille of northern Kenya | |
In: The poor are not us: poverty & pastoralism in Eastern Africa. p. 149-162. |
Mitchell, Judith D. (1999) | |
Pastoral Women and Sedentism: Milk Marketing in an Ariaal Rendille Community in Northern Kenya | |
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 3 #2. p. 147-160. |
Benfoughal, Tatiana (1998) | |
Savoir rester nomade sans pouvoir l'être: la fabrication et l'usage des nattes de tente chez les Touaregs sédentarisés de l'Ajjer | |
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 2 #1-2. p. 103-123. |
Sandron, Frédéric (1998) | |
L'immobilité forcée: la sédentarisation des nomades dans le Sud tunisien | |
Autrepart. #5. p. 63-77. |
Waibel, Gabi (1998) | |
Seßhaftwerdung und sozialer Wandel bei den Tuareg Zinders (Niger) | |
Hamburg: Institut für Afrika-Kunde. Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde #58. 312p. |
Djingui, Mahmoudou (1997) | |
Évolution de l'espace habitable et transformation des identités féminines chez les Fulbe du Nord-Cameroun | |
In: Transforming female identities: women's organizational forms in West Africa. p. 214-226. |
Braukämper, Ulrich (1996) | |
Strategies of Environmental Adaptation and Patterns of Transhumance of the Shuwa Arabs in the Nigerian Chad Basin | |
Nomadic Peoples. #39. p. 53-67. |
Gravier, Mireille (1996) | |
Nomadisme et sédentarisation au Tagant (Mauritanie) | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 49 #195. p. 227-246. |
Imamura-Hayaki, Kaoru (1996) | |
Gathering activity among the Central Kalahari San | |
African Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #22. p. 47-66. |
Casciarri, Barbara (1995) | |
The Role of Women in the Changing Family and Social Organization of Ahamda Pastoralists (Central Sudan) | |
Nomadic Peoples. #36-37. p. 105-117. |
Kaare, Bwire (1995) | |
Coping with State Pressure to Change: How Akie Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania Seek to Maintain Their Cultural Identity | |
Nomadic Peoples. #36-37. p. 217-225. |
Joiris, Daou V. (1994) | |
Elements of Techno-Economic Changes among the Sendentarised BaGyeli Pygmies (South-West Cameroon) | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 15 #2. October. p. 83-95. |
Santoir, Christian (1994) | |
Décadence et résistance du pastoralisme: les Peuls de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 34 #133-135. p. 231-263. |
Azarya, Victor (1993) | |
Sedentarization and Ethnic Identity among the Fulbe: A Comparative View | |
Senri Ethnological Studies. #35. p. 35-60. |
Frantz, Charles (1993) | |
Are the Mbororo'en Boring, and are the Fulbe Finished? | |
Senri Ethnological Studies. #35. p. 11-34. |
Wymeersch, Patrick (1993) | |
Les Turkana: aperçu général d'une société pastorale | |
Civilisations. Volume 41 #1-2. p. 83-102. |
Yosko, Idriss (1993) | |
Ethnoterritorialité kréda et dynamique socio-spatiale nationale actuelle | |
Revue scientifique du Tchad. Volume 3 #1. p. 28-31. |
Holter, Uta (1992) | |
Kulturwandel: aufgezeigt am Beispiel der Sesshaftwerdung von Kamelnomaden im sudanesischen Sahel | |
Wuqûf: Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Staat und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika. #7-8. p. 507-521. |
Maghimbi, S. (1991) | |
The riverside Masai: cattle economy, drought and settlement pattern in the Pangani river valley | |
In: Pastoral economies in Africa and long-term responses to drought. p. 62-68. |
Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (1991) | |
The Economics of Social Life among the Central Kalahari San (G//anakhwe and G/wikhwe) in the Sedentary Community of !Koi!kom | |
Senri Ethnological Studies. #30. p. 91-116. |
Tanaka, Jiro (1991) | |
Egalitarianism and the Cash Economy among the Central Kalahari San | |
Senri Ethnological Studies. #30. p. 117-134. |
Bovin, M. (1990) | |
Nomads of the drought: Fulbe and Wodaabe nomads between power and marginalization in the Sahel of Burkina Faso and Niger Republic | |
In: Adaptive strategies in African arid lands. p. 29-57. |
Loiske, V.M. (1990) | |
Political adaptation: the case of the Wabarabaig in Hanang District, Tanzania | |
In: Adaptive strategies in African arid lands. p. 77-90. |
Osaki, Masakazu (1990) | |
The influence of sedentism on sharing among the Central Kalahari hunter-gatherers | |
African Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #12. p. 59-87. |
Salih, M.A. Mohamed (1990) | |
Agro-pastoralists response to agricultural policies: the predicament of the Baggara, western Sudan | |
In: Adaptive strategies in African arid lands. p. 59-75. |
Braun, Gerald (1989) | |
The Somali Development Concept in Crisis | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 1-12. |
Cissé, Salmana (1989) | |
Pratiques de sédentarité et nomadisme au Mali: réalité sociologique ou slogan politique? | |
Politique africaine. #34. p. 30-38. |
Kassah, Abdelfettah (1989) | |
Sédentarisation des nomades et mise en valeur agricole: les Ghrib à Regim Maatoug | |
Géographie et développement: revue de l'Association des géographes tunisiens. Volume 10 #8-9. p. 97-118. |
Sanders, A.J.G.M. (1989) | |
The Bushmen of Botswana: From Desert Dwellers to World Citizens | |
Africa Insight. Volume 19 #3. p. 174-182. |
Okoli, F.C.; Gadzama, A. (1988) | |
Agricultural and rural development programme in Nigeria: a study of the Gujba Project in Borno State | |
Annals of Borno. Volume 5. p. 41-56. |
Toure, Oussouby (1988) | |
The Pastoralist Environment of Northern Senegal | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 15 #42. p. 32-39. |
Amami, Slaheddine El (1987) | |
Mutation des systemes de cultures en tunisie centrale: étude de cas de deux familles de la Basse Steppe | |
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #15. p. 127-137. |
Decoudras, P.-M. (1987) | |
Occupation de l'espace peripherique de la ville de Djibouti: évolution des genres de vie traditionnels et sédentarisation des pasteurs nomades | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 40 #158. p. 93-126. |
Ezeomah, Chimah (1987) | |
The Settlement Problems of Nomadic Fulani in Nigeria | |
Rural Africana. Volume 27. Winter. p. 35-45. |
Hogg, R. (1987) | |
Settlement, pastoralism and the commons: the ideology and practice of irrigation development in northern Kenya | |
In: Conservation in Africa: People, Policies, and Practice. p. 293-306. |
Schraeder, Peter J. (1986) | |
Involuntary Migration in Somalia: The Politics of Resettlement | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 24 #4. p. 641-662. |
Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (1986) | |
Visiting Relations and Social Interactions between Residential Groups of the Central Kalahari | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 8 #4. p. 173-211. |
Muir, C. Ann (1985) | |
Response to Maendeleo: changing perceptions amongst the Pokot of Nginyang in a period of transition | |
Edinburgh, Scotland: Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh. Occasional papers #14. |
Tanaka, Jiro (1985) | |
The Recent Changes in the Life and Society of the Central Kalahari San | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 7. p. 37-51. |
Osaki, Masakazu (1984) | |
The Social Influence of Change in Hunting Technique among the Central Kalahari San | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 5. p. 49-62. |
Hogg, Richard (1983) | |
Irrigation Agriculture and Pastoral Development: A Lesson from Kenya | |
Development and Change. Volume 14 #4. October. p. 577-591. |
Abu Sin, M.E. (1982) | |
A change in strategy of animal herding among the nomads of the Butana - Eastern Sudan: a case study in adaptive response and change in the semi-arid areas of Sudan | |
In: Problems of agricultural development in the Sudan. p. 87-104. |
Cissé, Salmane (1981) | |
Sedentarization of nomadic pastoralists and 'pastoralization' of cultivators in Mali | |
In: The future of pastoral peoples: proceedings of a conference. p. 318-324. |
Colvin, Lucie Gallistel (1981) | |
Mauritania | |
In: The uprooted of the Western Sahel: migrants' quest for cash in the Senegambia. p. 244-259. |
Khogali, Mustafa Mohammed (1981) | |
Sedentarization of nomads: Sudan | |
In: The future of pastoral peoples: proceedings of a conference. p. 302-317. |
Baduel, Pierre Robert (1979) | |
Semi-nomades du Sud-Tunisien: de l'intégration à l'indépendence | |
Maghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #84. p. 60-64. |
Merryman, James (1979) | |
Ecological stress and adaptive response: a study of drought induced nomad settlement in northern Kenya | |
Pan-Africanist. #8. p. 6-16. |
Reboul, Claude (1978) | |
Danger d'Oasis? Aléas d'une politique de sédentarisation: le forage de Labgar au Sénégal | |
Civilisations. Volume 28 #1-2. p. 120-139. |
Guenther, Mathias G. (1977) | |
Bushman Hunters as Farm Labourers | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 11 #2. p. 195-203. |
Hoyle, S. (1977) | |
The Khashm El Girba agricultural scheme: an example of an attempt to settle nomads | |
In: Landuse and development. p. 116-131. |
Sörbo, G.M. (1977) | |
Nomads on the scheme: a study of irrigation, agriculture, and pastoralism in Eastern Sudan | |
In: Landuse and development. p. 132-150. |
Toupet, Charles (1977) | |
La sédentarisation des nomades en Mauritanie centrale sahélienne | |
Paris: diffusion H. Champion. 490p. |
Guillaume, H. (1976) | |
Les liens de dépendance, à l'epoque precoloniale, chez les Touaregs de l'Imannen (Niger) | |
In: Dix études sur l'organisation sociale chez les Touaregs. p. 111-129. |
Museur, Michel; Pirson, Ronald (1976) | |
Une problematique de passage chez les populations du Hoggar-Tassali: du nomadisme à la sedentarisation | |
Civilisations. Volume 26 #1-2. p. 64-82. |
Baxter, P.T.W. (1975) | |
Some consequences of sedentarization for social relationships | |
In: Les sociétés pastorales en Afrique tropicale. p. 206-228. |
Pirson, Ronald (1975) | |
Du monadisme à la sedentarité dans le Sud-Tunisien comme exemple de désagrégation d'un ordre socio-démocratique | |
Civilisations. Volume 25 #1-2. p. 124-143. |
Sidikou, Arouna Hamidou (1974) | |
Sedentarité et mobilité entre Niger et Zgaret | |
Niamey: Institut Nigérien de recherches en sciences humaines. Études nigériennes #34. |
Attia, H.; Benhalima, H. (1973) | |
L'homme et l'environnement chez les Beni Mguild | |
Revue de géographie du Maroc. #23-24. p. 179-182. |
Ishige, Naomichi (1973) | |
Sedentarization of the pastoral Megarha: a preliminary Note | |
Kyoto University African Studies. Volume 8. p. 151-166. |
Fremont, A. (1962) | |
La région d'Aïn Mlila dans les hautes plaines constantinoises | |
Méditerranée: revue géographique des pays méditerranéens. Volume 3 #2. p. 29-64. |
Abou Zeid, A.M. (1959) | |
La sédentarisation des nomades dans le désert occidental d'Egypte | |
Revue internationale des sciences sociales: revue trimestrielle. Volume 11 #4. p. 573-581. |
Loung, J.-F. (1959) | |
Les Pygmées de la forêt de mill | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 12. p. 362-379. |
Monteil, V. (1959) | |
L'évolution et la sédentarisation des nomades sahariens | |
Revue internationale des sciences sociales: revue trimestrielle. Volume 11 #4. p. 599-612. |
Brigol, M. (1957) | |
L'habitat des nomades sédentarisés à Ouargla | |
Travaux de l'Institut de Recherches Sahariennes. Volume 16. p. 181-197. |
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