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Search: su=short stories (form)
Found: 170 First Previous Record 101-170

BookNduonofit, Emmanuella (2012)
The liquid jewel and other stories
Lagos: Bulkybon Books. 130p.

BookOdhiambo, Tom; Nyamogo, Eliphas (eds.) (2012)
Fresh paint: literary vignettes by Kenyan women
Nairobi: Goethe-Institut. Contact zones NRB #1. 112p.

BookRamdoyal, Ramesh Dutt (2012)
Further tales from Mauritius
Beau-Bassin: Osman Publishing Co. Ltd. 191p.

BookTwongyeirwe, Hilda (ed.) (2012)
World of our own and other stories: stories from the second FEMRITE Regional Residency for African Women Writers
Kampala: Femrite Publications. 188p.

Periodical articleWessels, Michael (2012)
See this publicationA Bushman voice from the Drakensberg: Zanele Mkhwanazi's story
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 24 #1. p. 58-71.

BookYaou, Régina (2012)
Les souris de Simakouss et autres faits insolites: nouvelles
Abidjan: NEI-CEDA. 245p.

BookJika, Kingsley (2011)
Twelfth player and other stories
Zomba: Kingsley Jika Books. 184p.

BookKouamé, Adjoua Flore (2011)
La valse, du chaos á l'etoile: recueil de nouvelles
Abidjan: Les Classiques Ivoiriens. 120p.

BookMuluka, Barrack; Otieno, Tobias (eds.) (2011)
The doomed conspiracy and other stories
Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers. Peak library, Fictional works. 284p.

BookNaudé, S.J. (2011)
Alfabet van die voëls
Kaapstad: Umuzi. 236p.

BookNiyonzima, Claudia; Barikutima, Jean Sacha; Ndayisenga, Joseph (2011)
Sabine Michaela Z3 & Le fils de la violence & Mon nom est Rehema!
Bujumbura: Editions IWACU. Prix Michel Kayoya #2011. 33p.

BookOmuteche, Jairus (ed.) (2011)
The high flier and other stories
Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers. 164p.

BookRibeiro, Margarida Calafate; Semedo, Odete Costa (eds.) (2011)
Literaturas da Guiné-Bissau: cantando os escritos da história
Abstract presentPorto: Afrontamento. Colecção textos #91. 257p.

BookSiale Djangany, José Fernando (2011)
En el lapso de una ternura
Barcelona: Ediciones Carena. 176p.

BookStaunton, Irene (ed.) (2011)
Writing free
Avondale: Weaver Press. 138p.

BookAdewale-Gabriel, Toyin (2010)
Bitter chocolate: stories
Aylesbeare: Mallory Publishing. New African writing. 114p.

BookManirambona, Thierry; Mtoka, Abdoul; Niyonzigiye, Nadège (2010)
L'albinos & Le contraire de l'amour & Le soulagement de la veuve
Bujumbura: Editions IWACU. Prix Michel Kayoya #2010. 44p.

BookMuhire, Francis; Mtoka, Abdoul (2010)
Le rêve du rêve & Le fils de Buyenzi
Bujumbura: Editions IWACU. Prix Michel Kayoya #2009. 54p.

BookN'Gaïde, Abderrahmane (2010)
Le bivouac: suivi de Fresques d'exil
Paris: L'Harmattan. 119p.

BookRaharimanana (ed.) (2010)
Nouvelles de Madagascar
Paris: Magellan & CIE. Miniatures. 142p.

BookRamos, Eurico Amado (2010)
A paixão de João e outros contos
S. Tomé e Príncipe: UNEAS, União Nacional dos Escritores e Artistas de São Tomé e Príncipe. Colecção Canto do Ossobó #58. 93p.

Periodical articleAbd Al-Wali, Muhammad A??mad?; Boquien, Pierre (2009)
'Sur la route d'Asmara': une nouvelle
Pount: cahiers d'études: Corne de l'Afrique - Arabie du Sud. #3. p. 128-139.

BookBarungi, Violet (ed.) (2009)
Talking tales
Kampala: Femrite. 193p.

BookBarungi, Violet; Twongyeirwe Rutagonya, Hilda (eds.) (2009)
Beyond the dance: voices of women on female genital mutilation
Abstract presentKampala: Femrite Publications. 157p.

BookBarungi, Violet; Twongyeirwe, Hilda; Agiresaasi, Apophia (eds.) (2009)
See this publicationFarming Ashes: Tales of Agony and Resilience
Kampala: Femrite Publications. 106p.

BookOyeniyi, Feyi-Abiodun (2009)
Frogs for dinner and three other stories
Lagos: Feyisam (publishing Ventùres) Limited. 106p.

BookYaou, Régina (2009)
Histoires si étranges
Abidjan: Vallesse Éditions. 191p.

BookDe Waal, Shaun (2008)
Exposure: queer fiction
Shaun de Waal. 189p.

BookAlmeida Barbosa, Eileen (2007)
Cape Verde: ENAPOR. 171p.

BookChege, Githiora (ed.) (2007)
The ten shillings and other stories: an anthology of short stories from all over Africa
Nairobi: Moran. 148p.

BookDarmani, Lawrence (2007)
Palm tree parables: inspirational stories and heart-warming ideas for personal growth
Accra-North: Step Publishers. 181p.

PeriodicalNwokolo, Chuma (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationAfrican writing: many literatures, one voice
Oxford: Fonthouse.

BookAbani, Chris (2006)
Becoming Abigail: a novella
New York: Akashic Books. 119p.

BookWainaina, Binyavanga (2006)
Discovering home
Nairobi: Kwani Trust. Kwanini? series. 63p.

BookWolffe, Bart (2006)
Persona non grata: minority fugues from my African past
Raleigh, NC: Lulu. 286p.

BookAdichie, Chimamanda Ngozi (2005)
The view from Africa
London: Granta. Granta #92. 256p.

BookMarkham, Edward Archibald (2005)
Meet me in Mozambique
Birmingham: Tindal Street. 246p.

BookTaïa, Abdellah (2004)
Le rouge du tarbouche
Biarritz: Éditions Seguier. 134p.

BookBotha, Danie (ed.) (2001)
Party van ons: die Homeros leesboek 2001
Kaapstad: Homeros. 312p.

BookOkoye, Chukwuma (2001)
The paradox of being and other stories
Ibadan: Hope Publications. 114p.

BookAkbib, Abdellatif (2000)
The lost generation: collected short stories
Tanger: Slaiki Frères. 95p.

BookChaabouni, Emna (200*)
États dames
Ariana: Editions Arabesques. 112p.

BookKounta, Albakaye Ousmane (1998)
Le diablotin dormant
Laval: Groupe Beauchemin. Collections nouvelles d'Afrique. 111p.

BookBotha, Johann (1997)
Groot vyf: spoor van 'n dekade
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. 224p.

BookNel, Thijs (1997)
'n Annerster soort
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. 132p.

Periodical articleTshibola Kalengayi Bibiane (1997)
De l'oral à l'écrit: le sort du conte: le cas de 'Lenga' de Nzuji Madiya
Abstract presentCongo-Meuse: écrire en français en Belgique et au Congo. #1. p. 109-123.

BookCoulibaly, Niama (ed.) (1996)
Mort d'un albinos
Bamako: Le Figuier. 80p.

Periodical articleMaier, John (1996)
New English Stories in Morocco
Maghreb Review. Volume 21 #3-4. p. 288-296.

BookMalan, Charles (1996)
Pan se pretboek
Kaapstad: Tafelberg. 124p.

BookCoulibaly, Mamadou Somé; Guissé, Diop Kady; Berthé, Hamidou (eds.) (1995)
Nouvelles d'ici
Bamako: Éditions Jamana. 107p.

BookDiop, Abdoul Traoré dit (1995)
Les sanglots du Songhoy: (recueil de nouvelles)
Bamako: Éditions Jamana. 102p.

BookKounta, Albakaye Ousmane (1995)
Le fils de la folle et onze autres nouvelles (recueil de nouvelles)
Bamako: Jamana. 126p.

BookSanogo, Klessigué; Djelika, Tangara Bafily dite; Koné, Tinzanga; Diarra, Ousmane (eds.) (1994)
Concours de la meilleure nouvelle en langue française (édition 1993)
Bamako: Editions Jamana. 77p.

BookTonfeld, Michael (1993)
Kesseltreiben: wilde Geschichten aus Afrika
Stadtbergen: Nana Yaa Press. New Westafrican writers series. 119p.

BookAskar, Ahmed Omar (1992)
Sharks and soldiers
Järvenpää: Author. 113p.

BookSindiak; Coulibaly, Mamadou Somé (1992)
Concours de la meilleure nouvelle en langue française (édition 1991)
Bamako: Éditions Jamana. 64p.

Periodical articleRiemenschneider, D. (1989)
See this publicationShort fiction from Zimbabwe
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 20 #3. p. 401-411.

Periodical articleMoser-Kwiatkowski, G. (1988)
'Alî Mustafâ al-Misrâtî: ein libyscher Schriftsteller und Sozialhistoriker
Abstract presentWuqûf: Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Staat und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika. #3. p. 223-231.

BookBâ, Amadou Hampâté (1987)
La poignée de poussière: contes et récits du Mali
Abidjan: Les nouvelles éditions africaines. 99p.

BookKounta, Albakaye Ousmane (1987)
Contes de Tombouctou et du Macina
Paris: L'Harmattan. La légende des mondes. 131p.

BookYari, Labo (1985)
A house in the dark: and other stories
Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University Press. 135p.

BookDoumbi-Fakoly (1984)
La retraite anticipée du Guide suprême
Paris: L'Harmattan. Encres noires #27. 209p.

BookMzamane, Mbulelo (1981)
My cousin comes to Jo'burg and other stories
Harlow: Longman. Drumbeat #41.

BookVieira, Luandino (1978)
See this publicationThe real life of Domingos Xavier
London: Heinemann Educational. African writers series #202. 84p.

BookCharlot, Raymond; Eyeni, Richard; Ahadji, B. (1972)
Combats prodigieux
Abstract presentParis: l'Arbre du voyageur. Contes de la gazelle #3. 62p.

BookDelarozière, M.F. (ed.) (1972)
Légendes du jour et de la nuit
Abstract presentParis: L'Arbre du voyageur. Contes de la gazelle #2. 62p.

BookRakotonaivo, Julien (ed.) (1972)
Mariages du temps ancien
Abstract presentParis: L'Arbre du voyageur. Contes de la gazelle #1. 63p.

BookLarson, Charles R. (ed.) (1971)
Modern African stories: a collection of contemporary African writing
London: Fontana. 192p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1963)
Contes et legendes d'Afrique
Abstract presentRecherches africaines: études Guinéennes. #2-3. p. 39-71.

BookBrownlee, Frank (1940)
Suid-Afrikaanse sketse in swart en wit
Kaapstad: Nasionale Pers. 273p.

Search: su=short stories (form)
Found: 170 First Previous Record 101-170

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