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BookZuidberg, Lida; Kortbeek, Simone; Kingma, Koos; Koning, Ans (2021)
Femmes du Mali-Sud: changements de vie entre la tradition et le développement: un tissage de mémoires et d'images, 1980-2012
Abstract presentLeiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC occasional publications #38. 192p.

BookAbbink, Jon (2017)
A decade of Ethiopia: politics, economy and society 2004-2016
Leiden: Brill. A decade of.... 253p.

BookBeek, Jan; Göpfert, Mirco; Owen, Olly; Steinberg, Jonny (eds.) (2017)
Police in Africa: The Street Level View
London: Hurst & Company. 372p.

Dissertation / thesisBemmel, Karin van (2017)
Nodding syndrome in Northern Uganda: conceptualisations of an illness-in-the-making
Abstract present197p.

BookCheney, Kristen E. (2017)
Crying for our elders: African orphanhood in the age of HIV and AIDS
Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. 239p.

BookDaoud, Kamel (2017)
Mes indépendances: chroniques 2010-2016
Arles: Actes Sud. 463p.

Periodical articleGalvin, Treasa (2017)
See this publicationWhat else can we do? Strategies and negotiations around place and space in the case of undocumented Zimbabwean migrant workers in Botswana
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 40 #2. p. 96-107.

BookLandon, Marie-Thérèse (2017)
Gabon: l'impossible décolonisation dans la Françafrique
Paris: Fauves Editions. 221p.

BookMabiala Mantuba-Ngoma, Pamphile; Zana Etambala, Mathieu; Vellut, Jean-Luc (eds.) (2017)
La société congolaise face à la modernité (1700-2010): mélanges eurafricains offerts à Jean-Luc Vellut
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains #89. 380p.

BookNdi, Bill F.; Ankumah, Adaku T.; Fishkin, Benjamin Hart (eds.) (2017)
The repressed expressed: novel perspectives on African and Black diasporic literature
Abstract presentMankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 228p.

BookQuembo, Carlos Domingos (2017)
Poder do poder: operação produção e a invenção dos 'improdutivos': urbanos no Moçambique socialista, 1983-1988
Maputo: Alcance Editores. 104p.

BookRamphele, Mamphela (2017)
Dreams, betrayal and hope
Cape Town: Penguin Random House. 196p.

Periodical articleThorsen, Dorte (ed.) (2017)
See this publicationReconfiguring migration
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 87 #2. p. 300-361.

BookThépaut, Charles (2017)
Le monde arabe en morceaux: des printemps arabes à Daech
Malakoff: Armand Colin. Collection U. 287p.

BookAfrican Development Bank (2016)
See this publicationAddressing informality in Egypt
Abidjan: African Development Bank. Working paper, North Africa Policy Series. 47p.

BookAfrican Development Bank (2016)
See this publicationAgricultural production, food security and higher value in North Africa
Abidjan: African Development Bank. Working paper, North Africa Policy Series. 26p.

BookAfrican Development Bank (2016)
See this publicationMeasuring inclusive growth: from theory to applications in North Africa
Abidjan: African Development Bank. Working paper, North Africa Policy Series. 44p.

Periodical articleAkubor, Emmanuel Osewe (2016)
Poverty and terrorism in northern Nigeria: reflections and notes on the manipulation of the 'Almajirai' system and its implication for national development
Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society. Volume 4 #1. p. 7-33.

Periodical articleAnyanwu, John C. (2016)
See this publicationAccounting for gender equality in secondary school enrollment in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 28 #2. p. 170-191.

BookBarreñada, Isaías; Ojeda García, Raquel (eds.) (2016)
Sáhara Occidental, 40 años después
Abstract presentMadrid: Catarata. Catarata #574. 317p.

BookBoutin, Christophe; De Cara, Jean-Yves; Saint-Prot, Charles (eds.) (2016)
Les constitutions arabes
Paris: Karthala. Études géopolitiques. 342p.

Periodical articlede Graft Aikins, Ama; Apt, Nana Araba (2016)
Special section: aging in Ghana: addressing the multifaceted needs of older Ghanaians
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 19. p. 35-201.

Periodical articleDiallo, Saikou Amadou; Voia, Marcel (2016)
See this publicationThe threat of domestic violence and women empowerment: the case of West Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 28 #1. p. 92-103.

BookFrancis, Stephen (2016)
Take us to your leader
Auckland Park: Jacana Media. 136p.

BookGraaff, Bart de (2016)
Ik, Yzerbek
Schiedam: Scriptum Books. 158p.

BookHibou, Béatrice; Bono, Irene (eds.) (2016)
Le gouvernement du social au Maroc
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Recherches internationales. 362p.

BookHofbauer, Martin; Münch, Philipp; Konopka, Torsten (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationMali
Paderborn: Schöningh. Wegweiser zur Geschichte. 272p.

BookHunt, Nancy Rose (2016)
A nervous state: violence, remedies, and reverie in colonial Congo
Durham: Duke University Press. 353p.

Periodical articleKasule, Samuel (2016)
Re-imagining Bertolt Brecht, redefining British theatre: Oladipo Agboluaje's 'Mother Courage'
Abstract presentAfrican Performance Review. Volume 8 #1. p. 48-63.

BookKepe, Thembela; Levin, Melissa; Von Lieres, Bettina (eds.) (2016)
Domains of freedom: justice, citizenship and social change in South Africa
Abstract presentClaremont: UCT Press. 308p.

BookKwilu Landundu, Hubert (2016)
Sociologie de la santé au Congo-Kinshasa
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série santé. 304p.

Periodical articleLoth, Laura (2016)
See this publicationTraumatic landscapes: earthquakes and identity in Franco-Algerian fiction by Maissa Bey and Nina Bouraoui
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 47 #1. p. 21-38.

BookMarysse, Stefaan; Omasombo Tshonda, Jean (eds.) (2016)
Conjonctures congolaises 2015: entre incertitudes politiques et transformation économique
Abstract presentParis: Éditions L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains #87. 333p.

BookMatlwa, Kopano (2016)
Period pain: a novel
Auckland Park: Jacana. 157p.

BookMmadi, Djaffar (2016)
Violences sociales et désordres politiques: le cas des Comores: essai
Paris: L'Harmattan. 75p.

BookNaimi, Mustafá (2016)
L'eau, le feu et le makhzen: la rive nord-ouest saharienne
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 437p.

Periodical articleNeethling, Theo (2016)
See this publicationAn update on South Africa's political risk profile in 2015/6
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #75. p. 66-97.

BookPallotti, Arrigo; Engel, Ulf (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationSouth Africa after apartheid: policies and challenges of the democratic transition
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS) #17. 265p.

BookPeel, J.D.Y. (2016)
Letters from Liberia
London: International African Institute. 67p.

Conference paperPorteilla, Raphaël (ed.) (2016)
Afrique du Sud: 20 ans de démocratie contrastée
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série politique. 355p.

BookRazy, Élodie; Rodet, Marie (eds.) (2016)
Children on the move in Africa: past & present experiences of migration
Abstract presentSuffolk: James Currey. 241p.

Periodical articleReed, Amber R. (2016)
See this publicationNostalgia in the post-apartheid state
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 39 #2. p. 97-109.

Periodical articleShubin, Vladimir (2016)
See this publicationSouth Africa: political life today
Abstract presentRevista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos = Brazilian journal of African studies. Volume 1 #2. p. 10-27.

BookTapo, Mamadou Issa (2016)
Le terroir du Bélédougou: un pays, des hommes, une civilisation
Paris: L'Harmattan. 337p.

BookTshimanga-Kutangidiku, Étienne (2016)
Réalités sociales en République démocratique du Congo: analyse de quelques cas
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série sociologie. 189p.

BookTshonda, Jean Omasombo (ed.) (2016)
See this publicationÉquateur, au coeur de la cuvette congolaise
Abstract presentTervuren: Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale. Monographies des provinces de la République démocratique du Congo #9. 496p.

BookVegha, Zak (2016)
The odds of our times: Nigeria and the management of unity in diversity: an account of Nigeria's development history
Johannesburg: Partridge Africa. 611p.

Periodical articleZirima, Herbert; Mtemeri, Jeofrey (2016)
Ramifications of absent parenting on school-going children in Masvingo urban
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 28 #3. p. 370-383.

BookAlmeida, Irène Assiba d'; Lee, Sonia (2015)
Essais et documentaires des Africaines francophones: un autre regard sur l'Afrique
Paris: L'Harmattan. Écrire l'Afrique. 195p.

BookAnyachonkeya, Ngozi (ed.) (2015)
A lion on the 'Ijele' dance: a festschrift in honour of Professor P. Emeka Nwabueze
Abstract presentAbakaliki, Ebonyi State: Ojiiaka Press. 337p.

Periodical articleAnyanwu, John C.; Yaméogo, Nadège D. (2015)
See this publicationRegional comparison of foreign direct investment to Africa: empirical analysis
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 27 #4. p. 345-363.

BookAnyokwu, Chris (2015)
Naked truth: poems
Ibadan: Kraft Books Limited. Kraftgriots. 101p.

BookBoetsch, Gilles (ed.) (2015)
Santé et sociétés en Afrique de l'Ouest
Abstract presentParis: CNRS. Collection 'Environnements africains. 317p.

Periodical articleBogaert, Koenraad (2015)
See this publicationThe revolt of small towns: the meaning of Morocco's history and the geography of social protests
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 42 #143. p. 124-140.

Periodical articleBond, Patrick (2015)
See this publicationTokenism in South African social policy
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #86. p. 48-77.

BookButler, Paula (2015)
Colonial extractions: race and Canadian mining in contemporary Africa
Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 384p.

BookCharef, Mohamed; Ben Attou, Mohamed; Wahbi, M'hamed (eds.) (2015)
Migrations marocaines aux Canaries: transnationalisme, comportement des acteurs et impact socio-économique dans le Souss et le pré-Sahara marocain
Rabat: Centre des Études Sahariennes. 306p.

BookCleveland, Todd (2015)
Diamonds in the rough: corporate paternalism and African professionalism on the mines of colonial Angola, 1917-1975
Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. New African histories series. 289p.

BookCooper, Elizabeth; Pratten, David (eds.) (2015)
Ethnographies of uncertainty in Africa
Abstract presentHoundmills: Palgrave Macmillan. Anthropology, change, and development. 198p.

Periodical articleD'Elia, Miriam (2015)
'Je suis mère, je suis père': esperienze etnografiche tra le donne del Kivu (RDC) rifugiate a Kampala
Afriche e Orienti. #1-2. p. 131-149.

BookDiallo, Karfa (2015)
Sénégal-France: mémoires d'alternances inquiètes
Paris: L'Harmattan. Points de vue. 298p.

BookDieng, Mamadou Moustapha (2015)
Famines, disettes et épidémies dans la basse et la moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal: 1854-1945
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 247p.

BookErnoux, Jules (2015)
La précarité quotidienne en Afrique de l'Ouest: culture et développement
Paris: L'Harmattan. Écrire l'Afrique. 148p.

BookFalge, Christiane (2015)
The global Nuer: transnational life-worlds, religious movements and war
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Topics in interdisciplinary African studies. 270p.

BookFemi, Asamu F.; Ekundayo, Babatunde B. (eds.) (2015)
Sociology: current and African perspectives
Abstract presentIlorin: Integrity publication. 390p.

BookFofana, Halimata (2015)
Mariama, l'écorchée vive: récit
Paris: Karthala. 158p.

Periodical articleFreund, Bill (2015)
See this publicationNationalisms inclusive and exclusive: a comparison of the Indian Congress Movement and the African National Congress of South Africa
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #86. p. 5-29.

Conference paperFurtado, Cláudio Alves; Laurent, Pierre-Joseph; Évora, Iolanda (eds.) (2015)
As ciências sociais em Cabo Verde: temáticas, abordagens e perspectivas teóricas
Abstract presentPraia: Edições Uni-CV. Colecção Sociedade #8. 489p.

BookGaibazzi, Paolo (2015)
Bush bound: young men and rural permanence in migrant West Africa
New York: Berghahn Books. 218p.

BookGatugu, Joseph; Manço, Altay A. (eds.) (2015)
Les familles africaines et le mythe de l'Occident: destins migratoires singuliers
Paris: L'Harmattan. Compétences interculturelles. 243p.

BookGodefroy, Christine (2015)
Éthique musulmane et développement: territoire et pouvoir religieux au Sénégal
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série sociologie. 436p.

BookGraeff-Wassink, Maria (2015)
La Libye de Kadhafi revisitée: 1982-1985: un témoignage vécu
Paris: Karthala. 267p.

BookHermet, François (ed.) (2015)
Mayotte: état des lieux, enjeux et perspectives: regards croisés sur le dernier-né des départements français
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 237p.

BookHinchman, Mark (2015)
Portrait of an island: the architecture and material culture of Gorée, Sénégal, 1758-1837
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Early modern cultural studies. 396p.

BookJeangène Vilmer, Jean-Baptiste; Gouéry, Franck (2015)
Érythrée, un naufrage totalitaire
Paris: Presses universitaires de France. 334p.

BookKaboré, Bangbi Francis Frédéric (2015)
Koudpoko, ou, L'esclave affranchie: roman
Paris: L'Harmattan. 131p.

BookKaribi, Khadija (2015)
La mixité urbaine et l'espace public à Rabat
Paris: L'Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 290p.

Periodical articleKassahun, Samson (2015)
See this publicationSocial capital and trust in slum areas: the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 26 #2. p. 171-185.

BookKeili, Andrew (2015)
Ponder my thoughts (on the social economic and the political scene in Sierra Leone): an anthology of weekly thoughts
Accra: Sierra Leonean Writers Series. Sierra Leonean writers series. 300p.

BookKengne Fodouop (ed.) (2015)
Le Cameroun: jardin sacré de la débrouillardise
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 478p.

BookKerdoudi, Jawad (2015)
Printemps ou hiver arabe? (2011-2014)
Paris: L'Harmattan. 181p.

BookKhalil, Jamal (2015)
Profils d'enfants déscolarisés: vive la déscolarisation
Casablanca: A. Retnani Éditions la Croisée des Chemins. 108p.

BookKiyindou, Alain; Anaté, Kouméalo; Capo chichi, Alain (eds.) (2015)
Quand l'Afrique réinvente la téléphonie mobile
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 259p.

BookLamloum, Olfa; Ben Zina, Mohamed Ali (eds.) (2015)
Les jeunes de Douar Hicher et d'Ettadhamen: une enquête sociologique
Tunis: Arabesque. 202p.

BookMbandza, Joseph; Mboungou, Victor (eds.) (2015)
La situation du handicap au Congo-Brazzaville
Paris: L'Harmattan. 98p.

BookMbazumutima, Abbas; Ngabire, Elyse (2015)
Ninaba nibuka: si ma mémoire est bonne: compilation de 24 articles sur l'histoire récente du Burundi
Bujumbura: Editions Iwacu. 149p.

BookMcKinnon, June (2015)
Wine, women and Good Hope: a history of scandalous behaviour at the Cape
Cape Town: Zebra Press. 198p.

BookMelber, Henning (2015)
Namibia: gesellschaftspolitische Erkundungen seit der Unabhängigkeit
Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel. 214p.

BookMessi, Léonard (2015)
Les sept péchés capitaux du régime de Biya
Paris: L'Harmattan. Points de vue. 259p.

BookMohammed, Razinat Talatu (2015)
The travails of a first wife
Lagos: Origami Books. 222p.

BookMonteiro, Eurídice Furtado (2015)
Entre os senhores das ilhas e as descontentes: identidade, classe e género na estruturação do campo político em Cabo Verde
Praia: Edições Uni-CV. Colecção Sociedade #6. 317p.

BookMossoa, Lambert (2015)
Où va la Centrafrique?
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 165p.

BookMurisa, Tendai; Chikweche, Tendai (eds.) (2015)
Beyond the crises: Zimbabwe's prospects for transformation
Abstract presentHarare: TrustAfrica. 383p.

BookMusilikare, Jérémie (2015)
La vie des pygmées Batwa au Rwanda
Paris: L'Harmattan. Écrire l'Afrique. 288p.

Periodical articleNtezimana, Laurien (2015)
Derrière les façades: espoir pour le Rwanda
Éthique & société. Volume 11 #1. p. 37-56.

BookOmasombo Tshonda, Jean (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationMongala: jonction des territoires et bastion d'une identité supra-ethnique
Abstract presentTervuren: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. 372p.

BookOmasombo Tshonda, Jean (ed.) (2015)
Mongala: jonction des territoires et bastion d'une identité supra-ethnique
Abstract presentTervuren: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Monographies des provinces de la République démocratique du Congo #8. 372p.

BookParti Lepep, Seychelles (2015)
Together: manifesto 2015
Victoria, Seychelles: Parti Lepep. 53p.

BookPrunier, Gérard; Ficquet, Éloi (eds.) (2015)
Understanding contemporary Ethiopia
Abstract presentLondon: Hurst. 521p.

Periodical articleReardon George, Candice (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationPsychosocial and health risk outcomes among orphans and non-orphans in mixed households in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 14 #4. p. 323-331.

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