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Search: su=social sciences
Found: 221 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleKelsall, Tim (2018)
See this publicationTowards a universal political settlement concept: A response to Mushtaq Khan
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 117 #469. p. 656-669.

Periodical articleKhan, Mushtaq H. (2018)
See this publicationPower, pacts and political settlements: A reply to Tim Kelsall
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 117 #469. p. 670-694.

Periodical articleKhan, Mushtaq H. (2018)
See this publicationPolitical settlements and the analysis of institutions
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 117 #469. p. 636-655.

BookBa, Mame-Penda; Goudiaby, Jean Alain (2016)
Les sciences humaines et sociales au Sénégal: une évaluation critique
Dakar: CODESRIA. 68p.

BookDenieuil, Pierre-Noël (2016)
Le chercheur, le diplomate et la révolution tunisienne: mémoires d'un directeur d'Institut français en Tunisie (2008-2013)
Paris: L'Harmattan. Socio-anthropologie des mondes méditerranéens. 278p.

BookDiouf, Mamadou; Diagne, Souleymane Bachir (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationLes sciences sociales au Sénégal: mise à l'épreuve et nouvelles perspectives
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 272p.

Periodical articleWeinberg, Tara (2016)
See this publicationPushing the boundaries of customary law jurisprudence in Botswana: social science and the law in the case of 'Ramantele vs. Mmusi'
Abstract presentJournal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Volume 48 #2. p. 186-207.

PeriodicalÉcole normale supérieure de Libreville. Département de Philosophie, Libreville (2016)
Sophos: revue internationale de lettres, arts, sciences humaines et sociales
Libreville: les éditions Amaya.

Periodical issueBank, Andrew; Jacobs, Nancy (eds.) (2015)
See this publicationThe Micro-Politics of Knowledge Production in Southern Africa
Abstract presentKronos: Journal of Cape History. #41. 337p.

PeriodicalCouncil for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Senegal (2015)
See this publicationJournal of African transformation: reflections on policy and practice = Revue des mutations en Afrique: réflections sur les politiques et les practiques

Conference paperFurtado, Cláudio Alves; Laurent, Pierre-Joseph; Évora, Iolanda (eds.) (2015)
As ciências sociais em Cabo Verde: temáticas, abordagens e perspectivas teóricas
Abstract presentPraia: Edições Uni-CV. Colecção Sociedade #8. 489p.

BookGahama, Joseph (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationLes perspectives de l'Afrique au XXIe siècle
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 128p.

BookMentan, Tatah (2015)
Unmasking social science imperialism: globalization theory as a phase of academic colonialism
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 419p.

Periodical articleCopans, Jean (2014)
Pourquoi travail et travailleurs africains ne sont plus à la mode en 2014 dans les sciences sociales: retour sur l' actualité d'une problematique du XXe siècle
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #133. p. 25-43.

Periodical articleEyebiyi, Elieth (2014)
La lutte contre la corruption comme objet d'études en socio-anthropologie: une perspective théorique et empirique
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 84 #2. p. 174-194.

Periodical issueKeita, Lansana (ed.) (2014)
See this publicationCODESRIA's 40th anniversary
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 39 #1. 172p.

BookLevine, Donald N. (2014)
Interpreting Ethiopia: observations of five decades
Los Angeles, CA: Tsehai Publishers. 498p.

BookMoubaker, Mohamed al-; Pouillon, François; Mansouri, Driss (eds.) (2014)
Pratiquer les sciences sociales au Maghreb: textes pour Driss Mansouri
Abstract presentFondation du Roi Abdul-Aziz. Essais.

Periodical articleNdhlovu, Finex; Siziba, Liqhwa (2014)
See this publicationThe idea of southern Africa in the humanities and social science disciplines
Abstract presentAfrica Review: Journal of African Studies Association of India. Volume 6 #1. p. 44-58.

Periodical articleRosa, Marcelo C. (2014)
See this publicationTheories of the South: Limits and Perspectives of an Emergent Movement in Social Sciences
Abstract presentCurrent Sociology. Volume 62 #6. p. 851-867.

BookRwegoshora, Hossea (2014)
A guide to social science research
Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers. 376p.

Periodical articleStrijdom, Johan (2014)
Uses of social theory in comparative religious studies: assessing Chidester's sociological analysis of 'wild religion' in post-apartheid South Africa
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 27 #2. p. 10-24.

PeriodicalUniversité de Maroua. Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines (2014)
Rhumsiki: revue scientifique de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de l'Université de Maroua = Scientific review of the Faculy of letters and social scienses of the University of Maroua
Paris: L'Harmattan.

PeriodicalUniversité Mohammed V - Souissi. Institut des études africaines (2014)
Revue marocaine des études africaines
Rabat: Institut des études africaines, Université Mohammed V - Souissi.

PeriodicalÉcole supérieure de commerce et des affaires, Senegal (2014)
E.S.C.A. research papers
Dakar: Les Éditions Diaspora-Académie.

Periodical (2013)
See this publicationContemporary Journal of African Studies
Legon: Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana.

Periodical (2013)
See this publicationModern Africa: politics, history and society
Hradec Králové: Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové.

Periodical (2013)
Abá: revue internationale de lettres et de sciences sociales
Chennevières/Marne: Dianoïa.

Periodical articleMbalibulha, Stanley Baluku Bakahinga (2013)
See this publicationThe history of Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) and her place in the study of the social sciences in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 11 #1-2. p. 121-142.

BookNational Records and Archives Authority, Aziba (2013)
The history of the Islamic civilization in East Africa research themes
Aziba: National Records and Archives Authority. 64p.

PeriodicalStichting ZAM-net (2013)
The ZAM chronicle
Amsterdam: Stichting ZAM-net.

PeriodicalUniversité catholique de Bukavu (2013)
Bukavu journal of economics and social sciences: revue de la faculté de sciences économiques et de gestion
Paris: L'Harmattan.

Periodical (2012)
See this publicationJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
Windhoek: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Namibia.

Periodical articleAppiah, Simon Kofi (2012)
See this publicationThe challenge of a theologically fruitful method for studying African Christian ethics: the role of the human sciences
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 41 #3. p. 254-278.

BookHenry, Jean-Robert; Vatin, Jean-Claude; Denis, Sébastien (eds.) (2012)
Le temps de la coopération: sciences sociales et décolonisation au Maghreb
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 405p.

PeriodicalInstitut régional d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche en développement culturel (2012)
Ingénierie culturelle
Lomé: Presses de l'IRES-RDEC.

BookMondain, Nathalie; Bologo, Arzouma Éric (eds.) (2012)
La recherche en contexte de vulnérabilité: engagement du chercheur et enjeux éthiques
Paris: L'Harmattan. Logiques sociales. 271p.

BookOlivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre; Alou, Mahaman Tidjani (2012)
See this publicationLe LASDEL: construire un pôle africain de sciences sociales
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #100. 58p.

Periodical articlePeterson del Mar, David (2012)
See this publicationA pragmatic tradition: the past in Ghanaian education
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 59 #2. p. 23-38.

Conference paperSilva, Teresa Cruz e; Coelho, João Paulo Borges; Souto, Amélia Neves de (eds.) (2012)
Como fazer ciências sociais e humanas em África: questões epistemológicas, metodológicas, teóricas e políticas: (textos do Colóquio em Homenagem a Aquino de Bragança )
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 271p.

BookDevisch, Renaat; Nyamnjoh, Francis B. (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationPostcolonial turn: re-imagining anthropology and Africa
Abstract presentBamenda: Langaa Research and Publishing CIG. 448p.

Periodical articleOloyede, Olajide (2011)
The 'universal' in science as a dilemma for scholarship in Africa
Identity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 12 #2. p. 95-107.

BookOuédraogo, Jean-Bernard; Cardoso, Carlos (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationReadings in methodology: African perspectives
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 272p.

Periodical (2010)
See this publicationZambia social science journal
Lusaka: Southern African Institute for Policy and Research.

Periodical articleAmselle, Jean-Loup (2010)
L'Afrique peut-elle être 'décrochée' de l'Occident?
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 50 #198-200. p. 843-851.

BookBayart, Jean-François (2010)
Les études postcoloniales: un carnaval académique
Paris: Karthala. Disputatio. 126p.

BookHavik, Philip H.; Saraiva, Clara; Tavim, José Alberto (eds.) (2010)
Caminhos cruzados em história e antropologia: ensaios em homenagem a Jill Diaz
Abstract presentLisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. 365p.

Periodical articleMbembe, Achille (2010)
Faut-il provincialiser la France?
Politique africaine. #119. p. 159-188.

BookDarbon, Dominique (ed.) (2009)
La politique des modèles en Afrique: simulation, dépolitisation et appropriation
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 286p.

BookDroz, Yvan; Mayor, Anne (eds.) (2009)
Partenariats scientifiques avec l'Afrique: réflexions critiques de Suisse et d'ailleurs
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. 215p.

Periodical articleGérard, Etienne; Kleiche-Dray, Mina (2009)
See this publicationLa revue scientifique: un élément d'analyse des sciences humaines et sociales
African Sociological Review. Volume 13 #1. p. 168-183.

BookJacklin, Heather; Vale, Peter C.J. (eds.) (2009)
Re-imagining the social in South Africa: critique, theory and post-apartheid society
Abstract presentScottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. 308p.

Periodical articleMboyi Bongo, Serge (2009)
Le débat colonial: réflexion autour d'une mémoire qui divise
Abstract presentPalabres actuelles: revue de la Fondation Raponda-Walker pour la Science et la Culture. #3. p. 171-191.

Periodical articleSoumaho, Mesmin-Noël (2009)
Comment lire les dynamiques sociales africaines au XXIe siècle? état des savoirs, enjeux et perspectives épistémologiques
Abstract presentPalabres actuelles: revue de la Fondation Raponda-Walker pour la Science et la Culture. #3. p. 143-159.

PeriodicalUniversity of Edinburgh. Centre of African Studies (CAS) (2009)
See this publicationCritical African studies
London: Informaworld Host.

Periodical articleAdesina, Jimi O. (2008)
See this publicationArchie Mafeje and the pursuit of endogeny: against alterity and extroversion
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 33 #4. p. 133-152.

Periodical articleArowosegbe, Jeremiah O. (2008)
The social sciences and knowledge production in Africa: the contribution of Claude Ake
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 43 #3. p. 333-351.

BookArowosegbe, Jeremiah O. (2008)
See this publicationDecolonising the social sciences in the global South: Claude Ake and the praxis of knowledge production in Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. ASC working paper #79. 41p.

PeriodicalInstitut national des langues et civilisations orientales. Centre d'études et de recherches de l'océan Indien occidental (CEROI) (2008)
See this publicationÉtudes océan Indien
Paris: Langues'O.

Periodical articleKeim, W. (2008)
See this publicationSocial sciences internationally: the problem of marginalisation and its consequences for the discipline of sociology
African Sociological Review. Volume 12 #2. p. 22-48.

Periodical articleSarr Diop, Amadou (2008)
De la crise de la rationalité du social aux soubassements épistémologiques du postmodernisme: point de vue africaniste
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #38. p. 371-389.

Periodical (2007)
Social Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions
Leiden: Brill.

PeriodicalBritish Institute in Eastern Africa (2007)
See this publicationJournal of Eastern African Studies: Journal of the British Institute in Eastern Africa
Oxford: Routledge.

Book chapterBruijn, Mirjam de; Dijk, Rijk van; Gewald, Jan-Bart (2007)
Social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa
Abstract presentIn: African alternatives. p. 9-20.

BookBruijn, Mirjam de; Dijk, Rijk van; Gewald, Jan-Bart (eds.) (2007)
See this publicationStrength beyond structure: social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa
Leiden: Brill. African Dynamics #6. 344p.

PeriodicalCentro de Estudos Africanos. Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, Lisboa (2007)
See this publicationCadernos de estudos Africanos
Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Africanos.

Periodical articleGray, Eve Horwitz; Van Schalkwyk, François; Bruns, Karen (2007)
Digital publishing and Open Access for social science research dissemination: a case study
Abstract presentAfrica Media Review. Volume 15 #1-2. p. 22-57.

PeriodicalInstitute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Accra (2007)
See this publicationGhana policy journal
Accra: Institute of Economic Affairs.

Periodical (2006)
See this publicationGIGA Focus Afrika
Hamburg: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA).

Periodical articleLever, J. (2006)
Editing African social science: some reflections and suggestions
Africa Media Review. Volume 14 #1-2. p. 61-71.

Periodical articleMlambo, Alois S. (2006)
See this publicationWestern Social Sciences and Africa: The Domination and Marginalisation of a Continent
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 10 #1. p. 161-179.

Periodical articleMupedziswa, R. (2006)
Globalisation, social development and the poor
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 21 #2. p. 3-9.

Periodical (2005)
See this publicationBayreuth African studies working papers: BIGSAS works!
Bayreuth: Univ.-Bibliothek.

Periodical articleSemelin, J. (2005)
Eléments pour une grammaire du massacre
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 9. September. p. 103-127.

PeriodicalStichting ZAM-net (2005)
See this publicationZAM Africa magazine
Amsterdam: Stichting ZAM-net.

Periodical articleAnugwom, Edlyne E. (2004)
See this publicationAfrican Social Sciences and Development in the New Century: Challenges and Prospects
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 16 #2. September. p. 399-414.

Periodical articleNtshebe, Oleosi (2004)
See this publicationGaps relating to social science and HIV/AIDS research in Botswana
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 36. p. 48-54.

Periodical articleTchawa, P. (2004)
Echelles spatiales et niveaux de prise de décision dans les stratégies de développement: que peuvent apporter les sciences sociales?
Revue internationale des arts, lettres et sciences sociales. Volume 1 #1. p. 141-165.

Periodical (2003)
International journal of Ethiopian studies
Los Angeles, CA: Tsehai Publishers.

Periodical articleFine, Ben (2003)
See this publicationSocial Capital for Africa
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #53. p. 29-52.

Periodical articleSolomon B. (2003)
A personal reflection on utilization of social science research results in Ethiopia
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 10 #2. June. p. 79-87.

Periodical (2002)
African and Asian Studies
Leiden: Brill.

Periodical articleKiawi, Emmanuel Chia; Mfoulou, Jean (2002)
Rethinking African development: social science perspectives
CODESRIA Bulletin. #1-2. p. 12-17.

Periodical articleKouadio, K.A. (2002)
See this publicationSciences sociales, sciences humaines et sciences de l'homme: valeurs et limites de la distinction au 21e siècle
African Anthropologist. Volume 9 #1. March. p. 17-24.

Periodical (2001)
Journal of Dagaare studies
Hong Kong: Department of Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong.

Periodical (2001)
See this publicationAutrepart: revue de sciences sociales au Sud
Paris: Cairn-Info Host.

Conference paperMesfin, Rahel (2001)
Promoting good governance and wider civil society participation in Eastern and Southern Africa: report of regional conference
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: OSSREA. 121p.

PeriodicalUniversité de Kankan (2001)
RESUK: revue scientifique de l'Université de Kankan
Kankan: Université de Kankan.

Periodical articleAdeyemi, Michael Bamidele (2000-2001)
The effective teacher as perceived by social studies undergraduates in Botswana
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 3. p. 74-82.

Periodical articleAltern, I.; Holtedahl, L. (2000)
Knowledge about us and others
Ngaoundere-anthropos. Volume 5. p. 33-70.

Periodical articleBisanswa, Justin Kalulu (2000)
See this publicationV. Y. Mudimbe: réflexion sur les sciences humaines et sociales en Afrique
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 40 #160. p. 705-722.

Periodical articleCopans, Jean (2000)
See this publicationLes sciences sociales africaines ont-elles une âme de philosophe? Ou du fosterage de la philosophie
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #77. p. 54-71.

Periodical articleHoffman, Barbara G. (2000)
See this publicationClassifying Information: Secrets, Lies, and Other Categories in Mande
Abstract presentMande Studies. Volume 2. p. 81-95.

Periodical articleJansen, Jan (2000)
See this publicationThe Mande Magical Mystery Tour: The Mission Griaule in Kangaba (Mali)
Abstract presentMande Studies. Volume 2. p. 97-114.

Periodical articleTemu, Andrew E.; Due, Jean M. (2000)
See this publicationParticipatory Appraisal Approaches versus Sample Survey Data Collection: A Case of Smallholder Farmers Well-Being Ranking in Njombe District, Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 9 #1. March. p. 44-62.

PeriodicalUniversité Mohammed V, Rabat. Institut des Études Africaines (2000)
al-Maghrib al-Ifrîqî: revue spécialisée dans le patrimoine et les études africaines
Rabat: Institut des Études Africaines, Université Mohammed V.

Periodical articleWilson, M.; Richter, L.; Durrheim, K.; Surendorff, N.; Asafo-Agei, L. (2000)
The Social Practice of Psychology and the Social Sciences in a Liberal Democratic Society: An Analysis of Employment Trends
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 15 #2. July. p. 115-136.

Periodical articleYogolelo T.K. (1999-2000)
Une définition de l'histoire
Likundoli. Histoire et devenir. Volume 2 #1-2. p. 1-8.

Periodical (1999)
See this publicationWest Africa Review
Africa Resource Center.

Periodical articleBahru Z. (1999)
Dessalegn Rahmato: a luminary of social science research
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 2 #6. December-Jan. 2000. p. 18-19.

Search: su=social sciences
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