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Search: su=sorghum
Found: 166 First Previous Record 101-166

Periodical articleDavis, C.K.; Vanderlip, R.L. (1996)
Simulating the potential effects of reducing runoff and planting date on sorghum yields in Botswana
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #3. September. p. 305-313.

Periodical articleDrechsel, P.; Mutwewingabo, B.; Hagedorn, F.; Wortmann, C.W. (1996)
Soil and foliar phosphorus determination in Rwanda: procedures and interpretation
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #2. June. p. 167-175.

Periodical articleFagbemi, T. (1996)
Growth and development of leucaena leucocephala in mixed-silviculture with gmelina intercropped with maize and sorghum in the Nigerian southern Guinea savanna zone
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #3. September. p. 295-303.

Periodical articleFlett, B.C. (1996)
The effect of different tillage systems on the yield and incidence of root and stalk rot of sorghum
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #4. December. p. 463-469.

Periodical articleMangombe, N.; Gono, L.T.; Mushonga, J.N. (1996)
Grain yield and water use efficiency of sorghum genotypes in response to late season drought
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 34 #2. p. 135-243.

Periodical articleMarley, P.S.; Aba, D.A. (1996)
Varietal resistance of sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench to sporiosorium sorghi Link in Nigeria
African Journal of Plant Protection. Volume 6. December. p. 83-89.

Periodical articleNyakatawa, E.Z.; Brown, M.; Maringa, D. (1996)
Maize and sorghum yields under tied ridges of fertilised sandy soils in semi-arid south-east lowveld of Zimbabwe
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #2. June. p. 197-206.

Periodical articleOmanya, G.O.; Ayiecho, P.O.; Nyabundi, J.O. (1996)
Variation for adaptability to dryland conditions in sorghum
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #2. June. p. 127-138.

Periodical articlePali-Shikhulu, J.; Nxumalo, M.H.; Obilana, A.B. (1996)
Analysis of grain yield and stability performance of sorghum introductions tested in Swaziland
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 34 #2. p. 97-107.

Periodical articleSow, A.A.; Hossner, L.R.; Unger, P.W.; Stewart, B.A. (1996)
Effects of furrow diking and tillage on water storage, plant water use efficiency and yield of sorghum
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #4. December. p. 433-440.

Periodical articleSunitha Kumari, R.; Chandrashekar, A.; Frederiksen, R.A. (1996)
Levels of three antifungal proteins during development, germination and in response to fungal infection in grain sorghum
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #1. March. p. 79-87.

Periodical articleTenkouano, A.; Sérémé, P. (1996)
Some implications of genotype X environment interactions on sowing seed quality of sorghum
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #1. March. p. 11-18.

Periodical articleToure, A.; Miller, F.R.; Rosenow, D.T. (1996)
Heterosis and combining ability for grain yield and yield components in Guinea sorghums
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #4. December. p. 383-391.

Periodical articleArriola, P.E. (1995)
Crop to weed gene flow in sorghum: implications for transgenic release in Africa
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 153-160.

Periodical articleAsante, S.A. (1995)
Sorghum quality and utilization
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 231-240.

Periodical articleBennetzen, J.L. (1995)
Biotechnology for sorghum improvement
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 161-170.

Periodical articleBinyam K.; Kelbessa U. (1995)
Effects of traditional food preparation methods on phytic acid content of sorghum grain
Sinet. Volume 18 #2. December. p. 207-220.

Periodical articleChiduza, C.; Waddington, S.R.; Rukuni, M. (1995)
See this publicationEvaluation of sorghum technologies for smallholders in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe. Pt. 2. Sorghum varieties against fertilizer trials
Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa. Volume 1 #1. p. 11-22.

Periodical articleChiduza, C.; Waddington, S.R.; Rukuni, M. (1995)
See this publicationEvaluation of sorghum technologies for smallholders in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe. Pt. 1. Production practices and development of an experimental agenda
Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa. Volume 1 #1. p. 1-9.

Periodical articleChiduza, C. (1995)
Using agronomic and farmer assessment as tools to evaluate acceptability of sorghum varieties in northern Sebungwe
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 4. p. 28-34.

Periodical articleDahlberg, J. (1995)
Dispersal of sorghum and the role of genetic drift
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 143-151.

Periodical articleDuale, A.H.; Seshu Reddy, K.V. (1995)
Survival and development of chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on sorghum cultivars
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 16 #1. January-March. p. 13-16.

Periodical articleEsele, J.P. (1995)
Foliar and head diseases of sorghum
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 185-189.

Periodical articleFredericksen, R.A.; Shantharam, S.; Raman, K.V. (1995)
Biosafety issues and impacts of cultivating genetically engineered sorghum in Africa
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. iii-iv.

Periodical articleHouse, L.R. (1995)
Sorghum: one of the world's great cereals
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 135-142.

Periodical articleKebede, Y. (1995)
Issues, concerns, and strategies in addressing biosafety
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 181-184.

Periodical articleKhizzah, B.W.; Miller, F.R.; Newton, R.J. (1995)
See this publicationGenetic and physiological components of post-flowering drought tolerance in sorghum
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 15-21.

Periodical articleKononowicz, A.K.; Casas, A.M.; Tomes, D.T.; Bressan, R.A.; Hasegawa, P.M. (1995)
New vistas are opened for sorghum improvement by genetic transformation
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 171-180.

Periodical articleMacharia, J.; Kamau, J.; Gituanja, J.N.; Matu, E.W. (1995)
Effects of sodium chloride salinity on seed germination, and seedling root and shoot extension growth of four sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, cultivars
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 187-194.

Periodical articleMansuetus, S.B.A. (1995)
Sorghum diseases in Tanzania
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 203-207.

Periodical articleMinja, E.M.; Ampofo, J.K.O. (1995)
See this publicationEffect of sorghum and cowpea intercropping pattern on the spotted stemborer, chilo partellus (Swinhoe) larval establishment in southwestern Kenya
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 16 #2. April-June. p. 217-222.

Periodical articleNour, A.M. (1995)
See this publicationPhenotypic stability of sorghum hybrids for resistance to the spotted stemborer, chilo partellus (Swinhoe)
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 16 #3-4. July-December. p. 279-282.

Periodical articleNwanze, K.F.; Seetharama, N.; Sharma, H.C.; Stenhouse, J.W. (1995)
Biotechnology in pest management: improving resistance in sorghum to insect pests
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 209-215.

Periodical articleSeetharama, N. (1995)
Biotechnology and sorghum improvement for drought and temperature stress tolerance
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 223-229.

Periodical articleShantharam, S. (1995)
The importance of biosafety in the deployment of private transgenic sorghums in the environment
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. iii-iv.

Periodical articleTeetes, G.L.; Manthe, C.S.; Peterson, G.C.; Leuschner, K.; Pendleton, B.B. (1995)
Sorghum resistant to the sugarcane aphid, melanaphis sacchari (homoptera: aphididae), in Botswana and Zimbabwe
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 16 #1. January-March. p. 63-71.

Periodical articleVogler, R.K.; Ejeta, G.; Butler, L.G. (1995)
Integratimg biotechnological approaches for control of striga
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #2. June. p. 217-222.

Periodical articleWenzel, W.G.; Van den Berg, J. (1995)
Inheritance of resistance in grain sorghum to chilo partellus (Swinhoe)
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 16 #1. January-March. p. 83-86.

Periodical articleKetema B. (1994)
Comparison of self-pollinated and cross-pollinated populations in grain sorghum
Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 14 #1-2. June. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleMkhabela, M.S. (1994)
Prospects of plant modifications to fit arid and semi-arid environments through genetic basis: a case of sorghum
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference of the SADCC-Land and Water Management Research Programme. October 10-14. p. 8-14.

Periodical articleWoldeyesus S. (1994)
Determination of relative optimum planting dates for maize, sorghum and cotton at Abobo, based on rate of change in yield and total revenue
Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 14 #1-2. June. p. 15-26.

Periodical articleMabasa, S.; Rambakudzibga, A.M. (1993)
Periodicity of weed seedlings emergence and the effect of weeding frequency in maize and sorghum
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 31 #1. p. 27-41.

Periodical articleMuranga, F.I. (1993)
Correlation of product quality of extruded sorghum products to extent of starch gelatinization
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 1 #1. December. p. 45-53.

Periodical articleNyamudeza, P.; Jones, E. (1993)
The effects of growing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in furrows and on the flat at three populations and three rows widths in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe. Pt. 2. Soil water regime throughout the season
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 31 #1. p. 11-21.

Periodical articleNyamudeza, P. (1993)
The effects of growing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in furrows and on the flat at three populations and three row widths in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe. Pt. 1. Grain and yield components
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 31 #1. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleNyangeri, J.B.; James, A.W. (1993)
Development of improved flavour in sorghum thin porridge (Uji) by malting and toasting
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 59 #2. October. p. 155-161.

Periodical articleDlamini, P.M.; Ditshipi, P.P. (1992)
Analysis of demand, supply and marketing channels of grain sorghum in Botswana
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 6. December. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleIdem, N.U.A.; Onyibe, J.E. (1992)
Influence of variety, applied nitrogen, and plant density on yield and yield components of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 4 #3. September. p. 79-87.

Dissertation / thesisAhern, Esther; Haan, Diana den (1991)
Als de aarde moe wordt...: milieugebruik in Noord-Kameroen
Leiden: Programma Milieu en Ontwikkeling, Centrum voor Milieukunde Leiden.

Periodical articleJones, E.; Nyamudeza, P. (1991)
The relationship between rainfall and the yield of cotton, sorghum and maize grown in tied furrows and on the flat in the South East lowveld of Zimbabwe
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference of the SADCC-Land and Water Management Research Programme. October 7-9. p. 100-107.

Periodical articleObot, E.; Abolaji, I.; Daddy, F. (1991)
Contributions to the biology and utilisation of wild guinea corn (Sorghum arundinaceum Stapf.)
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 3 #4. December. p. 107-110.

Periodical articlePhillips, M.C.; Fry, G.J.; Harris, D. (1991)
Measurement of water use by four common weeds of Botswana in competition with sorghum
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference of the SADCC-Land and Water Management Research Programme. October 7-9. p. 258-269.

Periodical articleSokari, T.G.; Karibo, P.S.; Manuel, L.F. (1991)
Substitution of boiling for steeping in the production of ogi
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 3 #4. December. p. 87-90.

Periodical articleAina, J.O.; Uko, E.E. (1990)
Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina): a potential tropical hop substitute
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 2 #4. December. p. 63-66.

Periodical articleMacGarry, Brian (1990)
What are We Promoting? A Case Study of the Introduction of a New Milling Technology in a Rural Area in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 5 #1. p. 73-81.

Periodical articleMpuchane, S.; Zinsombe, I. (1990)
See this publicationAn organoleptic and microbiological evaluation of enriched sorghum meal
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 22. p. 113-132.

Periodical articleOkalebo, J.R.; Njuho, P.M.; Gathua, K.W. (1990)
Effects of form and method of phosphate fertilizer application on maize, sorghum, and millet growth in a semi-arid environment of Kenya. Pt.1, Effects on maize and sorghum
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 55 #4. April. p. 227-238.

Periodical articleOkalebo, J.R.; Keter, J.K.A.; Ssali, H. (1989)
Response of sorghum to fertilizer nitrogen and phosphorus in semi-arid areas of Machakos and Kitui Districts in Kenya
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 54 #3. January. p. 131-145.

Periodical articleReddy, K.V.S.; Sum, K.O.S.; Lubega, M.C. (1989)
Empirical models for predicting yield loss in sorghum caused by chilo partellus (Swinhoe)
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 1 #3. September. p. 90-94.

Periodical articleMenkir, A.; Kebede, Y. (1988)
Variability of seedling emergence in low and high elevation sorghums (Sorghum bicolor)
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 53 #4. April. p. 209-212.

Periodical articleSibanda, H.M.; Young, S.D. (1988)
The effect of soil pre-treatment by humic acid and by heat on phosphate uptake by sorghum plants
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 26 #1. p. 29-41.

Periodical articleAberra G.; Admassu M. (1987)
A survey of aflatoxin contents in maize, sorghum and teff samples
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 2 #1. September. p. 59-70.

Periodical articleDube, J.S.; Magava, D.J. (1987)
Sorghum and millets as animal feed in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal. Volume 84 #1. January-February. p. 5-9.

Periodical articleMohamed, A.A.G. (1987)
Estimate of optimum plot size and shape for dura sorghum (sorghum bicolar) yield experiments
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 53 #2. October. p. 75-81.

Periodical articleMushonga, J.N.; Rao, S.A. (1986)
Traditional food crops in Zimbabwe. Pt.2. Sorghum
Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal. Volume 83 #3. May-June. p. 121-124.

Periodical articleBarrault, J.; Eckebil, J.P.; Vaille, J. (1972)
Point des travaux de l'Irat sur les sorghos repiqués du Nord-Cameroun
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale, Série 1. Volume 27 #8. p. 791-814.

Search: su=sorghum
Found: 166 First Previous Record 101-166

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