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Search: su=speeches (form)
Found: 149 Record 1-100 Next Last

BookSuleman, Fatima (2017)
See this publicationAffordability and equitable access to (bio)therapeutics for public health
Utrecht: Utrecht University. 22p.

BookMabanckou, Alain (2016)
Lettres noires: des ténèbres à la lumière
Paris: Fayard. Leçon inaugurale #263. 74p.

BookNkrumah, Kwame; Boukari-Yabara, Amzat (2016)
Kwame Nkrumah: recueil de textes
Genève: Cetim. Collection pensées d'hier pour demain, Série Afrique et Caraibes. 95p.

BookOsuntokun, Akinjide (ed.) (2016)
Festus Samuel Okotie-Eboh: in time and space (1912-1966)
Ibadan: B Editions. 409p.

BookAzaiki, Steve S. (2015)
Thoughts on Nigeria: speeches, letters & essays
Ibadan: Y-Books. 546p.

Periodical articleBanégas, Richard (2015)
Putsch et politique de la rue au Burkina Faso: quand les étudiants débattent du Régiment de sécurité présidentielle
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #139. p. 147-170.

BookBeek, Wouter E.A. van (2015)
Zwarte Piet in Afrika: rite en ruzie
Tilburg: Tilburg University. 124p.

BookDijk, Rijk van (2015)
See this publicationFaith in romance towards an anthropology of romantic relationships, sexuality and responsibility in African christianities
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. Inaugural lecture series #536. 27p.

BookFélix-Tchicaya, Jean (2015)
La parole est à Monsieur le Député Jean Félix-Tchicaya: interventions à l'Assemblée nationale française, 1945-1959
Paris: Paari éditeur. 209p.

BookKi-Zerbo, Joseph (2015)
Joseph Ki-Zerbo: recueil de textes
Genève: CETIM. Collection pensées d'hier pour demain, Série Afrique et Caraibes. 95p.

BookMkandawire, Thandika (2015)
Africa: beyond recovery
Legon-Accra: Subsaharan Publishers. The Aggrey-Fraser-Guggisberg memorial lectures #32. 80p.

Periodical articleMoyo, Sam (2015)
The political economy of transformation in Zimbabwe: radicalisation, structural change and resistance
CODESRIA Bulletin. #3-4. p. 28-38.

BookOsaghae, Eghosa E. (2015)
A state of our own: second independence, federalism and the decolonisation of the state in Africa
Ibadan: Bookcraft. 103p.

BookSoyinka, Wole (ed.) (2015)
Reimagining pan-Africanism: distinguished Mwalimu Nyerere lecture series 2009-2013
Abstract presentDar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd. 258p.

BookBonte, Pierre (2014)
L'Ouest saharien: les récits d'origine
Rabat: Centre des Études Sahariennes. 68p.

BookDelani, 'Dele (2014)
Nigeria's political journey
Lagos: Dele-Ade Constant Ventures. 181p.

BookGarba, Abdul-Ganiyu (2014)
Economics: a discipline in need of a new foundation: an inaugural lecture delivered at the Ahmadu Bello University on Wednesday, 5th March 2014
Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University Press Ltd. 126p.

BookGewald, J.B. (2014)
See this publicationTo Grahamstown and back: towards a socio-cultural history of southern Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: Leiden University. 36p.

BookOduwole, Olajumoke O. (2014)
See this publicationInternational law and the right to development: a pragmatic approach for Africa
The Hague: International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus. 31p.

BookSankara, Thomas (2014)
Thomas Sankara
Genève: CETIM. Collection pensées d'hier pour demain, Série Afrique et Caraibes. 94p.

BookAdeleye-Fayemi, Bisi (2013)
Speaking for myself: perspectives on social, politcal and feminist activism
Ibadan: Amandla Consulting.

BookAfrican Union (2013)
See this publicationCelebrating success: Africa's voice over 50 years, 1963-2013
Addis Ababa: African Union. 246p.

BookAnonymous (2013)
Guillaume Soro à Gagnoa: pour la vérité et la réconciliation
Côte d'Ivoire: Service de communication du Président de l'Assemblée nationale. 114p.

BookAwolowo, Obafemi (2013)
Awo on the Nigerian civil war
Ikeja: John West Publications. 112p.

BookChambers, Robert (2013)
See this publication'Voices of the poor' and beyond: lessons from the past, agenda for the future
The Hague: International Institute of Social studies. 20p.

BookErediauwa, Omo N'Oba (2013)
Cradle of ideas: a compendium of speeches and writings of Omo N'Oba Erediauwa of Great Benin
Ibadan: Ibadan University Press. 578p.

BookHunt, Nancy Rose (2013)
Suturing new medical histories of Africa
Zürich: LIT Verlag. Carl Schlettwein lectures 7. 45p.

BookOkougbo, Elijah (2013)
The memoirs of a labour leader
Lagos: Neg Age Outlook.

Periodical articleOuattara, Alassane Dramane (2013)
L'Afrique dans le monde de demain: atouts et défis
Mondes et cultures. Volume 73. p. 393-397.

BookSassou N'Guesso, Claudia Lemboumba (2013)
Denis Sassou N'Guesso: les grands discours du premier septennat 2002-2009
Paris: L'Harmattan. 247p.

BookSoyinka, Wole (2013)
Power, hydropus and other toxic mutations
Ibadan: Bookcraft. InterventionS. 194p.

BookWoode, Samuel N. (2013)
Living the values and ethics of public service
Accra: Asempa Publishers. 80p.

BookAbbink, Jan; Kerkhof, Peter (2012)
See this publicationEén jaar Arabische Lente
Amsterdam: Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit. Talma-lezing. 29p.

Periodical articleHollande, François (2012)
La Francophonie, porteuse de valeurs, de principes, d'exigences
Géopolitique africaine. #45. p. 35-40.

BookIbidapo-Obe, Oye (2012)
From excellence to distinction: the University of Lagos on world's intellectual map: speeches
Ibadan: Safari Books. 483p.

Periodical articleJinping, Xi (2012)
Promouvoir le nouveau partenariat sino-africain
Géopolitique africaine. #45. p. 27-33.

Periodical articleMcKaiser, Eusebius (2012)
See this publication2011 Annual Ruth First Memorial Lecture, University of the Witwatersrand: Looking an international relations gift horse in the mouth: SA's response to the Libyan crisis
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 71 #1. p. 145-157.

BookMiano, Léonora (2012)
Habiter la frontière: conférences
Paris: Arche. Tête-à-tête. 141p.

BookNdege, Peter (2012)
Inaugural lecture: from accumulation of women and children to 'land grabbing': agrarian kleptocracy and the land question in Kenya
Eldoret: Moi University Press. Moi University inaugural lecture #3. 93p.

BookOdhiambo, Mark Ollunga (2012)
Inaugural lecture: the Kenyan maize sub-sector performance and its implications for food security policy dialogue
Eldoret: Moi University Press. Moi University inaugural lecture #1. 118p.

BookSouaré, Ahmed Tidiane (2012)
Les discours: une vision et un combat pour la réconciliation nationale, la démocratie et la bonne gouvernance
Paris: l'Harmattan. 233p.

BookSpoor, Max; Robbins, Martha Jane; Schutter, Olivier de; Toulmin, Camilla; Woodhouse, Phil; Cleaver, Kevin; Du Toit, Andries; Ploeg, Jan Douwe van der (2012)
See this publicationAgriculture, food security and inclusive growth

BookYeboah, Jacob Osei (2012)
The next president of Ghana: a collection of speeches and press releases
Accra: Edge Concepts. 194p.

Periodical articleAmbler, Charles (2011)
See this publication'A school in the interior': African Studies: engagement and interdisciplinarity
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 54 #1. p. 1-17.

Periodical articleBayart, Jean-François (2011)
Quelle politique africaine pour la France?
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #121. p. 147-159.

BookCapo, Hounkpati Bamikpo Christophe (2011)
Sciences du langage, langues et développement durable au Bénin: Conférence inaugurale 2011-2012 de la FLASH
Benin: Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Faculté des Letrres that is, Lettres. 107p.

BookDietz, Ton (2011)
See this publicationSilverlining Africa: from images of doom and gloom to glimmers of hope: from places to avoid to places to enjoy: inaugural address
Abstract presentLeiden: Universiteit Leiden. 39p.

BookDunn, D. Elwood (ed.) (2011)
See this publicationThe annual messages of the presidents of Liberia 1848-2010: state of the nation addresses to the National Legislature: from Joseph Jenkins Roberts to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Berlin: De Gruyter. 1913p.

Periodical articleOrderson, Crystal (2011)
See this publication2010 Annual Ruth First Memorial Lecture, University of the Witwatersrand: voices from the margin
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 70 #1. p. 156-165.

Periodical articleSelassie, Bereket Habte (2011)
See this publicationDemocracy and peace in the age of globalization: old problems, new challenges for Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 54 #1. p. 19-31.

BookSoyinka, Wole (2011)
The unappeasable price of appeasement
Ibadan: Bookcraft. InterventionS. 116p.

BookVan Reybrouck, David (2011)
De democratie in ademnood: de gevaren van electoraal fundamentalisme
Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. 14p.

BookVidegla, Michel D.K. (2011)
Des conférences sociales mensuelles de l'I.A.J.P.--2008: migration et développement intégral
Abstract presentCotonou: ECO, Les Éditions du Chant d'Oiseau. Collection Xwefa #25. 183p.

Periodical articleAsserate, Asfa-Wossen (2010)
See this publicationEike Haberland und die Ethnologie Äthiopiens: Frobenius-Vortrag 2009
Paideuma. Volume 56. p. 23-32.

BookBocoum, Mohamadoun Baréma; Sylla, Omar (eds.) (2010)
Les hommes politiques maliens et africains
Paris: L'Harmattan. 306p.

BookDangarembga, Tsitsi (2010)
See this publicationThe popular arts and culture in the texture of the public sphere in Africa
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Codesria lecture series #4. 11p.

Periodical articleFabian, Johannes (2010)
See this publicationSilesian memories: on recognizing contemporary African culture
Paideuma. Volume 56. p. 33-40.

Periodical articleHaan, Leo J. de (2010)
See this publicationPerspectives on African Studies and development in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Spectrum. Volume 45 #1. p. 95-116.

BookHaan, Leo J. de (2010)
See this publicationPerspectieven op Afrikastudies en op ontwikkeling in Sub-Sahara Afrika: rede uitgesproken in verkorte vorm door
Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. 20p.

Periodical articleKabila, Joseph (2010)
Extrait du discours du Président Joseph Kabila à l'occasion du cinquantenaire de l'indépendance
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 15 #29. p. 147-151.

Periodical articleKrog, Antjie (2010)
See this publicationDie verkleurmannetjie(s) op Shaka: 'n vergelyking tussen D.J. Opperman en Thomas Mofolo
Abstract presentTydskrif vir letterkunde. Volume 47 #2. p. 5-18.

BookSoyinka, Wole (2010)
Interventions II
Ibadan: Bookcraft. InterventionS. 231p.

BookSoyinka, Wole (2010)
Interventions I
Ibadan: Bookcraft. InterventionS. 304p.

BookEenhoorn, Hans; Becx, Gerjan (2009)
See this publicationConstrain Constraints! A study into real and perceived constraints and opportunities for the development of smallholder farmers in Sub-Sahara Africa
Wageningen: Wageningen UR. 57p.

BookEllis, S.D.K. (2009)
See this publicationSouth Africa and the decolonization of the mind
Amsterdam: Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University. 19p.

BookLumumba, Patrick L.O. (2009)
The searching soul
Nairobi: MvuleAfrica Publishers. Mvule studies in African politics #5. 452p.

Periodical articleMkandawire, Thandika (2009)
See this publicationFrom the national question to the social question
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #69. p. 130-160.

BookOkeke, Nlogha E. (2009)
The Nigeria of my dream: a classical compendium of lectures & thoughts of Dr. (Sir) Nlogha Okeke
Enugu: Hiemmas Int'l. 236p.

Periodical articleRafapa, Lesibana (2009)
The intersection of experience, imaginative writing and meaning-making in Es'kia Mphahlele
Abstract presentTydskrif vir letterkunde. Volume 46 #1. p. 206-212.

Periodical articleDevisch, René (2008)
What is an anthropologist?
Abstract presentCODESRIA Bulletin. #1-2. p. 5-11.

Periodical articleMutua, Makau (2008)
See this publicationHuman rights in Africa: the limited promise of liberalism
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 51 #1. p. 17-39.

Periodical articleParker, Kenneth (2008)
Imagined South Africa
African Identities. Volume 6 #1. p. 83-92.

Periodical articleRobinson, Pearl T. (2008)
See this publicationRalphe Bunche and African studies: reflections on the politics of knowledge
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 51 #1. p. 1-16.

BookBeek, Wouter E.A. van (2007)
See this publicationDe rite is rond: betekenis en boodschap van het ongewone
Abstract presentLeiden: Universiteit Leiden (host). 99p.

Periodical articleKoch, Jerzy (2007)
See this publicationOor literêre geskiedskrywing en Suid-Afrikaanse studies in Europa: hoe om die eksotiese vertroud te maak
Abstract presentTydskrif vir letterkunde. Volume 44 #2. p. 215-231.

BookSankara, Thomas (2007)
Thomas Sankara speaks: the Burkina Faso revolution 1983-1987
New York, NY: Pathfinder. 448p.

Periodical articleSzeftel, Morris (2007)
Supernumeraries of the human race? Reflections on the African 'holocaust'
African Studies Bulletin. #69. p. 25-47.

Periodical articleWarnier, Jean-Pierre (2007)
Méthodes et itinéraire de recherche: de l'enquête orale à l'observation des pratiques sensori-motrices
Abstract presentTerroirs: revue africaine de sciences sociales et de culture. #3-4. p. 133-162.

BookArdenne-van der Hoeven, Agnes van; Ibrahim, Fouad (eds.) (2006)
See this publicationExplaining Darfur: four lectures on the ongoing genocide
Abstract presentAmsterdam: Vossiuspers. 60p.

Periodical articleBerman, Bruce J. (2006)
See this publicationThe Ordeal of Modernity in the Age of Terror
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 49 #1. April. p. 1-14.

BookBriggs, Nimi D. (2006)
Nimi D. Briggs: thoughts on university education in Nigeria
Ibadan: Spectrum Books. 339p.

Periodical articleBusia, Abena P.A. (2006)
See this publicationWhat is Africa to Me? Knowledge Possession, Knowledge Production, and the Health of Our Bodies Politic in Africa and the African Diaspora
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 49 #1. April. p. 15-30.

BookKrog, Antjie (2006)
Ik spreek en verhef uw hart: kosmopolitisme, vergiffenis en het voorbeeld van Afrika
Amsterdam: Volkskrant Boekenfonds. Van der Leeuw-lezing #24. 87p.

BookOputa, C.A. (2006)
Hon. justice Chukwudifu Oputa: selected speeches and reflections
Onitsha: Spiritan Publications. 834p.

BookObasanjo, Olusegun (2005)
Standing tall
Lagos: Diamond Publications; for the Office of the Senior Special Assistant (Media) to the President. 199p.

BookPels, Peter (2004)
See this publicationHet uitzonderen van 'Afrika': naar een antropologie van de moderne politieke verbeelding: rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van Hoogleraar in de culturele antropologie en de sociologie van Afrika bezuiden de Sahara (met nadruk op de moderne periode) aan de Universiteit van Leiden op vrijdag 3 september 2004
Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. 24p.

BookAssembleia Nacional (2002)
O chefe de estado: acto de investidura e estatuto juridico-constitucional
Imprensa Nacional. 74p.

BookAyee, Joseph R.A. (2000)
Saints, wizards, demons, and systems: explaining the success or failure of public policies and programmes
Accra: Ghana Universities Press; published for the University of Ghana. 63p.

BookShain, Milton (ed.) (200*)
See this publicationThe inaugural Helen Suzman lecture, 2008
Parktown: Helen Suzman Foundation. 24p.

BookBa Konaré, Adame (1998)
Ces mots que je partage: discours d'une Première Dame d'Afrique, avec une introduction sur la parole
Bamako: Editions Jamana. 298p.

BookMbeki, Thabo (1998)
A profile of Thabo Mbeki: updated interviews and essays
Den Haag: Embassy of South Africa. South African embassy information series #7. 80p.

BookHampâté Bâ, Amadou (1994)
Jésus vu par un musulman
Paris: Stock. 125p.

BookLucas, Marieke; Tijmes, Aleid; Weerdenburg, Jan (eds.) (1994)
Afrika: een sprekend verleden
Abstract presentUtrecht: Bureau Studium Generale, Universiteit Utrecht. Studium Generale reeks #9407. 134p.

Periodical articleDe Klerk, F.W. (1990)
Towards a new dispensation in South Africa
Abstract presentSouthern Africa Record. #58. p. 68-81.

Periodical articleMandela, N. (1990)
Speech delivered by ANC Deputy Chairman, Dr. Nelson Mandela, on his release, Cape Town, 11 February 1990
Abstract presentSouthern Africa Record. #58. p. 82-85.

BookButhelezi, Mangosuthu G. (1989)
Policy speech

BookMabogunje, Akin L.; Achebe, Chinua; Babalola, S.A.O; Nwokolo, Chukuedu; Aguda, T. Akinola (eds.) (1989)
Nigerian National Merit Award lectures
Abstract presentIbadan: Spectrum Books. 122p.

BookOppenheimer, Harry (1989)
Four steps to democracy
Johannesburg: Anglo American Corp. 7p.

BookButhelezi, Mangosuthu G. (1988)
Policy speech
Abstract present217p.

BookMandela, Nelson (1988)
Zuid-Afrika behoort aan allen die er wonen
Abstract presentAmsterdam: Mets. 79p.

Search: su=speeches (form)
Found: 149 Record 1-100 Next Last

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