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Search: su=State recognition
Found: 28 Record 1-28

BookDelgado, José Pina; Varela, Odair Barros; Costa, Suzano (eds.) (2014)
As relações externas de Cabo Verde: (re)leituras contemporâneas
Praia: Edições ISCJS. 584p.

BookWiren, Robert (2014)
Somaliland, pays en quarantaine
Paris: Karthala. 202p.

Periodical articleJohnson, Martha C.; Smaker, Meg (2013)
See this publicationState building in de facto States: Somaliland and Puntland compared
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 60 #4. p. 3-23.

Periodical articlePijovic, Nikola (2013)
See this publicationTo be or not to be: rethinking the possible repercussions of Somaliland's international statehood recognition
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Quarterly. Volume 14 #4. p. 17-36.

BookBereketeab, Redie (2012)
See this publicationSelf-determination and secessionism in Somaliland and South Sudan: challenges to postcolonial state-building
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Discussion paper #75. 35p.

Periodical articleMaru, Mehari Taddele (2012)
See this publicationOn unconstitutional changes of government: the case of the National Transitional Council of Libya
African Security Review. Volume 21 #1. p. 67-73.

Dissertation / thesisAli, Nasir M. (2010)
See this publication'Somaliland' quest for international recognition: the role of Ethiopia

Periodical articleGershoni, Yekutiel (2009)
A bumpy ride: the Liberian military regime's acceptance in Africa
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 34 #2. p. 35-58.

Periodical articleJhazbhay, Iqbal (2009)
See this publicationSomaliland 'Quo vadis': overcoming Africa's post-colonial self-determination conundrum (1991-2006)
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 41 #1. p. 1-50.

Periodical articleHenwood, Franco (2006)
A contribution to the case for Somaliland's recognition
African Renaissance. Volume 3 #5. p. 105-111.

Periodical articleSpears, Ian S. (2004)
See this publicationDebating Secession and the Recognition of New States in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 13 #2. p. 35-48.

Periodical articleBryden, Matt (2003)
The banana test: is Somaliland ready for recognition?
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 19. p. 341-364.

Periodical articleHuliaras, Asteris (2002)
See this publicationThe Viability of Somaliland: Internal Constraints and Regional Geopolitics
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 20 #2. July. p. 157-182.

Periodical articleReid, Richard (2001)
See this publicationThe Challenge of the Past: The Quest for Historical Legitimacy in Independent Eritrea
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 28. p. 239-272.

Periodical articleSbacchi, Alberto (1998)
In search of legitimacy: the United States and the recognition of the Italian Empire, 1936-1940
Abstract presentHorn of Africa. Volume 16 #1-4. p. 96-110.

Periodical articleOraison, André (1997)
L'obligation de non-reconnaissance de l'État d'Anjouan: les problèmes posés par la nouvelle balkanisation de la République fédérale islamique des Comores
Abstract presentAnnuaire des pays de l'océan Indien. Volume 15. p. 143-164.

Periodical articleAdam, Hussein M. (1994)
See this publicationFormation and Recognition of New States: Somaliland in Contrast to Eritrea
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 21 #59. March. p. 21-38.

Periodical articleDu Pisani, Andre (1990)
Namibia: A Nation in the Making
Abstract presentSouth Africa International. Volume 20 #4. April. p. 195-204.

Periodical articleErasmus, Gerhard (1988)
See this publicationCriteria for determining statehood: John Dugard's Recognition and the United Nations
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 4 #2. p. 207-220.

Periodical articleSebihuranda, F. (1984)
La reconnaissance: cas de la RASD et du 'Gouvernement Habré'
Abstract presentRevue juridique du Rwanda. Volume 8 #1. p. 7-10.

Periodical articleBrooks, Pierre E.J. (1979)
The recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in Transkei, Bophuthatswana and Venda
Abstract presentSouth African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 5. p. 1-18.

Book chapterWelch (Jr), C.E. (1975)
The OAU and international recognition: lessons from Uganda
Abstract presentIn: The Organization of African Unity after ten years; comparative perspectives. p. 103-117.

Periodical articleRurihose, Ndeshyo; Songa, Nyabirungu Mwene (1974)
La reconnaissance de la Guinée Bissau et le droit international
Abstract presentÉtudes zaïroises. #1. p. 27-79.

Periodical articleYakemtchouk, Romain (1973)
La reconnaissance d'état et de gouvernement en Afrique
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. #2. p. 170-196.

Periodical articleAnglin, D.G. (1971)
Zambia and the recognition of Biafra
Abstract presentThe African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 1 #2. p. 102-136.

Periodical articleMeulen, J. van der (1968)
Biafra en Afrika
Abstract presentKroniek van Afrika. p. 32-38.

Periodical articleMgonja, C.Y. (1968)
Statement on Tanzania's recognition of Biafra
Abstract presentKroniek van Afrika. p. 39-43.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1956)
Protocole franco-tunisien (20 mars 1956)
Abstract presentArticles et documents: bulletin d'informations et de presse internationale. #335.

Search: su=State recognition
Found: 28 Record 1-28

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