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Search: su=wild animals
Found: 93 Record 1-93

Periodical articleHeydinger, John (2020)
See this publication'Vermin': Predator Eradication as an Expression of White Supremacy in Colonial Namibia, 1921-1952
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 46 #1. p. 91-108.

Dissertation / thesisLesilau, Francis Longory (2019)
See this publicationHuman-Lion Conflict around Nairobi National Park
Abstract presentLeiden University. Ph.D. dissertation (2019-12-04). 203p.

Periodical issueSwart, Sandra (ed.) (2016)
See this publicationSpecial issue: Writing animals into African history
Abstract presentCritical African studies. Volume 8 #2. p. 95-237.

BookWarner, Edward M. (2016)
Running with rhinos: stories from a radical conservationist
Austin, TX: Greenleaf Book Group Press. 226p.

Periodical articleMcGranaghan, Mark (2015)
See this publication'Hunters-with-sheep': the /Xam Bushmen of South Africa between pastoralism and foraging
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 85 #3. p. 521-545.

BookGordon, Jeff (2014)
101 Kruger tales: extraordinary stories from ordinary visitors to the Kruger national park
Cape Town: Penguin Random House South Africa. 360p.

BookMacDonald, Iain (2014)
The poison of the arrow: a tale of quest & survival
Naivasha: Old Africa Books. 220p.

Periodical articleMusyoki, Charles (2014)
See this publicationCrop defense and coping strategies: wildlife raids in Mahiga 'B' village in Nyeri District, Kenya
African Study Monographs. Volume 35 #1. p. 19-40.

BookNuwagaba, Taga F. (2014)
Totems of Uganda: culture embracing nature
Author. 168p.

Periodical issueSpierenburg, Marja (ed.) (2014)
See this publicationSpecial issue: farm dwellers, the forgotten people? Consequences of conversions to private wildlife production in South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 32 #2. p. 151-280.

Dissertation / thesisBrandt, Femke (2013)
See this publicationTracking an Invisible Great Trek: an ethnography on the re-configuration of power and belonging on trophy-hunting farms in the Karoo

Periodical articleGess, David W.; Swart, Sandra (2013)
Hunting status? Power and buffalo shooting in the Albany and Bathurst districts of the Cape Colony c. 1892-1916
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #67. p. 1-34.

BookGreen, Nick (2013)
Boathouse to Botswana
Black Crake Books. 211p.

Dissertation / thesisKoutstaal, Kelly (2013)
See this publication'Blurred lines': how different views on baboon agency shape the conservation policy making dialogue in Cape Town, South Africa
Leiden: African Studies Centre. 120p.

Periodical articleLeblan, Vincent; Bricka, Blandine (2013)
See this publicationGenies or the opacity of human-animal relationships in Kakande, Guinea
African Study Monographs. Volume 34 #2. p. 85-108.

Periodical articleBondaz, Julien (2012)
See this publicationAnimaux et objets marrons: résistances à la mise en exposition dans les parcs zoologiques et les musées d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Civilisations. Volume 61 #1. p. 121-136.

Conference paperCros, Michèle; Bondaz, Julien; Michaud, Maxime (eds.) (2012)
L'animal cannibalisé: festins d'Afrique
Paris: Éd. des Archives contemporaines. 203p.

Periodical articleNgoufo, Roger; Kouecheu Ngameni, Sylvie Dorette (2012)
Place du gibier dans l'alimentation des ménages de quelques localités situées le long de la route Mbalmayo-Ambam
Abstract presentAnnales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Volume 1 #14. p. 339-352.

BookRandall, Deborah; Thirgood, Simon J.; Kinahan, Anouska (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationWalia: special edition on the Bale Mountains
Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Wildlife & Natural History Society. 340p.

DVD / videoBaptizet, Alain (ed.) (2010)
Afrique secrète
Abstract presentParis: Harmattan.

Periodical articleCampbell, Alec; Coulson, David (2010)
Big hippo site, Oued Afar, Algeria
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #21. p. 81-92.

Periodical articleWaldock, Victoria (2010)
The Taleschout hippos: an enigmatic site in the Messak Settafet, southwest Libya
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #21. p. 93-106.

Conference paperCroes, Barbara (ed.) (2008)
Management and conservation of large carnivores in West and Central Africa: proceedings of an international seminar on the conservation of small and hidden species: CML/CEDC, 15 and 16 November 2006, Maroua, Cameroon
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML). 153p.

BookGutiérrez, T.P.; Iongh, H.H. de (2008)
Lion-livestock conflicts on the Waza-Logone region: a study of the floodplain prides in Waza Logone
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences. Environment and development student report #234.

BookHaigh, Jerry C. (2008)
The trouble with lions: a Glasgow vet in Africa
Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. 462p.

Dissertation / thesisJager, Monique de (ed.) (2008)
The impact of different management regimes on carnivore distribution and the effectiveness of a baited camera trapping method to study carnivore distribution
Environment and development student report #224.

Dissertation / thesisKirsten, I.E. (2008)
Diet and prey selection of carnivores and distribution of prey in two differently managed protected areas of the North Province, Cameroon
Environment and development student report #228.

Dissertation / thesisLudwig, V.M. (ed.) (2008)
Habit use of the common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibious) and Buffon's Kob (Kobus kob kob) in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon
Environment and development student report #232.

Periodical articleMwakaje, Agnes G. (2008)
See this publicationWildlife Management Areas in Tanzania: A Study of Opportunities and Challenges
Abstract presentTanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 8 #2. p. 23-38.

Periodical articleRoche, Chris (2008)
See this publication'The fertile brain and inventive power of man': anthropogenic factors in the cessation of springbok treks and the disruption of the Karoo ecosystem, 1865-1908
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 78 #2. p. 157-188.

Dissertation / thesisWolswijk, Pauline (2008)
Foraging behavior and interactions between the common hippo and Buffon's kob in time and space in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: a large scale study on the relations between permanent and temporary landscape features and the foraging behavior of the kob antelope and hippopotamus in the dry season
Environment and development student report #231.

BookBerkel, Tim van (2007)
Lion (Panthera leo) home ranges and lion-livestock conflict in North Cameroon: home ranges and characteristics of livestock predation by lions around the Waza National Park
Leiden: Centre for Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #229.

Periodical articleChalliss, Bob (2007)
The patron saint of bird watchers visits the Victoria Falls: Edmund Selous in Africa 1882-1884
Abstract presentHeritage of Zimbabwe. #26. p. 42-53.

BookDalen, J.A. van (2007)
Status of large carnivore populations in Bénoué National Park: a study on carnivore - livestock interactions and a pilot experiment with monitoring methods
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University. Environment and development student report #218.

BookSchoe, Marjolein (2007)
Ecology of lions (Panthera leo) in North Cameroon: social structure, home ranges, habitat use, movements and morphometrics of a lion population in Bénoué National Park
Leiden: Department of Environment and Development, Centre of Environmental Sciences. Environment and development student report #212.

BookWiggers, Hanneke (2007)
Predator-prey interactions in North-Cameroon: predation patterns and diets of Lion (Panthera leo), spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) and leopard (Panthera pardus) In Bénoué National Park
Leiden: Department of Environment and Development, Centre of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #213.

BookBakx, Marjolein; Nanda, Amanda (2006)
Distributional patterns of the Buffon's kob (Kob kob kob) in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: Bénoué National Park, 12 April - 15 July 2005
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences. Environment and development student report #205.

BookBosma, Karen; Jaarsma, Shirley (2006)
Ecology of the common hippo: population size and habitat use of Hippopotamus amphibius and interactions with Kobus kob kob and other herbivores in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences. Environment and development student report #208.

Periodical articleDedeke, G.A.; Abayomi, Felix (2006)
Ethnozoological Trade and Practices among the Ijebu People of South-Western Nigeria and the Impact on Some Mammalian Species
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 5 #2. p. 175-187.

Dissertation / thesisDoorduin, L.J.; Vries, A.M. de (2006)
Grazing behaviour and interaction of the common hippo and medium sized herbivores in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: a field study implemented during March - July, 2006
Environment and development student report #27.

BookJanssens, A.M.L.H.; Moll, N.M.H. van (2006)
The influence of early, middle and late burning of the savanna woodland on the grazing strategy of large herbivores in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #195. 86p.

BookKoelewijn, Roeland C.J.; Peppink, Tom (2006)
Potential competition between livestock and wild herbivores in the Bénoué area, North Cameroon
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #200.

BookElzinga, Penny; Munster, Joost van (2005)
Research on the spatial distribution of Kob during the dry season in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: a large scale study on the relation of vegetation characteristics and Kob distribution and facilitation by Hippopotamus in the dry season
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #194.

Dissertation / thesisLeliveld, Lisette (2005)
The timing of savanna burning and its influence on the grazing strategy of large grazers in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon
Environment and development student report #193.

Dissertation / thesisTsague, Louis (2005)
Contribution à l'étude des ongulés artiodactyles de la réserve de la biopshère de la Bénoué (Cameroun): diversité spécifique, structure des peuplements et utilisation de l'espace

Periodical articleVan Sittert, Lance (2005)
See this publicationBringing in the Wild: The Commodification of Wild Animals in the Cape Colony/Province c. 1850-1950
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 46 #2. July. p. 269-291.

BookChardonnet, Bertrand; Chardonnet, Philippe (eds.) (2004)
Antelope survey update
Abstract presentGland: IUCN. IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group Report #9. 80p.

Conference paperChardonnet, Philippe; Lamarque, François; Birkan, Marcel (eds.) (2004)
Wildlife: a natural resource: proceedings of the 6th international wildlife ranching symposium = La faune sauvage: une ressource naturelle: actes du 6ème symposium international sur l'utilisation durable de la faune sauvage, 6-9 juillet 2004, Paris, France
Paris: Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage. Game & wildlife science Volume 21 #3-4. p. 158-495.

BookJansen, S.H.D.R. (2004)
Forage site selection and grazing behaviour of Kobus kob kob Erxleben 1777 after a late dry season savanna fire in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: seasonal changes in a post burn vegetation
Leiden: Programme d'Environnement et Développement, Centre des Études de l'Environnement (CML), Université de Leiden. Environment and development student report #178. 102p.

BookKnoop, Daniel; Mittendorff, Jaap; Rood, Ente (2004)
Grazing in the dry season: importance of fire and hippo lawns to Kobus kob kob
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML). 127p.

BookKoning, H.J. (2004)
The buffon's kob (Kobus kob kob): a life between fires, lions and hippos: a study of the habitat use of kobs during the transition of the dry and wet season in the Benoué National Park, Cameroon: a student report
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #171. 95p.

Dissertation / thesisNjogu, James Gichiah (2004)
See this publicationCommunity-based conservation in an entitlement perspective: wildlife and forest biodiversity conservation in Taita, Kenya
Leiden: African Studies Centre. Research reports #73. 273p.

BookOosten, Vivian van (2004)
The conflict between primates and the human population in a protected area in North-Cameroon
Leiden: Programme d'Environnement et Développement, Centre des Études de l'Environnement (CML), Université de Leiden. Environment and development student report #133. 57p.

BookRutten, Marcel M.E.M. (2004)
See this publicationPartnerships in community-based ecotourism projects: experiences from the Maasai Region, Kenya: volume 1
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. ASC working paper #57. 32p.

BookSinibaldi, Iacopo (ed.) (2004)
Dependence of large mammals in sub-Saharan Africa on water and water management: a literature review and climate change modelling study
Zeist: WWF.

BookVen, Erik van de (2004)
The interaction between zebu cattle and herbivore assemblages in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #174. 185p.

BookWeg, Marjan van de (2004)
Fire, forage and Kob antelope in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: a study on habitat selection of Kobus kob kob and the impact of early savanna fires on forage quality
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #176. 54p.

Dissertation / thesisBommel, Linda van; Vaate, Marije bij de (2003)
A lion population research in Waza National Park, Cameroon: a research on lions in the wet season, the testing of research techniques and an inventory of the lion-livestock conflict
Environment and development student report.

BookBuiks, Joost; Dijk, Rob van (2003)
Food choice of Kobus kob kob at different scales during the wet season
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. 60p.

Dissertation / thesisBreuer, Thomas (2002)
Distribution, feeding ecology and conservation of the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) in Northern Cameroon

Dissertation / thesisBrederode, Lysbeth van (2001)
Gum production of Acacia seyal and Acacia senegal in and around Waza National Park, Northern Cameroon: 1. Gum production in relation to animal damage; 2. Women's strategies to collect gum

BookDekker, E.J.H.; Korthorst, M. (2001)
Habit preference and food choice of Kobus kob kob (Erxleben, 1777) in Northern Cameroon: March-July 2000
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University.

BookEast, Rod (ed.) (2001)
Antelope survey update
Abstract presentGland: IUCN. IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group Report #8. 52p.

BookJoubert, Dereck (2001)
The Africa diaries: an illustrated memoir of life in the bush
Washington, DC: Adventure Press, National Geographic. 215p.

BookKragten, S.; Ooijendijk, T. (2001)
Change in habitat preference of Western Kob in relation to food quality and quantity in Northern Cameroon
Leiden: Centre of Enviornmental Science, Leiden University. Environment and development student report #146. 65p.

BookKoetsier, E.; Wielewaard, S. (2000)
Application of VHF-radio telemetry technique on Western Kob in Northern Cameroon: a guideline for implementation of radio telemetry on land mammals
Leiden: Centre for Environmental Science (CML). Environment and development student report #113.

PeriodicalSADC Trans-boundary Animal Diseases, TADs (200*)
SADC animal health yearbook
Gaborone: SADC TADs Project in collaboration with the Epidemiology and Informatics sub committee of the SADC Livestock Technical Committee (LTC).

BookMeijer, Petra; Docters van Leeuwen, Klaartje (1999)
An evaluation of three radio-tracking methods to study the spatial distribution of the Western kob: developing a field protocol to study home range and habitat use of Kobus kob kob (Erxleben, 1777) by means of radio tracking in the Bénoué area, northern Cameroon
Leiden: Centre for Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #126.

BookNieuwenboer, Calijn den; Wiegman, Tessa (1999)
Livestock predation by lions (Panthera Leo) and spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) in Waza NP, Cameroon, Africa
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #99.

BookWoensel, Monja van; Sassen, Marieke (1999)
Kobus kob kob: population structure, spatial distribution and activity patterns Northern Cameroon
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #107. 128p.

BookZeba, Souleymane (ed.) (1999)
Community-based wildlife management in West Africa: a regional review
London: International Institute for Environment and Development. Evaluating Eden series #9. 260p.

BookBartlett, Judy Anne (1998)
Spatial distribution and population structure of Western Kob (Kobus kob kob, Erxleben 1777) on the Walewol Mbadi floodplain in the elephant zone, - a national conservation area, in the Bénoué National Park complex -, Northern Cameroon
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Studies (CML). Environment and development student report #88. 67p.

BookErmers, M.W.C. (1998)
Behaviour of Western Kob (Kobus kob kob) during the start of the rainy season on a flood plain in the Elephant Zone, Northern Cameroon
Leiden: Programme Environment and Development, Centre for Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #90.

Dissertation / thesisNorbert, Sonne (1998)
Prédation des animaux domestiques par la faune sauvage dans les périphéries du Parc National de Waa (Extrême-Nord, Cameroun)

BookBauer, H. (1995)
Carnivores and cattle: report of a survey on predation by carnivores of Waza National Park on livestock in the surroundings
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML). 49p.

BookNoupa, Paul (1995)
'Étude des interactions écologiques entre herbivores sauvages et domestiques dans l'écosystème de la plaine de Waza (Cameroun)'

Periodical articleMagadza, C.H.D. (1994)
See this publicationClimate Change: Some Likely Multiple Impacts in Southern Africa
Abstract presentFood Policy. Volume 19 #2. April. p. 165-191.

BookWeladji, Robert Bertrand (1994)
Étude de quelques aspects de l'écologie de l'élephant (Loxodonta africana africana) au Parc National de Waza

BookBoyd, John Morton (ed.) (1992)
Fraser Darling in Africa: a rhino in the whistling thorn
Abstract presentEdinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 307p.

Periodical articleRichter, Wolfgang von (1990)
Wildtiernutzung und Bewirtschaftung als Landnutzungsform in marginalen Gebieten Afrikas
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 26 #2. p. 175-179.

Periodical articleMacgregor, Jenny (1989)
The paradoxes of wildlife conservation in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 19 #4. p. 201-212.

Periodical articleChild, G.F.T.; Riney, T. (1987)
See this publicationTsetse Control Hunting in Zimbabwe, 1919-1958
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 14 #1. p. 11-71.

Periodical articleKinako, P.D.S.; Sanusi, S.S. (1987)
Wildlife browsing and grazing pressure on the vegetation resource of Yankari game reserve and its implications for ecological conservation work
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 4. p. 273-281.

Periodical articleSimbotwe, Malumo P. (1987)
Appraisal of Wildlife Management in Africa (1970-1987)
Abstract presentCurrent Bibliography on African Affairs. Volume 20 #3. p. 221-241.

BookZon, A.P.M. van der (ed.) (1987)
Tournée dans la Réserve du Dja
Garoua: École de Fauna. Publication École de Faune #1987-2.

BookCollinson, R.F.H.; Pass, A.M.; Bromberger, N. (eds.) (1983)
Feasibility study on utilisation of wildlife resources in Zambia
Lusaka: Motswari Game.

BookParker, Ian S.C. (1983)
Oh quagga !: thoughts on people, pets, loving animals, shooting them, and conservation
Nairobi: Ian Parker. 131p.

BookRiefenstahl, Leni (1982)
L'Afrique de Leni Riefenstahl
Paris: Herscher. 232p.

Dissertation / thesisNgog Nje, Jean (1981)
L'écologie de la girafe dans le Parc National de Waza (Cameroun)

Periodical articleMutch, G.R.P. (1980)
The larger Mammals of the Moyowosi
Abstract presentTanzania Notes and Records. Volume 84-85. p. 95-106.

Periodical articleMoghraby, A.I. El (1975)
Observations on game animals in some parts of the Southern Sudan
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 56. p. 269-274.

BookGrzimek, Bernhard (1963)
Wir lebten mit den Baule: Flug ins Schimpansenland
Berlin: Verlag Ullstein. 167p.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean; Rosfelder, Roger (eds.) (1951)
Bataille sur le grand fleuve
Abstract presentDakar: Institut Français d'Afrique Noire.

Search: su=wild animals
Found: 93 Record 1-93

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