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Search: su=youth organizations | ||||||||
Found: 125 | Record 1-100 |
Masquelier, Adeline (2019) | |
Fada: Boredom and Belonging in Niger | |
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 264p. |
Heffernan, Anne (2016) | |
Blurred lines and ideological divisions in South African youth politics | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 115 #461. p. 664-687. |
Coffey, Rosalind (2015) | |
'Does the daily paper rule Britannia': British press coverage of a Malawi Youth League demonstration in Blantyre, Nyasaland, in January 1960 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 41 #6. p. 1255-1277. |
Foundation for Civil Society, Dar es Salaam (2015) | |
The Youth to Youth Fund (Y2YF) best case practices: an excerpt of success stories registered by civil society organisations in Tanzania that implemented the Y2YF projects | |
Dar es Salaam: Foundation for Civil Society. 11p. |
Nunzio, Marco Di (2014) | |
'Do not cross the red line': the 2010 general elections, dissent, and political mobilization in urban Ethiopia | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 113 #452. p. 409-430. |
Riot, Thomas (2014) | |
Les politiques de 'loisir' et le génocide des Tutsi rwandais: du racisme culturel aux donjons de la mémoire (1957-2013) | |
Politique africaine. #133. p. 131-151. |
Bwakali, David John (2013) | |
Coming to life: memory and history of Korogocho youth | |
Nairobi: Pamoja Trust & The Youth Congress. 69p. |
Darkwah, Kofi (2013) | |
Nationalism and independence | |
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #15. p. 71-89. |
Harang, Charles-Édouard (2013) | |
Jeunesse et société coloniale en Afrique subsahariene francophone, de la Grande Guerre aux années 1950 | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 101 #378-379. p. 271-294. |
Masquelier, Adeline (2013) | |
Teatime: boredom and the temporalities of young men in Niger | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 83 #3. p. 470-491. |
Masquelier, Adeline (2013) | |
Teatime: Boredom and the Temporalities of Young Men in Niger | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 83 #3. p. 470-491. |
Pasquier, Roger (2013) | |
La Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne en Afrique noire: 1930-1950 | |
Paris: Karthala. Mémoire d'églises. 226p. |
Smolinská, Lenka (2013) | |
Kibera..., make yourself at home!: researching the community development in Nairobi's informal settlement of Kibera | |
Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society. Volume 1 #1. p. 105-123. |
Ahlman, Jeffrey S. (2012) | |
A new type of citizen: youth, gender, and generation in the Ghanaian Builders Brigade | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 53 #1. p. 87-105. |
Kessel, Ineke van (2012) | |
Revisiting Sekhukhuneland: trajectories of former UDF activists in post-apartheid South Africa | |
In: One hundred years of the ANC: debating liberation histories today. p. 275-299. |
Hoetu, Prosper (2011) | |
Irony of change: reflections of a youth leader | |
Accra. 150p. |
Koné, Gnangadjomon (2011) | |
Logiques sociales et politiques des pillages et barrages dans la crise post-électorale en Côte d'Ivoire | |
Politique africaine. #122. p. 145-160. |
McCullers, Molly (2011) | |
'We do it so that we will be men': masculinity politics in colonial Namibia, 1915-49 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 52 #1. p. 43-62. |
Riot, Thomas (2011) | |
Sport et mouvements de jeunesse dans l'émancipation politique du Rwanda colonial: histoire d'une libération imaginée (1935-1961) | |
Ph.D. dissertation (2011-03-15). Strasbourg: Université de Strasbourg, Faculté des Sciences du sport, École Doctorale Sciences de l'Homme et des sociétés. 619p. |
Kinyeki, Stanley (2010) | |
Y'sdom in Africa: a personal journey | |
Eldoret: Zapf Chancery. 424p. |
Kruis, Marieke (2010) | |
Islamic pathways: Islamic youth associations and Muslim identity formation in Bamako, Mali | |
Leiden: African Studies Centre. 174p. |
Touo, Herman (2010) | |
African youth and globalization: the experience of Ethics Club in the process of socio-political integration of the youth in Cameroon | |
African Anthropologist. Volume 17 #1-2. p. 1-39. |
Anthony III, David Henry (2009) | |
Max Yergan, Marxism end mission during the interwar era | |
Social Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions. Volume 22 #2. p. 257-291. |
Babo, Alfred (2009) | |
Faillite de l'État et administration de l'espace public politique par les 'jeunes patriotes' en Côte d'Ivoire | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 34 #3-4. p. 27-45. |
Bancel, Nicolas (2009) | |
Scoutisme catholique contre scoutisme laïc? Les activités physiques dans le développement comparé de deux mouvements de jeunesse en AOF (1947-1960) | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 97 #364-365. p. 143-161. |
Billaud, Anthony (2009) | |
Négociation et reconfiguration des pouvoirs locaux: la cas de la ville de Yoff au Sénégal | |
Afrique contemporaine. #230. p. 169-185. |
Domingos, Nuno (2009) | |
As políticas desportivas do estado colonial em Moçambique | |
Lusotopie. Volume 16 #2. p. 83-104. |
Thiaw, Rama (ed.) (2009) | |
Boul Fallé, la voie de la lutte | |
Paris: Docnet films. |
Human Rights Watch, New York, NY (2008) | |
'The best school': student violence, impunity, and the crisis in Côte d'Ivoire | |
New York, NY: Human Rights Watch (HRW). 98p. |
Krenÿéceyová, Michaela (2008) | |
'I don't know what's wrong with us girls' - von Gender under 'Empowerment': Deutungen und Implikationen eines entwicklungspolitischen Schlagwortes in Nairobi | |
Stichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 8 #15. p. 1-29. |
Baller, Susann (2007) | |
Youth, theatre and sports: creating 'conscious' citizens within the Senegalese 'nawetaan' movement | |
Africa Insight. Volume 37 #3. p. 376-387. |
Banegas, Richard (2007) | |
Côte d'Ivoire: les jeunes 'se lèvent en hommes': anticolonialisme et ultranationalisme chez les Jeunes patriotes d'Abidjan | |
Paris: CERI-Sciences Po. Les Études du CERI #137. |
Fokwang, Jude (2007) | |
Youth involvement in civil society in Cameroon since 1990 | |
Africa Insight. Volume 37 #3. p. 308-326. |
Lei Sparre, Sara; Juul Petersen, Marie (2007) | |
Islam and civil society: case studies from Jordan and Egypt | |
Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). DIIS report; 2007:13. 116p. |
Mchakulu, Japhet Ezra July (2007) | |
Youth Participation in Radio Listening Clubs in Malawi | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 33 #2. June. p. 251-265. |
Muhula, Raymond (2007) | |
Youth and politics in Kenya: promise or peril? | |
Africa Insight. Volume 37 #3. p. 362-375. |
Traoré, Badara Alou (2007) | |
Politiques et mouvements de jeunesse en Afrique noire francophone: le cas du Mali | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Points de vue. 135p. |
Asante, Richard (2006) | |
Youth responses to the HIV/AIDS crisis: a case study of New Juaben municipality, Ghana | |
Research Review. Volume 22 #2. p. 77-91. |
Brennan, James R. (2006) | |
Youth, the TANU Youth League and Managed Vigilantism in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1925-1973 | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 76 #2. p. 221-246. |
Darkwah, Akosua K.; Arthur, Alexina (2006) | |
(A)sexualizing Ghanaian youth? A case study of Virgin Clubs in Accra and Kumasi | |
Ghana Studies. Volume 9. p. 123-149. |
Ifeka, Caroline (2006) | |
Youth Cultures and the Fetishization of Violence in Nigeria | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 33 #110. December. p. 721-736. |
Kagwanja, Peter Mwangi (2006) | |
'Power to Uhuru': Youth Identity and Generational Politics in Kenya's 2002 Elections | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 105 #418. January. p. 51-75. |
Adebanwi, Wale (2005) | |
The Carpenter's Revolt: Youth, Violence and the Reinvention of Culture in Nigeria | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 43 #3. September. p. 339-365. |
Augé, Axel (2005) | |
Jeunes, jeunesse et intégration des élites politiques au Gabon: la place des trajectoires sociales individuelles | |
Afrique contemporaine. #213. p. 197-215. |
Burgess, Thomas (2005) | |
The Young Pioneers and the Rituals of Citizenship in Revolutionary Zanzibar | |
Africa Today. Volume 51 #3. Spring. p. 3-29. |
Parsons, Timothy H. (2005) | |
No More English Than the Postal System: The Kenya Boy Scout Movement and the Transfer of Power | |
Africa Today. Volume 51 #3. Spring. p. 61-80. |
Wesonga, Pamela W.; Akong'a, Joshua J.; Musebe, Richard O. (2005) | |
Constraints facing youth groups in their endeavour to reduce poverty in Mathare slum, Nairobi | |
Mila: a Journal of the Institute of African Studies. Volume 6. p. 51-63. |
Ignatowski, Clare A. (2004) | |
Making Ethnic Elites: Ritual Poetics in a Cameroonian Lycée | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 74 #3. p. 411-432. |
Mamman, M. (2004) | |
Urban youth violence as a threat to urban security and governance in Nigeria | |
Savanna: A Journal of the Environmental and Social Sciences. Volume 19 #1. p. 87-101. |
Nolte, Insa (2004) | |
Identity and Violence: The Politics of Youth in Ijebu-Remo, Nigeria | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 42 #1. March. p. 61-89. |
Röschenthaler, Ute (2004) | |
Neuheit, bricolage oder Plagiat? Zur Entstehung neuer Tanzbünde im Cross River-Gebiet (im Südwesten Kameruns und Südosten Nigerias) | |
Paideuma. Volume 50. p. 193-223. |
Fokwang, Jude (2003) | |
Ambiguous Transitions: Mediating Citizenship among Youths in Cameroon | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 28 #1-2. p. 173-201. |
Gore, Charles; Pratten, David (2003) | |
The Politics of Plunder: The Rhetorics of Order and Disorder in Southern Nigeria | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 102 #407. April. p. 211-240. |
Konate, Yacouba (2003) | |
Les enfants de la balle: de la Fesci aux mouvements de patriotes | |
Politique africaine. #89. p. 49-70. |
Abdullah, Ibrahim (2002) | |
Youth, Culture and Rebellion: Understanding Sierra Leone's Wasted Decade | |
Critical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 16 #2. p. 19-37. |
Korevaar, Meindert (2002) | |
Musa Molloh: voetbal, jongerenorganisatie en maraboutisme in een Gambiaans dorp | |
doctoraalscriptie. Universiteit Leiden. 108p. |
Wrzesi'nska, Alicja (2002) | |
L'enfance africaine face aux réalités du monde contemporain (le cas de la République démocratique du Congo) | |
Africana Bulletin. #50. p. 227-247. |
Hair, Paul E.H. (2001) | |
The Cowboys: A Nigerian Acculturative Institution (ca. 1950) | |
History in Africa. Volume 28. p. 83-93. |
Havard, Jean-François (2001) | |
Éthos 'bul faale' et nouvelles figures de la réussite au Sénégal | |
Politique africaine. #82. p. 63-77. |
Aouimeur, Mouloud (2000) | |
Jeunesse et politique dans l'Algérie des années 30: la Fédération des Jeunesses Socialistes d'Alger 1932-1939 | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 27 #99-100. p. 237-253. |
Malan, S.F. (2000) | |
'n 'Echt Vrijstaatsche Vereeniging': die Jongelings Redeneering en Schietoefening Vereeniging van die Oranje-Vrystaat, 1887-1899 | |
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 40 #4. p. 297-305. |
Maupeu, Hervé (2000) | |
Vie et mort d'un groupe de pression électoral: l'exemple de 'Youth for Kanu '92' au Kenya | |
L'Afrique orientale. p. 395-421. |
Aouimeur, Mouloud (1999) | |
Le mouvement des jeunesses socialistes dans l'Est algérien dans les années 30 | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 26 #93-94. p. 11-23. |
Burgess, Thomas (1999) | |
Remembering Youth: Generation in Revolutionary Zanzibar | |
Africa Today. Volume 46 #2. p. 29-50. |
Lentz, Carola (1999) | |
Youth associations und Ethnizität in Nordghana | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 34 #3. p. 305-320. |
Onana, Janvier (1999) | |
Entrées en politique: voies promotionnelles de l'apprentissage et de l'insertion politiques 'indigènes' dans l'État colonial au Cameroun - l'expérience de la Jeucafra | |
Polis: revue camerounaise de science politique. Volume 7. p. 89-111. |
Sekfali, Abderrahim (1999) | |
Le Rachidi (1911-1914) journal de Djidjelli (Jijel) bastion du Mouvement jeune algérien | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 26 #95-96. p. 345-381. |
Tshimanga, Charles (1999) | |
Scoutisme et formation de l'élite au Congo-Kinshasa, 1920-1960 | |
Congo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 39 #333. p. 161-175. |
Mager, Anne (1998) | |
Youth Organisations and the Construction of Masculine Identities in the Ciskei and Transkei, 1945-1960 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 24 #4. December. p. 653-667. |
Meshack, S.C. (1998) | |
Misguided policies: the Moi regime has either ignored and neglected or is deliberately frustrating the Kenyan youth | |
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). July 12. p. 4-5. |
Williams, G.; Ng'ang'a, L.; Ngugi, J. (1998) | |
Youth-led responses to HIV and AIDS in Kenya | |
Wajibu. Volume 13 #4. p. 2-5. |
Abdullah, Ibrahim; Bangura, Yusuf; Blake, C.; Gberie, Lansana; Johnson, L.; Kallon, K.; Kemokai, S.; Muana, Patrick K.; Rashid, Ishmail; Zack-Williams, A. (1997) | |
Lumpen Youth Culture and Political Violence: Sierra Leoneans Debate the RUF and the Civil War | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 22 #3-4. p. 171-215. |
Amairia, Hafnaoui (1997) | |
Élite tunisienne et révolution française de Khaireddine au 'Jeunes Tunisiens' | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 24 #87-88. p. 253-263. |
Ihaddaden, Zahir (1996) | |
Aux origines du mouvement 'Jeunes Algériens': le journal 'El-Hack' d'Annaba (Bône) | |
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 23 #81-82. p. 401-412. |
Toulabor, Comi M. (1996) | |
Jeunes, violence et démocratisation au Togo | |
Afrique contemporaine. #180. p. 116-125. |
Beckerleg, Susan (1995) | |
'Brown sugar' or Friday prayers: youth choices and community building in coastal Kenya | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 94 #374. January. p. 23-38. |
Tayob, Abdulkader I. (1995) | |
Islamic resurgence in South Africa: the Muslim Youth Movement | |
Cape Town: UCT Press. 211p. |
Titos, A. (1995) | |
1 conferência do Conselho Nacional da Juventude: quando, onde e como realizar? | |
Tempo. #1296. 22 de outubro. p. 10-15. |
Wrzesi'nska, Alicja (1995) | |
La jeunesse africaine et les transformations socio-culturelles en Afrique noire (le cas du Zaïre) | |
Africana Bulletin. #43. p. 65-73. |
Møller, Valerie; Mthembu, Theresa; Richards, Robin (1994) | |
The Role of Informal Clubs in Youth Development: A South African Case Study | |
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 9 #2. p. 5-29. |
Kessel, Ineke van (1993) | |
'From Confusion to Lusaka': The Youth Revolt in Sekhukhuneland | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 19 #4. December. p. 593-614. |
Almeida-Topor, Hélène d' (ed.) (1992) | |
Les jeunes en Afrique. Tome 1: Évolution et rôle (XIXe-XXe siècles) | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 571p. |
Chidothi, C. (1992) | |
The youth's response to God's call to love one another: Organized Working Youth Communities in Malawi | |
AFER. Volume 34 #2. April. p. 79-94. |
Elias, A. (1992) | |
Para superar diferencas entre juventude e OJM | |
Tempo. #1148. November 22. p. 4-6. |
Elias, A. (1992) | |
A proposito da juventude | |
Tempo. #1147. November 15. p. 4-6. |
Elias, A. (1992) | |
Para dar contributo à democracia | |
Tempo. #1111. 2 de fev.. p. 10-11. |
Gitau, L.G. (1992) | |
Like father, like son | |
Society (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 2 #5. March 30. p. 23-24. |
Gitau, L.G. (1992) | |
Party militia | |
Society (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 2 #3. March 9. p. 25-27. |
Kessel, I. van (1992) | |
La révolte de la jeunesse dans le Sekhukhuneland | |
Politique africaine. #48. p. 33-46. |
Kiangu Sindani (1992) | |
Pour une décennie '90' à visage humain | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 32 #269. novembre. p. 523-528. |
Mungala, A.; Kiangu Sindani (1992) | |
Les enfants en situation difficile | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 32 #269. novembre. p. 529-535. |
Naidoo, Kumi (1992) | |
The Politics of Youth Resistance in the 1980s: The Dilemmas of a Differentiated Durban | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 18 #1. March. p. 143-165. |
Zakari, Maikorema (1992) | |
Permanences et mutations des anciennes formes d'organisation de jeunesse: le cas de la 'samariya' au Niger | |
In: Les jeunes en Afrique. Tome 1: Évolution et rôle (XIXe-XXe siècles). p. 225-237. |
Carter, Charles (1991) | |
'We are the Progressives': Alexandra Youth Congress Activists and the Freedom Charter, 1983-1985 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 17 #2. June. p. 197-220. |
Elias, A. (1991) | |
Fala a juventude | |
Tempo. #1081. 30 de junho. p. 9-11. |
Elias, A. (1991) | |
OJM: no virar de página | |
Tempo. #1080. 23 de junho. p. 12-13. |
Elias, A. (1991) | |
OJM, uma outra estructuração | |
Tempo. #1077. 2 de junho. p. 10-11. |
Elias, A. (1991) | |
Chegou o turno da OJM | |
Tempo. #1076. 26 de maio. p. 15-17. |
Godding, J.P. (1991) | |
La jeunesse rurale face é l'avenir | |
Dialogue (Kigali, Rwanda). #149. November-déc.. p. 47-52. |
Oloyede, Ishaq O. (1987) | |
The Council of Muslim Youth Organizations of Oyo State in Nigeria: Origins and Objectives | |
Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 8 #2. July. p. 378-386. |
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Found: 125 | Record 1-100 |
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