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Search: su=Zande | ||||||||
Found: 35 | Record 1-35 |
Allen, Tim (2007) | |
Witchcraft, sexuality and HIV/AIDS among the Azande of Sudan | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 1 #3. p. 359-396. |
Schmidt, Burghart; Schulte, Rolf (eds.) (2007) | |
Hexenglauben im modernen Afrika: Hexen, Hexenverfolgung und magische Vorstellungswelten = Witchcraft in modern Africa: witches, witch-hunts and magical imaginaries | |
Hamburg: DOBU, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Dokumentation & Buch. Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises für historische Hexen- und Kriminalitätsforschung in Norddeutschland #5. 255p. |
Ivanov, Paola (2002) | |
Cannibals, Warriors, Conquerors, and Colonizers: Western Perceptions and Azande Historiography | |
History in Africa. Volume 29. p. 89-217. |
Szafra'nski, Adam A. (1999) | |
The reality of magic among the Azande, the Jawanese and Tunisians in the context of social justice | |
Hemispheres: Studies on Cultures and Societies. #14. p. 83-91. |
Salmon, Pierre (1998) | |
De l'ethnie zande à la nation congolaise: un parcours tourmenté vers la démocratie | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 44 #4. p. 567-581. |
Modawi, Osman (1987) | |
The problem of infertility in western Equatoria | |
In: Family life in Sudan. p. 126-148. |
Pénel, Jean-Dominique (1982) | |
Homo caudatus: les hommes à queue d'Afrique Centrale: un avatar de l'imaginaire occidental | |
Paris: SELAF. Langues et civilisations à tradition orale #49. 232p. |
Singer, André; Ryle, John (eds.) (1981) | |
Witchcraft among the Azande | |
London: The Royal Anthropological Institute. |
Kandert, Josef (1978) | |
Zande | |
In: The Early State. p. 511-529. |
Lloyd, David Tyrrell (1978) | |
Introduction a l'histoire economique des Azande-Avongara de la region Nil-Zaïre d'Afrique Centrale | |
Les cahiers du CEDAF. #7. p. 1-35. |
Piaggia, Carlo; Bassani, Ezio (1978) | |
Nella terra dei niam-niam (1863-1865): da i Viaggi di Carlo Piaggia nell'Africa centrale | |
Lucca: M. Pacini Fazzi. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1977) | |
Witchcraft, oracles, and magic among the Azande | |
Oxford: Clarendon Press. 558p. |
Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1974) | |
Man and woman among the Azande | |
New York: Free Press. 197p. |
Mair, L. (1974) | |
Witchcraft and oracles: the Azande | |
In: African societies. p. 218-231. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1973) | |
Some Zande Texts on Vengeance for Death | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 43 #3. July. p. 236-243. |
Onwubuemeli, Emeka (1972) | |
Early Zande History | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 53. p. 36-65. |
Salmon, P. (1971) | |
Les Zande sous l'administration Belge (1908 - 1960) | |
Comptes rendus trimestriels des séances de l'Académie des Sciences d'Outre-mer. Volume 31. p. 90-130. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1970) | |
Plaints: a Zande text | |
African Studies. Volume 29 #3. p. 201-205. |
Gero, #F.# (197*) | |
Cannibalism in Zandeland: truth and falsehood: the civilisation of the Zande princes | |
Bologna: Editrice Missionaria Italiana. Museum Combonianum. 237p. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1969) | |
Zande Notions about Death, Soul, and Ghost | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 50. p. 41-52. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1967) | |
Some Zande Texts about Family and Kin | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 48. p. 99-110. |
Gero, #F.# (1966) | |
La superstizione Zande | |
Bologna: Editrice Nigrizia. Museum Combonianum #18. 301p. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1965) | |
Social character of bride-wealth, with special reference to the Azande | |
In: The position of women in primitive societies and other essays in social anthropology. p. 181-187. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1965) | |
The Zande state | |
In: The position of women in primitive societies and other essays in social anthropology. p. 102-132. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1965) | |
The dance | |
In: The position of women in primitive societies and other essays in social anthropology. p. 165-180. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1965) | |
Zande cannibalism | |
In: The position of women in primitive societies and other essays in social anthropology. p. 133-164. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1965) | |
A final Contribution to the Study of Zande Culture | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 35 #1. p. 1-7. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1963) | |
Some Zande Folktales-1 | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 44. p. 43-68. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1963) | |
A further contribution to the study of Zande culture | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 33 #3. p. 183-197. |
Leynaud, E. (1963) | |
Ligwa, un village Zande de la R.C.A. | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 3 #11. p. 318-390. |
Wyld, J.W.G. (1961) | |
The recollections of two Zande chiefs | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 42. p. 127-131. |
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. (1958) | |
An historical introduction to a study of Zande society | |
African Studies. Volume 17 #1. p. 1-15. |
Giorgetti, Filiberto (1957) | |
Musica Africana: sua tecnica e acustica | |
Bologna: Nigrizia. Museum Combonianum #10. 128p. |
Baxter, P.T.W.; Butt, Audrey (1953) | |
The Azande and related peoples of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Belgian Congo | |
London: International African Institute. Ethnographic survey of Africa, East Central Africa. 152p. |
Leitch, T.A.T. (19**) | |
Zande background | |
101p. |
Search: su=Zande | ||||||||
Found: 35 | Record 1-35 |
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