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Search: su=dissertations
Found: 15 Record 1-15

Periodical articleOcholla, Dennis N.; Rotich, Daniel C. (2016)
Visibility of University of Zululand and Moi University researchers in Web of Science and Scopus from 2003 to 2013
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 26 #1. p. 3-15.

Periodical articleSalawu, Abiodun (2016)
See this publicationA survey of research foci and paradigms in media and communication Master's dissertations and doctoral theses in South Africa
Abstract presentCommunicatio: South African journal for communication theory and research. Volume 42 #1. p. 136-154.

Periodical articleStrebel, Anna; Shefer, Tamara (2016)
See this publicationExperiences of mentorship with academic staff doctoral candidates at a South African university
Africa Education Review. Volume 13 #1. p. 150-163.

Periodical articleRossi, Pier Luigi; Thiaw, Anastasie (2012)
Log analysis and text mining on internet access to dissertations of the INSEPS (Institut National Superieur de l'Education Populaire et du Sport) Dakar, Senegal
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #118. p. 79-90.

BookGerdes, Paulus (2011)
Teses de doutoramento de Moçambicanos ou sobre Moçambique
Maputo: Academia de Ciências de Moçambique. 177p.

BookUniversity of Zimbabwe (2011)
See this publicationHandbook of research publications 2000 to 2010: first edition supplement
Mount Pleasant: University of Zimbabwe Publications. 35p.

BookUniversity of Zimbabwe (2010)
See this publicationHandbook of research publications 2000 to 2010
Mount Pleasant: University of Zimbabwe Publications. 97p.

BookVédrine, Emmanuel W. (2005)
See this publicationCabo Verde: a bibliography of theses and dissertations related to Cape Verde

BookBoateng, Akosua Boatema (2003)
African culture in the global marketplace: the case of folklore and intellectual property in Ghana
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 273p.

BookUniversity of Dar es Salaam (200*)
Directorate of postgraduate studies: theses and dissertations abstracts 2002-2003
Dar es Salaam: University of Dar es Salaam. 220p.

BookBurgat, Marie; Bruchet, Danièle; Quilès, Jacqueline (eds.) (1989)
Le monde arabe et musulman au miroir de l'Université française: répertoire des thèses soutenues dans les Universités françaises, en Sciences de l'Homme et de la Societé, sur le monde arabe et musulman (1973-1987)
Abstract presentAix-en-Provence: I.R.E.M.A.M.. Travaux et documents de l'I.R.E.M.A.M #10. 186p.

BookAnonymous (1983)
List of thesis and publications of the Institute of African and Asian Studies: 10th anniversary 1972-1982
Abstract presentKhartoum: University of Khartoum. 53p.

BookSluglett, Peter (1983)
Theses on Islam, the Middle East and North-West Africa 1880-1978: accepted by universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland
Abstract presentLondon: Mansell. 147p.

BookAhmed, Osman Hassan (ed.) (1982)
Sudan & Sudanese: a bibliography of American and Canadian dissertations & theses on the Sudan
Washington, DC: Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan. Sudanese publication series #9. 153p.

BookHamza, Mayouna Mirghani (ed.) (1966)
Theses on the Sudan and by Sudanese accepted for higher degrees
Abstract presentKhartoum: University of Khartoum. 63p.

Search: su=dissertations
Found: 15 Record 1-15

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