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Search: su=pilgrimage
Found: 42 Record 1-42

Book chapterLeBlanc, Marie Nathalie (2005)
Hadj et changements identitaires: les jeunes musulmans d'Abidjan et de Bouaké, en Côte d'Ivoire, dans les années 1990
In: L'Islam politique au sud du Sahara: identités, discours et enjeux. p. 131-157.

Book chapterBianchi, R.R. (2004)
Nigeria: 'One nation, under God'
Abstract presentIn: Bianchi, R.R. (ed.), Guests of God: Pilgrimage and politics in the Islamic world. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 211-253.

BookMbacké, Khadim (2004)
Le pèlerinage aux lieux saints de l'islam: participation sénégalaise, 1886-1986
Dakar: Presses universitaires de Dakar. 455p.

Dissertation / thesisOubda, M. (2002)
Le hadj et son organisation au Burkina Faso de 1960-2002
mémoire de maîtrise. Université de Ouagadougou. 137p.

Periodical articleBava, Sophie; Guèye, Cheikh (2001)
See this publicationLe grand magal de Touba: exil prophétique, migration et pèlerinage au sein du mouridisme
Social Compass. Volume 48 #3. p. 421-438.

Periodical articleCooper, Barbara M. (1999)
The strength in the song: Muslim personhood, audible capital and Hausa women's performance of the hajj
Social Text. Volume 17 #60. p. 1-23.

Periodical articleO'Brien, Susan (1999)
See this publicationPilgrimage, Power, and Identity: The Role of the Hajj in the Lives of Nigerian Hausa Bori Adepts
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 46 #3-4. Summer/Fall. p. 11-40.

Book chapterClaudot-Hawad, H. (1996)
Ordre sacré et ordre politique chez les Touaregs de l'Aïr: l'exemple du pèlerinage aux lieux saints
In: L'islam pluriel au Maghreb. p. 223-239.

BookAli, Sidi H. (1995)
Hajj '95: A classic case of official corruption & cover up
Abstract present49p.

BookBawa Yamba, C. (1995)
Permanent pilgrims: the role of pilgrimage in the lives of West African Muslims in Sudan
Abstract presentEdinburgh: Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute. International African library #15. 237p.

Periodical articleDelmet, C. (1994)
See this publicationSur la route du pèlerinage: les Peuls au Soudan
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 34 #133-135. p. 473-481.

Book chapterFerme, M.C. (1994)
What 'Alhaji Airplane' saw in Mecca, and what happened when he came home: Ritual transformation in a Mende community (Sierra Leone)
In: Stewart, C.; Shaw, R. (eds.), Syncretism/anti-syncretism: The politics of religious synthesis. London: Routledge. p. 27-44.

Periodical articleDuc, Juliette Van (1993)
See this publicationQuelques aperçus relatifs aux pèlerins de la Mecque: le cas des Voltaïques-Burkinabe
Abstract presentPaideuma. Volume 39. p. 135-144.

Book chapterReveyrand, O. (1993)
Les énoncés féminins de l'islam
In: Religion et modernité politique en Afrique noire: Dieu pour tous et chacun pour soi. p. 63-100.

BookGrégoire, E. (1992)
The Alhazai of Maradi: Traditional Hausa merchants in a changing Sahelian city
Abstract presentBoulder: Lynne Rienner. 185p.

Book chapterThayer, J.S. (1992)
Pilgrimage and its influence on West African Islam
In: Morinis, Alan (ed.), Sacred journeys: The anthropology of pilgrimage. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. #7. p. 169-187.

Dissertation / thesisMbacké, Khadim (1991)
Le pèlerinage à la Mecque: le cas du Sénégal, 1886-1986
thèse de doctorat d'Etat. Université Cheick Anta Diop de Dakar. 656p.

Periodical articleTangban, O.E. (1991)
See this publicationThe hajj and the Nigerian economy 1960-1981
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 21 #3. August. p. 241-255.

Periodical articleVan Duc, J. (1991)
Le pèlerinage des Voltaiques/Burkinabe aux lieux saints de l'Islam, passe-present
Islam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #5. p. 165-177.

Dissertation / thesisHaïdara, I. (1988)
L'Islam en Côte-d'Ivoire et les pèlerins ivoiriens jusqu'en 1986
thèse de doctorat d'état, ès-lettres et sciences humaines. Paris: EHESS. 2 volsp.

Periodical articleLoimeier, Roman (1988)
Das 'Nigerian Pilgrimage Scheme': zum Versuch, den Hagg in Nigeria zu organisieren
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 23 #2. p. 201-214.

Dissertation / thesisVan Duc, J. (1988)
Le pèlerinage des Voltaïques-Burkinabe aux lieux saints de l'islam, passé-présent
thèse de doctorat d'Etat. université Paris I. 963p.

Dissertation / thesisDanfuloti, Y.A. (1987)
An historical study of hajj administration in Northern Nigeria: 1954-1966
master thesis. The American University in Cairo.

Book chapterBugaje, U.M. (1986)
Nigerian government's hajj policy
In: Khan, Z.; Zaki, Y. (eds.), Hajj in focus. London: Open Press. p. 111-123.

BookGrégoire, Emmanuel (1986)
Les Alhazai de Maradi, Niger: histoire d'un groupe de riches marchands sahéliens
Abstract presentParis: Editions de l'ORSTOM. Travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM #187. 228p.

Book chapterHino, Shun'ya (1986)
Pilgrimage and migration of the West African Muslims: A case study of the Fellata people in the Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Sudan Sahel studies: vol. II. p. 15-109.

Book chapterKani, A.M. (1986)
Pilgrimage in time-perspective: The West African experience
In: Zafarul-Islam, K.h.a.n.; Zaki, Y. (eds.), Hajj in focus. London: Open Press. p. 89-111.

Periodical articleAmmah, Rabiatu (1984)
New Light on Muslim Statistics for Africa
Abstract presentBulletin on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa. Volume 2 #1. January. p. 11-20.

Dissertation / thesisBuba, A. (1984)
Hajj operation in Nigeria: A case study of its impact, problems and solutions
master thesis, department of Islamic Studies. Bayero University Kano.

Dissertation / thesisOloso, K.K. (1984)
Hajj and its operations in Nigeria, 1954-1980
Ph.D. dissertation. University of Ibadan.

Book chapterMedugbon, A.K. (1982)
The Nigerian pilgrimage to Mecca
Abstract presentIn: Redistribution of population in Africa. p. 117-123.

Periodical articleHickey, Joseph V.; Thompson, William E. (1981)
Politics and the Emergence of Alhajis among the Bokkos Fulani
Journal of Asian and African Studies. Volume 16 #3-4. July-October. p. 212-222.

Conference paperHickey, J.V. (1980)
Political change and the emergence of Alhajis among the Bokkos Fulan
Abstract presentAnnual meeting of the African Studies Association (23; 15-18 October 1980; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Waltham, MA: African Studies Association. 16p.

BookBirks, J.S. (1978)
Across the savannas to Mecca: the overland pilgrimage route from West Africa
Abstract presentLondon: Hurst. 161p.

BookJakande, L.K. (1978)
1977 Hajj reports
Lagos: John West Publications. 19p.

Dissertation / thesisKane, K. (1978)
Le pèlerinage des Maliens aux lieux saints de l'Islam
mémoire de fin d'études. ENA, Bamako.

Periodical articleBirks, J. Stace (1977)
See this publicationThe Mecca pilgrimage by West African pastoral nomads
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 15 #1. March. p. 47-58.

Periodical articleBirks, J.S. (1977)
See this publicationOverland pilgrimage from West Africa to Mecca: Anachronism or fashion?
Geography. Volume 62 #3. July. p. 215-217.

BookWorks, J.A. (1976)
Pilgrims in a strange land: Hausa communities in Chad
Abstract presentNew York: Columbia University Press. 280p.

Book chapterBirks, J.S. (1975)
Overland pilgrimage in the savanna lands of Africa
Abstract presentIn: People on the move, studies on internal migration. p. 297-308.

Periodical articleMoreau, R.L. (1967)
Note sur le pèlerinage à la Mecque vécu au Sénégal aujourd'hui
Mélanges (Institut Dominicain d'Études Orientales du Caire). Volume 9. p. 215-220.

Periodical articleGouilly, A. (1964)
Le pèlerinage à la Mecque
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 18 #juin. p. 5-13.

Search: su=pilgrimage
Found: 42 Record 1-42

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