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Search: su=Africa--Civilization
Found: 5 Record 1-5

Periodical articleLauer, H. (2006)
Can an 'Africentric' paradigm be the basis for solving Ghana's social and economic problems?
Legon Journal of the Humanities. Volume special ed.. p. 73-87.

Periodical articleSenghor, L.S. (2006)
Les noirs dans l'antiquité Méditerranéenne
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #spécial. 1er semestre. p. 119-146.

Periodical articleKuria, M. (2005)
Being African in the 21st Century
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. June. p. 41-58.

Periodical articleAkhigbe, D. (2002)
Africa in the museum
Chiedza (Harare, Zimbabwe). Volume 5 #1. May. p. 17-23.

Periodical articleMutero, L.M. (2002)
African renaissance: recovery of an African identity?
Chiedza (Harare, Zimbabwe). Volume 5 #1. May. p. 11-16.

Search: su=Africa--Civilization
Found: 5 Record 1-5

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