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Search: su=Arachis hypogaea
Found: 66 Record 1-66

Periodical articleMugisha, J.; Ekiyar, V.; Kiiza, B.; Ogwal-O, R. (2006)
Comparative analysis of pest management technologies in cowpea and groundnut in eastern Uganda
Makerere University Research Journal. Volume 1. March. p. 37-47.

Periodical articleEdriss, A. (2005)
Gender differential in groundnut productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Lilongwe and Salima adds in central Malawi
Bunda Journal of Agriculture, Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 3 #1. October. p. 29-37.

Periodical articleRadwan, S.M.A. (2005)
Effect of some organic wastes associated with multi-biofertiliser on peanut plants in sandy soil
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 03 of 03. December. p. 1117-1119.

Periodical articleSentumbwe, S.; Mugisha, J.; Kiiza, B.A. (2005)
Household labour resource allocation among cowpea and groundnut producers in eastern Uganda
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 2 of 3. 5-9 Dec.. p. 931-935.

Periodical articleMagino, H.N.; Mugisha, J.; Osiru, D.S.O.; Oruko, O.L. (2004)
Profitability of sorghum-legume cropping practices among households in Eastern Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 2. September. p. 688-692.

Periodical articleMugisha, J.; Ogwalo, R.; Ekere, W.; Ekiyar, V. (2004)
See this publicationAdoption of IPM groundnut production technologies in Eastern Uganda
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 12 #4. December. p. 383-391.

Periodical articleTino, G. (2004)
Farmer led multiplication of rosette resistant groundnut varieties
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 2. September. p. 578-582.

Periodical articleAboagye, L.M. (2003)
Evaluation of genetic resources enhancement in some legume landraces in Ghana
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 5 #2. p. 123-131.

Periodical articleEkiyar, V.; Mugisha, J.; Kiiza, B.; Ogwal, R. (2003)
An economic assessment of cowpea and groundnut IPM production technologies used by farmers in Eastern Uganda
MUARIK Bulletin. Volume 6. p. 21-29.

Periodical articleObasi, M.O.; Agbatse, A. (2003)
See this publicationEvaluation of nutritive value and some functional properties of kerstings groundnut seeds for optimum utilisation as a food and feed resource
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 68 #3-4. January-April. p. 173-181.

Periodical articleEdriss, A.-K.; Simtowe, F. (2002)
See this publicationTechnical efficiency in groundnut production in Malawi: an application of a frontier production function
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 6 #1. June. p. 45-50.

Periodical articleKapewa, T.; Chiyembekeza, A.J.; Subrahmanyam, P.; Vander Merwe, P.J.A. (2002)
Performance of long and short duration of rosette resistant groundnut genotypes in Malawi
Malawi Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 1 #1. December. p. 1-8.

Periodical articleMkandawire, F.L.; Sibuga, K.P. (2002)
See this publicationYield response of bambara groundnut to plant population and seedbed type
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 10 #1. March. p. 39-49.

Periodical articleSubrahmanyam, P.; Vander Merwe, P.J.A.; Chiyembekeza, A.J.; Chandra, S. (2002)
See this publicationIntegrated management of groundnut rosette disease
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 10 #1. March. p. 99-110.

Periodical articleAboagye, L.M.; Bennett-Lartey, S.O. (2001)
See this publicationCharacterization and preliminary evaluation of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm in Ghana
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 3 #1. p. 11-16.

Periodical articleAgbaje, G.O.; Oyekan, P.O. (2001)
See this publicationYield and stability of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties in the derived savanna areas of South-western Nigeria
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 34. p. 15-20.

Periodical articleNtare, B.R.; Olorunju, P.E. (2001)
See this publicationVariation in yield and resistance to groundnut rosette disease in early-and medium-maturing groundnut genotypes in Nigeria
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 9 #2. June. p. 451-461.

Periodical articleUmeh, V.C.; Waliyar, F.; Traoré, S.; Chaibou, I.M.; Omar, B.; Detognon, J. (2001)
Farmers' opinions and influence of cultural practices on soil pest damage to groundnut in West Africa
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 21 #3. July-September. p. 257-265.

Periodical articleUmeh, V.C.; Youm, O.; Waliyar, F. (2001)
See this publicationSoil pests of groundnut in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 21 #1. January-March. p. 23-32.

Periodical articleAkromah, R. (2000)
Phosphoglucose isomerase polymorphism in cultivated groundnut (arachis hypogaea L.) and some of its wild relatives in section arachis
Journal of Applied Science & Technology. Volume 5 #1-2. December. p. 129-141.

Periodical articleDanquah, E.Y.; Blay, E.T.; Bosompem, K.M.; Fosu-Nyarko, J.; Dosoogla, J. (2000)
See this publicationIsozyme and storage protein plymorphisms in seventeen accessions of groundnuts (arachis hypogaea L.)
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 2 #2. p. 23-30.

Periodical articleDanquah, E.Y.; Blay, E.T.; Fosu-Nyarko, J. (2000)
See this publicationMorphological, agronomic, and isozyme characterization of some accessions of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 33. p. 43-53.

Periodical articleKaaya, A.N.; Warren, H.L.; Adipala, E. (2000)
Moulds and aflatoxin contamination of maize and goundnuts in Mayuge and Kumi Districts of Uganda
MUARIK Bulletin. Volume 3. p. 33-41.

Periodical articleMarfo, K.O.; Padi, F. (2000)
See this publicationEvaluating groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed yield determinants in Northern Ghana: a breeding perspective
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 33. p. 23-28.

Periodical articleMloza-Banda, H.R. (2000)
See this publicationEffect of cropping practices on weed species composition in a groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) crop in Central Malawi
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 4 #1. July. p. 106-112.

Periodical articleRégine, A.; Coderre, D. (2000)
See this publicationAbondance et diversité des foreurs de tiges et grains dans une biculture maïs-arachide au centre du Cameroun
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 8 #4. December. p. 365-374.

Periodical articleBadifu, G.I.O.; Arene, C.J. (1999)
See this publicationEvaluation of local technologies used in the extraction of oil from groundnut (arachis hypogaea L.) and palm fruit (elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in some parts of Benue and Kogi States of Nigeria
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 11 #1-2. June. p. 51-56.

Periodical articleChikowo, R.; Tagwira, F.; Piha, M. (1999)
See this publicationAgronomic effectiveness of poor quality manure supplemented with phosphate fertiliser on maize and groundnut in a maize-groundnut rotation
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 7 #4. December. p. 383-395.

Periodical articleMadiagne, D.; Mankeur, F.; Yamoah, C.F. (1999)
See this publicationManure and seasonal rainfall effects on millet and groundnut yields in the semi-arid region of Senegal
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 185-193.

Periodical articleMarfo, K.O.; Padi, F. (1999)
See this publicationYield stability of some groundnut accessions in Northern Ghana
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 32. p. 137-144.

Periodical articleMukankusi, C.; Adipala, E.; Kyamanywa, S.; Epieru, G.; Warren, H.L.; Wilson, H.R.; Odeke, V. (1999)
Efficacy and economic benefit of different chemical spray regimes on the management of the major pests and diseases of groundnut in eastern Uganda
African Journal of Plant Protection. Volume 9. December. p. 69-81.

Periodical articleMukankusi, C.; Adipala, E.; Warren, H.L. (1999)
Field resistance of ICRISAT groundnut genotypes to groundnut rosette and cercospora leaf spot diseases in eastern and central Uganda
African Journal of Plant Protection. Volume 9. December. p. 55-68.

Periodical articleMukankusi, C.; Adipala, E.; Kyamanywa, S.; Epieru, G.; Odeke, V.; Warren, H.L.; Wilson, H.R. (1999)
Effect of host genotype, time of planting and spacing on epidemics of groundnut rosette and cercospora leaf spot diseases in eastern Uganda
African Journal of Plant Protection. Volume 9. December. p. 37-53.

Periodical articleNtare, B.R.; Waliyar, F. (1999)
See this publicationGenotype and environmental effects on resistance to late leafspot in groundnut
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 109-115.

Periodical articleUmeh, V.C.; Waliyar, F.; Traoré, S.; Egwurube, E. (1999)
Soil pests of groundnut in West Africa: species diversity, damage and estimation of yield losses
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 19 #2-3. April-Sept.. p. 131-140.

Periodical articleKakuramatsi-Kikafunda, J. (1998)
Changes in the viscosity and energy density of weaning maize porridge on supplementation with groundnut paste and dairy milk
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 3 #1. September. p. 13-20.

Periodical articleKhonga, E.B.; Kaunda, C.C.; Hillocks, R.J. (1998)
Biocontrol of schlerotium rolfsii Sacc. in peanuts (arachis hypogaea L.) by trichoderma harzianum Rifai in Malawi
Malawi Journal of Science & Technology. Volume 4. December. p. 51-62.

Periodical articleNtare, B.R.; Williams, J.H. (1998)
See this publicationHeritability and genotype X environment interaction for yield and components of a yield model in segregating populations of groundnut under semi-arid conditions
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 6 #2. June. p. 119-127.

Periodical articleObasi, M.O. (1998)
Effect of processing on antiphysiological factors and nutritive value in Kerstings groundnut (Kerstingiella Geocarpa Harms.) and Bambara groundnut (vigna Subterrnea (L) verdcourt seeds
Ghana Journal of Science. Volume 38. p. 39-45.

Periodical articleSembene, M; Brizard, J.P.; Delobel, A. (1998)
Allozyme variation among populations of the groundnut seed-beetle, caryedon serratus (Ol.) in Senegal
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 18 #1. January-March. p. 77-86.

Periodical articleTarimo, A.J.P.; Blamey, F.P.C. (1998)
See this publicationEffects of thinning after anthesis on groundnut growth, yield and yield compontents
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 6 #2. June. p. 189-195.

Periodical articleAkwilin Tarimo, J.P. (1997)
See this publicationPhysiological response of groundnut to plant population density
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 5 #3. September. p. 267-272.

Periodical articleChikowo, R.; Tagwira, F.; Piha, M. (1997)
Evaluation of critical nutrients affecting groundnut production in Zimbabwe
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 3 #1. October. p. 571-575.

Periodical articleFontem, D.A.; Iroume, R.N.; Gumedzoe, M.Y.D.; Aloleko, F. (1997)
Effect of some fungicidal treatments on leafspot diseases of groundnut in Cameroon
African Journal of Plant Protection. Volume 7. December. p. 111-120.

Periodical articleGemechu K.; Belay S.; Getinet G. (1997)
Genetic diversity of groundnut germplasm in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 16 #1-2. June-December. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleIsmail, A.S.; El-Haddad, M.E.; Abdel-Wahab, S.M.; Aboel-Soud, A.A. (1997)
Studies on N-fixation by soybean and peanut crops under various soil characteristics, inoculation and N-fertilisation
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 3 #1. October. p. 341-348.

Periodical articleAmare A.; Dawit A.; Mengistu H. (1995)
Mycoflora, aflatoxins, and resistance of groundnut cultivars from eastern Ethiopia
Sinet. Volume 18 #1. June. p. 117-131.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1995)
Comportamento do amendoin em condiçoes de sequeiro
Extra (Maputo, Mozambique). #16. January-April. p. 30-31.

Periodical articleBabu, S.C.; Subrahmanyam, P.; N'gongola, D.N. (1995)
Economic analysis of yield losses due to diseases: a case study of early leaf spot of groundnut in Malawi
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 105-115.

Periodical articleMadeley, J. (1995)
Combating virus diseases of groundnuts
Prosi. #320. September. p. 50-51.

Periodical articleNyakanda, C. (1995)
The influence of elevated carbon dioxide on water use efficiency of the groundnut
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association. Volume 69. p. 24-27.

Periodical articleNyakanda, C.; Mashingaidze, A.B.; Kurambwa, G. (1995)
Effect of maize/groundnut intra-and inter-row spatial arrangements on yield and weed pressure
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association. Volume 69. p. 20-23.

Periodical articleShanower, T.G.; Gutierrez, A.P.; Wightman, J.A. (1995)
Impact of the groundnut leafminer, aproaerema modicella (Deventer) (lepidoptera: gelechiidae) on growth and yield of two groundnut cultivars
Insect Science and its Application. Volume 16 #1. January-March. p. 87-91.

Periodical articleBabu, S.C.; Subrahmanyam, P.; Chiyembekeza, A.J.; Ng'ongola, D. (1994)
Impact of aflatoxin contamination on groundnut exports in Malawi
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 2 #2. June. p. 215-220.

Periodical articleNatarajan, M.; Zharare, G.E. (1994)
Intercropping groundnut with maize and sunflower for enhancing the productivity of groundnut-based cropping on light textured soils in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 32 #1. p. 23-32.

Periodical articleGeurts, P.; Tembe, A.F.; Chaguala, P. (1993)
Phosphorus fertilization of groundnut grown in sandy soils under rainfed conditions in Southern Mozambique
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference of the SADCC-Land and Water Management Research Programme. October 11-14. p. 372-395.

Periodical articleGomes, F. (1992)
Yield response to water of four groundnut cultivars in southern Mozambique
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference of the SADCC-Land and Water Management Research Programme. October 5-7. p. 422-434.

Periodical articleMarshall, F.; Ong, C.; Black, C. (1992)
Tree arrangements affect competition with crops
Agroforestry Today. Volume 4 #4. October-December. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleAllotey, J. (1991)
Development and fecundity of the rice moth Corcyra cephalonica (Pyralidae) on stored maize and groundnut
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 3 #4. December. p. 123-126.

Periodical articleMkhabela, M.S.; Rao, Y.P. (1990)
Performance of some selected ICRISAT groundnut (Arachis hypogea) genotypes in Swaziland
Swaziland Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 11 #1-2. November. p. 1-8.

Periodical articleShumba, E.M.; Bernstein, R.H.; Waddington, S.R. (1990)
Maize and groundnut yield gap analysis for research priority setting in the smallholder sector of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 28 #2. p. 105-113.

Periodical articleChivinge, O.A.; Mpofu, B. (1988)
Persistence of some selected herbicides in semi-arid regions after repeated annual applications
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 26 #1. p. 77-83.

Periodical articleKhaemba, B.M.; Mbogo, C.N.M. (1988)
Search for resistance sources in cowpea against the cowpea aphid in selected cultivars
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 53 #4. April. p. 205-208.

Periodical articleRulangalanga, Z.K.; Banyikwa, F.F. (1988)
Optimal weeding period for groundnuts (Arachis hypogea L.)
Tanzania Journal of Science. Volume 14. p. 14-21.

Periodical articleShumba, E.M.; Chiota, E.G.; Chiteka, Z.A. (1987)
The effect of seed source and previous crop husbandry practices on groundnut seed viability
Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal. Volume 84 #1. January-February. p. 1-3.

Periodical articleShumba, E.M. (1986)
A comparison of maize and groundnut husbandry practices under communal area production
Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal. Volume 83 #4. July-August. p. 137-140.

Search: su=Arachis hypogaea
Found: 66 Record 1-66

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