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Search: su=Belief
Found: 118 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleAbraham A. (2001)
Unfolding universe: science + mysticism = science
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 8 #2. June. p. 107-130.

Periodical articleGallagher, M.P. (2001)
Theories of faith development
Hekima Review. #25. May. p. 41-48.

Periodical articleKubuta-Batinuesa, B.M. (2001)
De l'évasion à l'engagement: vivre le christianisme dans la lucidité
Hekima Review. #25. May. p. 49-59.

Periodical articleMamoudou Djingui (2001)
La magie 'tétue': la persistance de l'incompréhension
Ngaoundere-anthropos. Volume 6. p. 63-98.

Periodical articleObengo, T. (2001)
A moral dilemma
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology. Volume 20 #1. p. 71-83.

Periodical articleZinkuratire, V. (2001)
Method and relevance in African Biblical interpretation
African Christian Studies. Volume 17 #4. December. p. 5-13.

Periodical articleArudo, T.O.; Okello, D.O. (2000)
Socio-Cultural Interpretation to Human Suffering and Misfortune among African Communities
Eastern Africa Journal of Historical and Social Sciences Research. Volume 2 #2. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleKleiner, R. (2000)
Points of contact between Adele beliefs and Christian beliefs
Research Review. #14. June. p. 173-179.

Periodical articleMwale, M. (2000)
Death in Islam
Wajibu. Volume 15 #3. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleWabwire, D. (2000)
The concept of death or dying with dignity
Wajibu. Volume 15 #3. p. 2-3.

Periodical articleKizobo O.-O. (1999-2000)
Le losange chez les Ambuun du Congo-Kinshasa
Likundoli. Histoire et devenir. Volume 2 #1-2. p. 80-87.

Periodical articleKasonga wa Kasonga (1999)
Education chrétienne en terre de mission: quelle place pour le Saint-Esprit?
Revue congolaise de théologie protestante. Volume 13 #13. p. 209-225.

Periodical articleKimanthi, P. (1999)
Making of documentaries: museum film crew encounters traditional beliefs
NMK Horizons. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 20-25.

Periodical articleMapolelo, D.C. (1999)
Review of research on teachers' beliefs about mathematics and its teaching
Mosenodi. Volume 7 #1. p. 21-32.

Periodical articleNyamiti, C. (1999)
The Trinity as source and soul of African family ecclesiology
African Christian Studies. Volume 15 #1. March. p. 34-92.

Periodical articleRakotosoane, L.F.C. (1999)
Land Spiritual Value: The Underlying Cause for Basotho's Objection to Resettlement
Review of Southern African Studies. Volume 3 #1. June. p. 164-176.

Periodical articleRyan, P. (1999)
The basic relationships of the Church
African Christian Studies. Volume 15 #3. September. p. 51-57.

Periodical articleVitta, P.B. (1999)
Witchcraft works? a question
Bulletin (UNESCO. Nairobi Office). Volume 34 #2. July-December. p. 27-30.

Periodical articleDe Haes, R. (1998)
L'identité de la vie consacrée: lecture anthropologique, trinitaire et ecclésiologique de 'vita consecrata'
Revue de spiritualité africaine. Volume 4 #4. November. p. 27-37.

Periodical articleKapumba, N. (1998)
La guérison spirituelle selon Jean-Claude Larchet
Revue de spiritualité africaine. Volume 4 #4. November. p. 73-86.

Periodical articleMusumbi, J.B. (1998)
Au commencement de la vie spirituelle de Christophe
Revue de spiritualité africaine. Volume 4 #4. November. p. 59-72.

Periodical articleMuyengo Mulombe, S. (1998)
Le clonage au crible de la raison humaine et de la foi chrétienne
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 22 #43. avril. p. 91-103.

Periodical articleNyanduruko, M.-J. (1998)
Compte rendu d'un memoire: religion chretienne et guerissage des maladies mentales
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 64 #4. October-déc.. p. 643-646.

Periodical articleNzuzi, B. (1998)
Approches africaines de la sorcellerie
Revue de spiritualité africaine. Volume 4 #4. November. p. 87-106.

Periodical articleChandran, E. (1997)
African indigenous churches
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. January. p. 63-76.

Periodical articleNgundu M. (1997)
L'accompagnement spirituel comme voie de guérison
Revue de spiritualité africaine. Volume 3 #3. juin. p. 25-40.

Periodical articleNiemeyer, L.L. (1997)
Transformational kingdom stewardship: a Christian alternative to development
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. January. p. 77-95.

Periodical articleObonyo, L. (1997)
Integrating faith and scholarship
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. January. p. 20-30.

Periodical articlePrimrose, R.A. (1997)
The Christian liberal arts university in Africa
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. January. p. 7-19.

Periodical articleSatya Sai Baba. (1997)
Pureté, patience et persévérence: les étapes vers la divinité
Bosquet. Volume 4 #23. 1. trimestre. p. 34-43.

Periodical articleUduigwomen, A.F. (1997)
The Christian perspective on the immortality of the soul
Legon Journal of the Humanities. Volume 10. p. 27-41.

Periodical articleWalemba, N.M. (1997)
The concept of 'the Day of the Lord' in the Book of Joel
Journal of Adventist Thought in Africa. Volume 3 #1. November. p. 20-28.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
Comment est née la 'dimension homme' sur la planète terre et qui l'a guidée
Bosquet. Volume 4 #21. 4. trimestre. p. 20-36.

Periodical articleBhagavan (1996)
Dieu: la trinité et le cosmos
Bosquet. Volume 4 #20. 3. trimestre. p. 48-50.

Periodical articleCarmody, B. (1996)
Catholic beliefs, attitudes and practice in Zambia
African Christian Studies. Volume 12 #1. March. p. 30-45.

Periodical articleDel Pozo, V. (1996)
Siragusa parle des frères de l'espace: les extra-terrestres qui sont-ils? Qu'attendent-ils de nous?
Bosquet. Volume 4 #20. 3. trimestre. p. 6-18.

Periodical articleKambayi B. (1996)
Vivre c'est mourir toute sa vie pour naître de nouveau
Bosquet. Volume 4 #18. 1. trimestre. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleKumi, G.K. (1996)
God's image as equivalently father and mother: an African perspective
AFER. Volume 38 #4. August. p. 203-228.

Periodical articleMayambo Mayobo, K.; Kumarer N. (1996)
La plume d'aigle et le pouvoir socio-politique dans la société traditionnelle Leele (Congo)
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 30 #60. p. 59-75.

Periodical articleMbolokala I. (1996)
Le proverbe Ekonda et le concept de 'Nzakomba' (Dieu)
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 30 #60. p. 77-86.

Periodical articleNimbi N. (1996)
Kimpa Vita, entre le mystique et le politique
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 30 #60. p. 107-118.

Periodical articleTesha, S.M. (1995-1996)
Whether the world of science and technology is against the objective values
Voice of Segerea. p. 19-22.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1995)
Devil worship
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). January 31. p. 12-16.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1995)
Bridging the gap: private faith and public practice
Wajibu. Volume 10 #2. p. 6-9.

Periodical articleDiamoneka dia Nkula, J. (1995)
Anthropocentrisme de la religion négro-africaine: éléments d'analyse et de compréhension
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 29 #57. p. 87-102.

Periodical articleJacobs, B.; Berege, Z.A. (1995)
Attitudes and beliefs about blood donation among adults in Mwanza region, Tanzania
East African Medical Journal. Volume 72 #6. June. p. 345-348.

Periodical articleKatesi Yime-Yime K. (1995)
Some aspects of supernatural beliefs in the Angwi culture
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 29 #57. p. 103-110.

Periodical articleMorupisi, D. (1995)
Myths, legends and beliefs among Batswana
Kutlwano. Volume 33 #11. November. p. 4-5, 33.

Periodical articleSérgio, P. (1995)
Orgaos genitais: crime, tráfico ou ficçao?...
Tempo. #1274. 21 de maio. p. 29-31.

Periodical articleBewaji, T. (1994)
Truth and ethics in African thought: a reply to Emmanuel Eze
Quest: An International African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 8 #1. June. p. 76-89.

Periodical articleButau, T.; Piachaud, J. (1994)
Knowledge and beliefs about epilepsy in mothers of children with epilepsy: a view from a developing country
Central African Journal of Medicine. Volume 40 #9. September. p. 183-187.

Periodical articleEssien, Dominus Okon (1994)
See this publicationThe Traditional Religion of Pre-Colonial Akwa Ibom and Its Impact
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 23. p. 32-42.

Periodical articleHallen, Barry; Sodipo, J. Olubi (1994)
The house of the 'inu': keys to the structure of a Yoruba theory of the self
Abstract presentQuest: An International African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 8 #1. June. p. 3-23.

Periodical articleKatesi Yime-Yime K. (1994)
Notes on some customary beliefs and practices of the Angwi-Angye
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 15. p. 23-32.

Periodical articleKibinge wa Muturi (1994)
The lord and the law
Kenya Police Review. December. p. 14-18.

Periodical articleKoslowski, P. (1994)
Supermodernes ou postmodernes? déconstruction et mystique dans les deux formes de postmodernisme
Revue philosophique de Kinshasa. Volume 8 #13. janvier-juin. p. 49-67.

Periodical articleLauer, H. (1994)
True faith
Legon Journal of the Humanities. Volume 7. p. 57-71.

Periodical articleMweze C.N. (1994)
Si l'humanité veut survivre... esquisse d'une vision de la mort chez Roger Garaudy
Revue philosophique de Kinshasa. Volume 8 #13. janvier-juin. p. 81-96.

Periodical articleNgimbi N. (1994)
Le sens de l'absolu chez Louis Lavelle
Revue philosophique de Kinshasa. Volume 8 #13. janvier-juin. p. 7-28.

Periodical articleUyanne, F.U. (1994)
Truth, ethics and divination in Igbo and Yoruba traditions: a reply to Emmanuel Eze
Quest: An International African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 8 #1. June. p. 90-96.

Periodical articleWoldemichael, S.; Carlson, D.G.; Derege K. (1994)
Care givers' knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices on case management of acute respiratory illness in a rural district in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 8 #2. August. p. 103-108.

Periodical articleAkhong'o, E.M. (1993)
The essence of human life
AFER. Volume 35 #5. October. p. 269-273.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Witchcraft and Macbeth. Pt. 2
WASI: [bulletin]. Volume 4 #2. June. p. 16-19.

Periodical articleCarew, G. Munda (1993)
A critique of John S. Mbiti's traditional African ontology
Abstract presentQuest: An International African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 7 #1. June. p. 78-91.

Periodical articleDiaz, A. (1993)
The spiritual, pastoral, and juridical characteristics of Opus Dei
AFER. Volume 35 #6. December. p. 348-362.

Periodical articleKatesi Y.Y. (1993)
Some aspects of supernatural beliefs in the Angwi culture
Pistes et recherches. Volume 8 #1. p. 55-68.

Periodical articleMbae, J. (1993)
Knowledge, belief and the teacher
Journal of Humanities. #7. October. p. 17-26.

Periodical articleMushanga, Tibamanya mwene (1993)
The concept of soul in Kinyankore thought
Abstract presentJournal of African Religion and Philosophy. Volume 2 #2. p. 32-36.

Periodical articleNjinya-Mujinya, L. (1993)
A critique of humanization as construed by Harvard University philosopher-theologian, professor Gordon D. Kaufman
Journal of African Religion and Philosophy. Volume 2 #2. p. 24-31.

Periodical articleNyamiti, C. (1993)
African ancestral veneration and its relevance to the African churches
African Christian Studies. Volume 9 #3. September. p. 14-37.

Periodical articleShaba, B.; MacLachlan, M.; Carr, S.C.; Ager, A. (1993)
Palliative versus curative beliefs regarding tropical epilepsy as a function of traditional and medical attributions
Central African Journal of Medicine. Volume 39 #8. August. p. 165-167.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1992)
Witchcraft and Macbeth. Pt. 1
WASI: [bulletin]. Volume 4 #1. December. p. 24-27.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1992)
Beauty and the beast: the curse of woman fury
Drum. April. p. 16-20.

Periodical articleFilimao, E.J. (1992)
A galinha na comunidade Wabarwe
Rumo novo (Beira, Mozambique). agosto. p. 24-37.

Periodical articleGawaseb, F. (1992)
Witchcraft, alive and well in Namibia
Times of Namibia. Volume 1 #24. February 21. p. 5-6.

Periodical articleKing, W.H. (1992)
Faith and knowledge in physical science
Faith and Knowledge Seminar. March. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleKroeger, J.H. (1992)
Exploring interfaith encounter
African Christian Studies. Volume 8 #2. June. p. 29-50.

Periodical articleLauer, H. (1992)
Saying is not believing: some fallacies of fundamentalism
Quest: An International African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 6 #2. December. p. 5-23.

Periodical articleLydall, J. (1992)
The jab, medicine or sacrifice?
Sociology Ethnology Bulletin. Volume 1 #2. March. p. 80-85.

Periodical articleMbae, J.G. (1992)
Knowledge, belief, and the teacher
African Christian Studies. Volume 8 #4. December. p. 65-72.

Periodical articleMusopole, A.C. (1992)
Witchcraft terminologies, the Bible, and African Christian theology: an exercise in hermeneutics
African Christian Studies. Volume 8 #4. December. p. 33-41.

Periodical articleMwene-Batende. (1992)
Autour des croyances et pratiques ancestrales chez les Kumu: lecture symbolique d'une expérience de vie collective
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 25-26 #49-52. p. 81-90.

Periodical articleNgimbi N. (1992)
Le sens de l'absolu et le problème de Dieu chez Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Revue philosophique de Kinshasa. Volume 6 #9. janvier-juin. p. 43-50.

Periodical articleNtezimana, L. (1992)
Propos délirant sur l'engagement de la foi
Dialogue (Kigali, Rwanda). #155. juin. p. 45-51.

Periodical articleNyamiti, C. (1992)
Some moral implications of African ancestral Christology
African Christian Studies. Volume 8 #3. September. p. 36-51.

Periodical articleOgungbemi, S. (1992)
A philosophical view on witchcraft in Africa
Journal of Humanities. #6. October. p. 1-16.

Periodical articleOgungbemi, S. (1992)
The end of man in Yoruba thought: critical assessment
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 21 #2. p. 188-200.

Periodical articleOgungbemi, S. (1992)
Is reason compatible with religious belief?
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 21 #1. p. 49-56.

Periodical articleOjuade, J. 'Sina (1992)
See this publicationThe Issue of Oduduwa in Yoruba Genesis: The Myths and Realities
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 21. p. 139-158.

Periodical articleTesfai, J. (1992)
La conception de la Croix de Jésus-Christ selon la théologie de la Libération
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 15 #30. October. p. 181-193.

Periodical articleTomas, D.H. (1992)
A filosofia e o desenvolvimento do pensamento cientitico
Tempo. #1138. agosto 09. p. 20-21.

Periodical articleWalsh, M. (1992)
Elephant shrews and arrow poison
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 22 #2. June. p. 18-21.

Periodical articleWalsh, M. (1992)
Birds of omen and little flying animals with wings
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 22 #1. March. p. 2-9.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Why I let my sons die
Echo (Nairobi, Kenya). November. p. 8-12.

Periodical articleIgirukwayo, A.M.Z. (1991)
Saint Jean de la Croix parle avec un Africain
Urunana. #73. p. 46-55.

Periodical articleK'odede, A.; Anguma, J. (1991)
Casting away evil spirits, Tero Buru
Jambo Umlaut. #3. January. p. 7-9.

Periodical articleKabasele Lumbala, F. (1991)
Sagesse africaine dans la liturgie de la Parole
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 59 #4. October-déc.. p. 503-524.

Periodical articleMagoti, E. (1991)
An African theology of death: the plenitude of human life
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 20 #3. p. 176-188.

Periodical articleMalenge K. (1991)
Moyens d'évangélisation et modernité en Afrique: modernité n'est pas modernisation
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 59 #4. October-déc.. p. 485-501.

Periodical articleMpongo, L. (1991)
Vers une fête chrétienne des ancêtres africaines
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 24 #48. p. 5-18.

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